The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 09, 1999, Image 1

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Play Misty for me
Misty Oxford will fight through injury to com
pete for the No. 7 Nebraska women’s gymnastics
team. PAGE 8
Festival finale
The Great Plains Festival comes to its conclusion
this weekend with performances at the Lied Center
and a symposium at the Comhusker. PAGE 11
VOL. 98
NO. 135
In the ring
i Sandy Summers/DN
TONY MENEFEE SHOWS Dalton White, 4, how to keep his gloves up when boxing while Menefee’s son, Nicholas, 5, takes a break.
Menefee, who started boxing when he was live, said he opened his gym to help keep kids off the street. “They don’t need to
fight with guns and knives,” Menefee said. “They can do it with their hands in the ring.” Please see story on page 2.
_ Higher -
Groups compete
for hearts, minds
of students
Story by Josh Nichols
ihey were friendly, hugged him and told him that he
But Christopher Measel didn’t know that
belonging would cost him so much.
Last spring, Measel, a freshman biology major at the
time, attended a service of the Greater Church of Christ in
He joined the church, which meets at the Westside
Community Center in Omaha, and became an active mem
ber. That, he said, is when the problems began.
“They had too much control over people’s life,” Measel
said. “They were with me constantly.”
College students such as Measel are an easy target for
cults and other religious groups because they are in a new
environment, said Rev. Bill Steinbauer, pastor at the
University Lutheran Chapel.
Hugh Whitt, a University of Nebraska-Lincoln sociolo
gy professor, called the university setting a “religious mar
ketplace” for religious groups trying to recruit new mem
Though it isn’t always the case, Measel said, once he
was recruited into the Greater Church of Christ, people
called spiritual policemen followed him around to make
sure he wasn’t sinning or giving into temptations.
They continually asked him for donations, which
caused him to fall into financial debt, his grades dropped
and he was almost forced to quit school because of the
church, he said.
He said he was asked to break contact with his old
friends and was also forced to break up with his girlfriend.
Please see RELIGION on 6
Liquor control
refuses to rule
on club query
Commission allows city
to have final say on issue
By Ieva Augstums and Shane Anthony
Staff writers
The Nebraska Liquor Control Commission said
Thursday it did not have jurisdiction to rule on a bottle
club question brought by downtown Lincoln bar owner
Mike Webb.
Commission Director Frosty Chapman said commis
sion members agreed with city and university officials that
such a club would be a detriment to the community. But
the commission can only rule on applications or actual
licenses, he said.
“The commission said they had no authority to rule on
this,” Chapman said. “It’s a matter best reserved for the
city’s judgment.”
The discussion of the possible establishment of a bot
tle club in Lincoln began last month when Webb, co-owner
of Barry’s Bar and Grill, 235 N. Ninth St., petitioned the
commission to define the term “bottle club.”
Although the Lincoln City Council unanimously
passed an ordinance Monday to prohibit bottle clubs, the
commission’s decision Thursday came after university and
city officials testified in opposition to Webb’s petition.
Please see LIQUOR on 7
Marchers doubt
UNL’s devotion
to repatriation
■ Twenty protestors marched from the
Capitol to Bessey Hall despite the danger
of a tornado warning.
By Lindsay Young
Senior editor
Despite a looming tomador warning, about 20 people
gathered Thursday afternoon at the Capitol and marched
to UNL’s Bessey Hall to raise awareness of efforts to expe
dite the repatriation of American-Indian remains.
The trek was held to highlight what the marchers said
was a lack of university cooperation toward the rapid repa
triation of about 1,700 remains, said Randy Thomas, a
grassroots Native American Graves Protection and
Repatriation Act activist.
In September, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln
decided it would repatriate the remains.
Jim Estes, Nebraska State Museum director and NAG
PRA committee member, said communication has
occurred between tribes and UNL.
“As far as I know, we’ve been in contact each time
something of interest arises,” Estes said.
NAGPRA committee coordinator Priscilla Grew was
out of town Thursday and was unavailable for comment.
Please see MARCH on 6
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