The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 02, 1999, Page 3, Image 3

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    Candidate promises
attention to details
FOCUS from page 1__
His persistence in finding a solu
tion that best suited students made his
voice one that could not be ignored.
“One of the assistant vice chancel
lors of business and finance comes in,
throws down the packet and says, ‘You
guys, don’t say anything - this plan
should even satisfy Paul,”’ Schreier
Seeing his persistence rewarded,
Schreier decided that his philosophy
of hard work and attention to details
could be beneficial to ASUN’s top
office, and more importantly, to all
UNL students.
“Although some people may say
that attitude seems hard to work with, I
think whenit’s coming from the stu
dents, that’s good,” Schreier said. “It
shows students will stand up and say,
‘We need to be heard on this.’”
One loud voice for all
Being heard at the Chancellor’s
Cabinet wasn’t the only time Schreier
stood up to make sure decisions being
made would ultimately benefit stu
As Committee for Fees Allocation
chairman, he made sure CFA received
the information necessary to make
decisions on budgets. Helping to pass
a resolution to ensure fee users seri
ously justified their budgetary needs is
another example of Schreier’s persis
tence and attention to details.
“I don’t think the fee users are
going to forget me soon,” Schreier
Although Schreier has held many
positions on campus during his time at
UNL, the idea of holding presidential
office was neverthe driving motiva
tion for his actions, he said.
But through what Schreier called
fate or coincidence, he kept being put
in influential positions that prepared
him for the office.In addition to his
position as CFA chairman, Schreier
has held a seat on the campuswide
information systems committee, and
is currently chairman of the technolo
gy fee advisory board.
Though he was appointed to influ
ential committees that ultimately
decide the fate of students’ money,
Schreier said he was initially leery
about running for president. But after
talking to people and getting involved
in issues such as the UNL Master Plan,
Schreier decided to enter the race.
Now, he is in the midst of the elec
tion with a platform centered on the
very thing that made him want to run -
making sure the focus is on the stu
Learning lessons
Through his positions, Schreier
has learned some valuable lessons he
wants to take with him into the office
of president, if elected.
Schreier has worked with many
branches of the administration - some
of which are more aware of students’
interests than others, he said.
“I have learned there are a lot of
great people on this campus in every
area,” Schreier said. “I have also
learned there are other people who
have never thought to give students
what they really want.”
Along with learning the impor
i tance of student representation univer
sitywide, Schreier said he had gotten a
real-life lesson on management
-something that his business courses
couldn’t completely prepare him for.
“You have no idea what goes into
making policies or managing until you
have sat in those discussions and tried
to make those decisions yourself,”
Schreier said.
Making the decisions doesn’t
always come easy. Schreier said being
a part of CFA taught him to get as
much information as possible and to
stick by his decisions - even if it meant
taking heat for them.
Schreier’s brother Luke, who has
helped the presidential candidate with
numerous election campaigns, said
one of his brother’s biggest strengths
was his ability to make the tough deci
sions that would ultimately benefit
“Working on CFA, there was no
doubt he was going to take a lot of flak
for the decisions he made,” Luke
Schreier said. “But he’s able to differ
entiate what’s in the students’ best
interest and what isn’t.”
Building a team
Along with fellow Focus candi
dates Jon England and Trisha Meuret,
Schreier said Focus could bring a
group of ideas to the table that were as
diverse as the candidates were.
England, who is the first vice pres
idential candidate, resides on East
Campus and is from Kearney.
Meuret, the second vice presiden
tial candidate, lives off campus and is
from Brunswick.
Each brings different views to the
campaign, said Schreier, who is from
Omaha and lives off campus.
With their vast differences in inter
ests and their connections with differ
ent groups of people, Schreier said,
members of the Focus party executive
ticket have the ability to talk to a wide
group of people.
“When you think of a diverse
group of ideas - they bring them to the
table,” Schreier said. “I think the stu
dent body would be lucky to have
them representing students.”
Along with being committed to
representing students’ concerns with
the UNL Master Plan, scrutinizing the
costs of attending the university and
evaluating the business practices of
the athletic department, the Focus
party has taken a firm stand against a
proposed constitutional amendment
that would add representation to the
senate based on a student’s living unit,
as well as add five at-large seats.
Schreier said the amendment would
not accomplish what it was intended
for - giving representation to under
represented students - because those
running for the seats would have to be
the largest vote-getters on campus.
