The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 11, 1999, Page 15, Image 15
PertdnsReeUwrant it now hiring servers and hosts for the evening shifts, particularly on weekends, flexible Second shift (4pm-12am; M-F) day care provider n^ecLjPsrf^wrtudents, wage negotiable. CaB for Security Positions „ , in Lincoln Area Part-time second shift Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Part-time first shift Saturday, Sunday. Starting pay $6/hour. Page John 790-3163. photBgraphers Must have your own 35mm SLR camera, flash, de pendable transportation and willingness to travel. Pho tograph and help people, have fun at Friday tnd Satur day night events. If you like parlies, action, people and photography then put your camera to work, earn your self some money and have fun doing it CaH: The Picture Man 467-2577 M-F 1-6 for more information. SPRING BREAK CASH Earn $260 - $520 before Spring Break. Work 0-40+ hours during break and secure a summer position. Po sitions filling quickly. 912.15 to Start Call M-F, 9-12 or 3-6 477-8663 Study While You Work Night desk clerk needed Monday and Wednesday, 6pm-7am. Must be mature, dependable, have profes sional attitude and appearance, and have experience with public. Possible weekend day hours too. Apply in person Town House Motel, 1744 M St Substitute teacher for small child care in south Lincoln. Experience preferred. $8/hr 423-6020. Summer teachers/counselors for school age summer child care program. Full or part time hours available, excellent experience for education/early childhood majors. Apply at NE YMCA, 2601 North 70th. Technician/Counselor Assistant Looking for rewarding work with people? Part time po sition working with adult/youth clients in residential treatment facility. High school diploma required; ideal for college student or person interested in counseling career. Variable hours include some nights, weekends, holidays. Submit resume and completed application to CenterPointe, 1000 So. 13th St., Lincoln, Nebraska 68508. AAEOE The City of Lincoln's Urban Development/Division of Job Training is accepting applications for a Program Supervisor tor the City's Summer Youth Employment Program. This position is responsible for supervising the summer youth staff, recruiting youth, coordinating placement of youth, and providing case management services. This Is a temporary, position through August 30,1999. Applications are available from tne Uiban Development Department, 129 North 10th, Room 110. (402)441-7111.__ THE CORNHUSKER Nebraska's Grand Hotel is seeking the following posi tions: •Servers (fine dining) FT AM/PM •Renaissance Captain FT PM (must have fine dining experience) Banquet Servers PT •Banquet Beverage Supervisor FT •Servers (casual dining) FT AM *Host/ess FT AM •Cashier/Bartender PT •Cashier FT AM/PM ‘Desk Clerk Supervisor FT 3-11 pm •Door Staff FT/FT PM We provide uniforms, free meals & excellent benefits. Apply In Person Human Resources 7:30am - 6pm, M-F 333 South 13th St, Lincoln, NE Use 'L' St. Entrance Just a few blocks from UNU TICO’S Now hiring line cooks. Clean-up, dishwashing, am/pm servers and hosts. Apply in person. 17th and M. Wagner's Food Pride has opening for part-time check ers, stockera and sackers. Flexible hours, all shifts. Apply in person at 3308 A Street Wanted part time employees for shifts from 6:30am-2pm. Call 438-0650, Lincoln Espresso. Wanted: Looking for two persons to work with our custom har vesting operation. New equipment, great pay. great benefits, and travel through six states in the Midwest. Summer only for 6 months. Ws will train. Start last half of May. Call Duane Keller 785-726-3555 or Wendys 14th & “Q” Now hiring quality minded people for lunch and evening shifts. Flexible nours, vacation, and meal discounts. Apply in person. YMCA Is looking for Youth Soccer Officials. Pay between $7-$l0 per game. If interested apply at the YMCA Youth Sports office, 1039 P St., Monday-Friday, 8-5pm. ^ Babysitter needed for 2 children, ages 2 and 4, at my home on Monday, Thursday, and Friday, 6am-9am, days will vary. If interested please contact Michelle or Lance at 483-1702 after 5pm. 500 Summer Jobs/ 50 Camps/ You Chooselll NY, PA, New England. Instructors Needed: Tennis, Basketball Roller Hockey, Soccer, LaCrosse, Volleyball, Gymnas