AM UTS_ __til_ TUESDAY placing Sheldon A Star is Born >i soraska football team looks to co-No. 1 The Star City Dinner Theatre, Lincoln’s only restau V ignt ends T. J. DeBates and Tracey Wistrom to fill rant/theater/comedy club, marks its first anniver the shoes of an all-conference athlete. PAGE 13 sary with the release ofits 2000 season. PAGE 18 g . j VOL. 99 ~ COVERING THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA-LINCOLN SINCE 1901 NO. 3 Students seek narkina alternatives ■ With availability of parking spaces scarce, [ many at UNL search for f other options. By Josh Knaub Staff writer Students still waiting to buy a t parking pass may have to wait until [ next year. Sherryl Chamberlain, assistant [ director of parking services, said that t night and East Campus permits are the 'l- only student passes still available. i;; Students may sign a waiting list, but Chamberlain said it would take at least two weeks to evaluate parking lot use before any new permits were issued However, Chamberlain said park ing passes reserved by students might be made available to those on the wait ing list if they were not picked up soon. She said there was no way to gauge how many passes had not been picked up because the passes had been distributed to the residence halls and the University Bookstore. Chamberlain said nearly 10,000 student passes were sold before Parking Services stopped selling per mits Monday afternoon. ■ : Faculty and staff passes are still available. Shea Troia, a senior anthropology and engineering major, was one stu dent who tried to buy a permit Monday afternoon. “I don’t know what I’ll do,” she said when informed there were no per mits available. “I guess I’ll have to ride die bus.” Chris Holland, a senior informa tion systems and computer science major, said he never anticipated the passes selling out. He said he planned to carpool 01 ride die bus to class. Troy Barnes, a senior actuarial sci ence major, said he thought the deci « I don’t know what I’ll do. I guess I’ll have to ride the bus.” SheaTrola senior anthropology and engineering major sion to stop selling passes was “ridicu lous.” “They’ve already sold more pass es than there are spaces,” Barnes said. “I think students should Ip given an opportunity to at least look for an open space.” Alicia Allen, a freshman mechani cal engineering major, was one of the lucky few who was able to purchase a Please see PARK on 3 Lane Hickenbottom/DN TOP: PI BETA PIN Serartty members Angela Nichols, left, a junloi education najar, and Braoka Janausak, a junior advertising majer, gat kasad dawn daring the sorority’s bid day eelebra tioas. ABOVE: Sarnrtty girls gather la anticipation ef their new pledges Jelnlng them. Sororities pull in hundreds for rush ByEricRineer Staff writer After receiving an invitation to join Sigma Mu Sorority on Monday night, freshman Lindsey Spencer said the ups and downs of rush were worth it “The recruiting was stressful,” said Spencer, referring to the various sessions she attended throughout the week during the selection process. “I went home some nights and cried because 1 wasn’t invited to some houses. But some nights I was happy because the girls I met were great - it was like a roller coaster ride.” Spencer was among 475 rushees who crowded inside the Nebraska Union for this year’s annual Bid Day festivities, when die women discover which one of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s 14 sororities they will be asked to join. The number of new recruits was Please see RUSH on 3 Police say big parties ca^mean ■ Officers go undercover to stop parties from getting out of hand in a continuation of last year’s project. By Jake Bleed Senior staff writer Lincoln police initiated the second year of its party detail Friday night, sending out an addi tional seven officers to help combat the large parties common the weekend before classes start. Led by third-shift supervisor Sgt. Brian Jackson, the special detail included several undercover officers used to enter parties and gather evidence. Twenty-nine party-related citations were issued Friday night. Two parties run by UNL stu dents netted six citations for maintaining a dis orderly house, four for procuring alcohol for minors and four for selling without a license. Police plan to continue the enforcement pro ject throughout the year. Jackson led last year’s highly successful detail, which he said caused a noticeable decrease in me numoer oi pany-reiaiea onenses in tiie city. Lincoln Police Chief Tom Casady said he hoped to continue last year’ls success. “We had a dramatic impact on the number of complaints received from the public on disor derly parties,” he said. Casady said calls on disorderly parties were down 9 percent for the entire city and27 percent in the north center area of the city, where many University of Nebraska-Lincoln students live. Jackson warned lessons learned last year could be forgotten by older students and could be unknown to those new to the university scene. “Word gets out quick, but it’s a new year, and there are new people out there,” Jackson said. Please see UNDERCOVER on 9