205 Bicycles 210 Books 213 Clothing 216 Computers 220 Furniture 230 Jewelry 240 Miscellaneous 250 Pets 255 Photo Equipment 265 Stereos & TVs 270 Ticket Exchange 290 Vehicles 300 Adoption 305 Alterations/Sewing 310 Automotive 320 Bridal 338 Employment 340 Entertainment 348 Hairstyling 350 Health/Fitness 355 Instruction/Tutoring 365 Legal Services 370 Miscellaneous 378 Pregnancy 385 Rentals 388 Tanning 390 Tattooing 395 Typing/Resumes 400$ flPOTlng 400 Roommates 410 Housing Wanted 420 Roomslor Rent 430 Houses for Rent 440 Duplexes for Rent 450 Apartments for Rent 460 Summer Housing 470 Mobile Homes 480 Vacation Rentals 490 Homes for Sale 500s urn 1 500 Help Wanted 510 Child Care 520 Work Study 530 Summer Jobs 540 Internships 555 Business Opportunities 600 Rides 603 Spring Break Trips 610 Announcements 615 Meetings 620 Greek Affairs 630 Student Government 640 Personals 645 Lost ft Found 650 Wanted 660 Fundraising 670 900 Numbers View Classified ads on the web at: www.unl.edu/DailyNeb Macintosh Performs 475 with CO Rom $200 423-4727 after 5pm. Great for dorms! Futon, Poposons, wicker rocker, foot stool and tables. A stereo too! Call 464-8894. Turntables, 2 Gemini XL DD50 IV, Stanton needles; Numark OMIOOOX mixer; Odyssey case fitted for equipment. $650, like new. Vhiued at $900.476-0606 300s Sendees Affectionate couple wishes to welcome your newborn into our family. If you are considering an adoption plan, please call Barbara and Paul at 1-800-508-5413. Ex penses paid. _ Attractive, educated, financially secure couple is eager to have a family and provide your newborn with a won derful life, love, home and security. Expenses paid. Please call Leslye and Andy at 1 -800-294-5177. Auto Accidents & DWI Other criminal matters, call Sanford Pollack 476-7474. $.07 LONG DISTANCE Per mintue long distance, 24hours/day, 7days/week for off campus students. Call Mike at 466-2617. Free Pregnancy Test Birthright is a confidential helping hand. Please call for appointment or more information, 483-2609. Check out our website www.birthright.org. Academic Expressions Resumes, curriculum vitae, theses, dissertations, newsletters. Academic editing, MLA/APA/AP/Chicago Manual. 402-628-2221. ironclad@navix.net. 400s Heusing Female roommate to share three bedroom townhouse. $221 plus 1/3 of the bills. 421 -3730, Cory or Tracey. Looking for M/F roommate. Nice room, private bath, five minutes to campus. 472-5439 or 476-8480(Lai). Need roommate to share nice 4 bedroom duplex close to both campuses. Includes washer/dryer, garage and 3 fun-loving girls. $250/mo plus 1/4 utilities. Call 476-4559. Non-smoking female student to share house. East Campus area, $200/month. Call 466-4713. -s Quiet, responsible nonsmoking female to share nice 3BR apartment, $175/month +1/3 utilities. Call 476- 1159. Responsible roommate to share custom ranch home. East Lincoln, easy living. Laundry and many extras. Flexible lease and $275 a month. Call 464-7163. Roommate needed to share 2BR apartment, $200/month + utilities, near East Campus. If interested call Cyndi at 467-1750. 3 bedroom, near UNL, $600.432-6644. 1425 N. 23rd. Nice, large 4 bedroom, 2 baths, parking, basement, near campus, $750. Cali 432-0644. 2301 Vine. Very nice large 3 Bedroom, 1 1/2 baths, parking, basement, near campus. $675. 432-0644. 3BR, 1 1/2 bath, walk to campus, 700 Y St., dishwasher, C/A, W/D included. $630, 489-9294. Group to Rent Five bedroom, two baths. All utilities paid, washer/dryer new carpet, $260/person. 1407 N. 19th, 432-6644. 1341-43 N. 22nd, 3BR, 1 1/2 bath, fireplace, stove, fridge, dishwasher, W/D, no pets, $575. Action Realty. 467-1105. Brand new 3BR, 2BA Duplex. Diswasher, disposal, 2 ear garage. Available Feb. 1st, $795. 1021 & t025 Mi chelle Ct. Call Mitzi 465-6034 or Don 430-7880. Near campus, new 3 bedroom, 2 baths, garaqe. 2430 U, 1850 N. 24th. $600-$800.438-3393 w lw-&25 Near UNL, two bedroom + sun room. $475 + gas, electric, and deposit, no dogs. Great for grad students. 477- 8362. __ NEWER 3BR 3baths, double attached garage, all appliances, wash/dry, dishwasher. Campus close. Reduced to $795. HIP >465-8911._ !! SUNNY & CHEERFUL!! II SMOKE FREEH 1BR 2000 J St, Clean $295 1BR1342 B St, Oak Firs $325 2BR 2000 J St, Nice $350 2BR1501 S 19th, New carpet $395 No Smokers or Pets 440-3000 1 BEDROOM APTS In Unique Complex between campuses, super clean, 3-month leases, newer decor, stove/fridge/dishwasher/disposal/blinds, parking, cen tral heat/air, laundry, gas/water/garbage paid, enclosed patios, big closets, breakfast bar, $345, 489-4857. I> 3BR, 2-car attached garage, loaded! $650. > 1000-sqf, garden level 2BR, loaded! $475. 2501 E St. 432-6476. One large one bedroom: 'Jacuzzi, fireplace, dishwasher, French doors, very nice, 9ft ceiling, ceiling fans $535. Heat/gas paid, off street parking with laundry. 2929 R St., 474-3529. No smokers, no pets. 640 S. 20th 475-7262 Energy efficient, affordable one and two bedroom units with electric entry and sound/fire resistant con struction. Our community is nestled on tree-lined streets, just 5 minutes to UNL Ask about our specials. 1120 E St., 1 bedroom just remodeled. Heat paid, no pets, $300. 560-5077, 1200 sq. ft. 2BR plus office. 2 car attached garage, central air, laundry. $540, Call 432-6476. 1227 G, available immediately, clean, efficiency, wopd floors, dishwasher, new appliances, parking lot, bike room, responsible landlord, quiet neighbors, walk-in closet, $315. 438-0365. 1BR, close to campus,new carpet, 2400 R St. $250 Call 421-7141 or 420-6215. 32nd & Y Street. Large modern 1 bedroom, between campuses, no smoking, central air, $335.464-9654. Better dollar value studio and one bedroom in well maintained vintage building. $295-330. 432-2288. Brand new, 3BR, 2 1/2 bath. 2 stall garage. 1700 sq.ft. 2252 S.9th. Call 900 432-2442. Claremont Park Apartments Now leasing for August 1999. May subleases also available. Appointments preferred. 9th & Claremont. 474-7275._ Clean 0,1, 2 & 3 bedroom apartments. Rents $225 - $410 plus electricity. For more information call Pat or Melody 402-434-2610 or Hearing impaired/TDD 402-434-2613._ Colonial Heights Apartments One, two and three-bedroom apartments available. Tanning bed and indoor heated pool. 421-3070, Newly redecorated, 2 BR, East Campus, bus, C/A, fridge and stove included, off street parking. No pets, water and trash paid. $530 with WD, $500 without WD + deposit + references. Available soon. See any time! 2626 N. 36th, 489-5358 leave message. MANAGEMENT ONE Now leasing for summer and fall, 3 year rent freeze. Call for locations and prices, 477-2600 or www.mgmtone.com Quiet, clean, furnished 1 bedroom, laundry, near Capitol, $240, Call 432-6476. ♦ Claremont Park Apts ♦ 3 BR’s available immediately, $525 to $705. 9th & Claremont 474-7275 <ffi> Century \VLnJ r SALES UNO MANAGEMENT COt We provide: * Locations throughout Lincoln ' 24-Hour Emergency Maintenance * Professional & Personable Leasing Staff Call us today! 402-437-8300 Willowhaven Apartments 1800 Knox “FIREPLACE ‘Swimming Pool ‘Minutes form downtown ‘Garages ‘1 BR’s start at $349 *2 BR’s start at $459 ‘Clean & updated ‘Friendly service Century and Sales Management 437-8322 or 437-8300 .. - •• -TP" $2O-$40/hr. IN SPARE TIM El $100 Signing Bonus! 1-808-800-wt3 x1927 -----. J this coupon with their student I.D., ± i(rk Kip we will give you an additional | FIVE DOLLARS 11'I | jgp following your plasma donation. |fcgs i j (402)474-2335 Lincoln, NE JlBi j J Limit one coupon per person_Expires on February 14th j — — - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — j $9 Wage And Tuition Rebate • Flexible schedule • 50% meal discount • Fun work environment • Paid vacation • Holiday parties • Health/Dental Insurance 14th &Q Student Union EOE_ $75 Hiring Bonus!! Do you like a challenge? Do you find helping others re warding? If so, we need caring individuals to work with people with developmental disabilities in all settings. Must be 19 years of age or older and have a good driving record, hours are ideal for students. Wide range of positions available, flexible hours. Residential Instructors and Job Coaches needed. Apply in person, 10am-4pm, Monday through Thursday, Transfiguration, 1316 N St, Suite 104. ALL STUDENTS/OTHERS 37 FuH-time/P art-timeportions to be filled by 2-10. $12.15 AASP Scholarships available Earn $180 to $520 per week No telemarketing call m-s 9-12 or 3-6 477-8663 _ AMERICORPS The