The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 15, 1999, Page 12, Image 12

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Swimming Pool
Meadowlant in northeast Lincoln at the
corner of Lancaster Lane and Meadowlane Drive, is
looking for a friendly energetic person to manage a
class B neighborhood pool. Lifeguard certificate and
pool operator license preferred. Responsibilities include
hiring/supervising lifeguards, monitoring pool
operation, scheduling pool activities and supporting a
family atmosphere. The pool operates from Memorial
Day to Labor Day. We offer a competitive salary and a
flexible work atmosphere.
Please send resume to Steve Wallingford, 2809 N
74th, Lincoln. NE 68507. (4(g) 464-4207.
MDS Harris has an opening for Telecommunications
associate in our Lincoln facility. We are seeking per
sonable, energetic individuals with excellent communi
cation skills to direct calls, relay messages and assist
clients. Will also assist with screening individuals over
the telephone to match requirements for pharmaceutical
studies while entering data into a computer
database. HS diploma or GED and data entry skills are
required; one year of telecommunications experience
preferred. Hours are between 7:50 a.m. and 5:15 p.m.
Approximately 30 - 40 hours per week. Please apply in
person at:
dMD& Harris
Stitntt AA»*nti*f Htthi
Human Resources, JM - TA621 Rose Street
Lincoln, NE 68502
Teacher Assistant
Are you an energetic fun loving individual who enjoys
the wonder of working with children? Then Family
Service wants you! We currently have the following op
portunities available:
• part-time teacher assistants working within the Lin
coln Public Schools for our School's Out program.
• part-time teacher assistants working with infants at
our Dr. Stephen W. Carveth Child Development Center
at 4525 F St.
• part-time teacher assistants working with infants
and toddlers at our Downtown Infant and Toddler Center
at 1100 N St.
To join our Child care teams please fill out an application
at 501 S. 7th St. or you may contact our personnel
officer at 441 -7949 for additional information.
Telephone interviewers needed to conduct survey re
search. No sales involved, at the Bureau of Sociological
Research located on City Campus. Evenings and
weekend shifts available through the end of the school
year. Minimum of 12 hours per week. $7.62 minimum
hourly salary. Call 472-3672 between 8:30am and
4:30pm Monday-Fridav. The University is an AA/EOE.
Looking for dependable employees with customer
service experience. Math proficiency a plus. Apply in
person Paycheck Advance. 1144 Comhusker Hwv.
Nebraska's Grand Hotel is seeking the following posi
‘Server FT/PT/AM/PM (restaurants & banquets)
‘Backwait FT/PT
‘Cocktail Server PT PM
‘Banquet Prep Cool. FT Mid
‘Renaissance Cook FT PM
‘Door Staff FT AM/PM
‘Bell Staff FT AM (must be at least 21)
‘Front Desk Clerk FT 3-11 pm
‘Desk Clerk Supervisor FT 3-11 pm
‘Night Cleaners FT/PT
‘Security Officer PT (8 hour shifts)
‘Human Resources Clerk FTM-F(12-6pm)
We provide uniforms, free meals & excellent benefits.
Apply In Person
Human Resources 7:30am-6pm M-F
333 South 13th St. Lincoln, NE
Use 'L' St. Entrance
Just a few blocks from UNL!
I The downtown YMCA is hiring aerobic instruc-|
tors. CaH for more information 434-9236.
Trade Show Assistant
Assist the Promotions department with: tracking,
ordering, dispersing, and maintaining demonstration
and trade show equipment. The qualified individual for
this position must be able to lift 70 lbs and have the
mechanical ability to work with and maintain demon
stration and trade show equipment. Hours are
part-time, approximately 20 hours per week, between
8 am-5pm, M-F. Salaw is negotiable depending on ex
perience. Apply at 1550 N. 20th Cir. Or send resume to
STI, HR Manager/Marketing Dept Asst. P.O. Box
80238, Lincoln, NE 68501 or
e-mail: EOE/AAP
Tutors are needed in the Hewit Academic Center for
the following subjects: Math, Chemistry, and all busi
ness classes. Supplemental instructors are also
needed for Astronomy 103. We are seeking upper level
undergraduate and graduate students with a GPA of
3.0 or above and excellent communication skills are a
must. Tutors will earn $6.00 per hour and will have
flexible and variable hours. If interested, apply at 300
West Stadium (underneath Memorial Stadium) or apply
on-line at
Unit Secretary
Responsible for order ana information processing, and
maintenance of the patient's medical record on the
unit. Provides organization to the work station and
provides direct or indirect patient care as directed.