tics, English Riding, Lifeguard, WSI, Water Ski, Sailing Wind surfing, Aerobics, Archery, Mountain Biking Rock climbing, Ropes, Dance, Piano, Accompanist Theater, Ceramics, Jewelry, Woodworking, Photogra phy, Radio, Nature, RN's, Chefs. Artene Streisand 1 -800-443-6428; www.summeicampempioymenLcom ATTITUDE FOR ADVENTURE?! Having fun in the outdoors with 65 other college stan, leadership experience, training salary, room and board, making a difference to kids, and friends. The best thing you'll ever get paid to dot Staff needed as Cabin Counselors, Pool, Lake, Horses, Climbing Tower, Nature, Crafts. Contact YMCA Camp Kitaki in Lincoln now for an application at (402) 434-9225, or e-mail Camp Counselor Have outdoor fun & gain valuable experience with kids. Needed: Lifeguards, wranglers, nature, high ropes, crafts, canoes and sports counselors. Omaha/Council Bluffs YMCA Camp Pokamoke and Elkhorn. Call 339-9861 for application. CAMP COUNSELORS Wanted for private Michigan boys/girls summer I camps. Teach: swimming, canoeing, sailing, waterski ' ing, gymnastics, riflery, archery, tennis, golf, sports, computers, camping, crafts, dramatics, or riding. Also kitchen, maintenance. Salary $1300 or more plus R&B. 602-502-6014 e-mail: Can you interact with the public, provide great service and create a safe, fun environment? Be responsible for patron safety and be a positive role model for children? Lincoln Parks and Recreation Department is in terviewing and hiring pool managers, heed guards, life guards, concessions, cashiers and attendants for the summer swim season. Applications available from the Administration office at 2740 A Street or Aquatics Office at 9th and Van Dorn. Call 441 -7892 for more information. EOE/AA Counselors: Top Boys Sports Camp in Maine! Get In on an exciting, fun summed Must have good skills, the ability to instruct coach or assist Openings in: aH competitive team sports, aH water sports. PLUS: Camping/Hiking, Ropes/CHmbing Wall, SCUBA, Ar chery, Rmery. Martial Arts, RNto, Secretaries. Top Sal aries. Awesome Facilities. Rm/Bd/Lndry, Travel. CALL the (800) NUMBER NOW. (800) 473-6104, or E-MAIL or write: Steve Rubin, CAMP COBBOSSEE (kah’buh-see), 10 Silvermine Or., South Salem, NY 10580. Help Wanted For Custom Harvesting. Combine operators and truck drivers. Experience preferred. Good summer wages. Call (970)483-7490 evenings. Quarry Oaks Golf Club Quarry Oaks Golf Club is looking for energetic, friendty people with great customer service skills. Beverage cart and wait staff positions available. Call 402-944-6004. Ask for Mark. Quarry Oaks Golf Club Quarry Oaks Golf Club is looking for seasonal kitchen help. No experience necessary. If interested. Call Mark, 402-944-6004. Summer Camp Counselors Needed for Premier Camps in Massachusetts Positions available for talented, energetic, and fun loving students as counselors in all team sports, all individual sports such as Tennis and Golf, Waterfront and Pool activities, and specialty activities including art, dance, theatre, gymnastics, newspaper, rocketry and radio. GREAT SALARIES, room, board and travel. June 19th-August 18th. Enjoy a great summer that promises to be unforgettable. MAH-KEE-NAC (Boys): 1-800-753-9118. DANBEE (Girls): 1-800-392-3752 The Power To Make $6900 STUDENTS who are selected for Southwestern's sum mer program earn $6900 and 3 college credits. To ex plore the possibilities call 1-888-844-3122. Work With Kids Lincoln Parks and Recreation summer playground po sitions ($5.70/hr) June 7- July 30, M-F, 9:15am to 12:15pm. Conduct outdoor activities for grade school children. Appy now at Parks and recreation 2740 A Street 441 -7952 EOE/AA. Youth Camp Staff UNL QIBtif of CayntMit Rtciiitkin Positions for students (40 hours/week and part-time positions available) May 31st - August 6th at $5.50 - $6.00 per hour. Qualifications: Previous experience re lated to youth activities and recreation is desirable. Lifeguards also needed. Applications available at 55 Campus Recreation Center or 32 East Campus Activi ties Building. Application deadline March 19th. ^soasWHkn Downtown YMCA teaching Redcross Lifeguarding class. Starting the end of March. For details can 434-9232. 