--1 | SAMPLE BALLOT j ASUN ASUN Association of Students of the University of Nebraska Article V. Branches I Presently: ■ The legislative, executive and judicial branches of the Association shall ■ be as follows: I ■ Section !: The Student Senate, hereinafter referred to as the Senate. A. Composition. The Senate shall consist of thirty-five (35) elected ■ members with voting privileges, and the President, First Vice President, and Second Vice President, who shall serve without voting privileges I except as hereinafter noted. No Senate member is eligible for an executive or judicial position except as herein after noted. 1. Elected members. The elected member shall be chosen by direct | apportianment from the colleges of the University of Nebraska in ■ accordance with Article VI below. I B. Eligibility 1. Elected members. To be eligible for election to the Senate, a candidate must: * a. Be a regularly enrolled member of the college he proposes to represent and agree in writing to resign if he should terminate his enrollment in that college during the term of office for which he seeks election. Article VI. Elections Section 1. The Electoral Commission. ■ E. Powers. The Electoral Commission shall have power to: I 3. Reapportionment.. The Electoral Commission shall reapportion by direct apportionment the representation of the Student Senate among the several colleges of the university according to the enrollment of the first I semester. The apportionment shall be completed and the results ■ publicized by the first day of November. I Change to: Section 1. The Student Senate, hereinafter referred to as the Senate. A. Composition. The Senate shall consist of forty (40) elected members with voting privileges, and the President, First Vice President, and Second Vice President, who shall serve without voting privileges I except as hereinafter noted. No Senate member is eligible for an ■ executive or judicial position except as herein after noted. 1. Elected members. Twenty-five (25) of the elected members shall be chosen by direct apportionment from the colleges/division of the ■ University of Nebraska in accordance with Article VI below. Ten (10) of the .elected members shall be chosen by direct apportionment from the living unit of the University of Nebraska in accordance with Article VI below. Five (5) of the elected members shall be chosen for at-large seats. ■ B. Eligibility 1. Elected members. To be eligible for election to the Senate, a I candidate must: a. Be a regularly enrolled member of the college/division he proposes to represent or be living in the type of living unit he proposes to represent and agree in writing to resign if he should terminate his enrollment in that college or change type of living unit during the term of office for which he seeks election. Article VI. Elections I Section 1. The Electoral Commission. - E. Powers. The Electoral Commission shall have power to: 3. Reapportionment. The Electoral Commission shall reapportion by I direct apportionment the representation of the Student Senate among the several colleges/division of the university according to enrollment of the first semester and among the living units of the university - according to the population of the first semester. The apportionment shall be completed and the results publicized by the first day of November. A vote yes: A yes vote on this amendment will: a. Increase the size of the body of elected Senators from 35 to 40; and, b. Change the districts from which Senators are elected such that: i. Senators will no longer represent only large academic units (colleges and divisions); but, ii. Under the new system -25 seats will be apportioned, as now, among the academic units; -10 seats will be apportioned among three identified “types of living units” (Residence Halls, Greek Houses, and off campus dwellings); and -5 seats will be held by persons elected from the student body at large A vote no: If the No votes prevail, the current size of the body of elected Senators will remain constant and Senators will hold seats ■ apportioned only among their respective academic units, Colleges and Divisions. The seat apportionment will continue to be based on the ■ relative size of each academic unit to be represented. I_ ASUN Constitutional Amendments Division of Continuing Studies The legislative, executive and judicial branches of the Association shall be as follows: Section 1. The Student Senate, hereinafter referred to as the Senate. B. Eligibility. 1. Elected members. To be eligible for election to the Senate, a candidate must: Presently: c. The senator from the Division of Continuing Studies must be enrolled with at least three (3) credit hours. Change to: Delete this section. A vote yes: for this amendment would set at twelve (12) hours the enrollment criterion for a candidate for a Senate seat designated to represent the Division of Continuing Studies. Passage of this amendment would make the enrollment-hour criterion consistent for candidates from all districts. A vote no: If the No votes prevail, the Constitution will continue to allow a person enrolled in only three hours (and who meets the other criteria) to run for a seat designated to represent the Division of Continuing Studies. Powers of the Association Subsection B. First Vice President Presently: #5. To remove, by decree, any member of the senate upon three (3) unexcused absences. These three absences may be accumulated in the form of missed regular meetings, special meetings, or orientation and training sessions. Change to: To recommend the removal of any member of the Senate upon three (3) unexcused absences. These three absences may be accumulated in the form of missed regular meetings, special meetings, or orientation and training sessions. Presently: #6. To remove, by decree, any member of the Senate for consistent absences from committee meetings, when such absences are to the detriment of the Association. Change to: To recommend the removal of any member of the senate for consistent absences from committee meetings, when such absences are to the detriment of the Association. A vote yes: Would take from the First Vice President the authority to remove Senators who miss 3 or more meetings. Instead, the Vice President will have the power to recommend the removal of such Senators. A vote no: If the No votes prevail, the constitutional provision will remain in place whereby the First Vice President may remove the Senator who, unexcused, misses three meetings. STUDENT FEE FUND B SURVEY ASUN is surveying student opinion on the Fund B portion of student fees. This is strictly a survey which will enable ASUN representatives to further realize student sentiment on student fees. DISTRIBUTION of student fees collected from each full-time student per semester for the fiscal year 1998-1999. FACILITY FEE.$38.00 UNIVERSITY HEALTH CENTER.$92.12 NEBRASKA UNIONS.$44.75 CAMPUS REC. PROG.&FACILmES...$54.86 1) YES NO Do you approve of $38.00 of your student fees being collected to support the Facility Fee for the financing the Nebraska Union, East Union and Health Center? 2) YES NO Do you approve of $92.12 of your student fees being collected to support the operation of the University Health Center? 3) YES NO Do you support $44.75 of your student fees being collected to support the Nebraska Unions? 4) YES NO Do you support $54.85 of your student fees being collected to support Campus Recreation Programs and Facilities? ALL HIND A FEES ARE REFUNDABLE UPON REQUEST FUND A Student Fee Allocation Question Refundable upon request. ASUN must conduct a student referendum on the following fee agencies. This question is conducted in compliance with Regental Policy. Any agency voted down on this referendum will NOT be funded for those specific lines of their budget. X Distribution of Student Fees collected from each full-time student per semester for the fiscal year 1998 includes: Daily Nebraskan.$ 1.10 University Program Council Speakers Program.... $0.60 Do you approve the allocation of a part of student fees collected to support the Daily Nebraskan during the 1999-00 fiscal year? YES NO Do you approve the allocation of a part of student fees collected to support campus speakers programs during the 1999-00 fiscal year? yes no r This question is conducted in compliance with Regental Policy of Fund A Student Fees approved September 6,1991. _ Birth control bill still alive A bill that would make insurance companies cover birth control pre scriptions has been resurrected in the Legislature. Omaha Sen. Ernie Chambers motioned Thursday to pull the bill out of committee. LB845 was killed 7-0 last week by the Banking, Commerce and Insurance Committee. The full Legislature will discuss this week whether or not to bring the bill to the I floor. If 30 senators vote to bring the | bill to the floor, the bill will be debat ed. Chambers motioned to pull the bill out of committee because he was enraged by the all-male committee’s vote on LB845, which was supported solely by women. ■‘His objection was that he felt that it was a slap in the face of every woman, because of the lack of dis cussion and thought that went into killing this bill,” Sen. Deb Suttle, of ^ Omaha, said. The committee discussed the bill v for about 10 to 15 minutes, she said. Suttle said she thought the bill’s failure was due in part to a lack of understanding by the all-male com mittee. Men may not understand the burden of paying out of pocket for birth control prescriptions. “It’s just not on their radar screen,” she said. Lincoln Sen. David Landis, who is chairman of the Banking, Commerce and Insurance Committee, said he voted to kill the bill because he was against mandates in general. New Year’s sparks may fly Nebraskans may not have to go across the border to pick up fire works to celebrate the turn of the cen tury thanks to a bill advanced by the Judiciary Committee last week. Twenty-six senators have signed onto the bill. Gering Sen. Adrian Smith said he sponsored LB621 to give people the option of setting off fireworks to ring in the new year. At the same time, Nebraska tax dollars will be kept in , the state. Under the bill, which still has three rounds of debate to go, fire works could be sold within the state lines between Dec. 28,1999 and Jan. 1,2000. Money generated from the fire works’ sales tax would be put in the state’s Fire Insurance Tax Fund, which is used to fund fire prevention activities. Fake nails debate cut short Nail salons and technicians are unregulated in Nebraska, and because of that, Suttle introduced LB68, which would, among other things, require 600 hours of training for nail technicians. The bill made it through two rounds of debate with little discus sion before it stalled Friday in final reading. Chambers objected to the bill because he thought some of the bill’s requirements were too stringent and consequently unfair to minorities, especially Asians. Asians own a large number of nail salons in Omaha and Lincoln. Chambers was opposed to provi sions in the bill such as the required' training time and the requirement of a high school diploma or equivalency to be a nail technician. Suttle said she was open to amending the bill to lower the required training hours, and said sen ators will have the opportunity to vote on debating the bill again. Legislative notebook compiled by senior staff writer Jessica Fargen Got y‘all in Check. dailyneb.com