The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 09, 1999, Page 12, Image 12

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    SUMMER EMPLOYMENT (June through August) at
Camp Lincoln/Camp Lake Hubert in Minnesota’s Lake
country since 1909. Meet new friends, expand horizons,
rewarding work with children, develop leadership
skills, 30 water/land activities. Specific job information,
internships and applications available at Student Em
ployement and Intern Center, 345 Nebraska Union.
Sign up in advance for a personal interview on campus
Wednesday, February 10.
Work With Kids
Lincoln Parks and Recreation summer playground po
sitions ($5.70/h) June 7- July 30, M-F, 9:15am to
12:15pm. Conduct outdoor activities for grade school
children. Appy now at Parks and recreation 2740 A
Street. 441-7952 EOE/AA.
Spring Break ‘99
Last call for Mazatlan and Cancun. Don’t miss out on
this century’s final spring break blow out party! Great
prices that include FREE meals and FREE drinks! Call
FREE for brochures and info. 1-800-395-4896.
Spring Break-Last Chance
To “Break witnthe Best!” Join us in Cancun, Jamaica,
Mazatlan, or S.Padre. Prices from $399. SAVE $200 +
get FREE meals & parties. 1-800-SURFSUP
Assertiveness Training
Learn to communicate your thoughts and feelings
more effectively.
Thursday 2:30 - 4:30pm February 11 - April 8
Call Mary 472-7450.
Attention Pre-Law Students
A representative from Hamline School of Law will be in
the Arts and Sciences Advising Center, 107 Oldfather
Hall on Tuesday, Feb. 9, 9:30-11:30am. Please call
472-4190 for an appointment or stop by.
If you-love someone...
let them know.
If you need someone...
lot it show.
If you need some help...
Present your ad for the Valentine's Day special section.
The first 50 people who prepay their ad in person at the classified
desk will receive a FREE 20-minute Calling Card, courtesy of Afiant
Communications & The Daily Nebraskan. First come, first served.
The Daily Nebraskan
Lower level of the Nebraska Union
472-2588 •
Attention Pre-Law Students
A representative from Drake Law School will be in the
Arts and Sciences Advising Center, 107 Oldfather Hall
on Wed, Feb 10,12:30-2:3). Please call 472-4190 for
an appointment or stop by.
Camp Challenge: Summer
Leadership School
So you didn’t sign up for ROTC as a freshman or
sophomore. Catch up at Army ROTC Camp Challenge,
a paid five week summer course with college credit in
leadership training that allows you to bypass the first
two years of Army ROTC. Call 472-4269 for details.
Confidential Gay Men’s
Discussion Group
Wednesdays from 6 to 7:30 p.m.. For more information
contact Dr. Luis Diaz-Perdomo at Counseling and
Psychological Services at 472-7513 or e-mail or Rev. Phil Owen at
476-0355 or e-mail
Congratulations on 1999 SAA
New Member Class
Paul Pankonin
Paul Horky
Cortney VanCleave
Dana Novak
Alyssa Hoffman
Karen Meier
Quinn Laging
Morgan Williams
Becky Block
Sam Manzitto
Abby Snavely
Jenny Semerad
Michelle Starr
Suzanne Minarick
Kourtney Mueller
Adam Thompson
David Kavanaugh
Stacy Domnanish
Allison Hamiel
Shelby Pridie
Marnee Stolcpart
Brenda Bogaert
Anne Vlach
Andrew Graff
Marc Boggy
Matthew Greenquist
Tasha Cotton
Julie Joe
Friend or Foe?
Did you know that the Pill can clear your complexion?
Did you also know that the Pill can wreck relationships,
cheapen life, and cause abortions? Join Janet Smith,
Ph.D., Associate Professor of Philosophy at the
University of Dallas, as she takes a look at the
emotional and moral impact of contraception. Smith’s
presentation will be held Tues., Feb. 9, 7:30pm, at the
Pius X High Auditorium, 6000 A St., Lincoln.
Eating Issues Support Group
Looking for a small, comfortable environment with
women who are struggling with eating issues? CALL
Tricia at 472-9428 for more information.
Paper Money coupon books
Pick yours up at
Commuter & Student Services
116 Nebr. Union
Free Individual Counseling
Free counseling available for students who want
a supportive, friendly, and confidential environ
ment. Call the Women’s Center at 472-2597 to
set up an appointment.
