The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 04, 1999, Page 15, Image 15
FBG SERVICE CORPORATION Immedtate openings far Mi time and part time custodial positions. Flexible hours and competitive wages. Apply at 3815 Touzafin Avenue. Suite 106. c FIRETHORN GOLF CLUB Service personnel, pm shifts only. Great pay, great benefits, flexible schedule. Apply in person only, from 11-4, M-F. Experience required. 9301 Firethom. French Interpreter Needed French interpreter needed to work with French-speaking client on legal matter. $10/hour. If interested, contart Kevin Ruser, Civil Clinical Law Program, College of Law, 472-3271.___ Fun, energetic adult to work with Junior and Senior high youth at the Willard Community Center. Must be able to plan and implement a variety of programming to meet the high energy needs of youth ana develop social and educational skills. Experience with this age group a must. Hours to include afternoons and eve nings. Must be 21 or older. Hourly wage plus benefits. Cali 475-0805.__ „ „ Great Part-time Job Child Care Staff needed before and after school pro ^ram^Bementary School. Varied days available. Call . t&£&»Manor Opportunities • CSM's&CNA's • Full Time/Part time/On call ★ Great Wages/Benefits ★ Willing to work around your schedule ★ Working w/elderty ★ Will tram! Haven Manor Assisted Living 434-2680 (Marcia) or apply in person at 4848 S. 48th «2.1Jncolnr I Immediate waitery positions open, must also I work lunches. Appfy at Taj Mahal Cuisine of Indi-1 a. 5500 Old Cheney Road. 420-1133. I Inn Harms Way Accepting applications for the following Friday and Saturday night positions: host, wait and dishwasher. Apply in person at 7th and P streets after 5pm Monday through Saturday. _ Local courier company seeking part time individuals to deliver and pick up overnight letters and parcels in and around Lincoln. Evening drivers needed 2pm to 8pm. Must be 18 and have good driving record. $6.8o to start. Please apply in person to 2200 West Adams (Airborne Express) Monday-Friday, 10-6pm. ^i LOOKING FOR THE PERFECT PART-TIME JOB? LOOKING TO GAIN VALUABLE ADVERTISING EXPERIENCE & GET PAID The Lincoln Journal Star Classified Advertising Dept, has a PT position available immediately. You will be helping ou' customers create effective ads to sell their items through the pages of the Journal Star Classifieds. In addition, you will gain valuable experience working on various special promotions produced by our newspaper. The right candidate should possess good people skills, type a minimum of 30 wpm, have good abilities for attention to detail and be a highly motivated individual with a strong work ethic. Previous sales experience preferred, but not required. 20+ hours per week including Sat, 8am-1pm, with the potential for more hours as business demands (the 20+ hours would be within our business hours of 7:30am-5:30pm M-F, 8am-1pm Sat). Flexibility in scheduling is a must! Pay starts at $5.25 par hour plus commis sion. Applications will be accepted 9am-4pm through Friday, Feb. 12,1999 at the Lincoln Journal Star, 2nd Floor, 926 P Street, Lincoln. Candidates chosen for the interview will be contacted by phone. The Lincoln Journal Star EOE Nebraska Republican Party Looking for several students to assist with fund raising. Earn up to $9/hour $50 Hiring Bonus No Friday or Saturday Work 12-20 hours/week Sunday-Thursday 5-9pm Located Downtown Call Bryan at 475-2122 Part-time afternoon hours- 2pm-7pm. Late production work. Presort Mail Co., 476-3800,333 Speedway Circle, Part-time day, evenings and weekends. Flexible schedule to work with class schedule. Close to campus. Apply in person at West O Dairy Queen, 760 West Q. 475-3406. r ji Parly Bartenders & Banquet Servers Part-time/on-call, earn up to $10/hour. Scheduling is flexible. Only four blocks from campus. Apply in person tothe Holiday Inn downtown at 9th and P., Human Resources. EOE Quality Assurance Part-time & Full-time Available Flexible Hours Sun-Husker Foods, Inc., a USDA approved Food Proc essing Company, is seeking responsible, detail-oriented individuals to join our Quality Assurance team. Responsibilities include monitoring of finished product for conformance to specifications, inspecting