Communicates pertinent information to other members
of the health care team. Requirements of this position
includes a strong working knowledge of medical
terminology, keyboarding skills for data entry, effective
communication skills, ana an ability to manage a chaotic
work environment. Previous Unit secretary experience is
Full Time (7am - 7pm)
Week 1 (Monday & Thursday)
Week 2 (Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday)
Every Other Weekend: 8am - 4:30pm
Please submit resume/application to:
BryanLGH Medical Center East
Human Resources
1600 South 48th Street
Lincoln, NE 68506
FAX: (402) 483-8444
JOB UNEigOp 483-3606
UNL Student- Part Time
Ticket Sales
Lied Center Box Office
Hiring UNL student for ticket sales. Must be available
to work MWF 10:30am-12:30pm plus additional hours
that include occasional evening and weekend hours as
needed at performances. If you are detail oriented,
possess excellent phone and keyboarding skills, have
previous sales and cash handling experience and are
available to work the hours specified, apply at 301 N.
12th, M-F between 11am and 5:30pm or call Cheri at
Vital Services needs dependable reliable individuals to
work with disabled adults and children, evenings
and/or weekends. Call 465-5664 or 476-0645 ask for
We are looking to recruit motivated hard working indi
vidual to join an exciting high energy company Full or
part-time 7:00-3.-00 p.m. Guest Service Agents. Of
fering a $100 hiring bonus apply at Fairfield Inn 4221
Industrial Ave. 476-6000.
Web masters/programmers needed. Flexible hours.
Experience required. 466-1888.
Wendys 14th & “Q”
Now hiring quality minded people for lunch and evening
shifts. Flexible hours, vacation, and meal discounts.
Apply in person.
Babysitter in our home, nice neighborhood, free room
and board, references required. Friday through Monday
hours. Call 484-6365.
Dependable UNL approved work study student
needed to assist in care of tropical fish, flexible hours,
$6.50/hour. 472-3029, or come to room 2 Manter.
Education and Museum Studies Students! Fun and re
sume-building work-study opportunities available at
the Museum of Nebraska History for the spring semes
ter. Work with school groups and famines at the new
hands-on exhibit called the History Adventure Center.
Call 471-4757.
UNL approved work study student needed to assist
with care of crickets and with experiments, flexible
hours, $6.50 per hour. 472-0742, or room 56 Manter.
I_ I'
500 Summer Jobs/ 50 Camps/ You Choose!!! NY, PA,
New England. Instructors Needed: Tennis, Basketball,
Roller Hockey, Soccer, LaCrosse, Volleyball,
Gymnastics, English Riding, Lifeguard, WSI, Water Ski,
Sailing, Wind surfing. Aerobics, Archery, Mountain Bik
ing, Rock climbing, Ropes, Dance, Piano, Accompanist,
Theater, Ceramics, Jewelry, Woodworking, Pho
tography, Radio, Nature, RN’s, Chefs. Arlene Streisand:
1 - 800-443-6428;
PELLING! In the Rockies near Vail, ANDERSON
CAMPS seeks caring, enthusiastic, dedicated
patient individuals who enjoy working with chil
dren in an outdoor setting. Counselors, Cooks,
Wranglers, Maintenance and Nurses. Interviews
on January 26th. Stop by Career Planning and
Placement Office to get an application and sign
up for an interview. Questions? Call us at (970)
Nebraska's most beautiful resident camp YMCA Camp
Kitaki located on the Platte River, is seeking applicants
for Counselors, Lifeguards, Wranglers, Crafts, Ropes
and Trips. We offer fun, friends and the experience of
a lifetime. Call YMCA Camp Kitaki in Lincoln for an ap
plication at 434-9225, or e-mail
Rewarding, exciting summer for college students
counseling in the Colorado Rockies. Backpacking,
western riding, water activities, natural science and
many outdoor programs. Write, call, or email us:
Sandborn Western Camps, P.O. Box 167, Florissant,
CO 80816. (719) 748-3341. interbamOaol.com_
Earn up to $195 a month by donating
potentially lifesaving plasma!