Have you hugged your
Volunteer Spirit Award applications available at Student
Involvement, 200 NU and 300 ECU. Help honor
our UNL volunteers! Deadline February 19. Call
472-2454 for information.
Honors Program Ice Skating
Thursday at 10:30 at the Ice Box. Bring $1 for skate
Intramural 9-Ball Pool
The last day to enter 9-ball Pool is Tuesday, February
9th. Don’t delay. Enter now at the Office of Campus
Recreation. Call 472-3467 for more information.
Water Volleyball Tournament
The last day to enter the Men's, Women’s and Co-Rec
Water Volleyball Tournament is Tuesday, February 9th.
Don't delay. Enter now at the office of Campus Recre
ation. Call 472-3467 for more information.
Laura Cockson
Memorial Scholarship
Information and application
avaiiabie at the fotowing iocatkma
ASUN-115 City Union
Student Involvement-City and East Union
Multi-Cultural Affairs-220 Admin
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs-106 Admin
Deadline Feb. 26
Love Kids?
Volunteers needed to help supervise Cornerstone En
richment Project involving multiracial students from
Lincoln schools. Meats Mondays from 3:30-5pm at
Cornerstone Church on campus. Call Tiffany Burns at
476-0355 to express interest.
Student Organization Office Space Applications
for 1999-2000 are now avaiiabie! Applications
are INSIDE the February issue of the Channels
newsletter, mailed directly to organization Pres
idents’ and Advisers’ on-campus maBbox. Appli
cations give organizations consideration for of
fice space, desk space, and/or ftting/storage
space in the Nebraska Unions and culture Cen
ter. Additional applications are available in Stu
dent Involvement (City and East). The deadline
for application submissions is Friday, February
12, i999. For additional information, contact
Student Involvement at 472-2454.
The Women's Center needs volunteers. This is a great
way to learn more about women’s issues, to get involved
on campus and the community, to meet people
and make friends. If you’re interested, call the Women’s
Center at 472-2597 or stop by our office, 340 Nebraska
Union, and fill out an application.
You Love Someone?
Of Course You Do!
Send a Valentine for $5.00/15 words
$0.15/additional words. $0.75 billing charges.
All ads include the heart artwork.
Deadline: February 11th, before 3pm
Email your ad to, Fax: 4721761, phone:
472-2588 or bring it in to the
Dialy Nebraskan Office at 34 Nebraska Union.
AEAC Monthly Meeting
Tuesday, February 9th in room 210 Filley Hall, 5:00pm
Pizza and pop will be served.
General meeting tonight at 9:30pm in teh Union. Eve
ryone is invited.
Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, February 10 at
6:00pm in the East Union. Leon Higley will be speaking.
Room to be posted.
Meeting in City Union at 5pm, Tuesday. Feb. 9th.
Hope you can make it there Heath.
Attention Pre- PA Students!
Pre- Physician Assistant Club meeting Thursday, Feb
ruary 11 at 5pm in Oidfather 304. Individual PA’s will
discuss their roles within the profession. Be there!
Campus Red Cross
Wednesday, February 10th, 5pm, in basement of the
University Health Center.
Circle K
Volunteer with us in our community. Meetings Tuesdays
at 7:30 pm in Union. Questions, call Mark at
Collegiate 4-H
Meeting If ebruary 10th
at 7:30pm
in the Neihardt Pine Room
New Members
Questions, call: 436-9519.
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Friend or Foe?
Did you know that the Pill can clear your complexion?
Did you also know that the Pill can wreck relationships, I
cheapen life, and cause abortions? Join Janet Smith,
Ph.D., Associate Professor of Philosophy at the
University of Dallas, as she takes a look at the
emotional and moral impact of contraception. Smith’s
presentation will be held Tues., Feb. 9, 7:30pm, at the '
Pius X High Auditorium, 6000 A St., Lincoln.
FFA Alumni
Work night meeting February 9 at 7pm, East Campus
Union, room posted. Free Pizza!
How to get into Law School?
Criminal Justice Student Association meeting Thursday,
Feb 11 in 1105 Neihardt at 7pm. Representative
from UNL Law School speaking. Anyone interested
welcome to attend.
Phi Beta Lambda
Social event on February 9. We will be bowling at
Madsen's. Meet at the south doors of the Union at
7:30pm Rides will be provided if necessary. Everyone
Pre-Vet Club
Will hold its meeting tonight at 7:00pm in the East
Campus Union.
