The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 08, 1999, Page 14, Image 14

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Free concert to showcase tal
ents of NU faculty
The School of Music at the
University of Nebraska-Lincoln will
give a free presentation of classic spiri
tuals performed by faculty artist Daryl
The free concert begins at 8 p.m.
Thursday at Kimball Recital Hall.
White will play the trumpet with
the help of Grammy-award winning
gospel musician and friend Eddie
Howard, Jr.
Howard currently works as musical
director for the group The Clark Sisters.
White, an assistant professor of
trumpet at UNL, is dedicating the per
formance to his parents.
“This concert will contain some of
the music from the first days of my
musical life,” White said in a press
release statement
White plans to perform an array of
gospel selections including many spiri
tual standards such as “Amazing
Grace,” “Jesus Loves Me” and
“Precious Lord ”
The trumpeter has a grocery list of
academic-based, musical credentials.
For example, White has been a clini
cian and soloist for the Mile High Jazz
Festival for the past four years.
Haydon gallery displays ‘all that jazz’ in pictures
JAZZ from page 12
which in some way or another, has
been the soundtrack of our lives. In it,
the feet, the mind and the heart are all
To capture the objects of their
affection, the photographers in this
exhibit rely mainly on black and
white photography.
“I think a lot of color photography
falls on its face,” Hinely said. “It
relies so much on the color that when
. you take it apart compositionally, the
geometry is not there.”
Black and white film forces the
photographer to think about the com
position. It provides discipline,
McGehee said.
“Just by getting down to more
basic considerations, it’s easier to
find the grace that is there,” Hinely
McGehee also said black and
white photography capitalizes on a
split in reality.
“There is something undeniably
real about a photo. However, the
black and white removes it one step
away from the world and gives it an
element of abstraction,” McGehee
This abstraction accents the
intensity and romance inherent in
While the photographers take pic
tures of the musicians whom they
respect, most take pictures of musi
cians who are close, lifelong buddies.
“We’re not only taking pictures of
our heroes. We’re taking pictures of
our friends - people we get Christmas
cards from,” Hinely said.
The exhibit itself is the result of a
longtime friendship between
McGehee and Hinely.
Ever since the two attended
undergraduate school together at
Washington and Lee in Virginia,
Hinely has inspired McGehee as an
artist. Last year, McGehee knew he
wanted to do an exhibit of Hinely’s
He asked Hinely, “If you could
exhibit your work with any 10 jazz
photographers, who would they be?”
Hinely made a list of 11 artists,
from Berlin to Berkeley, Calif. Then,
he and McGehee started making
calls. Ten of the artists accepted.
A few weeks ago, the packages
carrying the photographs started to
arrive at McGehee’s house. When he
opened them, McGehee said, “It was
like Christmas 11 times.”
McGehee said it was thrilling to
see actual prints of photographs he’d
seen on album covers, in magazines
and on postage stamps.
“Some of this is like holding his
tory in your hands,” he said.
B-movies to star in first
low-budget film festival
B-MOVIES from page 12
is pretty disconnected from the
financial aspect. Orson Welles was
Orson Welles no matter how much
money he had to put into a film.”
And it is the search for a new
Orson Welles that is one of the main
reasons behind this contest, Hall
“There’s a lot of talent out there
that either can’t make it into the
Hollywood system or hasn’t both
ered trying, he said. We hope we
can find some of these people and
give them exposure they otherwise
couldn’t get.”
Contest entries can be shot on
film or video, but should be submit
ted onVHS videotape. Entry fees are
$35 per feature and $25 per short.
The deadline for submission is Aug.
1. For more information, contact Salt
City Home Video at (315) 428-9602
or visit them at http://www.b
One environment. One simple way to care for it.
Earth Share
402-472-1761 (FAX)
34 Nebraska Union
P.O. Box 880448
Lincoln, NE 68588-0448
$5.00/15 words
$3.50/15 words (students)
$0.15 each additional word
$0.75 billing charge
$0.75/line headline
Deadline: 3 p.m. weekday prior
205 Bicycles
210 Books
213 Clothing
216 Computers
220 Furniture
230 Jewelry
240 Miscellaneous
250 Pets
255 Photo Equipment
265 Stereos & TVs
270 Ticket Exchange
290 Vehicles
300 Adoption
305 Alterations/Sewing
310 Automotive
320 Bridal
338 Employment
340 Entertainment
348 Hairstyling
350 Health/Fitness
355 Instruction/Tutoring
365 Legal Services
370 Miscellaneous
378 Pregnancy
385 Rentals
388 Tanning
390 Tattooing
395 Typing/Resumes
400 Roommates
410 Housing Wanted
420 Rooms for Rent
430 Houses for Rent
440 Duplexes for Rent
450 Apartments for Rent
460 Summer Housing
470 Mobile Homes
490 Homes for Sale
500 Help Wanted
510 Child Care
520 Work Study
530 Summer Jobs
540 Internships
555 Business Opportunities
600 Rides
603 Spring Break Trips
610 Announcements
615 Meetings
620 Greek Affairs
630 Student Government
640 Personals
645 Lost & Found
650 Wanted
660 Fundraising
670 900 Numbers
20% For safe
Microsoft Office ‘97 Pro, $75. Full version, unopened
and unregistered. 800-935-0008.