CIA For your Visit our friendly,
” f- t ni „ CTY1 a modem center and find out more about the
i lrsi piasma opportunity to earn cash while helping
donation otners.
As part of a Company
C^JA For your research program, an experimental test
, will be performed on your plasma which
second plasma could potentially benefit plasma product
donation recipients in the years to come! Your
(Within 21 davst [esearch participation.isi entirely voluntary;
' i 21 <UV8) however, it is required if you want to
donate plasma.
^ “0” St. 475-8645
Must be 18-49 years of ace. possess a valid ID and proof of local address and Social Securit
i :"r".h.i
‘99 will be an exciting year in
politics. Get involved.
The Nebraska Democratic Party is seeking motivated
and energetic students for a variety of internships.
Must be multi-tasked and possess good communica
tion skills. Perfect for any major. Gain experience in
politics and earn college credit. Call 434-2180 and ask
tot Erin.
Engineering Intern
Part-time flexible, during school term, Full-Time during
the summer. Duties: Work in Product Design area with
RF technology, other duties depending on education.
Requirements: 1 full year of education, working toward
a 4 Vear Mechanical or Electrical Engineering degree,
CAD experience preferred. Salary: $7.00/hr. Apply at
1550 N 20th Cir. Or send Resume to STI, HR
Manager/Engineering Intern P.O. Box 80238, Lincoln,
NE 68501 or email EOE/AAP
Paid Internship
10-20 hra/toask
NMPP Energy seeks a talented student interested in
pursuing a career in corporate communications to fill a
paid internship. Responsibilities will include writing
feature articles for a company newsletter and assisting
with design and layout of brochures and other com
munication pieces. Candidates should be students
majoring in Communications, Journalism, English or
closely reiated iields. Requires layout and design ex
perience using PageMaker software, excellent written
and oral communications abilities, organizational skills
and demonstrated creativity. Experience with
Photoshop or Illustrator programs a plus.
Send resume and/or complete application in person at
NMPP Energy, Energy Square, PO Box 95124,1111 O
Street Suite 200, Lincoln. NE 68509. EOE
. ■ , - . ~ ,v. V J - -
Hey Juniors! Applications for 1999-2000 class of Mortar
Board are now out.
Hey Freshman, Sophomores and Seniors! Applications
for Mortar Board Notables are also now out.
Information sheets are available now at the Office for
Student Involvement (both Unions), the Culture Center,
Honors Lounge, ASUN Office, Student Affairs (106 Ad
Completed information sheets are due Fnday, January
15th, at 5:00pm in the Office for Student Judicial Affairs
(106 Administration),
Applications are Out
Applications for Membership and Freshman Scholar
ships are available in the Student Involvement Offices,
106 Administration, 118 Neihardt and the Culture Cen
ter. Thp Innocents Society is the Chancellor’s Senior
Honorary at the University of Nebraska. Membership is
based on superior academic achievement, unparalleled
leadership and selfless service to the University
and the community.
UNL mens Rugby team is looking for competitive ath
letes to join our team. There win be a short informational
meeting Jan. 19th at 6:00pm in the Rec Center
conference room. For more information, contact Mark
Coe at 436-6376.
S Student
1 University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Do you want to...
Teachotherstudents aCouteffective leadership?
Have fun white earning credit?
Applications are now available for 1999-2000 emerging
Leader Class TA's. Pick one up at Student Involvement
Offices at City and East Union. TA's are trained
in the fall semester, then facilitate and assist in teaching
the course the following spring. Application deadline:
January 22, 1999. Questions? Call Amy at
public this summer! Earn 3 credits in Russian or
Czech. Travel to Prague and places of historic and cul
tural interest. For more information contact: International
Affairs, 1237 R Street, 472-5358, email:, or visit us at
Fraternities ♦ Sororities ♦
Clubs ♦ Student Groups
Earn $1,000-$2,000 this semester with the easy CIS
three hour fundraising event. No sales required.
Fundraising dates are filling quickly, so call today! con
tact Dan Wolman at OS, 800-922-5579.
GOOD GRIEFllI Join us and others to explore what it
is like after a friend or family member has died. Begin
ning Wednesday, January 20th, 2:30pm-3:30pm at
Cornerstone, 640 N. 16th.__
Intramural Basketball
The last day to enter Men's, Women's, and Faculty/Staff
Basketball is Tuesday, Januaiy 19th. Don’t delay! Enter
your team now at the Office of Campus Recreation. Call
Friday- January 15
City Union
room to be posted
Meet your regent over a free lunch.
