The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 09, 1999, Page 3, Image 3

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    Long-hair issue put on hold
Senior staff writer
In a private meeting Monday,
University of Nebraska Law College
faculty untangled themselves and
decided not to take any action regarding
one student’s “hairy issue.”
Thayne Glenn, a third-year NU law
student, will have to wait at least anoth
er month to hear the college’s response
to whether the Criminal Clinic, offered
through Lancaster County Attorney
Gary Lacey’s office, will be terminated.
Glenn, whose long red hair reaches
to the middle of his back when pulled in
a ponytail, was told he could not partic
ipate in the program because his long
hair was not typical of “appropriate
business-like attire.”
“If I would have known my hair was
going to be an issue, I would have
attended a private school,” Glenn said.
Third-year law students who are in
good academic standing are chosen to
participate in the program.
Glenn said after he was notified of
his acceptance to the clinic, Criminal
Clinic Director Alicia Henderson said
his hair may be an issue.
At Monday’s meeting, Henderson
said after Glenn was accepted to the
clinic, she told him his hair could be a
problem. Henderson said she then noti
fied Lacey.
Lacey told Glenn he would have to dents interested in discussing the issue,
cut his hair to take the class, Henderson However, because of scheduling con
said. flicts, the forum would not be held until
When contacted by the Daily March, she said.
Nebraskan, Lacey
would not comment on
his reasons for not
allowing men with long
hair to attend the clinic.
“I’m not going to go
into any of this any
more,” Lacey said. “It’s
all a matter of public
Law Professor John
Snowden questioned
the faculty and college’s
ability to respond and
I believe
our reputation
is being
John Snowden
law professor
“I’m certain that
faculty will be happy
to hear from stu
dents,” Rapoport said.
Snowden said he
opposed Lacey’s deci
sion and said the col
lege should not toler
ate discrimination.
“This is an arbi
trary, capricious
action,” Snowden
said “It is discrimina
act on Glenn s issue in a
timely matter.
“Neither the law school nor the
administration have spoken up,”
Snowden said. “I believe our reputation
is being harmed.” University of
Nebraska College of Law Dean Nancy
Rapoport said the college took no action
on the issue prior to Monday’s meeting
because faculty input was needed. But
Glenn questioned when students would
be able to voice their opinions.
Rapoport said students could only
express their opinions at faculty meet
ings if they are asked to. Three law stu
dents were present at the meeting.
Rapoport said the college is still
planning to have an open forum for stu
But some faculty
members said they agreed with Lacey
and said the college had an obligation to
the County Attorney’s Office.
Rapoport said Glenn’s issue will
ultimately be up to the college’s faculty
to decide.
Glenn said he liked the clinic and
did not want to see the college stop
working with the County Attorney’s
However, Glenn said he did want
this issue resolved, if not for him, for
future students.
“I’m not a perfect student, but I sure
am competent to argue a case - regard
less of die length of my hair,” he said.
“Other students are too.”
Party search ends in carjacking
A young man from Beatrice had his
car stolen at gunpoint while he was
cruising 0 Street Saturday night.
Lincoln Police recovered the car
Monday afternoon and arrested two
men for the robbery after a short pursuit.
Around 9 p.m. Saturday, the 21
year-old victim and a friend pulled into
a car wash at 33rd and O streets to wash
the victim’s car, Lincoln Police Sgt.
Todd Beam said.
While at the car wash, two other
men approached them asking if the vic
tim and his friend knew of any parties.
The four of them got into the vic
tim’s car and cruised O Street for about
a half hour.
When they got back to the car wash,
the victim told the two men in the back
they had to get out of his car.
One of them responded by pulling
out a sawed-off shotgun and telling the
victim and his friend to get out of the
car. The two suspects left through the
Monday afternoon the owner of a
storage facility at 35th Street and
Cornhusker Highway called police
because of a car parked in an unautho
rized stall, Capt. David Beggs said.
It turned out to be the stolen car, so
police set up surveillance to wait for the
suspects to return.
Four people showed up around 3:30
p.m., and when police made contact,
three of them fled by car west on
Comhusker Highway.
The police followed, and the three
suspects - two men and a woman -
made a U-turn.
The pursuit continued east on
Comhusker Highway to 47th Street and
Baldwin Avenue where the suspects
stopped their car and fled on foot.
All three were taken into custody in
an alley a few blocks away.
Beggs said none of the suspects
have been connected to Saturday night’s
Compiled by senior staff writer
Josh Funk
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■ WM Of Nebraska
5 shocking truths that can help you nail your dream job
Let’s face it. Nobody looks forward to job interviews. A total stranger
stares you down for an hour while you sit there uncomfortably in
your pantyhose, trying to sound super-intelligent while also
remembering to keep your legs crossed correctly. While you’d prefer
to avoid thinking about the whole thing, and just get through it when
the time comes - Don’t! Here are a few ’insider" insights about the
whole process that may shock you. but can help you better connect
with your interviewer and distinguish yourself from the competition.
