The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 26, 1999, Page 11, Image 11
402-A72-2CAA 402-472-1761 (FAX) . M-WlSworcb (students) $0.15 each additional word 34 Nebraska Union $0.75 billing charge P.O. Box 880448 $0.75/line headline Lincoln, NE 68588-0448 Deadline: 3 p.m. weekday prior Specialized StumpJumper M2. Customized mountain bike: Syncros, aviaTringie, rocks shox Judy si, shimano xt equipped. Light rigid and fast. $3000 invested yours for $800 OBO. 476-4619. 1985 Red BMW 318i. Good body, good running car, dependable. $3.500/or best offer. Caff 435-2307. 1989, Acura Legend-L, 4-door 5-speed, blue, blue-leather, moonroof, all options, very-good condition. 164K $6200,475-4847. ItAtlf Tanilr ■■ jW» wHlHrVS ? ADOPT True love, devotion, happiness, and security are what we have to offer your newborn. Expenses paid. Please call Eileen and Scott toll Free at 1-877-252-1972. _ _ Auto Accidents & DWI Other criminal matters. ca» Sanford Pollack 476-7474. Free Pregnancy Test Birthright is a confidential helping hand. Please call for appointment or more information, 483-2609. Check out our website www.birthrightorg. Big house, very nice, dean, all utilities paid, with W/D. Close to campus. Males only, 8280/month. 477-022* Female roommate, nice 2 bedroom apartment, 2 blocks from East Campus. $175+ 1/2 utilities. Call 467-5851._ Liberal male to share beautiful home. Deck, fireplace, garage, many extras. 421 -0977. Looking for a non-smoking male/female roommate for 3 bedroom apartment, $175/month + 1/3 utilities. Call Bob or Zac 438-1735. Male or female non-smoker for four bedroom duplex. $231.25 plus 1/4 utilities. Washer/dryer, 2-car garage. 2 baths, alear 11th and Comhusher.Ca> 435-8518? Roommate needed for the summer months only. Large, 2BR, 2 bath, $265 per month. Prefer non-smoker. CaH 308-532-4146. Three girts looking for one or two roomates in a lame, nicehouee. Cal 438-6466._ 3 bedroom, near UNL. $600.432-6644. 4 bedroom, 2 bath, fenced backyard, 5 minute drive to campus, plenty of parking, all appliances included, $795 + deposit Available 6/1. Break on rent for summer months, 798-0340 nr Sfin-fii>31 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, full basement, $260/each. Utilities paid. W/D. 2424 W St 432-6644. 726 Y St 3BR, $650. Near campus. 1641 N. 28th. Nice 5BR, 2 bath, near campus, $850. 1237 Court Nice 3BR.11/2 bath, garage, near campus, $650. Call 432-0644. _ 2302 Holdrege, 3+ bedroom, 2 bath, garage, wash er/dryer excellent condition. Walk to UNL, references required, $850.423-6779 Four bedroom, near East Campus. Newly remodeled, central air, washer/dryer hookups. Available April 1st, $720 per month. Cal 475^9663. Great 3,4,5, and 6 bedroom homes near campus. Re serve now for summer, fall or both now, and relax! All appliances provided. 423-1535. Available Now! 1BR 5 minutes from campus, off street parking, central air, 28th and J area. $365/mo + util. MUST SEEI 475-8443. Brand new 3BR, 2BA Duplex. Diswasher, disposal, 2 car garage. Available Feb. 1st $795. 1021 & 1025 Mi chefeCt. Call Mitzi 465-6034 or Don 430-7880. Large 1 & 3 Bedroom duplexes, 4 bedroom house near both campuses. 489-5168. NEWER 3BR 3baths, double attached garage, all appliances, wash/dry, dishwasher. Campus close. Reduced to $795. HIP » 465-6911.__ !! SUNNY & CHEERFUL!! USMOKEFREEU 1BR 2000 JSt Clean $295 2BR 2000 J St Nice $350 2BR1501 S 19th, New carpet $395 No Smokers or Pets 440-3000 1 BEDROOM APTS In Unique Complex between campuses, super dean, 3-month leases, newer decor, stove/fridge/dishwasher/disposal/blinds, parking, cen tral heat/air, laundry, gas/water/garbage paid, enclosed patios, big closets, breakfast bar, $345, 469-4857. 2 bedrooms, dean, furnished, free cable, $390+. Patio Apartments. 435-0608 P.M. One large one bedroom: ‘Jacuzzi, fireplace, dishwasher, French doors, very nice, 9ft ceiling, ceiling fans $535. Heat/gas paid, off street parking with laundry. 