raw material, adhering to food safety principals ana performing various test projects. Q.A. knowledge and/or experience within the Food Industry preferred; Please apply at or submit resume to: Sun-Husker Foods, Inc. Attn: Human Resources 4611 West Adams Street Lincoln, NE 68524 Fax:(402)470-4380 E-mail: EOE Receptionist needed for local doctors office. Flexible hours. Please call for appointment 402-476-1313 or send resume to: Lincoln urgent Care, 3400 ‘O' St., Lin coln, NE 68510. Seeking a youth leader for 4-l0th grades. One night a week. Contact 466-2675 or 466-69&. Sports Minded Sales and marketing company seeks 5 team players. Work with ex-athletes. Management pssible. Call 464-0601. Student Program Opportunity Union Bank and Trust Co Union Bank offers an excellent training opportunity for college students interested in banking or related ca reers. Wb are currently looking to fill positions in our Student Program. Q Must be Freshman/Sophomore status in 4 yr Busi ness College • 2 yr PT employment commitment to the bank Q Flexible work hours 20 per week Q Able to work 30+ hours per week during summers and some holidays Q Previous cash handling/customer service preferred Q Excellent benefits/compensation Apply In person M-F &90-6pm: Union Bank and Trust Human Resources Dept 3600 S 48th St Lincoln, NE 68606 Job Line: 483-9690 Swim Instructors Campus Recreation is hiring swim intructors forSpring (and Summer 1999. Hours vary. Cali Lia 472-4770 or stop by 55 Campus Recreation Center. Telephone sales Monday-Thursday, 5-8:30pm, earn $6+ per hour, relaxed atmosphere. Your desire and motivation determine earnings. Call 9:30am-6pm, Monday-Friday, 489-5779. THE CORNHUSKER Nebraska's Grand Hotel is seeking the following posi tions: •Servers FT/PT/On-call AM/PM (restaurants & banquets) •Room Service FT/PT AM/PM ‘Bartender PT ‘Banquet Prep Cook FT Mid ‘Line Cook FT PM ‘Night Cleaner Trainer FT ‘Beverage Supv. FT “Night Auditor PT We provide uniforms, free meals & excellent benefits. Apply In Person Human Resources 7:30am-6pm M-F 333 South 13th St, Lincoln, NE Use ‘L’ St. Entrance Just a few blocks from UNU TICO’S Now hiring PT am/pm servers, bar tender, cocktail, carry out, host. Apply in person 17th & M St. Vital Services needs dependable, reliable, individuals to work with disabled adults and children, evenings and/or weekends. Call 465-5664 or 476-0645 ask for Janet. Woody’s Pub Help wanted- waitresses and doormen. Apply at 1330 OSt. Word Processing Professional accounting firm is looking for an individual to perform word processing and clencal duties. Must be proficient in Excel, Word and have a strong attention !to detail. Flexible part-time hours. Must be available Saturdays. Apply in person. Dana F. Cole & Company. 200 NBC Center._ YMCA Camp Kitaki Lincoln office has part-time office assistant job available. Enjoy this rewarding job. Good computer and general office skills needed. Apply at 6000 Com husker HWY. 434-9225. Centennial Mall Child Care Part time hours available 7-9am and 3-5pm. Apply in person at 100 Centennial MaH North, Federal Building. Must be 18 years of age. EOE Looking for responsible female to care for 1 1/2 year aid twins severed afternoons a week. Cali 420-7340. Part-time child care needed for 2 kids, Mon. and Wad. 3:30-6pm. 488-6885_ 500 Summer Jobs/ 50 Camps/ You Choose!!! NY, PA, Mew England. Instructors Needed: Tennis, Basketball, Roller Hockey, Soccer, LaCrosse, Volleyball, Symnastics. English Riding, Lifeguard. WSI, Writer Ski, Sailing Wind surfing, Aerobics, Archery, Mountain Bik ng, Rock efimbing, Ropes, Dance, Piano, Accompanist, Pieater, Ceramics, Jewelry, Woodworking, Pho tography, Radio, Nature, RNa. Chefs. Arlene Streisand: I - 800-443-6428; Colorado Summer Camp Staff 1-800-267-9573. Call 3-8 MST. www.cotoradomountianranch. com FUN OUTDOOR STAFF WANTED! Do you love the outdoors, being around people, gaining eadership skills, role modeling for kids, ana camp Fun? If yes, YMCA Camp Kitaki is seeking applicants For Boys Counselors, Lifeguards for pool or lake. Wranglers, Nature Director, Crafts, Ropes, Climbing, and Trips, call YMCA in Lincoln now for an application at (402) 434-9225, or e-mail SUMMER EMPLOYMENT (June through August) at Camp Lincoln/Camp Lake Hubert in Minnesota’s Lake country since 1909. Meet new friends, expand horizons, awarding work with children, develop leadership skids, 30 water/land activities. Specific job information, nternships and applications available at student em Dloyement and Intern Center 345 Nebraska Union. Sign up in advance for a personal interview on campus Wednesday, February 10. Summer Jobs! COME TO NEW HAMPSHIRE FOR THE SUMMER! 