Well, they’re not really obsolete, but they are only one piece of the job
puzzle. "Most people spend much more time on their resume than
they do preparing for each interview. That's a huge mistake," says
Bruce Tulgan. the author of Work this Way. a book about how to thrive
in your first few jobs. "People can easily lie on resumes. The interview
paper or project for a favorite class, or a team sport that you
play. Make It dear that you will be Just as hungry and
passionate about the Job for which you are Interviewing.
Most people spend time preparing answers that will showcase their
intelligence, savvy and interest in a company. This is important. But
preparing some thoughtful, well-researched questions can accomplish
the same thing - and often with greater impact! When the interviewer
gets around to "Any questions?' (and he or she will), that’s your
chance to strut any stuff that you haven't been asked abbut during
the course of the interview. What you reveal in a well-thought-out
question might even nail you the job. Jodi Kantor. a New York City
college grad, used this strategy to beat out heavy competition for a
exam.They read all the obvious material to make sure they know
"who. what and where" This is a great start, but it's just the tip of the
icebeig. Reading a company’s recruiting brochure and spitting it back
in the interview won’t impress anyone. To really stand out you need to
arm yourself with current and substantive information about the com
pany and industry. Thanks to today’s technology, this does not have to
be a daunting or time consuming proposition. You can learn a lot with
minimal effort and make a great impact because most other under
grad candidates won't take the extra step.
What to Do:
• Read the newspttperl See what's happening In the world that
might be relevant to the respective company or Industry.
• Call and ask for a company's sales materials to see how they
talk to their customers.
• Use on-line Info like company or news web
is mucn more important, which is why recruiters
spend so much time doing them - and why you
should spend time getting ready."
What to da
• Think about all the time you will spend on
your Job search; then, carve out a chunk of
rs to prep for your Interviews.
The Secret Success Series
brings you Information designed to help you achieve your personal and career goals.
Watch for the rest of this series In future issues of your school newspaper.
job as political aide to the Mayor. When she interviewed for the _ . .. _
sites. Sites /Mrewww. carry great
company and industry profiles for sale.
• Utilize free news Information resources at
your school library /MceLexis/NexIs or the
Bloomberg News Service.
Okay, so you may not have a ton of real work experience. But that's
not what recruiters are really looking for when they are hiring new
college grads. Believe it or not, the very fact that you are young can
be worth a lot to many companies. They're in search of a 22-year
old’s energy and fresh perspective. You may have a whole new way of
looking at things, and that’s invaluable to most companies. "Frankly,
experience is not very important to us," says Tom Scott, co-founder of
Nantucket Nectars, a booming small beverage company with
current annual sates over $50 million. "We can teach you to do the
things you need to do here. What we're looking for is hunger" As Scott
suggests, entry-level job interviews are not designed to weigh your
experience, they're supposed to measure your smarts, enthusiasm,
personality and passion.
What to do:
• Instead of fust describing your past summer Jobs, focus on
stories that showcase your energy and passion for the
activities you ready care about. Or, talk about how your
leadership has made a difference. While your examples may
be summer Jobs, they may also be a concert you organized, a
position she wanted to highlight her passion for and understanding of
the job. She called on her own experience with New \brk's parking
ticket and birth certificate bureaucracy to make her point. "I made
sure to ask specific questions about whether I could work on
customer service projects that would fix problems similar to the ones
I had faced as a city resident.' she says. Turns out that the Mayor was
launching some big service initiatives in that area. Kantor's interviewer
was so impressed with her genuine interest in the city's problems that
he hired her and put her on the team to help solve them.
What to Do:
• Stay away from obvious questions (l.ej the ones answered In
the company literature). Instead, find out what your Inter
viewer thinks about a relevant company or Industry Issue.
Or, ask about a specific part of the fob that Is of particular
Interest to you.
Many people look at propping for an interview like studying for an
rroDaDiy tne most important piece or information a recnuter will
want to know but will never ask directly is "What is this person like to
be around?" A good recruiter knows you will be working some long
hours in a dosed room with other people. You better believe that a
key question on his or her checklist is "Do I want to work with this
person? Would my colleagues want to work with this person" Let's
face it. many people will have the same skills as you. but not every
one can package those skills with your personality. You want the
recruiter to walk away wanting to work with'you!
What to Dcx
• Make sure pieces of YOU come out In the Interview!'
Be confident about yourself, and communicate
with energy and enthusiasm. Don’t
be ahold to laugh when
appropriate or
talk about < ^
a personal Issue
tomakea ^
relevant point. "Strong Enough for 8 Man. But Made for a Woman: