NU law professor selected to advise security council j Duties will include meeting with foreign officials 44“ I think it is very important to recognize what an honor this is. This is a big deal.” Nancy Rapoport dean of NU College of Law By Brian Carlson Staff writer At a time when the U.S. economy is strong, but overseas financial crises continue to simmer, an NU assistant law professor will advise the National Security Council on foreign economic policy. Matt Schaefer, who specializes in international economics law at the University of Nebraska College of Law, has been selected to serve as a director in the NSC’s International Economic Affairs Office in 1999. He said he would help develop pol icy recommendations, oversee their implementation and occasionally meet with foreign officials to discuss inter national trade policies. “It’s going to be an interesting opportunity, and hopefully a good time to be in Washington, D.C.,” he said. “There’s a need as well as a chance that there will be some developments regarding international trade policies within the next year.” Schaefer, who said he favored free trade policies, noted that U.S. foreign economic policy-makers face many ‘ challenges in the coming year. A financial crisis that began in Asia in 1997 has spread to Russia and Latin ; America, and is hurting some U.S. export industries, including agricul ture. President Clinton will seek fast track negotiating authority to pursue regional free trade pacts in the Asia Pacific region and in the Americas. The World Trade Organization will hold negotiations on a series of trade initiatives. Schaefer said he wanted to encour age struggling countries to handle then economic difficulties responsibly and openly. “It is very important during this _ financial crisis that struggling nations don’t turn to protectionism,” he said. In the World Trade Organization negotiations, Schaefer said he favored initiatives that would improve prospects for U.S. farmers, especially rules that would ensure unfettered access to foreign markets for U.S. agri cultural goods. In addition to his duties in Washington, which begin around Feb. 1, Schaefer continues to teach his inter national trade law and policy seminars at the NU College of Law. Schaefer commutes to Lincoln occasionally, and part of the classes are conducted through Internet “real time” chats and telephone conference calls. Schaefer served in Washington previously as an international trade consultant for the National Governors Association. He said that experience had improved his teaching and research abilities. “I know from my previous experi ence that international economics is a mixture of economics, law, politics and policy,” he said. “My previous experi ence was beneficial to both teaching and researching, and I expect this experience to have similar benefits.” Schaefer was selected for his NSC post through the Intergovernmental Personnel Mobility Act, which allows the federal government to “borrow” experts from other levels of govern ment or academia. Nancy Rapoport, dean of the NU College of Law, said Schaefer had been selected because of his expertise in international economics law and his personal relations skills. “I think it is very important to rec ognize what an honor this is,” she said. “This is a big deal.” Schaefer’s government experience will enhance the Law College’s base of expertise and the opportunities avail able to its students, Rapoport said. “It’s extremely important,” she said, “both from a standpoint of what we’re able Jo offer our students and with respect to the type of research and connections made.” Schaefer graduated from the University of Chicago with a degree in economics. He has three law degrees from the University of Michigan in Hibler files motion asking for more time By Shane Anthony Staff writer Former UNL English Assistant Professor David Hibler filed a motion Friday in U.S. District Court asking for either dismissal of or more time to respond to a sexual harass ment suit against him. According to court documents, the motion asks for reconsideration of a motion Hibler filed June 23 ask ing for the case to be dismissed. Former University of Nebraska Lincoln student Valerie Giunca sued the NU Board of Regents and Hibler in February, alleging Hibler sexually harassed her while she was a student in his class during the 1996 fall semester. Giunca filed for default judgment against Hibler June 1. Hibler said he had not been served with the com plaint. On Jan. 8, Judge Richard G. Kopf gave Hibler until Jan. 22 to respond to the lawsuit. Giunca’s lawyer, Carole McMahon-Boies, said Saturday that Hibler’s motions came as no surprise. “He had a deadline to meet, and I expected him to get something on file,” she said. McMahon-Boies said she had not seen the filings. Hibler, when contacted on his cellular phone Saturday, said he would not speak to the Daily Nebraskan. The university revoked Hibler’s tenure and fired him June 20. The Board of Regents voted unanimously to accept a committee’s recommen dation to do so. The committee found Hibler guilty of sexual harassment, poor judgment, unprofessionalism and insubordination. University officials said the ter mination had little to do with an e mail containing material that some called racist, which Hibler sent to more than 300 faculty members and students last spring. REfiNANCIES .~can change your life in an instant. Perhaps you would like to cunsidar the pomflriKty of rreallnu an adoption for your child. Our case workers can answer your __ questions confidentially. If you would like to visit with us, please call today. w1™ ^SffStS^tSSSSilR'68510 CLINIQUE BONUS TIME! _ CLINIQUE /ymmmMmmmmmmm xeat Catch enough get your Bonus Plus. Buy anything Clinique for $35 or more and your bonus gets bigger to include a sturdy Clinique tote holding a special Clinique extra. One to a customer please. While supplies last. Offer ends February 6. .......... 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