2929 R St.. 474-3529. No smokers, no pets. 640 S. 20th- Efficiency $299, 1BR $349, 2BR $419 andup. l2301ASL-1BR$329. Jones Properties 475-7262 1120 E St.. 1 bedroom just remodeled. Heat paid, no pets, $300. 560-5077. _ 1227 Q, available immediately, dean, efficiency, wood floors, dishwasher, new appliances, parking lot, bike room, responsible landlord, quiet neighbors, walk-in closet, $315.438-0365. _ 1400 North 33rd 1BR, A/C, range, refrigerator, balcony, coin laundry, off street parking. Campus dose. $330. HIP » 465-8911. 1660 G, 1 bedroom, C/A, storage, parking, dishwasher, disposer, remodeled, $330. Larger w/balcony, $350. 2910 N. 42nd. Brand new 4-bedroom, 2-baths, deluxe unit with all appliances, induding W/D, C/A, garage available, no pets. $950-5995. Taking reservations for spring and summer. 474-5327 or 560-5077. Apartments on UNL Campus Studio and one bedroom units. No smoking, no pets, controlled access, laundry, UNL shuttle stop, campus parking. $300-425/month. Brickyard Apartments, 17th and Hokkedge. 477-6578. Better dollar value studio and one bedroom in well maintained vintage building. $295-330.432-2288. CATS WELCOMEI Quiet 1BR, 939 S. 11th, wood floors, sun room, $375, low utilities. 476-6028. Colonial Heights Apartments 2815TtorraDrtve - 421-3070 !!! RENT SPECIALS!!! • 6 month lease to receive half month free or a 12 month lease to receive a month free. Certain restrictions flP%loor/outdoor pool, sauna and spa !• Bevators, tanning bed and weight room • 3 month leases available Haymarket studio apartment big enough for twol $360/month + utilities. Call Jen: 435-8507. Large 2 bedroom, microwave, dishwasher, laundry, disposal. $495/month 2501 E St 432-6476. N/S. N/P. Large 3 bedroom, 2 baths, aM utilities paid, dishwasher, central air, 938 S. 12th, $695. 435-2552. Like the feeling of new? 2 bedroom 1-3/4 bath. New carpet, cabinets, appli ances, paint, mini blinds, washer and dryer hook-ups, and storage closet for bike, etc. Close to East Campus and bus stop. Available April 1. $475. (800) 977-4253. MANAGEMENTONE Now leasing for summer and fal, 3 year rent freeze. Call for locations and prices, 477-2600 or www.rpgmton6.cofP Two bedroom apt, large kitchen, fireplace, off-street parking, newly renovated, laundry room on premises. 901 North 25th. $375.00/month. Convienent location, great price. Call Garron at 438-6246 or Doc at 553-5901. Unique One Bedroom Condo Newly remodeled condo for rent in historic Hayward Place. 720 square feet with large walk-in closet, within walking distance from downtown UNL campus. All ap pliances, secure building, 12' ceilings, parking and on site laundry. Available March 1st, 19W. Call 421-2316. We provide: * Locations throughout Lincoln * 24-Hour Emergency Maintenance * Professional (Personable Leasing Staff Call us today! 402-437-8300 Willowhaven Apartments 1800 Knox •FIREPLACE •Swimming Pool •Minutes form downtown ‘Garages *1 Bfrostart at $349 *2 BFCs start at $459 •Clean (updated •Friendly service Century and Sales Management 437-8322 or 437-8300 SOflt *' •. ?\ " ' y Sg $20-$40/hr. IN SPARE TIME! $100 Signing Bonus! 1-800-600-0343x1927. $9-$12 per Hour for Delivery Drivers Domino's Pizza is now hiring for day and evening shifts for delivery drivers and limited evening inside help. No experience necessary. All you need to start is a good driving record, reliable personal vehicle, liability insur ance, and a good attitude. Apply at any of the Domino* locations. 10 year old company is looking for 2 part time per sonnel Microcomputer Installers- to perform initial installation; subsequent light duty maintenance on Windows 95/98 based equipment. Light duty mainte nance includes application software installation and configuration and ‘plug replacement* of hardware fail ures (no component level work is anticipated). 16-20 hours minimum per week. Delphi 3 programmer- to assist in the conversion of existing DOS (Pascal-like) applications to Delphi 3. Work will be handed on a due date project basis. Pay for both positions commiserate with demonstrated abilities. Send your resume to LAN Systems of Lincoln, 520 NW 8th Street, Lincoln, NE 68528. American Red Cross Swim Coordinator For 1999 summer swim program. Requires current WSI. 2 years teaching experience preferred. Part time from April to Mid-August. $8/hr. Apply at 220 Oak Creek, or call 441-7997? Arts & Sciences Student Advisers Applications are available for undergraduate students in ASS for Arts and Sciences Student Adviser positions at 107 Oldfather. Deadline Is Monday, March 1,1999. BW3 We are now hiring FT/PT help in the kitchen. Daytime or evening. Apply within. 1328 P St. BryanLGH ^ MEDICAL CENTER Child Development Assistant This position assists in carrying out the daily schedule for an assigned group of children. It includes observing and relaying significant individual and group behavior to personnel, maintaining a safe and orderly environ ment, and conducting duly activities for the children. This position also involves attending staff meetings and developmental programs as required. Requirements of the position include knowledge of appropriate child care practices usually acquired through child care experiences and/or colege course work. Must be 19 years of age. Part Time — 3-4 days/wk; all day availability preferred BryanLGH Medical Center East Human Resources 1600 South 48th Street Lincoln, Nebraska 68506 (402)483-8010 Fax:(402)483-8444 JOB LINE: gap 483-3806 Construction-help wanted. Flexible hours now. possible fuH-time summer. CeSular 580-8124 or 791-2246! 1NEED HELP __ BY VIC LEE MlPUPiVy * -- J AMAZING/ ANOTHER^ I Corporate Express Delivery Systems Dynamic growing company seeking full and part time individuals for delivering and picking up of overnight letters and parcels in and around Lincoln. Morning and afternoon hours available. Mostly afternoon and early evening hours available. Corporate Express offers health insurance, dental, vision, 401K plan, stock option, paid vacations and paid holidays. Starting wage $6.80 per hour please apply in person to 2200 W; Adams (airborne express) just east of the Airport terminal, between the hours of 10am and 6pm Corporate Express is a drug free work place. Customer Service Interested in making some extra money in your extra time? Then consider joining our industry's fastest growing most successful company as a part tune flexible day or evening customer service representive and lead generators. You will be able to use your commu nication skills to resolve outstanding debts and verifing new customer accounts. For immediate consideration, apply at: TruGreen-Chemlawn 4141 N. 27th St or call at 402-477-0303. <€» BryanLGH MEDICAL CENTER Dining Service Attendant Assembles/servea/defivers palient meal trays; responsible for tray/dish cleanup; maintains sanitary working environment PartTime (16-20 Hours/week) day & Evening Hours BryanLGH Medical Center East Human resources 1600 South 48th Street Lincoln, NE 68506 (402)483-8610 FAX'(402) 483-8444 JOB LINE: (402) 483-3696 Disc Jockey For growing and expanding organization. Background In music or public relations. Cali for an appointment at 434-2466." o BryanLGH ^ MEDICAL CENTER Environmental Technician: Responsible for cleaning & decontaminating patient and non-patient locations within the hospital. Fu« time: Days - (8a.m. - 4:30p.m.) Evenings(4 p.m. - 12:30am.) Part time: Days (9 a.m.- 3p.m.) Please submit resume/application to: BryanLGH Medical Center East Human Resources 1600 South 48 Street Lincoln, Nebraska 68506 (402)483-8610 Fax: (402) 483-8444 Job Line: {402) 483-3606 FBG SERVICE CORPORATION Immediate openings for fuB time and part time custodial positions. Flexible hours and competitive wages. Apply at 3815 TouzaBn Avenue. Suite 106. Full or part time help on large green farm near Lincoln. Non-smoking. 402-781-2064. Full-time preschool teacher and full-time toddler teacher needed. Experience with children required. Apply in person at Kravon Campus. 6001 Normal Btvd. ★★★★★★★★★★★★ PART TIME WORK Local company filling 49 positions immediately. Flexible schedules for students/second income. No tele marketing and no experience necessary. Guaranteed starting pay is _ $12.15 Call M-F. 9-12 or 3-6.477-8695 ********** Hi-Mark Golf Course Now hiring for seasonal employment in food and bev eraoe. Apply in person at 9001 Pioneers Blvd. KFC Postions open for cashiers, cooks and delivery drivers. Apply in person at 2100 N.48th, or call 464-7469 for information. Knolls Country Club Now accepting applications for servers. Must be available to work two weekday noon shifts. Flexible schedules and competitive wages. Only ten minutes from city campus. Call today for more information at 423-2840. Lawncare Fertilizer/chemical applicator needed for lawn and lanctarejie company. Call Terry at Lawnscape Lincoln Public School Athletic Department Officials needed for high school soccer games, all levels available. Contact Karen Hand at 436-1811. Downtown Law Firm seeks a dSaH/oriented, energetic individual to work M/T/W & Friday afternoons and Thursday mornings, delivering documents, updating publication, processing the afternoon mail & misc other duties. Valid drivers license and vehicle required. Fill out application at 121 South 13th St. 8th Floor. Music leader for youth group, ages 4th-10th grade, one ntfrt a week. Call 466-6904 or 466-2675. Need students to work mornings at University Child Care. Contact Tish. 472-2101 for details. Part-time cashier service station attendant. Weekends. Must be 19. Mice 66 6 Towing comp. 8201 N 56th. Part-time Child Care Assistant Needed enthusiastic and nurturing persons to work with children. 7:30-9:30 a.m. and/or 3:30-5:30 pm, M-F. Flexible days. Also aB day sub positions available. CaB Trinity Infant and Child Care Center 475-9731. ^ Part-Time Evenings and weekends. Must be 21 years old. Apply in person at THE CTU. 5560 South 48th. Part-time Managers Needed Company needs 3 sharp people to manage office. $600-$ 10CKV month. Training. Call 464-5024. ACROSS 1 Do the dishes 5 Signals for the butler I0 Slippers go-with 14 Confused 15 Outdated, but “in" 16 Dalglieshthe sleuth 17 Knocked off 18 Not before 19 Kind of pattern 20 Answer to “How long?" 23 MA, VA, etc. 24 Hoard 25 Leading 27 Boxing promoter D’Amato 28 Brifs levy 30 Author Levin 31 Beach near Utah 34 Opinion 35 Rubber-stamp 36 Answer to “How long?” 10 Guitar ridge 41 Crucial 42 Weasellike swimmer 43 Frat letter 44 Marsh 45 Comic Philips 46 Kitchen aid 48 Comic Poundstone 51 This — stickup!" 54 Answer to “How long?" 57 La Scale production 58 Ill-chosen 59 Tramp’s dress 30 Appropriate 31 Hillside debris 32 Plaster 33 “What —rare as..." 34 Pays attention Edited by Fran & Lou Sabin 65 Storm centers DOWN 1 Forsaken children 2 Fancy cravat 3 Soothsayers 4 Fifth Pillar of Islam 5 Loaf ends 6 Slow, at the Met 7 Rose oil 8 This is the forest —1* 9 Go it alone 10 Eucharist dish 11 Station house picturing system 12 Beethoven’s Sixth 13 CPR specialist 21 Customary 22 Clever remark 26 The tab’s his 27 Easy exchange 29 “For" vote 31 Sales pitch 32 Humiliates 33 1 followers 34 Messy joint 35 “—be in England...” 37 Tma’s ex 38 Small change, in Surrey 39 Queen or princess, e.g. 44 Brother 45 They’re best of all 47 Clio’s sister 49 Sensing 50 Called a strike? 51 Slovenia neighbor 52 Follow, musically 53 Ninnies 55 Angle 56 Impulse 57 “Who —to , say?” ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: s|h|a|m^a|l|p|a[ MmIaImIa I A M aBb OPT IB A V E S JP_JL__UjCJC^D CH_ Cl K E N S p| i Il|o|t|s|M01 r[o rM ■ H PIN YMS R A A n|a IF I A T R SB _A JL ^ E T HI jJ M 0_ N D| ClLlElAlTiMiO R^ T ¥■ pun TBBh o r n |BBai p. A R tBd a n e s_ Mason TBMBc' a m e r a PliJ^A N D R O^i. Y COL aMA G O R aMl I N A s|u1e1tBh|e|m1e|nMy|a1k|s 2/26/99 £ . |: