The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 11, 1998, Page 13, Image 13

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Ice Cube
“War and Peace Vol. 1
(The War Disc)”
Priority Records
Grade: C
Ice Cube is now going the Guns
’n’ Roses route of releasing
records: a double album with each
record sold separately. Hopefully,
the second installment will make
up for the first half.
The rap pioneer turned actor
then rapper again has released
“War and Peace Vol. 1 (The War
Disc),” his first solo album of orig
inal work since 1993’s “Lethal
Injection,” which displays Ice
Cube in classic, pissed-off form.
Unfortunately, the heavy beats
and intense rhymii^j are displayed
at the expense of4ny interesting
hooks. Because older Ice Cube
fans will compare this album to
more hook-heavy previous efforts,
“The War Disc” will not live up to
That’s not to say there aren’t
any jewels within the 18-track mini
opera; they’re just a little hard to
find. Straight-up rapping with a
few sampling tricks, as is found on
“Dr. Frankenstein,” works well on
some songs because they’re sim
Ice Cube’s venture on this fall’s
Family Values Tour spawned “F—
Dying^-wJbiclL^hiresi^pfn gui
tarists Brian “Head” Welch and
James “Munky” Shaffer. While the
track starts off slow, it has some
nice rhymes by Ice Cube over some
funky guitar work by the guys from
However, other songs are more
often funny than well-written.
Songs such as the first single
“Pushin’ Weight” are typical, with
its lame similes and bad backup
vocals by Mr. Short Khop. It’s
unfortunate, but this album would
be much better if less
ripping .jpff
DJ for the “Qhris j
Though tins album does make
for some good angst-themed songs
for finals week, it’s probably better
suited for the stocking of a 15-year
old brothers -
- Patrick Miner
“Greatest Hits”
Death Row Records
Grade: A
At firstglance, the untimely
death of famed rapper 2Pac seemed
like an inevitable conclusion.
His ornery boasting and gun-rid
dled lyrics often dealt with tales of
violence that eerily mimicked the
details of his own demise.
But for those who are familiar
with 2Pac’s work on more than a sur
face level, his death left a disheart
ening blow to the artistic world, in
general, and the musical world
specifically. 2Pac may have dealt in
violence, but he also lamented it. He
not only told stories about shooters
but alsjo about those who were shot
Arif in a newly J&egsed greatest
hits ccrnmikuion, Efieth J^ow
Records has collected tfr«songs that
bek revealed 2Pac’s blunt humanity
and Ivrical dualitv.
“Greatest Hits” is a two-disc set
that includes 21 recognizable
favorites and four previously unre
leased tracks that show what might
have been. After only five albums,
culling two discs’ worth of “great
est” material might seem like a
daunting task. But 2Pac’s legacy was
one of both artistic and commercial
merit, and this collection reflects
that quality.
....... The tracks raqge fiqjp the mega
bits such as “California Love?*
“Brenda’s Got a Baby” and “Me
Against the World” to the less
prominent but equally powerful
“How Long Will They Mourn Me?”
and “Life Goes On.”
Of the unreleased material,
“God Bless the Dead” and
“Changes” jump out with the most
Like much of 2Pac’s work, “God
Bless the Dead” seems like an eerie
prediction of his own death.
^“Changes” culls th^menior
e piano riff $dm Broce Hornsby*
“The Way ifW-and
backing for a tale of^hettoliffe^
Gverall, 2Pac’s posthumous
“Greatest Hits” compilation reveals
why he was such a success in his
lifetime, and why his early departure
was so tragic. •
By Jeff Randall
Most people think of the
Christmas season as a time to spend
with those closest to them, a time to
quietly reflect on love, spirituality and
human kindness.
The Lincoln Community
Playhouse is inviting the public to
share that spirit with their closest
friends - about 75 of them.
“Babes in Toyland,” a holiday
musical by Victor Herbert, opened
Thursday night at the LCP. Its run con
tinues tonight and ends Dec. 20. With
its unusually large cast - including 75
singers, actors and dancers - “Babes
in Toyland” is the largest Christmas
production LCP has ever attempted.
According to Rod McCullough,
executive director of LCP, the size of
the production was ah initial concern.
-— —-—
“When you try to tackle something
this big, with this many people, you
have to be careful,” McCullough said.
“It’s easy to be overcome by the logis
tics alone, without even considering
the more important aspects.”
But preparation and a focus on
organization have reined in this
unwieldy holiday production.
“We’re glad to say that we man
aged to not only put this together, but
put it together well,” McCullough
More babes than ever in Toyland
| A Gentleman’s Club '
| 1/2 price drink with ad I
| *
1823 “O” Street .
“Babes in Toyland” runs today
through Sunday and Thursday through
Dec. 20. Show times are at 7 p.m., with
additional Saturday matinees at 2 p.m.
On Sunday, the shows start at 2 and 6
There will be only a 2 p.m. show
on Dec. 20. Tickets for non-members
are $ 15 for adults and $9 for students.
For members, tickets are $12 for
adults and $8 for students. For more
information, contact the LCP box
office at (402) 489-7529.
Attention Graduates
‘%L *■
Cap and Gown Rental and
December 14 and 15,
2nd Floor, NE Union
- —’ : :—— ——;r - ■ iU/t'j 'vn I-\ unumiu .uuiuju
The Salvation Army
Thrift Stores
474-4747 • 737 P Street
113ft 3 37th Street* 1438 South Stmt
Clothing — Furniture — Household
Appliances - Antiques ft Collectibles
™ Ii99m wWi UOuwlOnSi
- • ZifkiiJx* ill,
d : Shopping with us
■is fvV buyf'^wh^h^flWf^r-^f
Your purchase provides
a drug/alcohol
rehabilitation program.
Lincoln’s First
1 jluii
,v iii^
&€®y» MTBBBliiSffiiBBH
jtiimUi &4tSi*a 19X4
399 Sun Valley Blvd.
Most be to Enter, 21 after ^^HH||lB||p|||
8pm(20 aft rith 20
1 »-«*■«» c-, —
■pw Jean Outlet!324isoutM3th^t2^75^3raadv
broken-in Levi's. $4.95 -$15.95, also colored camo..
^/GAcalornwrto *** $*rigRAM,g
IBM 386 laptop, fcOmg hard drive, 8mg RAM: $150
For sale: 8' pool table. NevertoeenusedT$6000Bo!
466-6149. _
Rare century old etched window 32 inches by 26
inches. Depicts old Nebraska state Capital. $6,500.
1988 Chjc, 4 door, 5-speed, $2650.1990 Integra. Two
door, LS 5-speed. Moon roof. $4150. Baer's Auto
Sales, 1647 S. Third, 477-6442
1989 Toyota Canary. 126,000 miles. Excellent corxfition.
Great school car. $3000 OBO. Call 420-1834.
1991 Ford Escort wagon, 4-dbor, 94,000 miles, auto
matic, AM/FM cassette, $1750 OBO. 472-5903.
1991 Geo Metro convertible, white with black top.
42,000 miles, automatic, $3,500 OBO. 476-0189
Buy now! 1994 Nissan Pathfinder. 67,000 miles. Mint
condition and extras. $16,000. Belwo retail book.
Attractive, educated, financially secure couple is eager
to have a family and provide your newborn with a won
derful life, love, home and security. Expenses paid.
Please gal Leslye and Andy at 1-800-294-5177.
UltIJIW'.Wfflf ■
‘89 Hyundai Excell. New breaks and tires, front wheel
drive, 5-speed, no rust or body damage. $2350 obo.
Professional couple seeks care/tutor for girls 8 & 11 in
south Lincoln home. Reliable transportation required.
ASL skills a plus, but not required. Before 8am, after
2:30pm. Average20-25 hrsTwk. $8/hr. or salary. Second
semester. Call 420-1877 for information or interview.
Auto Accidents & DWI
Other criminal matters, cal Sanford Pollack 476-7474.
NEED EXTRA MONEY? No up-front fees. Do you need
Debt Consolidation? We will help. Too Many bills?
Need a low payment & interest rate. Business, personal
pleasure can toll free 1-877-261-0430
Pregnancy Test
Birthright is a confidential helping hand. Please call for
appointment or more information, 483-2609. Check
out our website
General to Professional. Call London at Staffing
"5. Services, Inc. 465-9060 or Fax 465-9066.
iwuse 438-8S66**1 W 2 roommatM t0 *harB nice hig
Available now 3 bedroom apartment, very nice, brand
new, 5 minutes from City Campus. Move in December
and rent free. 1st & Superior. Call ASAP (402)
266-2721.; •
Beautiful historic duplex. Must see. Near campus. Fe
male preferred. $233/mo. plus utilities. 472-1464 or
Deal- $225 + 1/4 utilities, to share house near campus.
Laid back person, male or female. 476-5130.
Female roommate wanted to share 2BR, 2 story
apartment. $170/month + 1/2 utilities, lease required,
but details flexible. Parking space, A/C and laundry fa
cilities. Must be tolerant of my cats and smoking. Con
tact Denise at 489-0021.
M/F roommate needed. 2BR spacious apartment.
Close to campus, $212.50/month +1/2 electric and
phone. Call Steven 477-6389.
M/F, January 1st, 3BR, 2 bath, duplex, A/C, W/D, 2 car
garage. $265 +1/3 utilities. Call Craig 474-5366.
Male or Female roommate wanted immediately ta
share nice 2BR, 2 bathroom apartment with W/D.
$285+ 1/2 utitiea. 486-1642 or 499-1819.
Needed 2-3 nonsmoking M/F roommates to share
house. Available in January, $200/month. Call
438-3643. __
Roommate needed for 3 bedroom 2 bath at Fountain
Glen. Washer/Dryer included $262 plus 1/3 utilities.
Roommate needed for house close to campus.
$175/month +1/5 utilities. CaH 476-4236.
Roommate needed for nice 5BR house near campus.
$200/month + 1/5 utilities. 477-1429.
Roommate needed for newer Walk to campus.
utilities. 426-7561.
Roommate wanted for 2-bedroom apartment near
Capitol. Wood floors, inexpensive rent, near campus.
$235/person + 1/2 utilities. Cali Todd or Kike at 435
Roommate wanted to share extremely nice duplex.
Close to campus. $335/month +1/2 utilities. Please call
Finished basement, one bedroom, all utilities paid.
Available January 4th, $350, Randolph Elementary area.
Theater/law students preferred. Single male has two
bedrooms to rent. $95/$tl0 a week. Everything in
duded. Family atmosphere. 327-0415._
Wanted! A few good women. Looking for a place to
call home away from home? Be part of the Love Me
morial Hall community. Cooking and deaning duties in
exchange for the cost of residence hall living. 4-5
hr/wk. commitment. For more info., call Angie at
472-1038 _,
3 Bedroom, north of UNL Stadium, W/D, dishwasher,
off street parking, $600. Call 489-9294. _
4 bedroom. 2 bath, near Stadium. 1219 New Hampshire.
Central air. lawn maintenance, washer and dryer
included. $800.489-9294. _
5 BR - 2 BA Campus Close
Just remodled, dishwasher, C/A, W/D furnished,
off-street parking Only $895. Call 560-5077.
1119 Charleston, close to UNL, 2BR, $500/month
+gas +electric. Available immediately, 560-4869, eve
nings 483-1165._
1425 N. 23 rd (23rd & Holdrege). Very nice 4 bedroom,
2 bath, patfciflfa. $800.432-0644
1541 N. 26th, nice 5BR, 2 bath, stove, refrigerator, mi
crowave, dose to campus, parking. $850/mo, no de
posit.CaU475-3538.__ v ,■ ■
432-0644 bnfi 083;J0 ^ ■
3925 Holdrege, being remod* uplex or whole
house, $325, §650 or $850.489 oS_
1 Bedroom with a non-comfornj r a bedroom in ft)
basement. Ready January n- 3345 X St. f
488-7852 ___
3BR, 2 bath, W/D, wood floors, single garage, bo*
route, 5-month lease, no pets, $750 -(-utilities and de
posit. Water and garbage paid. 2648 Sumner St.
Close to Campus
3-4BR house for rent, a few blocks from Memorial Sta
dium, $645/month. $300 bonus if sign lease. CaU or
leave message at 438-7638.
Juniors/Seniors Grads
Classy, 3 bedroom near UNL W/D dishwasher, C/A,
$635/mo. Now through mid-May e fine. Ideal for
the serious student who chooses to in quiet dignity.
2600 N. 4th, 4BR, 2 bath, 2 garage, appliances, W/D.
$895.423-3798. _
3224 Mohawk, brick 1 bedroom duplex, garage. $375
pUrs^deposit. References, no pets, 474-1112 or
3809 Keith Circle, large 3BR, 21/2 bath, duplex, garage.
Available 1/3/99. Rent is $775. Call 435-8592.
Available mid December newer 3BR, 2 bath, two stall
garage with openers, washer and dryer. $800 a month
1815 N. 24ttiSt 438-3393. _
3 bedrooms, 3 baths, double attached garage all ap
pliances, washer/dryer, dishwashe off street parking.
2918 Orchard $845. 465-8911
Near UNL, two bedroom + sun room. $475 + gas,
electric and deposit No dogs. Great for grad students.