The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 23, 1999, Page 12, Image 12

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Editorial- Finance- Marketing -
• Paid internships starting at $6.50/hour
• Professional, challenging environment
• Flexible Schedule
Sandhills Publishing produces trade publications and
newsstand magazines for consumers in the aircraft,
trucking, heavy machinery, and computer industries.
We are looking for responsible and motivated Sopho
mores, Juniors, Seniors, and Graduate students to fill
internship opportunities in the Editorial, Finance, Mar
keting, and Systems areas. The internship opportunities
are great for students looking to enhance their
communication and professional skills!
If you are interested in applying for an internship,
please submit a resume and cover letter to Sandhills
Publishing, Attn: Human Resources, P.O. Box 82545,
Lincoln, NE 68501 -2545 or fill out an on-line application
at For
more information, contact Human Resources at
The way to make money is
right under this headline
You can earn good money as a college intern for
Northwestern Mutual Life. Plus, you get flexible hours
and valuable business experience. If you’re a junior,
senior, or grad student, we invite you to attend an in
formation session about our summer internship pro
gram. Please call the Tews District Agency at
483-7871 today to sign up for one of our sessions.
49 people needed to lose 10-100 lbs. Natural, Dr. rec
ommended, guaranteed. 1-888-764-3827.
A&S English and NU College of Law Graduate
Cynthia Wood Maddux, Executive Director
Mothers Against Drunk Driving, Nebraska
Will be at the Arts and Sciences Advising Center, 107
Oldfather, to meet with students on Wednesday,
March 24, 3:00-5:00. Call 472-4190 for appointment or
walk in.
Spring Break over and still no great summer job? Our
students make $2300/month, earn college credit and
gain career experience. 1-888-844-3122.
Camp Challenge: Summer
Leadership School
50 you didn’t sign up for ROTC as a freshman or
sophomore. Catch up at Army ROTC Camp Challenge,
a paid five week summer course with college credit in
leadership training that allows you to bypass the first
two years of Army ROTC. Call 472-4269 for details.
Confidential Gay Men’s
Discussion Group
Wednesdays from 6 to 7:30 p.m.. For more information
contact Dr. Luis Diaz-Perdomo at Counseling and
Psychological Services at 472-7513 or e-mail or Rev. Phil Owen at
476-0355 or e-mail
Europe On Track
Your One Source for Eurail and BritRail Passes and
Travel. Carlson Wagonlit Travel, or call
And trek through the Amazon this summer while earning
up to one year of Spanish language credit. For in
formation, call the Augustana College Summer Spanish
Program at 800-798-8100 X7465 or visit us on the
Find a place to
liveat the
Housing Fair
Wednesday in the
Nebraska Union
♦ Speakers
♦ Visit Landlords
♦ Free Refreshments
sponsored by the
Daily Nebraskan
Intramural Slow Pitch Softball
Tuesday, March 23rd is the last day to enter Co-Rec
Slow Pitch Softball. Enter now at the Office of Campus
Recreation. For more information, call 472-3467.
Part-Time Hours
+ Full-Time Energy
= Full-Time Pay
‘Guaranteed Hourly Wage
‘Huge Commissions and
‘Flexible Hours
‘Walking Distance from
*$130Hiring Bonus
Call Today
Start Today
JRW Sales Inc.
Intramural Soccer
The last day to enter Men’s & Women’s Soccer is
Tuesday, March 23rd. Don’t delay! Enter now at the of
fice of Campus Recreation. Call 472-3467 for more in
Lifeguard Training
Downtown YMCA nolding lifeguard training classes.
Register now. Call 434-9232.__
Representative will be at Arts & Sciences Advising, 107
OldH. Tuesday, March 23, 1-3 p.m. Call 472-4190 for
Open Forums
March 23 from 3-4pm, City Campus
March 24 from 4-5pm, East Campus
Bring ideas for events that you want to see com to our
campus.UPC uses students fees to fund our program
Pi Mu Epsilon
Honorary Mathematics Society
Applications available OUTSIDE 810 Oldfather Hall
Deadline: Wednesday, March 31.
Public Relations Club
Congratulations to the 1999 - 2000 officers: Jen
Lundgren, President; Amanda Taylor, Vice President;
Jill Schmit, Secretary; Ingrid Kuester, Public Relation
Officer, Erin Corr, Treasurer; Emily Gallagher, Historian;
Morgan Williams, Membership Chair; Shauna
Mullally, and Abby Briggs, Project chairs, and Tracy
Kreikemeier, Activities Chair.
Scarlet and Cream Singers
There’s still time to audition for Scarlet and Cream!
(You need not be a music major.) Check out our
website at or call
Julie at 472-2490 for more information.
Seniors graduating August
or Dec. 1999, May or
August, 2000?
Are You Headed in the Right Direction? Join us
for an Open House, Friday, March 26th in room
225 NU anytime from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Learn how Career Services can help you maxim
ize your employment opportunities!
Summer Opportunities
Looking for a summer adventure with all expenses
paid? Apply now for five weeks of challenge and ad
venture. We will even pay you. No obligation. For more
information, call Army ROTC, 472-4269.
Technician Needed
Currently seeking a sound and lighting technician for
the Scarlet and Cream Singers for the 1999-'00 year.
You must be a full-time student at NU. Experience pre
ferred but not necessary. Call Shelley at 472-4222 for
more information.
Tri Beta
Applications for membership are available in the Bio
logical Sciences Advising Center in Manter Hall.
