The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, August 05, 1999, Summer Edition, Image 1

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ScUKMt£T Editions
Thursday, August 5,1999 Vol. 98, No. 163
T f\ou’ve been driving by Memorial Stadium’s west
T entrance over the last year or attended home football
A A games last fall, you’ve probably encountered bull
dozers and mass construction.
Come this fall, according to NU Director of Athletic
Facilities John Ingram, you’ll encounter a beautifully renovated
The facelift of Memorial Stadium and Tom Osborne Field should
be completed by the start of the football season.
Ingram said that the $36.1 million Memorial Stadium improvement
project will be ready and officially dedicated on Sept. 11, the day of the
Huskers’ first home game against Southern Mississippi.
He also said that the $248,000 installation of the field’s new playing surface,
FieldTurf, should be completed by Aug. 15 for the players to practice on.
“We’re right on track,” Ingram said. “Everything under construction should be
due by die end of September.”
And the football stadium isn’t the only athletic facility that’s getting spruced
Last Friday, Lincoln Mayor Don Wesely officially announced plans to unveil a
new $24.4 million baseball stadium project for the city of Lincoln, which would be
die facility used by the Huskers. A stadium for die women’s softball team was also
a part of the project. The project needs to pass the city council, and would also
house a minor league baseball team. ‘
Ana, II you ve wancea oy tne
track facility this summer, you’ve
probably seen mounds of dug-up ^
dirt, which will soon be a new g
field of dreams that will hopefully
lead to the hosting of a prestigious ^
meet and attract better athletes. ^
The flourishing expansions,
renovations and construction of O
the athletic facilities and the S
money and plans that go into them
have showed that the Athletic
Department plans to improve its ^
strength nationally, not just retain
it. M
“It’s a sign that Nebraska is g
serious about its athletics,” NU ^
baseball coach Dave Van Horn
said. “It benefits everybody. To
me, (upgraded athletic facilities) Kd
makes it easier to show a kid that §f
we have a solid program here, g
Kids buy with their eyes, and «>
they’re seeing some good dungs &
around here.” ~
Of course, the bearer of most fV
of the athletic facilities’ upgrading 2
is die football program, And that hh
alone has its own $36.1 million ^
Price tag. Q
The Memorial Stadium q
improvement project was ^
approved by the Board of Regents [SI
in the spring of 1998 and has since
Please see SPORTS on 6 ^
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