Summer teachers/counselors for school age summer child care program. Full or part time hours available, excellent experience for education/eariy childhood majors. Apply at NE YMCA, 2601 North 70tti. The City of Lincoln's Urban Development/Division of Job Training is accepting applications for a Program Supervisor tor the City’s Summer Youth Employment Program. This position is responsible for supervising the summer youth staff, recruiting youth, coordinating placement of youth, and providing case management services. This is a temporary, position through August 30,1999. Applications are available from the Urban Development Department, 129 North 10th, Room 110. (402)441-7111.__ THE CORNHUSKER Nebraska's Grand Hotel is seeking the following posi tions: •Servers (fine dining) FT AM/PM •Renaissance Captain FT PM (must have fine dining experience) •Banquet Servers PT ‘Banquet Beverage Supervisor FT 'Servers (casual dining) FT AM *Host/ess FT AM •Cashier/Bartender PT •Cashier FT AM/PM ’Desk Clerk Supervisor FT 3-11pm •Door Staff FT/PT PM We provide uniforms, free meals & excellent benefits. Apply In Person Human Resources 7:30am - 6pm, M-F 333 South 13th St., Lincoln, NE Use ‘L’ St. Entrance Just a few blocks from UNU TICO’S Now hiring line cooks. Clean-up, dishwashing, am/pm servers and hosts. Apply in person. 17th and M. Wagner’s Food Pride has opening for part-time check ers, Stockers and sackers. Flexible hours, all shifts. Apply in person at 3308 A Street. Wanted part time employees for shifts from 6:30am-2pm. Call 438-0650, Uncoln Espresso. Wendys 14th & “Q” Now hiring quality minded people for lunch and evening shifts. Flexible hours, vacation, and meal discounts. Apply in person. YMCA Is looking for Youth Soccer Officials. Pay between S7-$10 per game. If interested apply at the YMCA Youth Sports office, 1039 P St., Monday-Friday, 8-5pm. Babysitter needed for 2 children, ages 2 and 4, at my home on Monday, Thursday, and Friday, 6am-9am, days will vary. If interested please contact Michelle or Lance at 483-1702 after 5pm. ATTITUDE FOR ADVENTURE?! Having fun in the outdoors with 65 other college staff, leadership experience, training salary, room and board, making a difference to kids, and friends. The best thing you’ll ever get paid to do! Staff needed as cabin Counselors, Pool, Lake, Horses, Climbing Tower, Nature, Crafts. Contact YMCA Camp Kitaki in Lincoln now for an application at (402) 434-9225, or e-mail Camp Counselor Have outdoor fun & gain valuable experience with kids. Needed: Lifeguards, wranglers, nature, high ropes, crafts, canoes and sports counselors. Omaha/Council Bluffs YMCA Camp Pokamoke and Elkhorn. Call 339-9861 for application. Can you interact with the public, provide great service and create a safe, fun environment? Be responsible for patron safety and be a positive role model for children? Lincoln Parks and Recreation Department is in terviewing and hiring pool managers, head guards, life guards, concessions, cashiers and attendants for the summer swim season. Applications available from the Administration office at 2740 A Street or Aquatics Office at 9th and Van Dorn. Call 441 -7892 for more information. EOE/AA__ GREAT SUMMER COUNSELOR POSITIONS Have fun* Make a Difference* Summer in New England Residential Summer Camps seek staff in all individual and team sports: Baseball, Basketball, Tennis, Soccer, Inline Hockey, Golf, Swimming, Sailing, Water-skiing, Mt. Biking, Backpacking, Climbing wall/challenge Course, football. Lacrosse, Coaching, General staff positions, office, dance, and gymnastics. Located in the mountains of Massachusetts just 2 1/2 hours from NYC & Boston. Competitive Salaries + room/board. Call Camp Greylock for Boys (800) 842-5214 or Camp Romaca for Gins (800) 779-2070. Healthy summer *Stay in Shape* Work outdoors Help Wanted For Custom Harvesting. Combine operators and truck drivers. Experience preferred. Good summer wages. Call (970)483-7490 evenings. Quarry Oaks Golf Club Quany Oaks Golf Club is looking for energetic, friendly people with great customer service skills. Beverage cart and wait staff positions available. Call 402-944-6004. Ask for Mark. Quarry Oaks Golf Club Quarry Oaks Golf Club is looking for seasonal kitchen help. No experience necessary. If interested, Call Mark, 402-944-6004. Summer Camp Counselors Needed