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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1999)
402-472-2588 402-472-1761 (FAX) 34 Nebraska Union P.O. Box 880448 Lincoln, NE 68588-0448 Classifieds $5.00/15 words $3.50/15 words (students) $0.15 each additional word $0.75 billing charge $0.75/line headline Deadline: 3 p.m. weekday prior 205 Bicycles 210 Books 213 Clothing 216 Computers 220 Furniture 230 Jewelry 240 Miscellaneous 250 Pets 255 Photo Equipment 265 Stereos & TVs 270 Ticket Exchange 290 Vehicles iOfeSmlces 300 Adoption - 305 Alterotions/Sewing 310 Automotive 320 Bridal 338 Employment 340 Entertainment 348 Hairstyling 350 Health/Fitness 355 Instruction/Tutoring 365 legal Services 370 Miscellaneous 378 Pregnancy 385 Rentals 388 Tanning 390 Tattooing 395 Typing/Resumes 400 Roommates 410 Housing Wanted 420 Rooms for Rent 430 Houses for Rent 440 Duplekes for Rent 450 Apartments for Rent 450 Summer Housing 470 Mobile Homes 480 Vocation Rentals 490 Homes for Sale soosim 500 Help Wanted 510 Child Care 520 Work Study 530 Summer Jobs 540 Internships 555 Business Opportunities 600 Rides I 603 Spring Break Trips I 610 Announcements 615 Meetings 620 Greek Affairs 630 Student Government 640 Personals 645 Lost & Found 650 Wanted 660 Fundraising 670 900 Numbers 200s far sal* 290 Vehicles For Sale ‘92 Mercury Topaz, white with tinted windows, 5-speed, Pioneer tuner/CD player, amplifier, and sub woofer, excellent condition. $3,000.438-3292. liililiiHi 300 Adoption A BABY We want to share our warmth, laughter, and hearts with a newborn. Financilly secure, loving home, and close, caring extended family. Expenses paid. Please call Debbie and Dennis at 1 -800-641 -4226. Adoption Happy, secure couple awaits newborn to show them the marvel of life, in return we will provide loads of love, laughter, and opportunity. Expenses paid. Greg and Diane, 1-800-466-3864. 355 Instruction/Tutoring Computer tutoring- Basic PC, MS Word. Excel, Internet, Graphics, or can tailor studies. Call 465-0031. 365 Legal Services Auto Accidents & DWI Other criminal matters, call Sanford Pollack 476-7474. 370 Misc. Services Bike Repair Repairs are close by. Expert repairs on all models with short turnaround time. Cycleworks, 27th & Vine, 475-2453. Better Pay. unities. Better Hurry. As a leading teleservices provider, * APAC understands that to be the best in the business you have to offer the best. And, when you add up the things that are important to you in a career, nobody does it better than APAC Customer Services. Outbound Teleservices Sales Representative $8.50 Per Hour * Phis Generous Bonus Programs With these and other terrific benefits: • Paid Professional Training • Insurance & 401(k) • Paid Vacations/Holidays • Convenient Scheduling Call 476-0445 , Or Apply In Person: Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m 809 "P" Street 370 Misc. Services Music Go Round New music store in town now buying quality used musical instruments. Call 420-5490. 378 Pregnancy Free Pregnancy Test Birthright is a confidential helping hand. Please call for I appointment or more information, 483-2609. Check out our website 395 Typing & Resumes Academic Expressions Resumes, curriculum vitae,Theses, dissertations, newsletters. Academic editing, MLA/APA/AP/Chicago Manual. 402-628-2221. Resumes at reasonable cost. 477-8848 or Word Processing/Typewriter service. Applications, re sumes, transcriptions, etc. Kathy’s Keystrokes, 1 464-7227. By appt., M-Sat. Annc HuslBa 400 Roommates 1-2 M/F roommates needed for house in country. Rent, $190-280, non-smokers preferred. Michelle 798-0328 evenings. 1 -2 quiet, responsible roommates needed for a 4 bed room, 2 bath house. $185/month. 477-0562. 2-3 nonsmoking M/F roommates needed to share nice house near City Campus. Contact Doug at 438-3543 evenings. Big house, very nice, clean, all utilities paid, with W/D. Close to campus. Males only, $280/month. 477-0227. Female roommate needed to share two bedroom house. 435-3154. Ask for Victoria. Female roommate, nice 2 bedroom apartment, 2 blocks from East Campus. $175+ 1/2 utilities. Call 467-5851. Responsible N/S roommate needed to share nice 3 bedroom duplex, dose to capital, $285.476-4577. Roommate needed, $250 + utilities, great neighborhood. Call for appointment 423-6834 or 890-7234. Two responsible non-smoking female roommates wanted for three bedroom townhouse, off campus, great location, new appliances, washer/dryer. $300. 467-5024. Yakety Yak Do talk back and even earn $$$. Great bonuses, $7.00/hour, guaranteed flexible hours and real career opportunities. Across the street from campus. CALL INTERACTIVE TELESERVICES at 434-2626 /^Interactive 1 Teleservices 12th & above Kitakoa 420 Rooms For Rent JHEAP and FUN housing on campus at X <1> . 3 person oom $25/wk, 2 person room $30/wk, 1 person room ►60/wk. A/C, phone, washer/dryer, mail. 436-6040. 430 Houses For Rent ) bedroom, near UNL Stadium, A/C, range, refrigerator, lishwasher, wash/dryer included, off-street parking, >630.489-9294. I, 4 and 5 bedroom houses. Available for August, near sampus. Call and reserve yours now. 432-0644. I426 N. 23rd (23rd and Holdridge). Awesome 5 BR, 2 >ath. NearUNU $900, Available May. 432-0644. 1531 North 22nd, very nice 4 bedrooms/2 baths, near JNL $800.432-0644. _ » 2611 R, 4 big bedrooms, central air, dishwasher, vasher/dryer, $795. - 4200 Baldwin, 6 bedrooms, 2 bath, C/A, W/D, $900. 140-8046, 440-2248. >935 Holdredge, 3+ 1 BR, 2 bath, $750/month+ $700 leposit. Pets negotiable. Available May 1st. 475-2797 >r 440-5437. Sreat 3, 4, 5, and 6 bedroom homes near campus. Re serve now for summer, fall or both now, and relaxl All ippliances provided. 423-1535. 3reat house, 3 bedrooms/2 baths, basement, near JNL $725. Available May. 432-0644. slice remodeled, 3 bedroom, 3098 U St. appliances in slude w/d, ceiling fan, no pets, $700,432-8180. summer, fall, yearly leases. 3, 4 5, bedroom houses. 3ets OK, 432-6644. 440 Duplexes For Rent I bedroom, 2 baths, brand new duplex at 37th & J Street, $895 including washer and dryer, no smokers >r pets. Call Julian 432-7030 or Remboft 488-9222. 1996 4BR ’BA Duplex. Dishwasher, disposal, 2 attatched garage. Responsible landlord, quiet neighbors. Available mmediatly. 2980 Dudley, $850. 474-5776 or ’30-5925. $50 bonus for first come. ’618 Q. Brand new duplex, 2 bedroom, all appliances, jaraoe. $575.430-6328. 3131 Orchard. Great 2 bedroom, fireplace, dishwasher, N/D hookups, off street parking, $520 plus deposit. >30-9019. _ 3224 Mohawk. 1 bedroom, A/C, garage, $375+ deposit. References. No pets. 483-4887,483-7720. 3rand new 3 bedroom, 2 bath, fireplace, family room, VC, 2 garages. $875+, available May 10. RESERVE /OURS NOwli 432-0415. _arge 1, 2 & 3 bedroom duplexes, 4 bedroom house lear both campuses. 489-5168. viewer near campus, new 3 bedroom, 2 baths, garage, washer/dryer. $700. 438-3393. muim mrnmm viewer units, 3 bedrooms, some have 3 baths. Wash 5r/dryer, dishwasher, double garage, ceiling fans, &800-S900.465-8911. viice 3 and 4 BR places available for May and August. 