5/20-8/19. Outstanding brother/sister sports camps on argest New England lake (near Boston, NH White Mnts, Maine coast) seek skilled counselors for land sports, water sports, and the arts. Room, board, and most trans. paid. Interviews available Union Rm 225 [1-5pm) on 2/24 and at 3 in 1 Career Fair on 2/25- stop Dyl Call us, or apply at our internet sites: Boys:; 800-791-2018; Girls:; 888-860-1186. What are you doing for summer vacation??? Rancho del Chaparral, a summer camp for girls high in the Jemez Mountains of New Mexico, is looking for staff members for the 1999 summer camp season, June 5- August 3,1999. Positions available include Program Staff (Arts, Horseback Riding, Adventure, Leadership and Environmen tal), Counselors and Administrative Staff. It you love the Out-of-Doors and have a strong desire to make a difference while having fun, then this camp is for you! Please can or write: Girl Scouts of Chaparral Council, Inc. 4000 Jefferson Plaza NE Albuquerque, NM 87109 Phone $06)343-1040 ext3201 Wilderness Nature Camp Coordinator Lincoln Parks and Recreation has an opening for Coor dinator of its Nature Camp Program which is June 7 July 23 for K-6 grades, varied hours before camp Degins. 50+ hours during weeks of camp. Must work well with youth, be able to supervise and be well or ganized. Pay range is $7-$8.50/hour, depending on experience. Apply at Parks and Recreation, 2710 A St., 141-7847. Work With Kids Lincoln Parks and Recreation summer playground po sitions ($5.70/h) June 7- July 30, M-F, 9:15am to 12:15pm. Conduct outdoor activities for grade school Dhildren. Appy now at Parks and recreation 2740 A Street. 441-7952 EOE/AA. I NEED HELP_• _ BY VIC LEE GNG THERE SHOW PE ] SOME MNP OF WARNING . ON THE LM&. i THE EFFECT’S OF INHAUNG SECOND HAND DEN-GAY. ■ i mjKJYi BY MICHAEL JANTZE MV BOV NORM 6 M6LPING Me PICK A VALBNTINeS gift roR My'sPeciAt6>t." OlAMONPS/ sve<; so wrth ;r/ yOU KNOW DIAMONDS COST WAy MOKe TMANAVI060 £l&, foor*rmi \ w&htt / H0W about a ] \NK3e eiscAgpy Accounting Intern Aliant Communications is seeking a paid Staff Ac- - countant for the Disbursement Accounting Department. The position is available immediately and wMI extend through the summer. The potential exists for the position to be extended beyond this time frame. The incumbent of this position will be responsible to audit construction jobs, work with continuing Property Record Development, assist in inventory reconciliation, and assist in special studies. We are looking for an accounting major in either their sophomore or junior year. The applicants must be able to work at least 20 hours a week between the time of 7:30am - 5:00pm for most weeks during the school year. Additional hours are possible if the applicant has the availability, such as summer break. Candidates must be PC literate, and proficient with Microsoft Office products, especially EXCEL if you are qualified and interested, please send your resume postmarked no later than February 5,1999 to: AMant Communications Aim. Jon Hooinson PO Box 81309 Lincoln, NE 68601-1309 Fax:402-438-4403 EiyiaI: QMnMuraKft '-JM I^PRINGBREAKBEACHE^ Daytona, Panama City, Padre, Miami, Cancun, I Jamaica. Bahamas, etc. Best hotels, prices, par-1 ties. Browse Reps earn cash, free I trips. Call Inter-Cantus 800-327-6013. Spring Break-Last Chance To ‘Break witnthe Bestl* Join us in Cancun, Jamaica, MazaUan, or S.Padre. Prices from $399. SAVE $200 + get FREE meals & parties. 