Domestic Peace Corns FT & PT positions are now available with the Compre hensive School Health Initiative (CSHI), a nationally recognized program working to enhance educational outcomes and life opportunities for children by ad dressing youth risk behaviors and other issues related to strengthening families and the communities in which they live. CSHI AmeriCorps Members work within Lin coln's public elementary schools to provide tutoring, mentoring and family outreach; to assist in the creation and implementation of academically enriched after school and summer programming; and serve as com munity leaders in developing programming and part nerships designed to enhance the quality of life available to all. The Comprehensive School Health Initiative is a program of the Lincoln Public Schools and the Lincoln Public Schools Foundation, in collaboration with a number of other community partners. In addition to an excellent training package and the opportunity to make a real difference in their communities, AmeriCorps Members also receive the benefits listed below: Full-time: A living allowance of $8,340 in exchange for 1,700 hours of community service to be completed in 10 to 12-month time period. Other benefits include paid health insurance, child care assistance for qualified applicants, deferment of government guaranteed student loans and an educational award of $4,725. Part-time: A living allowance of $4,415 in exchange for 900 hours of community service to be completed in a 9-12 month time period, deferment of government student loans and an educational award of $2,208. Desired qualifications: include a Bachelor's degree or 1 -3 years of related volunteer or job experience, a desire to work with children and their families, excellent communication and interpersonal skills and the ability to work individually and as a team to solve community problems. Necessary special requirements include a valid Nebraska driver's license and a good driving rec ord. dependable transportation and the ability to occa sionally work evenings and weekends. AmeriCorps is a program of the Corporation for National Service, a public-private partnership whose mission is to engage Americans of all ages and backgrounds in the community-based service. Applications are available from LPS Foundation, 5901 O St., Lincoln, NE 68510. For additional information, please contact Laurie Sutter, CSHI Program Director at 436-1612._ Animal Lovers Attention students, teachers and homemakers. Anyone who loves animals! If you have a warm heart for fuzzy faces, the Capital Humane Society needs you for our phone-a-thon campaign. Morning and evening hours available Monday-Saturday, starting February 8 - Feb ruary 19. Excellent communication skills, dependability and enthusiasm required. If you want to make a differ ence and earn money too, call Rachel at 477-7722 or stop by the Capital Humane Society at 2320 Park Blvd for an application._ rase) ATTENTION STUDENTS! Full-time Factory Jobs ♦ Assembly, Welding & Cleanup ♦ $8.06 - $0.33/Hr. (Includes Attendance Bonus) ♦ Training Provided ♦ Choice of Many M thru F Shifts ♦ Weekly Bonuses ft Paychecks ♦ NO FEES TO APPLICANTS! MSP RESOURCES, INC., 210 Gateway North, Suite 438 In Graenbee Court (Gateway Shopping Center) 402/464-322S EOE Attitude International sales and marketing company looking for positive, motivated individuals. Training. Call 464-1747. Awesome Summer Opportunity Make more money than your friends and learn valuable business skills. Self motivated individual needed to train and manage college students sales team, continue part-time next fid. 1 -885-774-0776. Best Western Airport Inn Daytime bellmen needed, 7:00am -1:30pm. $6/hours + tips. Good working conditions. Apply in person, 3200 NW 12th St.