85 Gourmet Flavers Monday - Saturday Sunday _l-8pm l-5pm I NEED HELP BY VIC LEE wmr——— :— - 1 ROCK NEMEYER-YOOVE JUST WON THE SOPER fOWl. WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO MX!?! ' THE NORM BY MICHAEL JANTZE ■■ \ LLtJ Fans of Mr. Baldridge's writing now have their own e-mail groupl Send an e-mail to sub to find out how to join! Have You Bt And Done Then You Haw The Essential^ I Deadline: Eseentiai Experiences Recognition Requirements DUE April 1,1900. Campus-wide recognition on April 15, 1999. Submit completed Essential Experiences Reflection Sheets to 106 Canfield Admintobation liter Information and redaction sh web sifts: httpc//www.ixiL»%L" You deserve to be recognix Questions, call Rosemary Blu International Film Thursday, March 11th at 7:00 pm at International Affairs, 1237 R Street. Featuring ''Kolya* a film from the Czech Republic—1997 Oscar Winner for Best Foreign Film. Free admission! Free popcorn and beverages! For more info, call 472-5358 or email: iaffairsOunl.eou. OMAHA CAMERA SHOW March 13 and 14,10am-5pm, Radial Social HaH, 1516 NW Radial Highway. Omaha. BUY SELL TRADE. Info: 402-558-9473. Pre-Law Students Washburn Law School representative wiH meet students in the Arts and Sciences Advising Center. 107 Oldfather, 10:00-11:30, Thursday, March 11. Stop by nr noil A79-A1QO for anrmintmant SPRING BREAK COUNTDOWN Top 5 list noaimin to llw Alcohol fcmjnwidftiy over Spring Break #2 Who thinks about sexually transmitted infections & unplanned pregnancies anyway? *46% of NU students do something they regret after drinking alcohol (Wechsler 1997). Don't be another statistic—have a safe and enjoyable Spring Break! Start your own fraternity! Zeta Beta Tau is looking for men to start a new chapter. If you are interested in academic success, a chance to network and an opportunity to make friends in a non-pledging brotherhood, e-mail: or call Mike Simon at (317) 334-1898. Summer and Scholarship Opportunities Earn $700 with aH expenses paid for a 5-week summer internship experience that will enhance your leadership skills with the possibility of a full-tuition scholarship upon completion. Call Army ROTC, 472-4269. WWW.MAXSTATS.COM Your place for free fantasy sports statistics. Let us run your fantasy baseball league for no charge. WIN $50 in our HR Derby, Spring Break! Well, now that we have your attention...Consider working at Hudson Bay Company. Life may not be a beach, but our mission is to protect them, along with other environmental treasures. We also work on consumer rights and women’s issues. The pay is $8 ir for this part-time, evening job. Work as few as 12 ^ hours per week, and earn benefits at 20 plus hours. I We are close to campus, ~,,0t ^ we have indoor bike rakes, ^ cmmmycoffee and nice management. ^ \ W 0. Call 476-1010, ^ \ Mon-Thurs, 9-4pm to 'A- I '****-"*& schedule an interview. >• i «■ Edited by Fran & Lou Sabin ACROSS 1 Loopy 5 Kind of note 10 Coal carrier 14 Helpaheister 15 “That's silly!” 13 Pueblo resident 17 Food fit for a boob? 19 Slam maker, at times 20 Fortuneteller’s claim 21 Loads for 10 Across 22 Tenant farmer, e.g. 24 Animal spotted at zoos? 26 0 or 1, say 27 Two-time U.S. Open winner 28 Mourning dove measure 31 Haij’s goal uwaiuauwum 35 Ms. Thurman 36 Sharing word 37 Senegal's capital 38 Picket's provoker 39 Altar in the sky 40 "Separate Tables” star 41 Hindu sect members 42 Hair holder 44 Book barker 45 Employ 46 Axman 50 —the punch 52 Charged up 53 —de vie 54 Actress Sommer 55 Theme of this puzzle 58 "Mermaids” star 59 “Encore!" 60 Pony 14) 61 Cue ball contact 62 Hauled 63 Slangy turndowns DOWN 1 Height of confusion? 2 Mistreat 3 Adagio or lento 4 Indy additive 5 Fan sounds 6 Prepared for a shave 7 Butterfingers’ exclamation 8 Hilo accessory 9 Kohl, e.g. 10 PhD requisite 11 Entree chez Gretzky? _ 12 Anagram for peas , 13 Mattress pest 18 Down Under marsupial 23 Diner’s “Adam and Eire” 25 Abs’neighbors 26 Parlor piece 28 Rouse 29 Kowloon nurse 30 Gets a grip on 31 Edom neighbor 32 Continental cash 33 Seashore • services? 34 Frightened 37 Corps member 38 Kind of arm 40 Lara’s refusal 41 Relish 43 Attack dogs 44 Veritas vindt, e.g. 46 Shavetail 47 “The Queen of Mean” 48 You are here 49 Tricks 50 Call’s partner 51 Textbook market 52 Midge 56 Alter — 57 Bled ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: 3/11/99 I