The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 10, 1999, Page 6, Image 6

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Proposal would lower
legal alcohol level to .08
ALCOHOL from page 1
“I choose not to ignore ag opportu
nity to save additional lives,” she said.
From 1993 to 1997, she said, dri
vers with blood-alcohol levels of .08 to
.099 were involved in 29 fatal crashes.
Another 49 crashes during that period
involved drivers with blood-alcohol
concentrations of .10 to .129, she said,
citing statistics from the Nebraska
Office of Highway Safety. States that
have enacted .08 legislation have seen
decreases in alcohol-related crashes.
But Mary Campbell, who testified
for the Nebraska Beer Wholesalers
Association and the Wholesale Liquor
Distributors Association, said a num
ber of studies have shown that .08 leg
islation is not necessarily linked to sig
nificant declines in such classes.
The bill has anti-alcohol sentiment
behind it, she said.
Matt Herman, who also spoke for
the Nebraska Beer Wholesalers
Association, said the bill would result
in “harassment of citizens.”
A group of students from Lux
Middle School disagreed with him.
Eighth-graders Corrie Carlson,
Mitch Stuhr, Steven Beckman and
Rebekah Mangrum testified for the
committee. Thirty-eight of their class
mates in Tom Bare’s science class
attended the hearing.
“If you even remotely care about
the people living in the state of
Nebraska, you will drop the blood
alcohol level to .08,” Mangrum said.
Her teacher volunteered for
Lancaster County Sheriff Terry
Wagner’s demonstration of goggles
intended to create the effect of .08
Wagner also testified that drop
ping the level to .08 would allow
enforcement of .10 standards already
in place. Several witnesses testified
that few cases are prosecuted unless
the blood-alcohol concentration test
shows. 12.
Cheryl Rourke of the Nebraska
Emergency Nurses Association added
her support. She said she had seen too
many innocent people suffer.
“It’s never easy to walk out and tell
family members that their loved one
has died,” she said. “But it’s much
more difficult when you know it was
Pilot from crash
on golf course
treated, released
From staff reports
The pilot of the small plane that
crashed onto Highlands Public Golf
Course on Monday evening was
treated for minor injuries and
released that night.
John Sohl, 44, of Wahoo was
taken to BryanLGH Medical Center
West after the crash. Sohl suffered
knee injuries and minor cuts.
John Kennedy, terminal ser
vices manager for the Lincoln
Airport Authority, said the plane
went down with engine trouble
shortly after takeoff.
The plane flew about a mile
from the airport and climbed to
between 1,500 and 2,000 feet
before having problems, Kennedy
Before the crash, the pilot
radioed the control tower to report
his engine trouble, Kennedy said.
The plane had turned around
and started back toward the airport
before it crashed on the No. 10
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Police investigate bones
REMAINS from page 1
about 1,700 remains were surprised
and perplexed by die discovery.
James Riding In, a NAGPRA con
sultant for the Pawnee Tribe of
Oklahoma, said he thought the remains
might have been planted by someone at
die university.
Riding In said that though Reinhard
has been accused of committing illegal
acts and acting unprofessionally, the
university or activists should not jump
to conclusions that he is responsible for
the remains found in Room 109.
“Would Reinhard be that stupid?
Riding lh, who is an associate professor
of American Indian Studies at Arizona
State University inTempe. .. Maybe.
But I doubt it”
Hitchcock did not return calls to the
Daily Nebraskan on Tuesday.
Pemina Yellowbird, a member of
the Three Affiliated Tribes - Mandan,
Hidatsa and Arikara- said she was con
fused by the recent find.
Yellowbffd was die chairwoman of
a repatriation group that worked with
the university during the fall 1998
semester. She said the remains were
found Friday in the same drawer
remains were originally found in
October 1997.
“I’m really shocked,” she said. “I
wonder who had than. I wonder what
their motivations were for putting them
in that drawer.”
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Chancellor James Moeser was not
available for comment Tuesday after
noon but said in a statement tnatlhe
university would make “every effort” to
repatriate the bones.
“Regardless of how and why these
remains came to be in 109 Bessey, we
are as committed now to the NAGPRA
policies as we have been in the past.”
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