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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1999)
The Martell State Bank Hiring FT/PT Customer Service Representatives. Com petriive wages and benefits. Apply at 4811 Van Dorn. * TICO’S Now hiring line cooks. Clean-up, dishwashing, am/pm servers and hosts. Apply In person. 17th and M. Wanted: Looking for two persons to work with our custom har vesting operation. New equipment, great pay, great benefits, and travel through six states in the Midwest. Summer only for 6 months. We will train. Start last half of May. Call Duane Keller 785-726-3555 or• Web Assistant Wanted A web assistant is needed that is interested in working on dynamic news service and publication Web sites. UNLs CIT Unit is seeking a web assistant who uses HTML and can prepare graphics/photos for the Web. Graphic design and agricultural background are helpful but not required. Hours are full-time in the summer, part-time during spring and fall semesters. To apply, call Lisa Jasa, 472-7981 or e-mail to Wendys 14th & “Q” Now hiring quality minded people for lunch and evening shifts. Flexible hours, vacation, and meal discounts. Apply in person. In home babysitter. MWF, 8:30am-l2:30pm. Pay ne gotiable, references required. Please call Janice or Rob at 474-0660. 500 Summer Jobs/ 50 Camps/ You Choose!!! NY, PA, New England. Instructors Needed: Tennis, Basketball, Roller Hockey, Soccer, LaCrosse, Volleyball, Gymnas tics, English Riding, Lifeguard, WSI, Water Ski, Sailing, Wind surfing, Aerobics, Archery, Mountain Biking, Rock climbing, Ropes, Dance, Piano, Accompanist, Theater, Ceramics, Jewelry, Woodworking, Photogra phy, Radio, Nature, RN’s, Chefs. Arlene Streisand: 1 -800-443-6428; Apply now for a country day camp position June 21st July 1st, July 12th - 22nd, July 26th - August 5th. Call 438-6668 to interview._ ATTITUDE FOR ADVENTURE?! Having fun in the outdoors with 65 other college staff, leadership experience, training salary, room and board, making a difference to kids, and friends. The best thing you’ll ever get paid to dol Staff needed as Cabin Counselors, Pool, Lake, Horses, Climbing Tower, Nature, Crafts. Contact YMCA Camp Kitaki in Lincoln now for an application at (402) 434-9225, or e-mail Camp Counselors Needed for Girt Scout Day Camps in metro Denver and Overnight camps in the mountains. Instructor positions in: crafts, nature, backpacking, challenge course, farm, dance/drama, sports, archery. June-August, 1999. Must enjoy working with children in an outdoor setting. Call 303-778-0109 ext. 341 or email: CAMP COUNSELORS Wanted for private Michigan boys/girls summer camps. Teach: swimming, canoeing, sailing, waterski ing, gymnastics, riflery, archery, tennis, golf, sports, computers, camping, crafts, dramatics, or riding. Also kitchen, maintenance. Salary $1300 or more plus R&B. 602-502-6014 e-mail: Can you interact with the public, provide great service and create a safe, fun environment? Be responsible for patron safety and be a positive role model for children? Lincoln Parks and Recreation Department is in terviewing and hiring pool managers, head guards, life guards, concessions, cashiers and attendants for the summer swim season. Applications available from the Administration office at 2740 A Street or Aquatics Office at 9th and \ten Dorn. Call 441 -7892 for more information. EOE/AA Grand View Lodge Central MN resort seeks summer employees to work front desk, housekeeping, kitchen positions, wait staff, golf courses and waterfront. Contact Jan at (218) 963-2234 for an application or mail inquiries to Grand View Lodge Golf and tennis Club, South 134 Nokomis, Nisswa MN 56468. GREAT SUMMER COUNSELOR POSITIONS Have fun* Make a Difference* Summer in New England Residential Summer Camps seek staff in all individual and team sports: Baseball, Basketball, Tennis, Soccer, Inline Hockey, Golf, Swimming, Sailing, Water-skiing, Mt. Biking, Backpacking, Climbing wall/challenge Course, football, Lacrosse, Coaching, General staff positions, office, dance, and gymnastics. Located in the mountains of Massachusetts just 2 1/2 hours from NYC & Boston. Competitive Salaries + room/board. Call Camp Greylock for Boys (800) 842-5214 or Camp Romaca for Girls (800) 779-2070. Healthy summer *Stay in Shape* Work outdoors t Horseback Riding Staff Needed at Girl Scout overnight camp in the mountains 2 hours SW of Denver. Live and work with children May 24 - August 10,1999. Salary plus housing and insurance. Must have recent experience riding and teaching basic riding skills. Call 303-778-0109 ext 341 or e-mail: Summer Camp Counselors Needed for Premier Camps in Massachusetts Positions available for talented, energetic, and fun loving students as counselors in all team