Drafting table for sale, 1 year old. Asking $150 obo,
contact Troy at 436-9981.
Djembe Drums
Handmade in Afnca, all natural materials, a unique qift.
Call Steph at 438-2918.
Dave Matthews, Feb. 26th, Des Moines Civic Center.
300s Services
Auto Accidents & DWI
Other criminal matters, call Sanford Pollack 476-7474.
Pregnancy Test
Birthright is a confidential helping hand. Please call for
appointment or more information, 483-2609. Check
out our website
Academic Expressions
Resumes, curriculum vitae, theses, dissertations,
newsletters. Academic editing, MLA/APA/AP/Chicago
Manual. 402-628-2221.
400s Housing
Female roommate to share three bedroom townhouse.
$221 plus 1/3 of the bills. 421-3730,.Cory or Tracey.
Looking for a non-smoking male/female roommate for
3 bedroom apartment, $175/month + 1/3 utilities. Call
Bob or Zac 438-1735.
Looking for M/F roommate. Nice room, private bath,
five minutes to campus. 472-5439 or 476-8480(Lai).
ROOMMATE NEEDED! Close to campus, washer/dryer,
all appliances. Cheap! Call Chris or Tarra at
Two roommates needed for 3 bedroom house,
$2l5/month +1/3 utilities. Call for details at 438-7865.
3 bedroom, near UNL, $600.432-6644.
2301 Vine. Very nice large 3BR, 1 1/2 baths, parking,
basement, near campus, $675.
1541N. 26th. Nice 5BR, 2 bath, near campus, $850.
1237 Court Nice 3BR, 1 i/2 bath, garage, near campus,
$650. Call 432-0644.
3BR, 11/2 bath, walk to campus, 700 Y St., dishwasher,
C/A, W/D included, $630,489-9294.
Group to Rent
Five bedroom, two baths. All utilities paid, washer/dryer,
new carpet, $260/person. 1407 N. 19th,
Brand new 3BR, 2BA Duplex. Diswasher, disposal, 2
car garage. Available Feb. 1st $795. 1021 & 1025 Mi
chelle Ct. Call Mitzi 465-6034 or Don 430-7880.
Large 1 & 3 BR duplexes, 4 bedroom house near both
campuses. 489-5168.
Near campus, new 3 bedroom, 2 baths, garage. 2430
U, 1850 N. 24th. $600-$800.438-3393 or 440-2225.
3baths, double attached garage, all appliances,
wash/dry, dishwasher. Campus close. Reduced to
$795. HIP *465-8911._
1BR 2000 J St, Clean $295
2BR 2000 J St, Nice $350
2BR1501 S 19th, New carpet $395
No Smokers or Pets 440-3000
in Unique Complex between campuses, super clean,
3-month leases, newer decor,
stove/fridge/dishwasher/disposal/blinds, parking, cen
tral heat/air, laundry, gas/water/garbage paid, enclosed
patios, big closets, breakfast bar, $345,
One large one bedroom: ‘Jacuzzi, fireplace, dishwasher,
French doors, very nice, 9ftjpeiling. ceiling fans
$535. Heat/gas paid, off street parking with laundry.
2929 R St.. 474-3529. No smokers, no pets.
640 S. 20th 475-7262
Energy efficient, affordable one and two bedroom
units with electric entry and sound/fire resistant con
struction. Our community is nestled on tree-lined
streets, just 5 minutes to UNL Ask about our specials.
1120 E St., 1 bedroom just remodeled. Heat paid, no
pets, $300.560-5077.
1227 G, available immediately, clean, efficiency, wood
floors, dishwasher, new appliances, parking lot. bike
room, responsible landlord, quiet neighbors, wdlk-in
closet. $315.438-0365.
1BR, close to campus, new carpet, 2400 R St. $250
CaH 421-7141 or 420-6215.
32nd & Y Street. Large modern 1 bedroom, between
campuses, bus, central air. <335.464-9654.
Better dollar value studio and one bedroom in well
maintained vintage building. $295-330.432-2288.
CATS WELCOME! Quiet 1BR, 939 S. 11th, wood
floors, sun room, $375, low utilities, 476-6028.
Claremont Park Apartments
Now leasing for August 1999. May subleases also
available. Appointments preferred. 9th & Claremont.
474-7275.__ ‘
Clean 0,1,2 & 3 bedroom apartments. Rents $225 -
$410 plus electricity. For more information call Pat or
Melody 402-434-2610 or Hearing impaired/TDD
Colonial Heights
One, two and three-bedroom apartments available.
Tanning bed and indoor heated pool. 421 -3070.
Now leasing for summer and fall, 3 year rent freeze.
Call for locations and prices, 477-2600 or
Quiet, clean, furnished 1 bedroom, laundry, near Capitol,
$240. Call 432-6476.__
♦ Claremont Park Apts ♦
3 BR’s available immediately. $525 to $705.
Oh k Cfatemont 474-7*78
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