__ Bookkeeping assistant. Computer entry. Will work around class schedule. Fun place to work, call Doris 474-5015 Can you interact with the public, provide great service and create a safe, fun environment? Be responsible for patron safety and be a positive role model for children? Lincoln Parks and Recreation Department is in terviewing and hiring pool managers, head guards, life guards, concessions, cashiers and attendants for the summer swim season. Applications available from the Administration office at 2740 A Street or Aquatics Office at 9th and Van Dorn. Call 441 -7892 for more information. EOE/AA Child Development Assistant This position assists in carrying out the daily schedule for an assigned group of chfldren. It includes observing and relaying significant individual and group behavior to personnel, maintaining a safe and orderly environ ment, and conducting daily activities for the children. This position also involves attending staff meetings and developmental programs as required. Requirements of the position include knowledge of appropriate child care practices usually acquired through child care experiences and/or college course work. Must be 19 years old. Part Time — 3-4 days/wk; all day availability preferred BryanLGH Medfeal Center East Human Resources 1600 South 48th Street Lincoln, Nebraska 68506 (402)483-8610 Fax:(402)483-8444 JOB LINE: £402) 483-3696 Computer Operator Part time position ' 1:00pm - 7:fl0am Fri, Sat and Holi days. Must be able to operate mainframe computer and have skills in computer operation including printing, scheduling jobs, changing tapes and performing all jobs associated with the shift. Previous experience preferred. We offer and excellent salary and outstanding part time benefits. Apply to: SAINT ELIZABETH REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER 565South 70th Street Lincoln, NE 68510 Fax: 402-486-7117 EOE BryanLGH MEDICAL CENTER Courtesy Car Driver (As Needed) An individual is needed to provide shuttle service for patients between the Medical Center parking lot and the main entrance. Responsibilities include maintaining a safe environment, following hospital customer service standards, and reporting vehicle problems, and security concerns to appropriate staff. Knowledge of Nebraska driving practices and laws; excellent driving laws; excellent driving record; and good guest relations are required for the position. Please submit resume/application or call: BryanLGH Medical Center East Human Resources 1600 South 48th Street Lincoln, NE 68506 (402) 483-8610 FAX: (402)483-8444 JOB UNEM402) 483-3696 Customer Service Interested in making some extra money in your extra time? Then consider joining our industry’s fastest growing most successful company as a part time eve ning customer service representive. You will be able to use your communication skills to resolve outstanding debts and verifing new customer accounts. For imme diate consideration, apply at: TruGreen-Chemlawn 4141 N. 27th St or call at 402-477-0303. Data Edit Operators First and second shift. Full-time- 8 hrs/day M-F; part-time- 4 hrs/day M-F. We offer Flexible hours, benefit package, discounted stock purchase plan & 401K, bonus plan, paid vacation, sick & holidays, tuition reimbursement program, free parking, on site cafeteria. Qualifications: High school diploma or equivalent; type 45 words per minute with 5 errors or less. Computer test required. Attention to detail, high degree of accuracy, ability to work with little supervision. Call for appointment (402)437-2188 8KX) - 4:30pm, M-F Evening Appointments Available EOE/M/F/D/V Desk clerk needed, Tuesday/Thursday noon to 6pm and weekend days. 15-20 hours per week. Must be friendly, have a professional appearance, and pay at tention to detail. Apply in person. Town House Motel, 1744 M st. Developmental Services of Nebraska, Inc. Life Skills Trainers Youth Care Specialists Developmental Services of Nebraska, Inc. is seeking qualified full-time, part-time and on-call Life Skills Trainers and Youth Care Specialists to provide services to adult and adolescent males in our residential programs. Minimum qualifications: 19 years of age, nigh school graduate or equivalent. Prefer bachelors degree and 6 months experience working with people in a human service related field. Must De willing to learn and be physically capable of implementing cnsis intervention techniques. Must have reliable, tran^orta tion and valid driver’s license. Afternoons, evenings, overnights (asleep and awake), summer daytime, and weekend shifts available. $8.00 per hour. Youth Care Assistant DSN is seeking qualified full-time, part-time and on-call