The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 02, 1999, Image 1

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On the road again
The Nebraska women's basketball team tries to
snap a five-game road losing streak at Missouri
on Tuesday. PAGE 6
Rec of a neighborhood
The F Street Rec Center has long served the Everett
Elementary neighborhood and now plans to expand
its operations with a brand-new facility. PAGE 9
February 2, 1999
The Coast Isn’t Ciear
Partly sunny, high 45. Partly cloudy tonight, low 30.
Sophomore falls from Chi Phi window
By Josh Funk
Senior staff writer
The future of Chi Phi Fraternity is
uncertain after a drunken UNL sopho
more fell out of a third-floor window
early Saturday morning.
The fraternity faces sanctions from
the university and the national Chi Phi
organization pending the results of an
Chi Phi could lose its house on
campus and lose its national charter,
university and fraternity officials said.
Kara Bliven, the 20-year-old
sophomore who fell out the window,
was upgraded to fair condition and
moved out of intensive care at
BryanLGH Medical Center West
Monday afternoon.
Bliven was taken there around 3:30
a.m. Sunday after the 30-foot fall. She
sustained several broken nbs, a broken
arm and a broken pelvis, and her spleen
had to be removed.
James Gnesen, vice chancellor for
student affairs, said the university is
still investigating and penalties would
be considered after the inquiry was
“This is yet another example of
This is yet another example of why students
should not engage in high-risk drinking
James Griesen
vice chancellor for student affairs
why students should not engage in
high-risk drinking,” Griesen said.
Chi Phi President Jason Hardy
would not comment Monday.
Chapter adviser Rick Blessen said
alumni were also still looking into the
events and would not comment.
Richard Hess, national director of
Chi Phi Fraternity, said the headquar
ters would not take action until all the
facts in the case were gathered.
At 3:20 a.m. on Sunday a
Community Service Officer patrolling
the area around the 1245 N. 16th St. fra
ternity saw Bliven lying on the ground
and called for an ambulance,
University Police Sgt. Bill Manning
When the CSO approached Bliven,
she was moaning and vomiting, and
there was a strong odor of alcohol.
Manning said.
A couple of fraternity members
standing near Bliven said they came
out when they heard moaning.
By the time the ambulance arrived,
Please see FALL on 6
Lane Hickenbottom/DN
JOEL SARTORE, A UNL graduate, has dedicated his work to saving endangered species as a contract photographer for National Geographic. Sartore,
pictured with an enlarged copy of the Geographic bearing his photo, has a reputation of being the magazine’s humor photographer.
Photographer does his part to save the world
By Josh Funk
Senior staff writer
Like the boy throwing starfish back into the
ocean, photographer Joel Sartore is doing his
best to save the world.
The story goes that a young boy walking on a
beach covered with thousands of starfish is
throwing them one by one back into the sea when
a man approached.
“Why are you throwing them back?” the man
asked. “There's too many to make a difference.”
As he considered his answer, the boy picked
up another starfish.
“It matters to this one,” he said and threw it
back into the sea.
For Sartore. that story sums up his approach
to saving endangered species with his photogra
phy, he said.
“That is the only way you can think,” Sartore
said. “Compared to the loss of natural resources,
what else matters?”
Sartore, a UNL graduate and now a contract
photographer for National Geographic maga
zine, has dedicated his work to saving endan
gered species.
“I just want to save the Earth and make a liv
Please see PHOTO on 2
offer top
Husker seats
■ NU releases the names of
skybox holders, including
Aliant and John Breslow.
By IevaAugstums
Senior staff writer
More than 1,150 Cornhusker
football fans will have a “high-class,
birds-eye view” this season as they
watch their favorite college team.
The University of Nebraska
released Monday a list of 42 skybox
holders, naming legal entities and
contact addresses of those who have
signed contracts with the university.
“Usually donations to the
University of Nebraska Foundations
are private,” Theresa Klein, NU
Foundations communications direc
tor said. “However, because the
donors signed a contract to lease the
skyboxes, names could be released.”
NU spokeswoman Dara
Troutman said some media organiza
tions had made inquiries about the
skybox donors. After a request was
filed using the Nebraska Public
Records -aw, which states signed con
tracts are considered'publie property',
the names were released she said.
“We didn't feel, in some cases,
that we had the right to release
donors' names,” Troutman said.
“However, I think the university gen
\ eral counsel felt it appropriate to
release the skybox legal entities.”
Among the skybox holders are
Aliant Communications of Lincoln;
U.S. Bank of Lincoln; First National
Bank of Omaha; former State Auditor
John Breslow, who is also president
of Linweld; and Dale Jensen of
Scottsdale, Ariz., former owner of
Information Technology Inc. of
Bill Henry, executive vice presi
dent of First National Bank of
Omaha, said the bank is pleased to
support student athletes.
“As a major Nebraska employer,
Please see SKYBOX on 6