The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 12, 1999, Page 3, Image 3

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    Rape trial postponed till
The comedian accused of raping
a Union College woman in 1997
may not go to trial until spring 2000.
Vinson Champ has been in cus
tody in Lincoln since March 1998.
• At a hearing Thursday morning,
attorneys on both sides told the
judge that the case must be delayed
to address the complexities of the
case and the wealth of DNA evi
Champ also has been connected
to sexual assaults at Carthage
College in Kenosha, Wis.; St.
Ambrose College in Davenport,
Iowa; and in Pasadena, Calif., where
he was arrested.
Witnesses for this case are
spread across the country, which
makes it difficult for lawyers to take
! Physical evidence - including
semen samples and the attacker’s
methods - link all the crimes, which
1 occurred during February 1997
according to the arrest warrant.
Champ was performing at a
number of small colleges during
that time.
His schedule, blood type and
DNA are all consistent with the
The Union College attack
occurred on the evening of Feb. 2,
1997, when a 27-year-old woman
was playing the piano alone in a
basement auditorium of the E. Dick
building on campus, court docu
ments said.
Women receive alcohol
Two women were cited for alco
hol violations after they were caught
drinking wine coolers in a residence
hall lounge late Wednesday.
A Community Service Officer
found the two women, ages 18 and
21, in a 13th-floor Cather Hall
lounge just before midnight,
University Police Sgt. Mylo
Bushing said.
The 18-year-old freshman had a
Seagram’s wine cooler in hand, and
the 21-year-old had a plastic cup of
When questioned, the 21-year
old said no one asked for her ID
when she bought it, so she thought it
was nonalcoholic.
The 21-year-old was cited for
procuring for minors, and the 18
year-old was cited for being a minor
in possession of alcohol.
Man arrested in stolen car
A Lincoln man was arrested
Wednesday for driving a stolen car
he had tried to insure and register.
Police found the 1998 Honda
Passport that was stolen from
Williamson Honda last October and
impounded it Tuesday, Lincoln
Police Officer Kathy Finnell said.
The 26-year-old man, who was
arrested for auto theft, had a girl
friend call the dealership and ask
about maintenance for the $27,000
When the police impounded the
car, it had been fitted with Nebraska
license plates reported stolen from a
1995 Honda in Lincoln.
Compiled by senior staff
writer Josh Funk
A Gift that
remembers... . ^
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' afNebmska
Protesters draw attention
to U.S. involvement in Iraq
About 30 protesters gathered at the
comer of 15* and O streets next to the
Federal Building Thursday, half of
whom were holding individual letters
that when combined spelled out, “End
the sanctions.”
The protest was part of National
Day of Coordinated Protests to demon
strate against current bombing in Iraq.
The protests were intended to bring
attention to the destruction of Iraqi peo
ple caused by economic sanctions from
the United Nations Security Council.
The movement was organized
nationally by the International Action
Center in New York. Other cities that
participated included New York and San
The protest, which lasted about two
hours, was organized locally by mem
bers of Nebraskans for Peace and Food
Not Bombs.
“What we’re trying to do out here
today is to draw attention to the fact that
economic sanctions have had a devas
tating effect on a very large number of
people in Iraq,” Kevin Haake, a comput
er science graduate student and
Nebraskans for Peace member, said.
More than 1.6 million Iraqis have
died from illnesses related to sanctions,
according to a 1998 United Nations
Food and Agricultural Organization
A child dies every 12 minutes in
Iraq because of the sanctions, according
r 1
Whats going
on with the
sanctions is
% really wrong."
Ben Knauss
! -
to a 1998 UNICEF report
“A lot of die problem is coming in
with just sanitation,” Haake said.
The sanctions prevent some materi
als used in sanitation, such as chlorine,
from importation into Iraq because the
materials also have military uses, Haake
“The goal of the sanctions is sup
posed to be to take power away from
Saddam Hussein and the only thing (the
sanctions have) done is to kill innocent
people,” protester Ben Knauss said.
“What’s going on with the sanctions
is really wrong,” he added. “It makes me
sick to think that over a million and a
half people have died because of the
Tekla Johnson, a history graduate
student, handed out fliers with informa
tion about the impact of sanctions on
Iraqi people to passersby.
“It’s our obligation to make sure that
our government is doing what we think
! it should be doing abroad and, if not, we
need to protest that,” she said.
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