The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 22, 1999, Page 10, Image 10
Tumblers ready for triumph I By John Gaskins Staff writer Before the first Nebraska women’s gymnastics meet last week, Head Coach Dan Kendig said one of NU’s opponents, Michigan State, had an advantage because they already had a meet under their belt “Many teams improve the most between their first and second meets,” Kendig said. “The jitters and rustiness is out of them, and they’re ready to compete.” Kendig hopes this will be the case for his Huskers this weekend as they take to the road again for a triangular Friday against No. 18 Arizona and No. 19 Washington at Seattle. Judging by what the coach said after last weekend’s quadrangular with the Spartans, Iowa State and Winona State, “there’s plenty of improvement” for his team this weekend. It won’t be easy. NU captured indi vidual titles in the all-around (Heather Brink), balance beam (Courtney Brown, who tied a school record) and Misty Oxford (floor exercise), not to mention the all-around team title. The performance was solid enough to jump NU’s national ranking from 11th to seventh this week. Assistant Coach Rhonda Faehn-Tetreault’s bal ance beam team is second nationally. “Being a past Olympian (1988) and coach (UCLA assistant 1993-94), she’s really been a great addition to our staff,” Kendig said. “And all the girls seem to like her a lot, too.” Improvements will be tough to come, though, considering the team’s short practice week because of travel. One gymnast who will be more than excited about the trip to the Northwest will be Misty Oxford, who currently ranks ninth nationally in the floor exercise. The meet will be a homecoming for the senior, a native of Kelso, Wash., and Kendig said it will be a huge night for her in front of her family and friends. 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Peak-week surcharges/off-week discounts may apply Restrictions and cancellation penalties apply. Limited availability. Subject to change without notice. Call for full details on hotel selection and availability. Letterwinners lead men By John Gaskins Staff writer As he begins his third decade as the Nebraska men’s gymnastics Head Coach, Francis Allen has plenty to look back on and be proud of. Eight national championships. Seven NCAA runner-up finishes. Thirteen conference titles. Thirty-eight individual national champions. Eleven Olympians. But the most important thing for Allen right now is what he has to look forward to. Five returning letterwinners. A No. 4 ranking in the preseason national coaches poll. And the 10th time in histo ry that Lincoln will play host to the NCAA Championships, at the Bob Devaney Sports Center on April 22-24. The road home will begin this weekend as the Huskers start their sea son Friday and Saturday at the Rocky Mountain Open in Colorado Springs, Colo. “We’re looking to win this week end,” Allen said. “We would like this week to set a base for the rest of the sea son.” Allen said NU’s toughest competi tion will come from Brigham Young and Oklahoma. Of the returning letterwinners, three are All-Americans: all-arounders Marshall Nelson, a senior; senior Jim Koziol; and junior Derek Leiter. But NU will be without Nelson indefinitely because of a tom anterior cruciate ligament in his left knee. Still, Allen believes the Huskers will hold up with two Canadian National Team members, sophomore Jason Hardabura and freshman Martin Fournier, rounding out the all-around lineup. “Any time you take away a gymnast who is capable of scoring a 9.8 or 9.9 on five events, it is going to be difficult,” Allen said, “but we have five all arounders who are as good as anyone in the country.” Numbers, depth favor NU By Crysttbe Nichols Staff writer The Nebraska men’s and women’s track and field teams return to the Bob Devaney Sports Center for the Nebraska Open after claiming two Big 12 Conference titles on the men’s side, and two second place finishes from the women’s. NU will be opening its home indoor season Saturday at 9 a.m. with the meet. About 900 athletes will be competing from 17 schools. Head Coach Gary Pepin believes the Huskers are going to be well-repre sented by the team consisting of 115 tal ented athletes. “The school with the largest num ber of athletes would be Nebraska going away no contest,” Pepin said. Senior Shane Lavy’s high jump per formance in the Kansas State/Oklahoma State Invitational qualified him for the NCAA Indoor Championships with a provisional qual ify ing mark of 7 foot 3 Vi inches - just an inch and a half short of an automatic marie Senior All-American pole vaulter, Kim Stewart, who placed third last week, has been nursing an Achilles’ ten don injury. “She has been battling injuries,” Pepin said, “but right now it’s on the upswing, so I hope she will get better and improve.” Though the team is still early in the season, Pepin believes the team’s strength in balance gives them a positive outlook for Saturday’s meet and the remainder of the season. “We’ve just had one meet and I don’t think that’s told us a whole lot, but our teams - men and women - have some quality and in some areas, we have depth and pretty good balance,” Pepin said. “Across the board by bal ance, I mean, we have some pretty good athletes in almost every event.” Grapplers to battle with Beavers From staff reports The No. 7 Nebraska wrestling team will travel to Portland, Ore., this weekend to face a ranked team before coming back to the Comhusker State to entertain some of its western Nebraska fans. The Comhuskers will face Oregon and No. 18 Oregon State on Saturday at the Oregon Wrestling Classic. There are 19 teams in the tournament. Then, NU will travel to Ogallala for its outstate meet against Air Force. It’s NU poster day, and posters of the team will be available. OSU looks to be the mam compe tition, with a 9-4 dual record overall. The Beavers will bring in five ranked wrestlers. OSU lost to No. 2 Minnesota 26-12, No. 9 Michigan 23-18, No. 14 Cal-State Bakersfield 22.-16 and 16th-ranked Cornell 20 12. Oregon State’s top wrestler is senior Oscar Wood at 149 pounds. Wood, currently No. 1 in the nation, pulled off the rare feat of los ing his first match at the NCAA Championships and working his way back through consolation matches to finish third overall. 205 Bicycles 210 Books 213 Clothing 216 Computers 220 Furniture 230 Jewelry 240 Miscellaneous 250 Pets 255 Photo Equipment ■ 265 Stereos & TVs 270 Ticket Exchange 290 Vehicles 300 Adoption 305 Alterations/Sewing 310 Automotive 320 Bridal 336 Employment 340 Entertainment 348 Hairstyling 350 Health/Fitness 1 355 Instruction/Tutoring 365 Legal Services 370 Miscellaneous 378 Pregnancy 385Rentals 388 Tanning 390 Tattooing 395 Typing/Resumes 400 Roommates 410 Housing Wanted 420 Rooms lor Rent 430 Houses for Rent 440 Duplexes for Rent 450 Apartments for Rent 460 Summer Housing 470 Mobile Homes 490 Homes for Sale I 500 Help Wanted 510 Child Care 520 Work Study 530 Summer Jobs 540 Internships 555 Business Opportunities 600 Rides 603 Spring Break Trips 610 Announcements 615 Meetings 620 Greek Affairs 630 Student Government 640 Personals 645 Lost & Found __ 650 Wanted 660 Fundraising 670 900 Numbers 200s For sale Dresser, Tables, dinette, Queen bed. TV, & VCR. Call 420-7622 .. PEAVEY electric guitar plus cover, cord and amplifier box, complete set! $290, OBO. 464-0378. Like new Burton free style snow board boots, size 9. $75. 488-6347. ‘76 Ford LTD Mint Condition. 91,000 miles. $1,200. 465-4649 after 6pm. _ Toyota Corolla 1988, 4 door, Maroon, 108K. $2500. Call 420-7622. I The Daily Nebraskan 34 Nebraska Union Lincoln, NE 68588 -- 1 -!!-j m-^'- --1 -- - - - 300s U - ✓ Affectionate couple wishes to welcome your new born into our family if you are considering an adoption plan, please call Baraba and Paul at 1-800-588-5413. Ex penses paid. Attractive, educated, financially secure couple is eager to have a family and provide your newborn with a won derful life, love, home and security. Expenses paid. Please call Leslye and Andy at 1 -800-294-5177. New Infant/Toddler Early Head Start Childcare Center Openingll Cedars Youth Services is looking tor 6 full-time caring and reliable teachers to work in a new Infant and Toddler ChiidCare Center for 30 children. Bachelor’s or As sociate’s degree in Early Childhood Education or CDA required. Experience working with children a must. Competitive salary plus paid holidays, vacation time and excellent benefits. Submit completed application to Cedars Youth Servic es, 770 N. Cotner, Suite 410, Lincoln, NE 68505 or call 434-5437 to have an application mailed. Resumes will not be substituted for the application. EEO/AA/ADA. CEDARS YOUTH SERVICES Operation Smart Facilitator Facilitate program which stimulates girls' interest in science, math, and technology. 2-3 afternoons and 8-10 hours per week. Great for education, science, or math majors. Resume and YWCA application accepted until filled. Apply to the YWCA 1432 N St. AA/EOE. Auto Accidents & DWI Other criminal matters, call Sanford Pollack 476-7474, DWI defense. Reasonable rates. Fox Law Office, 488-2551. Free Pregnancy Test Birthright is a confidential helping hand. Please call for appointment or more information, 483-2609. Check out our website 400s HMSlQI 1 female roommate needed to share 3BR apartment. Sign lease Feb.-Jaty, $217.50+ utilities/montn. If inter ested ca!< Jenny 474-4384. 2 M/F roommates, $167/mo, 6 BR house. Never a dull moment! W/D, free cable. 476-2329. Female roommate to share 4 bedroom house. $212.50/mo. Close to campusl Call 438-4121. Liberal male to share beautiful home. Deck, fireplace, garage, many extras. 421-0977. Male or female roommate needed to take over lease ASAP on a 2 bedroom apartment. 3 blocks from East Campus, nonsmoker and responsible. $230/month plus low utilities. Please call 325-0491.l__ Male roommate to share large house near campus. $175/month + $150 deposit + 1/4 utilities. 423-7953, call after 5 p.m. Male/female roommate needed to share two bedroom. Highland View apartments, ground level, pool side. Cal 475-3069,__ Male/female roommate needed for 4 bedroom house, 5 minutes from campus. $162.50+1/4 utilities + deposit. Call 475-1998. Open-minded roommate needed. $307.50/mo including utilities. Call Greg at 421-8624. Roommate needed to share 2BR apartment. $150/mo + utilities. Call J.J. at 438-2195._ 3 bedroom, near UNL, $600. 432-6644. 1425 N. 23rd. Nice, large 4 bedroom, 2 baths, parking, basement, near campus. $750. Call 432-0644. 2301 Vine. Very nice large 3 Bedroom, 1 1/2 baths, parking, basement, near campus, $675.432-0644. Group to Rent Five bedroom, two baths. All utilities paid. Washer/dryer. New carpet. $260/person. 1407 N. 19th. 430-9415. Large 1 & 3 BR duplexes near both campuses. 489-5168. Large 2 BR, big rooms, lots of storage, pets ok, $415. Call438-9039. Large 2BR, fenced yard, parking, pets okay. 1829 Euclid, $53). 423-8122 or 450-3897. Near campus, new 3 bedroom, 2 baths, garage. 2430 U, 1850 N. 24th. $600-$800.438-3393 or 440-2225. Near UNL, two bedroom + sun room. $475 + gas, electric, and deposit, no dogs. Great for grad students. 477-8362.__ NEWER 3BR 3baths, double attached garage, all appliances, wash/dry, dishwasher. Campus close. HIP • 465-8911. !! SUNNY & CHEERFUL!! I! SMOKE FREE!! 1BR 2000 J St, Clean $295 1BR1342 B St, Oak Firs $325 2BR 2000 J St, Nice $350 2BR1501S 19th, New carpet $395 No Smokers or Pets 440-3000