Nelson prepares to leave office after two terms of service to state Nelson’s methodical persistence that earned his initiatives a strong approval rating in the Legislature. “I think (Nelson) was fairly typical in that he was aggressive and had an agenda,” Wesely said. “But Ben kind of paced himself - he wasn’t a sprinter, he was a marathoner.” Doug Kristensen, speaker of the Legislature, said Nelson had worked diligently to broker budget agreements with the Legislature. “Ninety-nine percent of the time, the Legislature and the governor agreed on budget priorities,” he said. “That’s in large part due to his good working relationship with the Legislature.” Pulling strings of spending A political leader knows taxpayers pay atten tion to their pocketbooks when granting their approval, and for Nelson, taxes and spending issues have been a constant challenge. By Todd Anderson and Brian Carlson Staff writers Election Day, Nov. 5, 1996. At a gathering of Democratic supporters in Omaha, the glum reality had set in: Ben Nelson, the popular governor of Nebraska, had suffered a crushing defeat in the U.S. Senate race at the hands of Republican Chuck Hagel. Around 10 p.m., a dejected but still smiling Nelson took the podium to concede defeat. The lieutenant governor, Kim Robak, stepped to the microphone to introduce him. With the introduction of Initiative 413 - a proposed constitutional amendment that would have limited the growth of state revenue and spending - some Nebraskans demonstrated their discontent with what they perceived to be unchecked taxation and growth in spending. But Nelson often jokes that he is fiscally tighter than three coats of paint, and said those who complain about out-of-control state spend ing are basing their talk on something other than fact. Nelson said he acted to cut the cost of run ning government by advocating efficiency and reorganizing state agencies such as the Health _I IF_ Ben, the people ot Nebraska have spoken,” she said. “And it’s obvious that they really, really want you to remain their gover nor.” Robak’s comment, although a positive spin on a disappointing loss, never theless rang true for Nelson. Growing up in McCook, home of famous U.S. Sen. George Norris, Nelson’s aspiration was to become governor. In 1990, his | dream came true, by the slimmest of margins. He won the Democratic 66-— Ben Nelson established a personal relationship with this state in which his open-heartedness and good intentions were obvious to its citizens Dave Landis Nebraska state senator anu i 1 u in ail Services System. Though the state budget grew by 12 per cent last year - which included a large dose of aid to local municipalities and schools - Nelson said his eight-year aver age for growth in total state spending from the general primary by just 42 votes, then won a narrow Iunu WdS near 3 I victory over incumbent Kay Orr in the gen- P^ff1*- , , T , eral election. Four years later, he was re- Spending is the issue, and I think we ve elected in a landslide addressed it, Nelson said. “We ve fought dili Nelson is the first two-term governor of to hang on to the controls on spending.” Nebraska since James Exon held office Harrison Sen. Bob Wickersham agreed, from 1971 to 1979. As his eight years in think that (NeIson) probably will be office draw to a close, fellow politicians said remembered most for his fiscal constraint and Nelson will be remembered for his connection Pmdent use of resources, he said, with Nebraskans: “Ben Nelson established a personal relation ship with this state in which his open-hearted ness and good intentions were obvious to its cit A matter of gray matter As one of his top priorities, Nelson sought to address what he commonly juxu Lin win oiaiv ijvii. Dave Landis. “People like Ben Nelson.” Even political opponents such as State GOP Chairman Chuck Sigerson grudging ly acknowledge Nelson’s rapport with Neb raskans. “Ben Nelson was a person people seemed to like, to a certain extent,” he said. “He is a lik able person, and he seemed to enjoy good support among the electorate of Nebraska.” || - reierreu 10 as me Drain j t j drain,” the loss of some of 1 KTIOW that you the state’s best and brightest i. students to out-of-state uni Can CUt Spending versities and employers. 7 . 7 >,/ To combat that trend, but you don t have Nelson twice introduced tn rut hrmr thnt “brain gain” bllls’ which try un c, mui would have set up scholar you can balance 1^“ interests if you 're N"and willing to make the difficult decisions.” start'?be T*a! *e ha^e enough people to fill the jobs „ XT was the young people we BEN NELSON already have in the state,” governor of Nebraska Nelson said. After being awarded a scholarship from the state for studv in a specified field students would have Plays well with others Since he took office in 1991, Nelson has enjoyed popularity, both with the voters of the state and the body created to check his power, the Legislature. Nelson tapped that popularity and translated it into an effective form of leadership, fellow Nebraska politi cians said. Retiring Sen. Don Wesely of Lincoln said it was been required to stay in Nebraska to work for three years after graduation. Even though the bills failed, Nelson said the idea created discussion on how to stop the exo dus of Nebraska students to other states per ceived to have more job opportunities or better standards of living. Nelson, a graduate of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, said he has enjoyed a positive relationship with his alma mater. He said he takes pride in state government’s strong support for higher education. During the Nelson years, state financial support for its pub lic universities has remained steady, and the Legislature appropriated funds for renewal of old buildings on all four NU campuses, includ ing UNL’s Richards, Lyman and Bancroft halls. In September, Nelson announced the birth of the Nelson Institute, his own private charity for economic development and educational oppor