Photos (clockwls8 from top left) ScottMcClurg/DN JON PETERSON, a manager at Liberty Fireworks, Junction 1-29 and U.S. Highway 136, helps an out-of-state customer find the most powerful fire works in the store. Peterson says that the sales of fireworks reach a fever pich close to July 3, with over 1600 sales on that day last year. RickTownley/DN SARAH BARILEK, 10, puts prices on “Funny Car” fireworks at the Crazy Cracker Fireworks stand In Eagle. IWo troops of Girl Scouts and their par ents run the stand to raise money for the community and Girl Scout activi ties. In past years the fireworks stand has bought lockers and a lifeguard chair for the public pool and a new computer for the Eagle Elementary School. Scott McClurg/DN IT ONLY TAKES ene cart full of fireworks to add up to hundreds of dollars. ' Larry Flanagan, owner of Liberty Fireworks in Rockport Missouri, says that about 80 percent of his bulsness comes from Nebraska and Iowa cus tomers. RickTownley/DN ANDREW PETERSON AND JOE PIEPER, both 13, browse lor firecrackers at the Crazy Cracker fireworks stand In Eagle, Nebraska.