The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 19, 1999, Image 1

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    _sports _Hi_ MON IAY
Bucking the Broncos Ordinary people
It was a big win for the Nebraska women’s soccer Steve Martin, Michael Jordan, Bill Gates. They
team as they beat powerhouse Santa Clara 3-1 are the names of the rich and famous, but they are
_ Saturday night.. PAGE 9 the faces of Lincoln residents. PAGE 12 Mostly
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Drug use still a
critical problem in
Lincoln communities
By Josh Funk
Seniocjstaff writer
As Lincoln’s appetite for drugs continues to
grow, so will the number of drug-related crimes,
police said.
When shotgun blasts shattered a quiet
Sunday evening in the Hartley neighborhood last
May, 15-year-old Christopher Rucker was killed
and two other men were wounded.
The crime occurred during a botched drug
motivated robbery.
Police said the five youths planned the rob
bery to steal a pound of cocaine and marijuana
from one of the men living in the basement apart
ment on the 2800 block of R Street.
For Lincoln’s chief narcotics officer, Capt.
Duaine Bullock, the murder was another symp
tom of the plague he treats every day.
“Lincoln has a real drug problem right now,”
said Bullock, who heads the Lmcoln/Lancaster
County Narcotics Task Force, comprising LPD
and Sheriff’s officers.
The methamphetamme trade has grown into
the prime concern for police, but crack cocaine,
marijuana, LSD and other drugs continue to be a
problem in Lincoln. So police focus on fighting
all aspects of the drug trade - not just picking
dealers off the street, but also rooting out suppli
ers and educating the public.
In the U.S. Attorney’s office, where many
Please see DRUGS on 6
Courtesy Photo
MARIJUANA GROWERS face severe penalties if caught by
police, but some say the benefits outweigh the risks. These
plants, which are almost mature, were grown in a Lincoln home
under fluorescent lights.
Lane Hickenbottom/DN
WHILE METHAMPHETAMINE has become the prime concern for police,
marijuana use remains popular. College students use the drug more than
any other controlled substance.
Drug crimes rise at UNL
By Dane Stickney
Staff writer
Over the past six years, the num
ber of crimes reported to the UNL
Police Department have steadily
decreased, but the number of drug
offenses has increased
In 1992, only two drug offenses
occurred at UNL, but there were 24
violations in 1997. The number
dipped to 14 in 1998, but that number
is still a marked increase.
University Police Sgt. Mylo
Bushing attributed the increase to
more vigilant reporting, regular
patrols of residence halls and univer
sity programs.
“We’ve always encouraged peo
ple to get involved and report crimes,
but there was usually little response,”
Bushing said. “But in the last couple
of years, we’ve seen an increase of
students reporting crimes on cam
Please see CAMPUS on 6
Heather Glenboski/DN
DEACON ISAAC B. QUARELLS and Reverend Charlene K.
Morris-Quarells await the beginning of the Morris-Quarells’
Installation Service Celebration Sunday afternoon.
Sunday service makes history
■ The Rev. Charlene K. Morris-Quarells was ordained
Sunday afternoon, making her the first black woman in Lincoln
to become a Baptist pastor.
By Jessica Fargen
Senior staff writer
Loud bursts of “Amen” and “That’s right”
jumped from the congregation’s lips during
the sermon Sunday afternoon.
Energy exuded from the 20-member
gospel choir as they swayed, clapped and belt
ed out hymns of praise.
But the people gathered together Sunday
were not celebrating the standard Sunday ser
The nearly 100 people joined together
after regular church services to formally
install Rev. Charlene K. Morris-Quarells as
their pastor of Mount Hermon Missionary
Baptist church.
Morris-Quarells is the first black woman
in Lincoln to become pasitor of her own
Read the Daily Nebraskan on the World Wide Web at
church. Not only is the 51-year-old’s install
ment a first for the small, 120-member
church, it is also almost unheard of in the
Baptist faith.
Morris-Quarells acknowledged that as a
female Baptist minister she had some obsta
cles ahead of her.
“If there’s anything that’s going to be hard,
it’s acceptance,” she said. “That’s not just
Baptist ministry, that’s all ministry.”
Women ministers are recognized by
Baptist organizations, said Beacon Curtis
Watkins, but not women pastors.
Please see PASTOR on 3