Youth Care Assistants to work in our Emergency Shelter Program providing services to chil dren and ramiliee. Responsibilites include: working with children in a homelike setting, helping children and families to form healthy relationships, maintaining communication with professionals involved with the children and their family’s care, transportation, planning and supervising community outings, and various household duties. Minimum qualifications: 19 years of age, high school graduate or equilivant. Prefer an As sociates degree in child developement or a related field and 8 months experience working with children and families in a human services related field. Must have reliable transportation, and a valid Nebraska driv er’s license. Afternoons, evenings, overnights (awake), daytime, and weekend shifts available. $7.25 per hour. Excellent benefits for full-time employees. Lots of fun and lots of challenges. Come be e part of a winning team. Apply in person at Developemental Services of Nebraska, Inc. 1115 K Street, Suite 102 Lincoln, NE 68506 EOE/ADA BryanLGH ^ MEDICAL CENTER Dining Service Attendant Assambtes/serves food to customers in cafeteria setting and/or at catered events; operates cash register and maintains sanitary working environment. Full Time 5:45 a.m.-2:15 p.m. M-F; every 3rd weekend Part Time (16-24 hours/week) Shifts available: 5:45 a.m.-2:15 p.m.; 10:45 a.m.-7:15 p.m.; 8i4:15p.m.-7:30 p.m. BryanLGH Medical Center East Human Resources 1600 South 48th Street UncokvNE 68506 (402) 483-8610 Fax:(402)483-8444 JOB LINE: J402) 483-3696 Dinosaurs Etc. Manager in Training Dinosaurs Etc. is looking for an entrepreneurial thinker to join our management team. The preferred candidate should have some supervisory experience and knowl edge of retail business. Starting wages $6.00/hour. Deadline February 5th. Stop by Dinosaurs Etc. at 206 Morrill Hall for an ap plication. BryanLGH ^ MEDICAL CENTER Environmental Technician Responsible for cleaning & decontaminating patient and non-patient locations within the hospital. Full time - days - (8a.m. - 4:30p.m.) Part time - Days (9 a.m.- 3p.m.) -Weekends (8am-4:30pm) Please submit resume/application to: BryanLGH Medical Center East Human Resources 1600 South 48 Street Lincoln, Nebraska 68506 (402) 483-8610 Fax: (402) 483-8444 Job Line: (4g| 483-3696 Events Coordinator Seeking motivated individual who enjoys working with people and possesses strong customer service, verbal and supervisory skills. This part-time position requires working some weekends and evenings. Appiy at the Gateway Mali Customer Service Center, 61st & ‘O’. No calls please. EOE/M/F/D Excellent opportunity for design students. Full or part time alterations position at Alterations By Connie. Will train. 421-2144. FBG SERVICE CORPORATION Immediate openings for full time and part time custodial positions. Flexible hours and competitive wages. Apply at 3815 Touzaiin Avenue, Suite 106. FIRETHORN GOLF CLUB Service personnel, pm shifts only. Great pay, great benefits, flexible schedule. Apply in person only, from 11-4, M-F. Experience required. 9301 Firethorn. FITNESS International company needs to train 3 team players to run area offices. Fast promotion. Training. Call 464-5024. FREE RADIO +$1250 Fundraiser open to student groups & organizations. Earn $3-$5 per Visa/MC app. We supply all materials at no cost. Call for info or visit our website. Qualified callers receive a FREE Baby Boom Box. 1-800-932-0528 x 65. www.ocmconcepts.com Fun, energetic adult to work with Junior and Senior high youth at the Willard Community Center. Must be able to plan and implement a variety of programming to meet the high energy needs of youth and develop social and educational skills. Experience with this age Ba must. Hours to include afternoons and evenings. be 21 or older. Hourly wage plus benefits. Can 475-0805. Great Part-time Job Child Care Staff needed before and after school program in Elementary School. Varied days available. Call 475-0805. Part-Time Hours + Full-Time Energy = Full-Time Pay •Guaranteed Hourly Wage •Huge Commissions and Bonuses •Flexible Hours •Walking Distance from Campus *$130Hiring Bonus Call Today Start Today JRW Sales Inc. 436-3070