Deadline: Friday, March 26th at 4pm.
Wanted: Students who have traveled to non-English
speaking countries within the last year for a marketing
focus group. For details, contact: 484-7724
WHERE IN THE WORLD can you find a job teaching
English? Anywhere you want — if you have a Certificate
in Teaching English as a Foreign Language. For
information about a TEFL training course this summer
in South America, call the Augustana College Summer
ESL/TEFL Program at 800-798-8100 x7465 or visit us
on the web:
Meeting Tuesday, March 23„ in the City Union at 5pm.
Room posted.
Campus Red Cross
Wednesday, March 24th, 5p.m., in basement of the
University Health Center.
Collegiate 4-H
Meeting: March 23 at the East Campus Union 3rd floor
office space. Everyone PLEASE be there. Questions
call 436-9518.
Criminal Justice Student
Association Meeting
Guest speaker from the State Crime Lab/T hursday,
March 25, 7 p.m., 1105 Neihardt. Anyone interested
welcome to attend.»
Habitat for Humanity
Meeting tonight at 6:00pm in the Union. Ffoom to be
There will be a meeting Wednesday, March 24 at
7:30pm in the Union. Delloite and Fouche will be
speaking about internship possibilities and answering
any questions anyone may have.
NU Meds
Meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the Union
Next meeting is 3/28, 5-7 p.m. Call To R.S.V.P. by
Thursday, 3/25: Jennifer (474-6771) or Bobbi
PR Club Officers
Old and new officers meeting tonight at 4pm in Avery
51, Ad Lounge.
Pre Occupational Therapy Club
There will be a meeting, Thursday, March 25. We will
be touring Handprints and Footsteps at 5:30. Meet at
Chi Omega Sorority at 4:50.
Pre-Law Club
Meeting Wednesday, March 24 at 6:00 pm. in the City
Meeting Tuesday, March 23rd at 8pm in the Union.
Room to be posted.
Public Relations Club
Meeting tonight. March 23rd at 5 p.m. in Avery 201.
Rodeo Club
Meeting March 24th, 7:00- Execs. 7:30- Members.
Everyone please be there. Nominations for officers will
be held.
Student Education Association
Meeting tonight at 6:00pm in Henzlik 204. Come vote
for new officers.
Undergraduate Women
in Business
Meeting Tuesday, March 23, 6 pm CBA 108. Speaker:
Tamara Andreasen-Toof from Gallup. Business attire.
Union Board
Meeting tonight in the City Union at 5:30pm. Room will
be posted. Everyone invited!
University Ambassadors
Mandatory general meeting on Tuesday, March 23 at
6:00pm at the Office of Admissions.
UNL Marketing Club
Meeting Wednesday, March 24th, at 7 pm in the City
Union. Bob Condello, manager of Barnes and Noble,
will be there to speak about the company. There will
also be an AMA conference meeting immediately fol
lowing the presentation.
Wildlife Club
Listen to G and P’s Rick Holland speak on Branched
Oak restoration, Wednesday, March 24 at 7 p.m., East
Campus Union.
Thanks for a great night before break, let's do it again
Congratulations to Liz Sievers on being elected as an
ASUN senator. You make us proud.
A ¥ , your sisters
Congratulations to Erin Inzerello for being accepted into
Nursing School. We're so proud of you.
Congratulations to Jackie Robbinson for being accept
ed into Teacher’s College.
Congratulations to Kelli Seeman for being accepted into
Pharmacy School. We’ll miss you.
We are “Grateful” for the party with all of you. Let’s do
it again sometime.
¥ AA A
Thanks for the dinner exchange. Next time it will be at
Tri Delt!
¥ A A A
Congratulations to Jen Lundgren on being elected
President of Public Relations club. Way to go!
- Love in AOt, your sisters
Congratulations to Anita Ideus on being accepted to
UNMC. We are so proud of you!
Love in AOT, your sisters
Sorry so late! Hope we can run into you gentlemen in a
dark alley again soon!
¥ A A A
Sorry so late! Thanks for the F.A.C., will get down with
you fellas anytime. Just leave the walls out of it!
Have an impact on committees dealing with student
related concerns. Applications available at 115 NE Un
ion for 36 different committee openings for over 200
positions for next year. Deadline for all positions is
4pm, April 12. _
Student Impact Team
Tues. - March 23
7:00 Selleck Hall
Questions ?? - 472-2581
v- r
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about the opportunity to earn cash while
helping others.
As a part of a Company research
program, an experimental test will-be
performed on your plasma which could
potenially benefit plasma product
recipients in the years to come! Your
research participation is entirely
voluntary; however, it is required if you
want to donate plasma.
Advertising Positions
Applications are now being taken for summer and fall sales
positions in the advertising department of the Daily Nebraskan.
Must be available 15-20 hours per week, be dependable, outgoing,
and excited about working with people. Any major is acceptable.
We offer commissions based on sales and plenty of sales and
creative experience.
Summer positions begin no later than May 17 and fall positions begin no later
than August 2. Orientation will be scheduled in April for those hired. Summer
staff do not have to be registered for classes, but must be enrolled in at least six
hours during this Spring or the fall semester, maintain a 2.0 minimum G.P.A., and not be on academic
probation. Applications are available at the Daily Nebraskan advertising office, basement of the Nebraska
Union, and must be returned before WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7.
trom the Wotr Directory*
Check these sites out at https^
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