3BR—$795, 4BR—$895-$925. Cad-now to reserve /our property. Call 435-7807. copyworks® NOW HIRING Customer Assistants Graphic Designers Outside Sales Days & Evenings Full & Part-Time Copyworks, the Midwest’s premier provider of print serv ices is expanding! We are seeking energetic, career minded individuals to help us grow. If you are friendly, out going, and enjoy a fast-paced work environment,; we would like you on our team! We Offer: ★ Training ★ Flexible Hours ★ Benefits/Profit Sharing -■ ★ Opportunity for Advancement Stop by and fill out an application M-F 9 to 5 p.m. at Copyworks c/o Nebraska Bookstore (Business Office) 1300 Q Street, Lincoln, NE 68501 Fax 476-7755 copyworks® 440 Duplexes For Rent Three bedroom duplex, 1 1/2 bath, washer/dryer, dish washer, A/C. Campus close, $640/month. Available May. 476-4757,421-7611. 450 Apartments For Rent !! SUNNY & CHEERFUL!! U SMOKE FREES 1BR 2000 J St, Clean $295 2BR 2000 J St, Nice $350 2BR1501 S 19th, New carpet $395 No Smokers or Pets 440-3000 !!!East Campus!!! 1400 N. 33rd- 1 bedroom, A/C, range, refrigerator, laundry, off-street parking, $325. HIP » 465-8911. 1 BEDROOM APTS In Unique Complex between campuses, super clean, 3-month leases, newer decor, stove/fridge/dishwasher/disposal/blinds, parking, cen tral heat/air, laundry, gas/water/garbage paid, enclosed patios, big closets, breakfast bar, $345, 469-4857. 2 & 3 bedroom apts, 2 baths, recently remodeled, new appliances, carpets, paint, blinds, central air/heat, washer/dryer hookup. Mom would approvel Available June 1, near East Campus. (800) 977-4253. 2 bedroom/2 bath available for summer sub-lease or year lease. 2521 North 9th St $535/mo. 438-9511. 3 BR, sublease May 1- Sept 1. Pool, rec room, balcony, B-ball court. $655/month. Call 474-6436. $70 OFF YOUR MONTHLY RENT UNTIL JULY 19001 (2 Bedroom Apartments Only) SIGN YOUR LEASE NOW TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE SAVINGS! PARKVIEW APARTMENTS 2541 N. 9th Street 436-6963 640 S. 20th- Efficiency $299, 1BR $349, 2BR $419 andup. 2301 A St.-1BR $329. Jones Properties 475-7262 *700 South 17th FURNISHED* 2 bedroom/14-plex. Cable/utilities paid, $379. Micro wave. fan, laundry, bus line. References. 488-6707, 450-8895. 1120 E St., 1 bedroom just remodeled. Heat paid, no pets, $300.474-5327. 1660 G, 1 bedroom, C/A, storage, parking, dishwasher, disposer, remodeled, $330. Larger w/balcony, $350. 423-7892. 1810 H Security Building Large 1 bedroom/5-plex, cable, laundry, parking, utilities paid, $379 + electricity. 488-6707,450-8895. 2430 R St. Available May 1st. 2 bedroom w/loft, balcony, two floors, $410.438-9240. 2910 N. 42nd. Brand new 4-bedroom, 2-baths, deluxe unit with all appliances, including W/D, C/A, garage available, no pets. $950-$995. Taking reservations for spring and summer. 474-5327. 4600 Briarpark Dr. 2 bedroom, 2 bath, central air, available now. (402) 296-4982 or (402) 296-3791, leave a message. _ Apartments on UNL Campus Studio and one bedroom units. No smoking, no pets, controlled access, laundry, UNL shuttle stop, campus parking. $300-425/month. Brickyard Apartments, 17th and Holdredge. 477-6578. AUGUST LEASE-2 BR 36th and Huntington. East Campus/Wesleyan area, fire place, central air, laundry, parking. No pets. 489-9916. Better dollar value studio and one bedroom in well maintained vintage building. $295-330.432-2288. Brand new 3 bedroom, 3 bath, $725 including washer and dryer. Close to downtown. No Smokers or pets. Call Julian 432-7030 or Rembott 488-9222. Charming 3 bedroom duplex, oak floors and woodwork. C/A, fireplace, W/D hookups, unfinished basement, water and garbage paid. 2500 W St. $695 483-6124, Clean 0,1, 2 & 3 bedroom apartments. Rents $225 - $410 plus electricity. For more information call Pat or Melody 402-434-2610 or Hearing impaired/TDD 402-434-2613.- _ Colonial Heights Apartments 2815 Tierra Drive - 421-3070 !!! RENT SPECIALS!!! • 6 month lease to receive half month free or a 12 month lease to receive a month free. Certain restrictions apply. • Indoor/outdoor pool, sauna and spa • Elevators, tanning bed and weight room • 3 month teases available _ 450 Apartments For Rent EAST CAMPUS!!! Large 2BR. FP, deck, appl, parking, cat okay, $450. 4210 Huntington. 423-0902, 580-0902. _ Efficiency in nice area close to campus. Free heat, $27Q/month plus deposit. Non-smoker only, air condi tioned. 432-5573. Large 2 bedroom, clean, central air, dishwasher, laundry and parking, 1524 E St. $410,435-2552. Large 2 bedroom, microwave, dishwasher, laundry, disposal, $495/month, 2501 E St. 432-6476. N/S..N/P. Large 3 bedroom, 2 baths, all utilities paid, dishwasher, central air, 938 S. 12th, $795. Summer lease accepted. 435-2552. Like the feeling of new? 2 bedroom 1-3/4 bath. New carpet, cabinets, appli ances, paint, mini blinds, washer and dryer hook-ups, and storage closet for bike, etc. Close to East Campus and bus stop. Available April 1. $475. (800) 977-4253. Next to Campus 1932 R St. Available now. Also fee tor summer and fall. 2bedrooms, 1 bathroom, parking, dishwasher, wash er/dryer hookups, clean and quiet. Lease + deposit. 475-3111. - . _ MANAGEMENT ONE Now leasing for summer and fall, 3 year rent freeze. Call for locations and prices, 477-2600 or Summer & Fall Term Leases Now being accepted. Sign-up today to reserve an apartment for the summer or rail term. Our concrete construction makes you home a quiet environment. Surfs soon as the pool opens. Study indoors or out, bike or walk to campus. Jones Properties 475-7262 •Super 1 bedroom, East Campus 3421 Holdrege, •Nice 2 bedroom, City Campus. $395-425. Call 499-3889. Summer leases. <jK>Centuby >Wlir mmmm—ra We provide: * Locations throughout Lincoln * 24-Hour Emergency Maintenance * Professional & Personable Leasing Staff , Call us today! 402-437-8300 Willowhaven Apartments 1800 Knox •SWIMMING POOL •Fireplace 'Minutes form downtown *1 BR^rtart at $349 *2 BR’s start at $459 •Clean & updated •Friendly service Century and Sales Management 437-8322 or 437-8300 Zimmer Apartments 423-4634 1, 2BR, clean and affordable. Some with FREE A/C and heat; some with swimming pool. Summer leases, school-year leases available. Walking distance to City Campus. No pets. Not valid with any other offer. ♦ Ask about our discount for 2.5 or better GRA. ♦ 460 Summer Housing 4 roommates needed to sublease 4BR, 2 bath duplex. May 1—July 31. $995/month. Includes washer/dryer and 2 car garage, close to both campuses. 476-4559. Great 2 bedroom apartment, all utilities paid including cable, $560, close to campu9, May 1- August 31. 438-9585. On Campus Summer Housing 31 spacious, furnished, on campus double or single rooms at Triangle Fraternity. Clean, coed. A/C, wash er/dryer, mail service. Call Nick Bernard 436-0132 for info and tour. w 500 Help Wanted Aircraft detaiier, AM Shift part-time. Call Gary Smith at 479-1688. mm This month earn extra $$$ for back to school. Need cash for clothes? Need cash for text books? Need cash for school fees? Need cash for supplies? Earn up to $200 a month by donating potenially life-saving plasma! Visit our friendly, modem center and find out more about the opportunity to earn cash while helping others. As a part of a Company research program, an experimental test will be performed on your plasma which could potenially benefit plasma product recipients in the years to cornel Your research participation is entirely voluntary; however, it is required if you want to donate plasma. _ $5 Extra When you bring this coupon CENT6QN Blo-SarvicM, Inc. One coupon per person. New & Return* Donors. Expires 4/30/99 1442 “O” St. 475-8645 ‘After 6 month lapse* )