Discussion topics will include the Master Plan and
Martin Luther King Jr. Day activities.
Sponsored by the Government Liaison Committee.
Call 472-2652 If you have any questions.
Student Government
Spring Election
Filing forms are now available at115 Nebraska Union
for the Student Government Election March 3.
Women’s Center Counseling
Free individual counseling is available. Call 472-2597
to schedule an appointment.
Women’s Rugby
Come out and learn to play Rugby. Practices on Tues
days and Thursdays from 6pm to 8pm in Cook Pavilion.
Questions, call Cassie 438-4121 or Sharon
FFA Alumni
Meeting Tuesday Jan 19, East Campus Union at 8:00.
Room posted.
There will be a short officer meeting Wednesday, Jan
uary 20th at 7:30 in the Colonial Room. We will be dis
cussing speakers, events, etc. Questions call Tony
BMW cmJF Matt •<*» »«*■*•
Large Group Meeting
Friday at 7pm
City Union Ballroom
Swing Dance to follow.
Student Education Association
Meeting Tuesday at 6:00pm in Mable Lee 262. Come
see “Something N.E.W." with Jim Rea.
Mandatory meeting for all UNL Ambassadors members
next Tuesday, January 19th at 6:00pm at the office of
Admissions. Exciting new business and opportunities
will be discussed.
Congratulations to Barbie Bird on her nursing internship
at the Mayo Clinic.
Love, Your Sisters
The brothers of Chi Phi would like to welcome the
newest members to our pledge class: Jason Bottlinger
& Jerrod Jaeger.
The Men of Chi Phi
Congratulations to Amber Reinking for being accepted
into dental school. We are proud of you.
-Love, Your Sisters
Congratulations to Amy Nguyen on your recent NSE
- _-DG Love
Congratulations to our new admin officers:
Philanthropy - Pat Hastings
Social chairs - Jeff Anderson, John EanMeter
House and Grounds - Justin Mohlman
House managers - Jack Weeks and Tim Kelly
Historian - Ryan Lewis
Alumni Relations - Derek Maurstad
Intramural - Dan Taylor
Environmental and Social Awareness - Barry Young
Activities - Brad Carpenter
Head Hasher - Joe Corbitt
Also congratulations to are new Assistant Pledge Edu
cator - Brian Schenk
Congratulations to Laura Schweer on her recent en
gagement to Matthew Eickman. We wish you all the
Kick in the world.
LI.O.B. Your Sisters
Thanks so much for the flowers on our Founders Day.
Love the Women of Phi Mu
First all party meeting Sunday at 3pm in the City Union.
Everyone interested should come.
Daily Nebraskan Advisory Board to the Board of Re
gents- hire the editor, business manager and advisor.
Pub. Board acts as a publisher for the Board of Regents
and serves as a liaison between the paper and
its university constituencies, payina Darticular attention
to complaints against the pr—
The court that hears cases dealing with student organ
izations. Positions open to fill out this term until March
1999 and also for next year's term of April 1999-2000.
Applications available at 115 NE Union. Deadline 4pm,
January 18.
Student Government
Spring Election
Filing forms are now available at 115 Nebraska Union
for the Student Government Election Match 3rd.
Informational meeting Sunday at 4pm in the City Union.
Everyone interested please attend.
Lost: Male cat, grey with black face, ears and tail.
Paws and chest white, name is Yesper. Reward if
found. Please call 438-8144.
Consortia Insurance Direct/T elescrvices, Lincoln's fastest growing marketing services
firm, is looking for Part Time customer service and sales representatives to represent
major insurance, financial, and technology companies. We need people who have goocf
customer service skills, basic keyboard/Windows PC knowledge and a great smile over
the phone!
• Flexible schedules ; • Paid time off
• DayS, EveningS, Weekends • Fun, relaxed work environment '
Apply in Person between 8:00 ajn. and 5:00 p.m. at:
Consortia Insurance Direct/Teleservices
2949 North 27th Street, Suite 101
(Behind Village Inn on 27th & Comhusker Hwy)
Lincoln, NE 68521 *
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