for Premier Camps in Massachusetts Positions available for talented, energetic, and fun loving students as counselors in all team sports, all individual sport; such as Tennis and Golf, Waterfront and Pool activities, and specialty activities including art, dance, theatre, gymnastics, newspaper, rocketry and radio. GREAT SALARIES, room, board and travel. June 19th-August 18th. Enjoy a great summer that promises to be unforgettable. MAH-KEE-NAC (Boys): 1-800-753-9118. DANBEE (Girls): 1-800-392-3752 Summer in Chicago Child Care and light housekeeping for suburban Chi cago families. Must be a responsible, loving, non-smoking person. Call Northfield Nannies at (847) 501-5354. Work With Kids Lincoln Parks and Recreation summer playground po sitions ($5.70/hr) June 7- July 30, M-F, 9:15am to 12:15pm. Conduct outdoor activities for grade school children. Appy now at Parks and recreation 2740 A Street. 441-7952 EOE/AA. Attention Business Students If you have a 2.5 GPA or above, you may be eligible for a full tuition scholarship at UNL plus $150 a month spending money. 2 & 3 year scholarships are now available. For more info, call Army ROTC, 472-4269. Have You Been There And Done That? Then You Have Done The Essentials! Deadline: Essential Experiences Recognition Requirements DUE April 1,1999. Campus-wide recognition on April 15, 1999. Submit completed Essential Experiences Reflection Sheets to 106 Canfield Administration Bldg. Fur ther information and reflection sheets on our web site: You deserve to be recognized for ALL you dol Questions, call Rosemary Blum, 472-3755. Lifeguard Training Downtown YMCAholding lifeguard training classes. Register now. Call 434-9232. OMAHA CAMERA SHOW March 13 and 14,10am-5pm, Radial Social Hall, 1516 NW Radial Highway, Omaha. BUY SELL TRADE. Info: 402-558-9473. SMART SPRING BREAK COUNTDOWN Top 5 List Reasons to Use Alcohol Irresponsibly over Spring Break #1 You’ve always wanted your “Five Minutes of Fame." You’ll have it after you kill someone while driving drunk. *46% of NU students do somethingthat they regret after drinking alcohol (Wechsler, 1997). Don’t be another sta tistic—nave a safe and enjoyable Spring Break Summer Opportunities Looking for a summer adventure with all expenses paid? Apply now for five weeks of challenge and ad venture. We will even pay you. No obligation. For more information, call Army ROTC, 472-4269. WWW.MAXSTATS.COM Your place for free fantasy sports statistics. Let us run your fantasy baseball league for no charge. WIN $50 in our HR Derby, AATI Congratulations to all our new officers! President- Sarah Young; EBP- Anne Neumayer; MEBP- Lindsey Brantley, RVP- Kat Rush, Pamela Nick, Kristi Hartell; Treasurer- Katie Honz; Standards and Ethics- Sarah Carse; Social Enrichment- Jaci Hopkins: Formal Rush Summer Mertens; Scholarship- Aly Eveland, NMC Shannon Smith; Philanthropy- Theresa Pennel; Re cording Secretary- Carrie Lake; Corresponding Secre tary- Carrie Lake; Gaurd- Theresa Pennel; Alumni Rela tions and Public Relations- Chana Boekel; Leadership Charta Boekel; Chaplin- Anne Neumayer; Spirit Chair Shannon Smith; Historian- Sarah Horn; Music Chair Jaci Hopkins; Guest Mart Chair- Olivia Benson. -Love, your sisters Alpha Delta Pi 8-ball tourna ment! Thanks to everybody who participated in the 8 ball tournament. We had a blast! Congratulations to our 8 bail champs. First place—Jim Sands and Brian Davis from Phi Psi. Second Place—Wayne Cana and Cory Laursen. Third place—Jeff Anderson and Adam Nowak from Delta Tau Delta. The Second Chance went to Justin Mohlman and Pat Hastings from Delta Tau Delta. love, the ladies of ADPi Aon S: PROVE ME WRONG! ABA Congrats to Jenny Semerad and Gina Mangiamelli on their elections in ASUN! Lead with integrity. Xi love, your sisters In loving memory of our sister and friend, Laura Cockson, on the one-year anniversary of her pass ing. Please celebrate her life and honor her memory with a safe spring break. -the Women of Gamma Phi Beta KKT Congratulations to the following elected committees: Standards committee: Kyla Mathis, Mari Marker, Lora Ullerich, Katy Wolf, Brooke Jambor, Rebecca Stratbucker and Laurie Seward. Scholarship Committee: Abby Snavely, Abbie Prentiss, Amanda Romjue, Maegan McArdle and Andrea Uithoven. -Love, Your Sisters -1 Summer Editor The summer editor in chief will formulate editorial policies, determine guidelines for the daily operation of the newsroom, hire the senior editorial staff, help determine the content of the newspaper and prepare the editorial wage budget. Applicants must have one year of newspaper experience, preferably at the Daily Nebraskan. The paper is published weekly during the two five-week summer sessions plus a back-to-school and a New Student issue. The editor earns $2000 for the summer and reports to the UNL Publications Board. The editor must be enrolled in at least six credit hours at UNL this spring, summer or fall, maintain a 2.0 minimum G.P.A., and not be on academic probation. Applications are available at the Daily Nebraskan office, basement of the Nebraska Union, and must be returned with up to five clips by noon March 22. I NEED HELP BY VIC LEE ^ -V iirnms mam v GtNILwAcN, WtYt WqW OUR \ WGGEST PRIORflY IS 10 JOIN / ^ THE WAR ON CORRUPTION. ■"—rf NOW to PKIPE ON r^ I jy which she y | Cm THENORM I hwe k THeoey. J- j ^2 f z ' ~ !i r 7. 1 - r>r*; s ^ S3” - I WQMCN mwe NlceR CLOTHeS MO FURNITURE eecAuse TMey ront wwe t& pxy for tweiR rates. 1 j : 1 i 1 i ■5 ' | j b_If ^f • ■>. f - ' ’ ' V V NORM/ WOMeN Hfwe Nice*? "stuff' BecM)se Twey EARety Blow A THOUSAND BUCKS IN A MONTH ON music and seen! • r y = IF c =t - » - \ W'vlM'’- _ BY MICHAEL JANTZE ( WAIT. 1 /-\ [tie* THeogy. X > '. ’. Xi . - X . Tri Beta Applications for membership are available in the Bio logical Sciences Advising Center in Manter Hall. Deadline: Friday, March 26th at 4pm. AK¥ Alpha Kappa Psi Professional Business Fraternity would like to congratulate Andy Schuerman, Rachelle Winkle and Trisha Meuret on being voted into ASUN's top spots. We have your backs- best of luck to you all! -The Members of A K M* POSITIONS OPEN Publication Board Daily Nebraskan Advisory board to the Board of Re gents - hire the editor, business manager, and advisor. Pub Bd. acts as a publisher for the Board of Regents and serves as a liaison between the paper and its university constituencies, paying particular attention to complints against the paper. Nebraska Union Board This board assumes the role of advocate for the vanous segments of the Unversify community to the Director of the Nebraska Unions and the Vice. Cahn. for Student Affairs. Deadline Friday, March 12-4:00pm Applications available at 115 Nebraska Union. Attractive & Willing to Talk - 1-900-896-8960 Ext. 9821. $2.99 per minute. Must be 18+. Serv-U (619)645-8434. Sports Results - 1-900-896-0021 ext. 6045. $2.99 per minute. Must be 18+. Serv-U (619)6458434. Read the Daily Nebraskan at There’s a fine line between and/ W4y Wfe are it. Camp Foster YMCA of the Okobojies Lake Okoboji, Iowa 1-800-456-9622 website: Edited by Fran & Lou Sabin ACROSS 1 Code word 4 Con — 10 Pool table top 14 Freudian topic 15 Oregonian 16 Wellsian folk 17 Hooey 18 Taj Mahal crop? 20 Word of mouth 22 Stopover 23 Ship from Kuwait 24 Overworked 26 Repeated Vatican name 28 Rani’s apology? 33 Boosted (a check) 34 County Clare seat 35 Key letter 37 Daly’s club 38 Foundation 39 DC damage control 40 Pro tag 41 Collects 42 Bit 43 Sad Hindu? 46 “What — you?” 47 Take in 48 Snatches 51 S&L convenience 53 Emulate Whistler 56 Indian prince’s top toon? 60 Pique experience 61 Short Roman? 62 Spiny lizard 63 Mercury or Saturn 64 HallofFamer Wellington 65 Spreadsheet display 66 A drop in the ocean - V- 4.*- * DOWN 1; Agassi’s love 2 Frankenstein’s assistant 3 Michigan tribe 4 D.A.’s group 5 Capital of Saskatchewan 6 Fell pool 7 Boesky 8 “Justa—I” 9 1990 one-man show 10 Foot “thing” 11 Jewish month 12 Wisdom 13 Loge or balcony 19 Dunderheads 21 Roman beauty 25 Clear 26 Put in a corner 27 “Yes —’’: Beatles 28 Patriarchs 29 Butt-head’s partner 30 Beginning 31 Learner 32 “Stop— I” 33 Kaboodle’s 48 Tough partner 49 Pro tag 36 Not Rep. 50 Opened a crack or Dem. 51 Rub against 38 Squall 52 Mountain 39 Queen’s climber? county? 54 Sea hermit 41 —kebab 55 Flavoring 42 Mexico Mrs. 57 Glass circle 44 Secret 58 Turkish bigwig science 59 It’s an 45 Heavenly pair imposition! ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: ■ t|r, aim H O p| I E A S T SS E E j_ TjMMi s p_A n B j O j B j B I Y I P j I InMl|a|d|B i|W I E L dBl E V eJl E R _B__E__A__T_ T OMiG O G O■ E Ai U ELK YMMM E N U E RjR O R S che g a i n|Ma N T E k[ i ;s!sPt|o|t|e!dBn|a!h's 3/12/99