sports, all individual sports such as Tennis and Golf, Waterfront and Pool activities, and specialty activities including art, dance, theatre, gymnastics, newspaper, rocketry and radio. GREAT SALARIES, room, board and travel. June 19th-August 18th. Enjoy a great summer that promises to be unforgettable. MAH-KEE-NAC (Boys): 1-800-753-9118. DANBEE (Girls): 1-800-392-3752 Summer Employment—The Office of Campus Recrea tion-East is now accepting applications for summer and fall staff. Call 472-2479 for your application today, or stop by the Campus Recreation-East office. We’re located on North 35th Street between the Ruth Staples Lab and Burr/Fedde dorms on East Campus. Work With Kids Lincoln Parks and Recreation summer playground po sitions ($5.70/hr) June 7- July 30, M-F; 9:15am to 12:15pm. Conduct outdoor activities for grade school children. Appy now at Parks and recreation 2740 A Street. 441-7952 EOE/AA. Youth Camp Staff | UNL Office of Campus Recreation Positions for students (40 hours/week and part-time positions available) May 31st - August 6th at $5.50 - $6.00 per hour. Qualifications: Previous experience re lated to youth activities and recreation is desirable. Lifeguards also needed. Applications available at 55 Campus Recreation Center or 32 East Campus Activi ties Building. Application deadline March 19th. Spring Break! Well now that we have your attention... ^fesfler working at Hudson Bay Company | W but our mission is to ^ other environmental We also and women’s hour for . Work as and earn ill 476-1010, edule an 941 %-For an Mon.- Fri _!_ #1 Spring Break ‘99 Specials! Cancun & Jamaica $399, Bahamas $460, Panama City $120. Book Now 0 receive a free *8pring Dreak Uncenaored* vfcleoli T-800-234-7007 S Student INVOLVEMENT 1 University of Nebraska-Lincoln * Are you interested in helping others get connected? Then work for Student Involvement next Year! Positions available in the following areas: Involvement Leadership Minority Student Development/Culture Center Social Activity Development Student Organization Services Volunteer Services Women's Center/Gender Equity Applications are available at 200 Nebraska Union, 300 Nebraska East Union, Culture Center and Women's Center. Application deadline has been extended to Friday, March 5. Questions, please call Student Involvement at 472-2454. I-1 Better Pay. Better Schedules. Better Opportunities. Better Hurry. As a leading teleservices provider, APAC understands that to be the best in the business you have to offer the best. And, when you add up the things that are important to you in a career, nobody does it better than APAC Customer Services. Outbound Teleservices Sales Representative $7.00 Per Hour* Plus Generous Bonus Programs With these and other terrific benefits: • Paid Professional Training • Insurance & 401(k) • Paid Vacations/Holidays • Convenient Scheduling Call 476-0445 Or Apply In Ferson:#Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. 809 "P" Street * Upon completion of training. Reduced work schedule may affect hourly rati Thorough background investigations conducted on pnwpective employees. An equal opportunity employer. 1 MEED HELP V-' "* *™"BI1^MHHM*99KH1 IYUH? WEa, WITH WY X-1 RAY VISION. I CAN LOOK I . RIGIfT THROUGH YOU. I PIG DEAL. WITH MY HAND-HELP MIRROR. I (AN DO THE SAME I soK(ir THE NORM - ' f: iV. BY MICHAEL JANTZE My FRieMp r&ng ukgs i APPReciATe that it GATING AT ’FANCY * &RDAPGNS My CWteRy rgstaurants. exfeRjeNce. I ) Z3A 1 ASUN Election Wednesday, March 3 Absentee and Disabled Voter Ballots available at 115 Nebr. Union Questions—call 472-2581 ATTENTION ALL SPACE APPLICANTS The Union Board Space Allocation Committee will be meeting Thursday, March 4,1999 in the City Union at 7:00 p.m. Representatives from all applying organiza tions are invited to attend the meeting to give any input your organization may have regarding its application. If you have any questions, call Melissa at 436-9660.__ Attention Non Traditional Students ASUN needs your inputl We need to know your con cerns to effectively produce change. Please stop by the ASUN office (115 Nebraska Union) to pick up a non-traditional student survey, or e-mail us at Attention Student Organizations Pick up your co-sponsorship or FAC applications in Nebraska Union, room 117. Co-sponsorships are due March 15th. For any questions, call 472-8146. Camp Challenge: Summer Leadership School So you didn’t sign up for ROTC as a freshman or sophomore. Catch up at Army ROTC Camp Challenge, a paid five week summer course with college credit in leadership training that allows you to bypass the first two years of Army ROTC. Call 472-4269 for details. CREIGHTON PT/OT/PHARMACY Representative will be at Arts and Sciences Advising, 107 OldH. Thursday, March 4, 