Because students in the College of
Arts and Sciences and College of
Business Administration have the
largest classes and interact with the
most students during the day, they
would continue to dominate the sen
ate, Schreier said.
Instead of endorsing the constitu
tional amendment, the Focus party
went to work to come up with the idea
of a presidential cabinet made up of
representatives of underrepresented
groups on campus.
The group - which could also con
tain members of groups who are not
necessarily underrepresented but have
a background or interest in the issues -
would give a report every week and
introduce legislation through the pres
ident, Schreier said.
With these and other ideas,
Schreier said the Focus party would
bring many new perspectives to
“We’re proven leaders,” Schreier
said. “We want to show off our ideas
and say to the student body, ‘If you
want us to, we would love to represent
Although some people may say the attitude
seems hard to work with, I think when its
coming from the students, that’s good”
Paul Schreier
Focus presidential candidate
Former teacher admits affair
with murder-trial defendant
TRIAL from page 1
Brown resigned from the region
al center last month after the details
of her yearlong affair with Hopkins
started to become known.
Hopkins has changed his story
considerably since his first confes
Originally Hopkins said that
Schmader had sexually assaulted
him, but he has since admitted that he
lied then.
Hopkins said that he was trying
to create an insanity defense so he
could go to the regional center
instead of jail, ,
During Hopkins’ three days of
testimony, Galligo’s attorney, Kirk
Naylor, tried to break apart Hopkins’
story and show where be had lied.
Several times Naylor used docu
I was not sure he was
may be having trouble
former Lincoln Regii
ments from Hopkins’ defense attor
ney, Scott Helvie, to show where
Hopkins had lied.
The most drastic change in
Hopkins’ story came after he entered
a plea agreement with prosecutors in
June 1998 in exchange for his testi
mony against Galligo.
After the plea agreement was
signed, Hopkins told police a story of
premeditated murder that Galligo
truthful. I thought he
with his medication
mal Center teacher
played a small role in.
Galligo’s trial is expected to run
through Thursday. Today Naylor will
cross-examine Brown.
The prosecution is expected to
call Helvie and Lincoln Police
Detective Greg Sorenson, who was
the chief investigator in the case.
Then the defense will present its
•case.-* ' ■
Legislature considers
extending bar hours
BARS from page 1
among liquor establishments.
“I think you have to make the
whole city 2 a.m. or none of the
city,” committee chairman Sen.
Stan Schellpeper of Stanton said.
It would be hard to explain to a
business why it could not be open
until 2 a.m., but some of its com
petitors could, Schellpeper said.
Hilgert said he had no answer as
to the constitutionality of the bill,
except to say the idea had never
been challenged.
“I didn’t address that. I don’t
want to address that,” he said.
“That’s the City Council’s problem,
not my problem.”
Joel Pedersen, Lincoln assistant
city attorney, said litigation had
ensued over unfair hours. Recently,
off-sale liquor establishments in
Lincoln were allowed to sell on
Sundays as their on-sale counter
parts had been doing for years.
Although discussion centered
primarily around extending bar
areas for the Old Market in Omaha,
areas such as Lincoln’s Haymarket
could also be eligible.
Pedersen doubted 2 a.m. closing
times would have much support in
“Frankly, it will not happen in
Frankly; it will not
happen in Lincoln”
Joel Pedersen
assistant city attorney
Lincoln,” Pedersen said.
Pedersen was also concerned
about the vague definition of “trade
areas,” saying almost any area could
be considered a trade area.
Anticipation of objections to the
bill was partially why Hilgert gave
local municipalities control to set
closing times.
“This is permissible language,”
Hilgert said. “If this passes, it does
not mean there will be a single bar
open until 2 a.m.”
Jim Moylan, a lobbyist for the
Nebraska License Beverage
Association, said he favored the bill
because 53 percent of the state’s^_.
population lived within a half-hour
drive of a state with a 2 a.m. closing
Hilgert said he chose 2 a.m. as
the closing time because that was
the hour that Iowa bars closed.
Nepali program set for today
From staff reports
Students interested in learning
more about the culture of Nepal will
have that opportunity today.
“Introduction to Nepal: The
Hidden Valleys and Crystal
Mountains” will take place in the
Neihardt Residence Hall Blue TV
lounge from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Sponsored by the International
House, the program will center around
educating others and sharing informa
tion about Nepal and its culture.
Kerk Fong Kee, event organizer,
said a slide show and video would be
shown and Nepali food and tea would
be served.
The event is free of charge and
Kee said everyone was welcome to
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