SPORTS Freshman leader It sounds like an oxymoron, but freshman Bryan Snyder keyed Nebraska’s 19-18 win over No. 4 Iowa State in wrestling. PAGE 7 A&E Writing in legal ease Attorney and Omaha resident Richard Dooling is changing Nebraska’s literary landscape with his sharp and popular novels. PAGE 9 MONDAY February 1, 1999 Back to the Drawing Board Cloudy, light rain, high 40. Windy tonight, low 25. “It used to smell like money...” Darryl Hegemann hog fanner Bills to tackle small farmers’ pig problems By Shane Anthony Staff writer On Tuesday, packers, producers and senators will fire what could be the first volleys in a legislative battle over pork, beef and economics. The Agriculture Committee will hear testimony on four bills the com mittee - led by Ewing Sen. Cap Dierks - is bringing to the Legislature. At the heart of the bills, Dierks said, lies the difficulty faced by small farmers. But the bills pull few punches when it comes to meat packers, proposmg new regulations for the industry. “We’re flying m the face of cor porate Nebraska - corporate America, really,” Dierks said. “We hope they’ll develop a conscience.” From the other side of the fence, Dick Gady, vice president of public affairs and chief economist for ConAgra, casts a wary eye. “I would say that there’s a per ception that meat companies are profiting at the expense of the farmer,” he said. “I can tell you that's not been the case at our company.” Each of the four bills would affect meat packers in some way. ■ LB832 prohibits packers from purchasing contract slaughter live stock without specifying a date of delivery. Also, prices paid, numbers and the animals' destinations would have to be reported to the Department of Agriculture. ■ LB833 is intended to prevent packers from custom feeding the livestock they slaughter. Dierks said the Packers and Stockyards Administration doesn’t consider Sandy Summers/DN ABOVE: THE LAST of hog farmer Darryl Hegemann’s breeding sows fill only the last few stalls in his barn. With the lowest pork prices in years, Hegemann has kept only the sows with the best genetic qualities. TOP: DARRYL HEGEMANN, left, and his nephew Craig Hegemann look over empty hog pens on Darryl Hegemann’s farm near Howells. Darryl Hegemann said he cut his production in half because of the falling mar ket prices. “I thought I could stay in this business ’til my kids got out of school,” he said. “But prices are going to have to double again before we can break even.” relationships between packers and custom feedlots, by themselves, to violate federal law. LB833 would characterize that practice - except on family farm corporations - ai anti competitive and prohibit packers from owning, feeding or keeping livestock intended for slaughter. ■ LB834 would require labeling of any meat product imported into the United States or produced from animals shipped into the country. ■ LB835 would prohibit price discrimination based on quantity. Packers could offer different prices based on quality or acquisition costs such as transportation. Steve Cady, executive director of Nebraska Pork Producers, said his organization supports leveling the playing field. Conglomerates are buying independent producers, he said. Farmers with smaller opera tions provide good meat, he said, but they can’t get good prices. “We want to be paid for the qual Please see FARMS on 6 Read the Daily Nebraskan on the World Wide Web at Ireland sentence: 15-20 years ■ In an emotional statement, the defendant apologizes to the family of Laura Cockson for her death in March. By Josh Funk Senior staff writer Laura Cockson s friends and family can finally focus on her memory now that the man responsible for her death is on his way to prison, her best friend said. Ten months ago, the Cockson family was thrown into turmoil when the car Jeffrey Ireland was driving slammed into the Pontiac Grand Am Laura Cockson and her two sisters were riding in, killing Laura and critically injuring her sisters Sarah and Erin. At the sentencing hearing Friday after noon, Bob Cockson told the court of the trau ma the family went through the night of the accident. He asked the judge to give Ireland the maximum of 20 years for taking his daughter’s life. Lancaster County District Court Judge Karen Flowers sentenced Ireland to 15 to 20 years in jail. With credit for almost a year of time served, Ireland will be eligible for parole in 6V2 years. Flowers said the sentence should not be a measure of Laura Cockson s life; it should be based on the offense. One of the most shocking things in Please IRELAND on 2 RHA votes to let non-honors students stay By Bernard Vogelsang Staff writer The Residence Hall Association voted Sunday to recommend to University Housing that the 25 non-honors students now living in Neihardt Residence Center be allowed to stay there until they graduate. The vote was in response to part of a new housing policy that would deny further residency to non-honors students now liv ing in Neihardt. The new housing policy will make all non-honors students now living in Neihardt move out before the fall of 2000. Patrice Berger, director of UNL’S Honors Program, said he would be involved in addressing the recommendation. But the new housing policy is neces Please see RHA on 2