1-800-SURFSUP I I 2 & 3 Year Army Scholarships If you have a 2.5 GRA or above, you may be eligible for full tuition at UNL, plus $150 a month money. Call 472-4269 for more information. Are You Interested in Sponsoring an Election Debate? Come to the informatioa meeting to get details about hosting a debate for the upcoming Student Government elections. If you are interested but can not attend the meeting, please call Marlene at 472-2581. Monday; Feb.8 4:00pm- City Union Room to be posted Assertiveness Training Workshop Learn to communicate your thoughts and foelngs more effectively. Thursday 2:30 - 4:30pm February 11 - April 8 Ctd Mary 472-7450. Attention Business Students If you have a 2.5 GRA or above, you may be eligible for a full tuition echolarship at UNL plus $150 a month spending money. 2 & 3 year scholarships are now available. For more info, can Army ROTC, 472-4269. ATTENTION P.E.O.’s Meeting this Sunday • 5-7pm. RSVP by 2/4 for more information: Jennifer 9 474-6771 or Bobbi 9 488-6588. Attention Pre-Law Students Representatives from the following Law Schools will be at the Arte and Sciences Advising Center, 107 Oldfather Hall. Please call 472-4190 for appointment or stop by. Feb.9 Hamline 9:30-11:30 Feb. 10 Drake 12:30-2:30 Feb. 15 William Mitchell 12:30-2:30 Feb. 16 CnrightiM. 130-4:00 Feb. 22 Washburn 130-3:00 ^ Feb. 22 Univ. of Kansas 3:00-430 March 1 Nebraska 130-3:30 March 10 Univ. of Missouri-KC 10:30-1:30 Be Special Send a Valentine Ad! $5.00/15 words. $0.15/additional words. $0.75 billing charges. All ads include the heart artwork. Deadline: February 11th before 3pm Ybu can send us your ad by email:, Fax: 472-1761, Phone: 472-2588 or bring it over to the Daily Nebraskan Office at \ 34 Nebraska-Union. i & E-Commerce Seminar 1200 Major Brand name companies are constructing an Internet site to move products and services to con sumers. Learn how to make money or own part of the site now without capital investments. Thursday, Febru ary 4th, 7:00pm Nebraska Union. Call 477-2303 for more information. Eating Issues Support Group Looking for a small, comfortable environment with women who are struggling with eating issues? CALL Tricia at 472-9428 for more information. FREE-FREE PAPER MONEY Paper Money coupon books Pick yours up at Commuter & Student Services 116 Nebr. Union Golden Key Hey golden keyers we are meeting this Sunday, 9pm at the Culture Center, to form committee chairs for up coming projects. All memebers are encourage to come. Lesbian Bi Questioning Discussion Group LBQ is a safe place for lesbians, bi women and women questioning their sexual orientation to meet, talk, learn and laugh in an informal atmosphere. Meets every Thursday at 6:00pm in Nebraska Union, room 338. For more information call the Women’s Center at 472-2597, ACROSS 1 Cleo’s playmate 5 Rolling bones 9 Said some more 14 — with: done 15 “Country” Slaughter 16 — hat: sun helmet 17 Friendless 18 Swill 19 Cold-shoulder 20 Hoagy Carmichael song 23 Haul 24 Terhune’s barker 25 Unassuming 28 Shrinks’org. 30 Frat letters 34 Sheepish 35 Buries, like a blackjack card 37 Map abbr. 38 Q.B. Shaw play 41 Sardine holder 42 Mortimer, the dummy 43 Get back together 44 Poetic lines 46 Stab 47 Sales spiel 48 JFK successor 50 USNA staffer 51 Virginia Woolf novel 59 Nile dam - 60 Equipment 61 Nothing to look at 62 Coquette 63 Just about 64 Sticky stuff 65 Roman wardrobe 66 Part of “Pinocchio* 67 Flew V . . . . Edited by Frai DOWN 1 Lose feathers 2 Maintain 3 River to the Adriatic 4 Half-moon 5 Abandon 6 Fjord, e.g. 7 Condo’s cousin 8 Make out 9 In a quandary 10 Breakdown? 11 Lose, in Vegas 12 Sandwich man? 13 Eat out 21 O.R. devices 22 Fallback position 25 “Take no prisoners,” e.g. 26 UkeHumpty Dumpty 27 Moon of Saturn 28 Champion rider 29 Give an elbow 31 Speckled swimmer i & Lou Sabin 32 In agreement 33 Spring feast 35 Oft-drawn order 36 Halo wearer 39 Not before 40 No-nonsense 45 Wasteland 47 Military unit 49 Collector’s items 50 Oater specialty 51 —Hartley Act 52 KingHarald’s capital 53 Offshoot 54 “Prince—” 55 “Blood brothers” star 56 — fruit 57 Turn about ' 58 Came on to, in a way ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: ■ p|e|a|r|lMr|a| sTp~ EWNU I Ba C T A „ JL T BjO T H E R KOW E R A WjS P A 'nBM S [PIT IHIA IT SjY 0 U|R GJA M E i r v i ¥MBBa u nItM-p e n r o s aBBw a n L jJBp n w t E N eMm I L kTBbS U R G E N P TJS P F A SJT BUS TER ■ a V E SBB E R I !■ S T Y N TIBBf A U nMa P B WHAT SJT H E B I Gjl PEA i o l aMT o t aIsMb ART t|u1e|sms1t1a|g1 |m| y IT I h 2/4/99