Public Relations Club
Meeting tonight Feb 9 at 5pm. Avery 201 ■
Students in Free Enterprise
Important meeting. All project managers must attend.
New members welcome. Meet are new advisor, free
pizza! Wednesday, February 10th at 5:00 in CBA 140,
Undergraduate Women
in Business
Meeting with Michelle St.Clair from Schwendiman
Partners, Tuesday, Feb. 9th at 6:00pm in CBA 108.
Business attire. New members welcome!
UNL Wildlife Club
Meeting, Wednesday at 7pm in East Campus Union,
room to be posted. Quest speaker: Tammy
VerCauteren discussing Sandhill Cranes.
UNL Young Democrats
Meeting Tuesday at 7pm in Union. There will be free
pizza and pop.
Congratulations to Sarah Scheeger - President of
Teachers College Advisory Board, Rhiannon Kenner -
Vice President of TCAB, and Steph Scheerger - Activi
ties Chair of TCAB. Have fun at Oxford - Mindy
Nowak, Katie McGowan, Leslie Grosshans, Melissa
Gonnion, Marie Holtmeier, and Amanda Whitman.
Good luck to Elizabeth Bahensky on the upcoming golf
Congratulations to Melissa Anderson, Cara Medley,
Megan Mickey, Sara Strongin, Kate Toalson, and Jen
nifer Wagner on being selected for Leadershape.
Xi Love, Yours Sisters
Congrats to Heath for receiving the Conagri scholarship.
Way to go.
Vour Brothers
A belated thanks for the wonderful dinner exchange.
We enjoyed the view.
~~-The Farmhouse men |
A belated thank you for the dinner exchange. Schutte
& Wickham where were you?
The men of AGN
Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
-The Men of Chi Phi
Missing our 1996 composite. We would like it back- no
questions asked. Please call 436-7919 if you have any
Congratulations to our new initiates:
Tate Berg, Josh Brummels, Scottt Cameron, Carl
Dudzinski, Mike Echternact, Chris Gustasson, Paul
Horky, Eric Keetle, Mark Manning, Andy Mixan, John
Shandera, Tony Sibert, Chris Smith, TJ Teetor, Paul
Timm, Jared Tremayne, Travis Tysdal.
- Your brothers
Thanks for the great FAC last weekend. We'll throw
quarters down with you anytime!
-The Ment of DU
Congratulations to our 4.0 and 3.5 and above scholars.
4.0’s: Robbie Butler, Nick Fitch, Nick Mercure and
Jamie Sather. 3.5 and above: Jason Bresley, Mike
Buckneberg, Brian Feller,'Jared Hollinger, Josh D.
Johnson, Dustin Kessler, Dan McChane, Brandon Mo
ser, Bob Parmley, Josh Ramirez, Ben Spargo, Dustie
Stanfield, Justin tabor, Zach Taylor and Jake Wobig.
-Your Brothers
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It's time to think smart about your future! If you have a strong customer service focus,
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Shop Smart. Live Well.
Congratulations to the Honorary Sig of the week, Justin
Johnson. We appreciate your contribution to the
-Your Brothers
Deadline Extended
Applications Available for*
Student Court 1999-2000
Deadline is February 12
Applications availableat 11 ^Nebraska Union
“irfurirr TrtfiiT^^nrT*
Help us put the Focus back on students at the Town
Hali meeting Tuesday. Today in the Neihardt Blue TV
lounge at 8:30pm.
Student Impact Team
Tues. - Feb. 9
7:00 Selleck Hall
Questions ?? - 472-2581
University Judicial Board
Position Open
Students interested in applying for these open positions
are urged to attend a training session on Tuesday,
Februay 9 at 5:00pm in the City Union- room to
be posted. Applications are available at 115 NU. Dead
line is Friday, February 12. Questions- call the ASUN
office 472-2581. _
Friend or Foe?
Did you know that the Pill can clear your complexion?
Did you also know that the Pill can wreck relationships,
cheapen life, and cause abortions? Join Janet Smith,
Ph.D., Associate Professor of Philosophy at the
University of Dallas, as she takes a look at the
emotional and moral impact of contraception. Smith’s
presentation will be held Tues., Feb. 9, 7:30pm, at the
Pius X High Auditorium, 6000 A St., Lincoln.
Found: black Jansport messanger style bag at 19th
and O St. Call 484-7933 to identify.
Found: Case of CD’s on top of car. To claim call: