The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 26, 1999, Image 1

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Hit parade
Ken Harvey and Jennifer Lizama lead their
respective teams with their big bats and leader
ship PAGE 10
1 A & E
Selling samples
| Zach Church and Garrick Noonan have opened
a Lincoln’s newest music store, dedicated entirely
1 to the art of the DJ. PAGE 12
March 26, 1999
Fab Friday
Mostly sunny, high 62. Partly cloudy tonight, low 35.
Rick Townley/DN
JENNIFER FOX, Junior Elementary and Art Education major, said
her Outdoor Adventures trip opened her eyes. “It made want to go
see what else is out there,” she said.
delve deep into
\ labyrinths
By Rick Townley
Staff writer
Going down under took on new meaning
for 13 students who spent three days under
ground spelunking - or exploring caves - as
part of the UNL Outdoor Adventures Program.
The trip, which took place March 5-7, let
the students explore two underground mazes:
Little Scott Cave and Lone Hill Onyx Cave
both located in Sullivan. Mo., about 50 miles
southwest of St. Louis.
The group spent about eight hours in the
two caves. Participants would sometimes have
to crawl on their bellies in 50-degree water
through 3-foot openings, and many emerged
wet and covered in mud.
“I loved being all wet and gross. It was a
lot of fun,” said Martha Christensen, a junior
fisheries and wildlife major and an Outdoor
Adventures trip leader. ‘It was like a whole
other world down there.”
Students found that many narrow passage
ways opened up to huge domed rooms with
stalactites and stalagmites.
“It was amazing,” said junior elementary
and art education major Jennifer Fox. “This
stuff has been here for thousands of years and
hasn't changed.”
Lua Maggiore. junior adventure-based
experiential education major and an Outdoor
Please see CAVES on 6
in halls
■ Senators discuss a bill that
would ban smoking in several
residence hall rooms.
By Jessica Fargen
Senior staff writer
Although a bill advanced out of final
debate Thursday would prohibit smoking in
about 60 percent of UNL's residence halls, the
university is already taking steps to clear some
smoke out of the halls, a housing administrator
said. LB211, originally aimed to ban smoking
only in the state Capitol, advanced 43-0, with
amendments to include smoking bans in state
buildings, with some exceptions.
Smoking would be permitted in:
■ No more than 40 percent of the resi
dence hall rooms at the University of
Nebraska and state colleges
■ Health and Human Services buildings
■ No more than 25 percent of the
overnight lodging facilities at state parks
■ Veterans’ homes
■ No more than 50 percent of the beer gar
dens at the Nebraska State Fairgrounds.
Gov. Mike Johanns has five days from the
day he receives the bill to sign it. If he does not
sign the bijl or veto it, the bill passes into law.
Johanns has not decided whether he will sign
or veto the legislation, said Chris Peterson,
Johanns’ press secretary.
Peterson said Johanns may understand the
addictive nature of cigarettes.
“The governor, he used to smoke a couple
of packs a day," Peterson said. “He quit cold
turkey more than 10 years ago, and he sup
ports efforts to encourage young people to not
Please see SMOKING on 7
Exotic spider lurks in fruit crate
By Eric Rineer
Staff writer
Andy Tetschner said he did not
experience arachnophobia two
weeks ago when he discovered what
may be one of the world's most poi
sonous spiders crawling around in a
box of bananas.
Tetschner, a junior business
major and an employee at Super
Saver grocery store at 27th Street
and Cornhusker Highway, discov
ered a 2'/2-inch-long tropical wan
dering spider while unpacking a
crate of bananas shipped from
“It was weird,” said Tetschner,
who later was told the spider was
from one of the most poisonous spi
/ thought it was a tarantula, and I went to
poke at it - it was still alive"
Andy Tetschner
Super Saver employee
der families in the world.
“I brought over a manager and he
was freaking out."
Tetschner said he had no knowl
edge the spider was alive when first
unpacking the bananas.
“1 thought it was a tarantula, and
I went to poke at it - it was still
The spider was immediately put
into a plastic cup and sent to the
Entomology Department on the
University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s
East Campus.
James Kalisch, extension tech
nologist in entomology, said he was
fascinated by the specimen.
“It’s always exciting to have
something new to look at,” Kalisch
He said the spider from Super
Please see SPIDER on 6
Scott McClurg/DN
THIS TROPICAL WANDERING SPIDER was discovered in a crate of bananas at
Super Saver grocery store at 27th Street and Cornhusker Highway. The poiso
nous spider is now at the Entomology Department on the University of
Nebraska-Lincoln’s East Campus.
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