The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 11, 1999, Page 24, Image 24

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    Engineering Intern
Part-time flexible, during school term, Full-Time during
the summer. Duties: Work in Product Design area with
RF technology, other duties depending on education.
Requirements: 1 full year of education, working toward
a 4 year Mechanical or Electrical Engineering degree,
CAD experience preferred. Salary: 57.00/hr. Apply at
1550 N 20th Cir. Or send Resume to STI, HR
Manager/Engineering Intern P.O. Box 80238, Lincoln,
' NE 68501 or email EOE/AAP
Internship position available in Senator Stan
Schellpeper’s office. Must be available Monday after
noons. Call471-2801 ■__
Paid Internship
10-20 hrs/week
NMPP Energy seeks a talented student interested in
pursuing a career in corporate communications to fill a
paid internship. Responsibilities will include writing
feature articles for a company newsletter and assisting
with design and layout of brochures and other com
munication pieces. Candidates should be students
majoring in Communications, Journalism, English or
closely related fields. Requires layout and design ex
perience using PageMaker software, excellent written
and oral communications abilities, organizational skills
and demonstrated creativity. Experience with
Photoshop or Illustrator programs a plus.
Send resume and/or complete application in person at
NMPP Energy, Energy Square, PO Box 95124,1111 0
Street, Suite 200, Lincoln. NE 68509. EOE
Systems Interns
Sandhills Publishing is currently looking for interns to
design on-line web systems using ASP, HTML, SQL,
Java and NT. Possible projects include programming
on-line article systems, Q & A boards, electronic ban
ners, and on-line subscriptions for our various publica
tions, as well as internal directories for company use.
If you are looking to gain experience in the web pro
gramming field and are able to work 20 hours per
week, apply nowl! With pay starting at $7.50/hour,
Sandhills Publishing can provide a flexible schedule
and professional experience!
If interested, please do one of the following:
• Fill out an on-line application at
• Send a cover letter and resume via e-mail to:
Hey Juniors! Applications for 1999-2000 class of Mortar
Board are now out.
Hey Freshman, Sophomores and Seniors! Applications
for Mortar Board Notables are also now out.
Information sheets are available now at the Office for
Student Involvement (both Unions), the Culture Center,
Honors Lounge, ASUN Office, Student Affairs (106 Ad
Completed information sheets are due Friday, January
15th, at 5:0ppm in the Office for Student Judicial Affairs
(106 Administration),
Applications are Out
Applications for Membership and Freshman Scholar
ships are available in the Student Involvement Offices,
106 Administration, 118 Neihardt and the Culture Cen
ter. The Innocents Society is the Chancellor’s Senior
Honorary at the University of Nebraska. Membership is
based on superior academic achievement, unparalleled
leadership and selfless service to the University
and the community.
Attention Education Majors!
Study abroad Summer 1999! Participate in one of the
following programs: Australia Educator Exchange,
Australia-2000 Olympics and Its Impact on Education
and Culture, Mexico-Multicultural Perspectives in
Education, Mexico-Spanish Language in Monterrey or
Queretaro, Trinidad and Tobago-Understanding a
Multicultural World. For more info contact International
Affairs, 1237 R St., 472-5358, e-mail: or visit our website at
Used CD’s, $5.99-$7.99 New CDs$12.99
Movies,T-shirts, posters,hacky sacks,
music books
and CD towers.
50th and 0.486-0047
Fraternities ♦ Sororities ♦
Clubs 4 Student Groups
Earn $1,000-$2,000 this semester with the easy CIS
three hour fundraising event. No sales required.
Fundraising dates are filling quickly, so call today! con
tact Dan Vrolman at CIS, 800-922-5579.
Intramural Basketball
The last day to enter Men's, Women's, and Faculty/Staff
Basketball is Tuesday, January T9th. Don’t delay! Enter
your team now at the Office of Campus Recreation. Call
Intramural BroombaH *
Thursday, January 14 is the last day to enter Men’s &
Women's BroombaH. Enter your team now at the Office
of Campus Recreation. For more information, call
Intramural Sports
Trivia Contest
The Men’s, Women’s and Co-Rec Sports Trivia contest
will be held Thursday, January 14th at the Campus
Recreation Center. The contest starts at 6:30pm.
No advanced entries are necessary. Enter on site the
day of the competition. Call 472-3467 for more infor
January 12 on Campus
Interview Deadlines for
Boeing, Cargill, Commercial Federal Bank , Ethos
Group, Fisher Controls, IBM, Kiewit, Mutual of Omaha,
Rockwell Inti, Sprint, Union Pacific , World Com and 27
other companies. Register ($20) with Career Services
to participate. Visit 230 Nebraska Union for information.
Start your own fraternity!
Zeta Beta Tau is looking for men to start a new chapter.
If you are interested in academic success, a
chance to network and an opportunity to make friends
in a non-pledging brotherhood, e-mail: or call Mike Simon at (317)
Support the Dream!
Visit the MLK Dooth in the City and East Campus
Unions on Thursday January 14th to learn how you
can be part of the dream through volunteering in your
1 University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Team Registration Forms are
Now Available for
College Quiz Bowl 1999
Being held on Saturday, February 6th
irvthe Nebraska Union.
Forms can be picked up in Student Involvement -
200 Nebraska Union, 300 East Union v
and the Culture Center.
Forms are due January 25th at noon in 200 Nebraska
Questions? Call 472-6412
(more detailed info can be found on registration form).
Wildlife and Pizza
Come eat free pizza and help decide what your Wildlife
Club can do for you at the agenda setting meeting.
Wednesday, January 13th, 7p.m. at NRH 203.
Daily Nebraskan Advisory Board to the Board of Re
gents- hire the editor, business manager and advisor.
Pub. Board acts as a publisher for the Board of Regents
and serves as a liaison between the paper and
its university constituencies, paying particular attention
to complaints against the paper.
The court that hears cases dealing with student organ
izations. Positions open to fill out this term until March
1999 and also for next year’s term of April 1999-2000.
Applications available at 115 NE Union. Deadline 4pm,
January 18.
Today! Nebraska Bookstore
9 am - 8 pm
$00 FREE Bonus Minutes!
FREE Long Distance Until the Year 2000! —
FREE Nokia 91* phone!
Don’t wait! Offers end Monday. January 11 ih!
Visit Cellular One today!
Gear Across America.'**
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Earn up to $195 a month by donating
potentially lifesaving plasma!
4^0 For your Visit our friendly,
vr . modem centei and find out more about the
iirst plasma opportunity to earn cash while helping
donation others- 4 ^
As part of a Company
&Af\ For your research program, an experimental test
J will be performed on your plasma which
second plasma could potentially benefit plasma product *
donation recipients in the years to come! Your
. , research participation is entirely voluntary;
. (Wlthin 21 days) however, it is required if you want to
donate plasma.
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Most be 1849 years of see. possess a valid ID aod proof of local address and Social Secorit
Come Learn... e
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and many more!
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Bud & Bud Light
12 oz. cans
f24 pack Cubes)
Two Does Lemon & Orange Brew
$4.69 f6 pack Bottles JI
*v_ .
Prices good Jan 11th - Jan 17th. 1999