9am-3pm. Call 472-4190 for appointment. FACTORY DIRECT SPORTSWEAR: Great prices, Free Books Czech Language Foundation News UNL Students enrolled in Czech Language 101 and 102 for the 1999-2000 aca demic year will be reim bursed for required study materials up to a maximum of $60/semester. For more information, call 489-2755. Fans Schrcier « Engbnd » Meora Good luck to all our candidates in today’s election. Go Teaml See you tonight at our victory party! GRANTS for Graduate TA’SH! Teaching and learning Center and Student Involvement are sponsoring a ‘Service Grant Information Session,* March 3rd at City Union and March 4th at East Campus Union, 12-1:30pm. For more information call Lauren at 472-2454. (WE’LL SHOW YOU THE $<$0 Needed: Diversity The solution? Vote Focus tomorrow. Our Presidential cabinet is the best way to make sure everyone is rep resented. Portuguese for 1999! Study abroad in Brazil! Learn Portuguese language and culture from Aug-Nov. 1999. To find but more about this exciting opportunity, come to an Informational Meeting on Thursday, March 4th at 4:00pm, International AIM* Lounge 1237 R Street or contact us at 472-5358, e-mail:, visit our website at: FIG GHT April 24th 1999 Boxer Registration This Week Contact Ken Johnson 436-7042 Deadline Saturday March 6 Student Government Election Questions or concerns ~~ about election day events?? The Electoral Commission will meet today at 4pm in the ASUN Office (115 NE Union) to go over any com plaints or concerns about election day activity. STUDY ABROAD RECEPTION! Come discover amazing opportunities available to you I hosted by International Affairs. T0DAY1U Pewter Room of NE Union Stop by anytime between 11 am-2pm. Representatives from various study abroad programs (Australia, Argen tina, Brazil, Denmark, France, Italy, Ireland, Nepal, Spain, South Africa) will be on hand to answer your questions. Refreshments will be served. Surrogate Mothers wanted. Fee plus expenses for car rying a couple’s child. Must be 18-35 and previously had a child. Steven Litz, Attorney (317) 996-2000. The Last Day to Pre-Purchase Your Comhusker Yearbook Will Be March 31 st. If you have any questions call 472-6248 or stop by 334 Ne Union. Tutors The Commuter and Student Services Center has a list of tutors for student use. Anyone wishing to be on the list either to tutor or in need of a tutor, fill out an appli cation at the ASUN Commuter and Student Services Center, 116 Nebr. Union. Representative will 6e at Arts and Sciences Advising, 107 OldH. Wednesday, March 3, 1-5 p.m. Call 472-4190 for appointment Advertising Club Meeting Wednesday, March 3 at 5:30, Avery 201; showing National Addy's winners. Agronomy Club Meeting Wednesday, March 3rd, 7pm, 327 Keim. Don't forget initiation and crops contest. Block and Bridle Meeting Thursday, March 4th, at Valentinos (35th and Holdridge) at 6:30 pm. College Republicans Is it getting hot in here or is it just us? State Senator Adrian Smith Wednesday, March 3rd at 8:00 pm in the Union. Edited by Fran & Lou Sabin ACHUSS 1 Regal wrap 4 “Gymnopedies” composer 9 Money substitute 14 Alibi guy 15 Jagged 16 “Maria—" 17 Put up, in a way 18 Engage in battle 20 Take turns 22 4-time Indy champ 23 Tuxgo-with 26 Hard cheese 28 Boom 29 Wilder classic 31 Himalayan hulk 32 Florida varsity 35 “—use!”: “Skip it!” " 36 Karpov collection 39 Bumper sticker abbr. 42 Choral pieces 43 Speck 47 Notasea 49 Give a tanning 50 Play to—: have no winner 51 Luaugarb 56 Cnou follower 58 Minstrel, at times 59 Theme of this puzzle 61 Gelid 64 Car.cel 65 “No man is a hero — valet” 66 Not dosed, poetically 67 Lachrymose 68 Sporting thorns 69 “Get cracking!” DOWN 1 Exaggerate 2 Maui music maker 3 Pullback 4 Splinter groups 5 Rich tapestry 6 Mouthpiece 7 Japanese immigrant 8 MIT grads 9 Darned 10 Storage room 11 Ornamental screen 12 Taciturn 13 — de deux 19 They keep you in stitches 21 “Hamlef character 23 Kind of martini 24 Caviar 25 Perch 27 L-P dividers 30 Q trailers 32 Porgieof nursery rhyme 33 Autumn bloom 34 me Cocktail 52 Journalist Party” auth. Joseph 37 Med. coverer 53 Treat from 38 QB crushers Tokyo 39 Kiwi’s kin 54 Toaster’s mug 40 Summer aide 55 Spacek 41 Silly 57 Friend 44 Student’s 59 Marble concern 60 French 45 NHL great connections 46 Joined 62 Sharkey’s rank 48 Lend a hand 63 Archer’s bow ANSWERTO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: ' S1T1A1LIE Jl1°1°T:^TW^T°Ta eos i nBi tchMknqw TINT sBBN O T eBBr O V E I L E tMw E eMm PAN E D n e w l e afBd o r mB JBB>r g oBa n g e L I ADO B eBBr A Y eIr EDO VAR "yIHa L L A yBB V ALE e v i lIm i f fBa S K E D R E G I M E NlT I C KU BBTr i n eBBeve r e s t M ANA R AB* R vNa L T O A x JL aMb r a dJIa m m a n TOR eJl U N aBp E E V E ¥|7r|cr||iB¥tGTGTY B E IR1 R1 E 1D 3/3/99 !