Summer Employment Top Five Reasons to work at Camp Foster YMCA: 5. Resume Builder 4. 75 College age staff members 3. Iowa's #1 Summer Camp- East Lake Okoboji 2. Grow as an individual 1. Positively influence children See us at the Job Fair Feb 25 Get an application today: 1(800)456-9622 - http://www.ncn.nct/~foster cm§ Street Lincoln. NE 68521 477-4764 Bud & Bud Light 18pk Cans E R |Prices good February 8-14 6NRUI*lMMM*NNtt fl ' ==T Blowout AIMnclusIvo Specials Discounts Un to $100 ^rj\ CIAS^Save1 1 ' ' .1 SPRING BREAK ‘99 Guaranteed lowest prices to Cancun, Jamaica & Panama City Beach. Student Travel Services 1-800-648-4849 On campus contact: Josh at (402) 436-7871 Rich (402) 438-7819 Spring Break-Last Chance To “Break with the Best!” Join us in Cancun, Jamaica, Mazatlan, or S.Padre. Prices from $399. SAVE $200 + get FREE meals & parties. 1-800-SURFSUP Are You Interested in Sponsoring an Election Debate? Come to the information meeting to get details about hosting a debate for the upcoming Student Government elections. If you are interested but can not attend the meeting, please call Marlene at 472-2581. Monday, Feb.8 4:00pm- City Union Room to be posted Attention Criminal Justice Majors Looking for a job in law enforcement? Consider Army ROTC. Start your career as a police lieutenant rather than a patrol officer. Call Army ROTC, 472-4269/ Attention Pre-Law Students A representative fro Hamline School of Law will be in the Arts and Sciences Advising Center, 107 Oldfather Hali on Tuesday, Feb. 9, 9:30-11:30am. Please call 472-4190 for an appointment or stop by. Be Special Send a Valentine Ad! $5.00/15 words. $0.15/additional words. $0.75 billing charges. All ads include the heart artwork. Deadline: February 11th before 3pm You can send us your ad by email:, Fax: 472-1761, Phone: 472-2588 or bring it over to the Daily Nebraskan Office at 34 Nebraska Union. Aim Congratulations on 1999 SAA New Member Class Paul Pankonin Paul Horky Cortney VanCleave Dana Novak Alyssa Hoffman Karen Meier Quinn Laging Morgan Williams Becky Block Sam Manzitto Abby Snaveiy Jenny Semerad Michelle Starr Suzanne Minarick Kourtney Mueller Adam Thompson David Kavanaugh Stacy Domnanish Allison Hamiel Shelby Pridie Mamee Stoic part Brenda Bogaert AnneVlach Andrew Graff Marc Boggy Matthew Greenquist Tasha Cotton Julie Joe Contraception Friend or Foe? Did you know that the Pill can clear your complexion? Did you also know that the Pill can wreck relationships, cheapen life, and cause abortions? Join Janet Smith, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Dallas, as she takes-a look at the emotional and moral impact of contraception. Smith's presentation will be held Tues., Feb. 9, 7:30pm, at the Pius X High Auditorium, 6000 A St., Lincoln. Eating Issues Support Croup Looking for a small, comfortable environment with women who are struggling with eating issues? CALL Tricia at 472-9428 for more information. FREE - FREE PAPER MONEY Paper Money coupon books Pick yours up at Commuter & Student Services 116 Nebr. Union Intramural 9-BaH Pool The last day to enter 9-ball Pool is Tuesday, February 9th. Don’t delay. Enter now at the Office of Campus Recreation. Call 472-3467 for more information. Intramural Water Volleyball Tournament The last day to enter the Men's, Women's and Co-Rec Water Volleyball Tournament is Tuesday, February 9th. Don't delay. Enter now at the office of Campus Recre ation. Call 472-3467 for more information. Laura Cockson Memorial Scholarship ... Information and application available at the following locations ASUN -115 City Union Student Involvement - City and East Union Multi- Cultural Affairs - 220 Admin . Vice Cha. Stu. Affairs -106 Admin Deadline February 26 NE Ontometric Association Randy Reeves Teach - In The Cornerstone (16th and U, on the UNL Cam pus), Saturday, February 13th, 2-4:OOpm. Learn About racism in sentencing and be part of the solution. UNMC Dentistry Representative will be at Arts & Sciences Advising, 107 OldH, Monday, Feb 8 from 1-5pm. call 472-4190 for appointment. Campus Red Cross Wednesday, February 10th, 5pm, in basement of the University Hearth Center. Circle K Volunteer with us in our community. Meetings Tuesdays at 7:30 pm in Union. Questions, call Mark at 436-9411. Contraception Friend or Foe? Did you know that the Pill can clear your complexion? Did you also know that the Pill can wreck relationships, cheapen life, and cause abortions? Join Janet Smith, Ph.D.,.Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Dallas, as she takes a look at the emotional and moral impact of contraception. Smith’s presentation will be held Tues., Feb. 9, 7:30pm, at the Pius X High Auditorium, 6000 A St., Lincoln. FFA Alumni Work night meeting February 9 at 7pm, East Campus Union, room posted. Free Pizza! Pre-Vet Club Will hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 9th at 7:00pm in the East Campus union. Students in Free Enterprise SIFE Important meeting. AH project managers must attend. New members welcome. Meet are new advisor, free pizza! Wednesday, February 10th at 5:00 in CBA 140. Undergraduate Women in Business Meeting with Michelle St.Clair from Schwendiman Partners, Tuesday, Feb. 9th at 6:00pm in CBA 108. Business attire. New members welcome! UNL Young Democrats Meeting Tuesday at 7pm in Union. There will be free pizza and pop. ATN Thanks for the dinner exchange. It was quite entertain ing! Love, the Ladies of Alpha Xi Delta ATA Congratulations to Brock LaSure on getting into UNMC Medical School. -Your Brothers ATA Missing our 1996 composite. We would like it back- no questions asked. Please call 436-7919 if you have any information. Congratulations to Brenda Bogaert on being selected -UOB Your Sisters $M Congratulations to Tiffany Krivan on her pearling to MattBryl (Triangle). -UOB, your sisters Fun Facts Greeks consistently achieve higher scholarships than the all campus average. GREEKS Creation is a new Greek store that can offer you all the items you want, plus some new ones. Classic sewn on letters, embroidery and screen printed apparel, glass ware, etc. Plus a lot of new things you won't get any where else. Call or stop in and see what we offer or let us work up a design for your next philanthropy or event. Call 477-4401. Give us a try we’re close by at 1720 0 St. ZA Announces our new officer team: President: Karen Faulkner 1st Vice President: Crystal Nelson 2nd Vice President: Heather Jensen Secretary: Holly Daniels Treasurer Marci Hamilton Rush Chair: Jennifer Bridger Philanthropy Chair Jessica Snelbum Leadership/Scholarship Chair Megan Patent Historian/Alumni Relations: Cindy Ratkovec Public Relations Chair Marissa Carstens Assistant MCE/Rush Chair Robyn Loseke Social/Song Chair Sara Greer Chaplain/Seargent of Arms: Sarah Finkhouse ZA Congratulates: Robyn Loseke, Sarah Greer and Karen Faulkner on their new summer jobs! Also, congratula tions to Karen Boswell on her recent engagement. Many years of happiness to both of you. ZA Wishes to welcome our new sisters: Marissa Carstens Sarah Finkhouse Sarah Green Robyn Loseke Sonya Plugge Jessica jSheTbum Welcome Gammas! Deadline Extended Applications Available for’ Student Court 1999-2000 Deadline is February 12 Applications available at 115 Nebraska Union Focus Help us put the Focus back on students at the Town Hall meeting Tuesday. Tomorrow in the Neihardt Blue TV lounge at 8:30pm. University Judicial Board Position Open Students interested in applying for these open positions are urged to attend a training session on Tuesday, Februay 9 at 5:00pm in the City Union - room to be posted. Applications are available at 115 NU. Dead line is Friday, February 12. Questions - call the ASUN office 472-2581. Contraception Friend or Foe? Did you know that the Pill can clear your complexion? Did you also know that the Pill can wreck relationships, cheapen life, and cause abortions? Join Janet Smith, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Dallas, as she takes a look at the emotional and moral impact of contraception. Smith’s presentation will be held Tues., Feb. 9, 7:30pm, at the Pius X High Auditorium, 6000 A St., Lincoln. Happy Birthday Awesome! I hope all of your birthday wishes come true! -Your best friend, .Princess ♦ PSYCHIC READINGS ♦ By Julia Advice on love, health, marriage and business. Call for an appointment, 484-7567. •* Found: black Jansport messanger style bag at 19th and O St. Call 484-7933 to identify. i Earn up to $195 a month by donating potentially lifesaving plasma!