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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1999)
Work With Kids Lincoln Parks and Recreation summer playground po sitions ($5.70/h) June 7- July 30, M-F, 9:15am to 12:15prrr. Conduct outdoor activities for grade school children. Appy now at Parks and'recreation 2740 A Street. 441-7952 EOE/AA. Youth Camp Staff UNL Office of Cam pin Recreation Positions for students (40 hours/week and part-time positions available) May 31st - August 6th at $5.50 - $6.00 per hour. Qualifications: Previous experience re lated to youth activities and recreation is desirable. Lifeguards also needed. Applications available at 55 Campus Recreation Center or 32 East Campus Activities Building. Application deadline March 19th. The way to make money is right under this headline You can earn good money as a college intern for Northwestern Mutual Life. Plus, you get flexible hours and valuable business experience. If you're a junior, senior, or grad student, we invite you to attend an in formation session about our summer internship pro gram. Please call the Tews District Agency at 483-7871 today to sign up for one of our sessions. Mothers and Others Work from home. Earn $500-$4500/month. Call 1-800-935-1617. 600s IMIttS -■-r ^ .'/■ flaij; , cawOM Jamaica - Spring Break ‘99 Last call for Mazatlan and Cancun. Don’t miss out on this century's final spring break blow out party! Great prices that include FREE meals and FREE drinks! Call FREE for brochures and info. 1-800-395-4896. ( A Relaxation Opportunity Join others and relax for 35 minutes Tuesdays, 12:10-12:45. Drop in! Room 43, Lower Level, University Health Center. "A gnat way to get through the day!” Attention All Arts & Sciences Students Come to the Electic. i open forum for A&S on February 24 to meet your candidates slated for the spring election. City Union, Crib at from 1 to 3 p.m. Stop and Support Your Coltogel If you have any questions e-mail us at Attention Non Traditional Students ASUN needs your input! We need to know your con cerns to effectively produce change. Please stop by the ASUN office (115 Nebr. Union) to pick up a non traditional student survey, or e-mail us at asunl Attention TC Students TC Senate candidates debate, Tuesday, Feb. 23rd, at 7 p.m. in the Crib. Come support your fellow TC stu dents. Biology Club T-Shirts Orders for the Biology Club T-Shirts are now being taken in the Advising Center located at 101 Manter. Cost is approximately $15. Design available to look at in 101 Manter. Last day for orders will be Tuesday, Feb. 23 at the 5:30 meeting. For more information, please contact Meta in the Advising Center. Campus Red Cross Blood Drive February 23 and 24.11 a.m.-5 p.m. at the Student Un ion. Walk-ins welcomed. Career Fair Workshop Maximize experience and strategies. February 24, 5pm-6pm, Burnett 331. Everyone Welcome! Confidential Gay Men’s Discussion Group Wednesdays from 6 to 7:30 p.m.. For more information contact Dr. Luis Diaz-Perdomo at Counseling and Psychological Services at 472-7513 or e-mail or Rev. Phil Owen at 476-0355 or e-mail EXPERIENCE "SHANGRI-LA” AND “A JOURNEY TO MALAYSIA" With banquets, shows, exhibitions, food, games and many more. Brought to you by Asian Student Alliance and Malaysian Student Association. March 4th, 5th and 6th, City Union. Free Books Czech Language Foundation News UNL Students enrolled in Czech Language 101 and 102 for the 1999-2000 aca demic year will be reim bursed for required study materials up to a maximum of $60/semester. For more information, call 489-2755. Free Individual Counseling Free counseling available for students who want a supportive, friendly, and confidential environ ment. Call the Women’s Center at 472-2597 to set up an appointment. Intramural Tennis Table Singles Tuesday, February 23rd is the last day to enter Men’s and Women’s Table Tennis Singles. Don’t delay! Enter now at the Office of Campus Recreation. Call 472-3467 for more information. ■ -_ Intramural Flickerball Tournament Tuesday, February 23rd is the last day to enter the Men's, Women's and Co-Rec Flickerball Tournament. Enter your team now at the office of Campus Recreation, for more information, call 472-3467. Intramural Tennis Table Doubles Tuesday, February 23rd is the last day to enter Men's, Women’s and Co-Rec Table Tennis Doubles. Don’t de lay! Enter your team now at the office of Campus Rec reation. Call 472-3467 for more information. Scarlet and Cream Auditions Auditions for the Scarlet and Cream Singers are being held in Lincoln on March 13 and April 15. Call backs are May 2. Check out website for more information ( or call Julie (472-2490) to arrange an audition time. We are also seeking a technician for the ‘99-’00 year who is inter ested in training this spring. Must be a full time NU stu dent. Technical experience preferred. Call Shelley at (472-4222). Summer Opportunities Looking for a summer adventure with all expenses paid? Apply now for five weeks of challenge and ad venture. we will even payyou. No obligation. For more information, call Army ROTC, 472-4269. Tutors The Commuter and Student Services Center has a list of tutors for student use. Anyone wishing to be on the list either to tutor or in need of a tutor, fill out an appli cation at the ASUN Commuter and Student Services Center, 116 Nebr. Union. UNMC PHYSICAL THERAPY Representative will be at Arts and Sciences Advising, 107 OldH. Wednesday, Feb.24,10-2pm. Call 472-4190 for appointment. Volunteer Vacation Be a NU representative at the Spring Student Institute on Service. Spend the weekend volunteering, learning and growing. March 5-7. Sponsored by Student In volvement Call Amy or Ann at 472-2454. _ 3 Student INVOLVEMENT 1 University of Nfbraska-Lincoln Women’s Leadership Conference If you want to be empowered, then come to the 1999 Women’s Leadership Conference Saturday, February 27th at the Nebraska Union Auditorium. Registration can be picked up at Student Involvement or the Wom en's Center in advance or register the day of the event. Call Student Involvement at 472-2454 if you have any questions. Brick by Brick, Women Building a Community of Empowerment. Allies General membership meeting tonight at 9:30pm in the Union, room posted. Arts and Sciences Advisers Applications are available for undergraduate students in A&S for Arts and Sciences Student Advisor positions at 107 Oldfather. Deadline is Monday, March 1, 1999. Collegiate 4-H Meeting 7:30pm Tuesday, February 23 East Campus Union, 3rd floor office space. Questions, call 436-9518 FFA Alumni Meeting Tuesday, February 23rd, 8:00 p.m. East Cam pus Union, room posted. _ NSSLHA Meeting Thursday, February 25 at 7pm in Barkley room 130.__ NU MEDS Meeting tonight at 7:30 in the City Union. Dr. Stohs a Lincoln OBGYN will be speaking. Phi Beta Lambda Meetingon Feb. 23, 7:30pm, City Union (room posted). There will be a presentation on the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Please wear business casual attire. Everyone Welcome! Pre-Law Club Meeting Wednesday, Feb 24 at 6:00 pm. in the City Union. Public Relations Club Meeting tonight at 5pm, in Avery 201. Undergraduate Women in Business Meeting for 2/23 has been CANCELLED. Please watch CBA markerboard for upcoming meetings. UNL Wildlife Club Meeting Find out more about the Spring Creek Prairie from speaker Dave Sands, Wednesday, February 24th 7:00p.m. in the East Campus Union. UNLYOUNG DEMOCRATS Meeting tonight at 7:00 pm in the City Union. Elections will be held. ( axq Thank you for an excellent time at our BLT! The Men of Beta AIT Congratulations to Doug Glasshoff on being accepted to the Teachers College! -Your Brothers AIT Congratulations on all-house GPA of 3.246! AAA Congratulations to Melissa Tuttle on being accepted into the Teachers College. We are so proud of you! Delta love, your sisters. AAA Congratulations to Jenny Doud on being accepted into Creighton Pharmacy school. We are really proud of you! Delta Love, your sisters. MissmgCook Our cook has been missing tor over a week now. If you have seen her, contact us immediatly. WE ARE STARVING! We appreciate your help. The men of DU FARMHOUSE Thanks for joining us in a great initiation party. It was a blast. The men of DU. ITKA Congratualtions to our new Executive Council and Committee Heads: President: Travis Morris, External VP: David Stevens, Internal VP: Brian Feller, Treasurer: Ben Spargo, Se cretly: Vernon Miller, Risk Management: Josh Kuper, Rush: Nick Fitch, Pledge Educator: Jim Fitzpatrick, Sergeant-at-Arms: Alex Person, Alumni Relations: Chris Christensen, Athletics: Kendall Oakson, Brother hood: Justin Steinhauser, Campus Involvement: Nick Bums, Chaplin: Andy Pulte, Chartering: Jarrod Crouse, Community Service: Jason Bresley, Corresponding Service: Joel Mueller, Events: Nathan Lamp, Fundrais ing: Brad Olson, Historian: Dan McClure, Housing: Jared Hollinger & Mike Buckneberg. Internet: Brandon Moser, Membership Development: Mark Spotanski, Parent Relations: Brent Stanfield, Public Relations: Justin Clark, Scholarship: Rob Callahan, Social: Dustie Stanfield._ Triangle Congratulations to Joel P. for earning C.B.A. of the week! _HAIL TO THE CHIEF!_ ASUN TownhaH Meeting Students wanting information on the proposea consti tutional amendments and missed Monday's meeting have one more chance tomorrow at 2:30, City Union Crib. Good Luck Good luck to the following VOICE candidates in their respective forums/debates. A&S: Beth Augustine, Nat alie Hoover, Dustin Manhart, Heath Meilo, Jeff Nicola isen and Gina Todero. CBA: Jill Braband, Mike Buckneberg, Shene Perkins, Adam Thompson. TC: Josh Hingst and Marie Holtmeier. May the (green) force be with you! Position Open Publication Board Daily Nebraskan Advisory Board to the Board of Re gents - hire the editor, business manager, and advisor. Pub Bd. acts as a publisher for the Board of regents and serves as a liaison between the paper and its uni versity constitutencies, paying particular attention to complaints against the paper. Applications available at 115 Nebraska Union. Deadline 4:00p.m., March 5 Student Impact Team Tues.- Feb. 23 7:00 Selleck Hall Questions ?? - 472-2581 There is a difference! Another opportunity for you to meet VOICE candidates and ensure your VOICE is going to be acted upon at a Town Hall meeting in the Culture Center tonight at 8pm. Spring Nebraskan SB Earn up to $195 a month by donating potentially lifesaving plasma! ^ ^ A For your kJJ J Vr first plasma donation Visit our friendly, modem center and find out more about the opportunity to earn cash while helping others. ^ A /\ For your ^ Vf second plasma donation (within 21 days) As part of a Company research program, an experimental test will be performed on your plasma which could potentially benefit plasma product recipients in the years to come! Your research participation is entirely voluntary; however, it is required if you want to donate plasma. jgr NTCQN 1442 “0” St. 475-8645 Bio-Services, Inc. Must be 18-49 years of age. possess a valid ID and proof of local address and Social Security number.