The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 03, 1998, Page 11, Image 11
I SssSr* hisses ^'fi«r»&'"' $0.15 each additional word m 34 Nebraska Union ; $0.75 bHing charge . P.O.Box880448^ » $0.75/llneheadline . Lincoln, NE 68S884448 . Deadlne: 3 pm weekday prior ... I_I rked 4generaladmission KSU ve. NE tickets. Taking offers! (785) 776-1453 after 5otn. _ 2-8 NU vs. KSU reserved 50-yaid line aisle seats, taking beet offer, or (785)537-3254. Acceptm^best offer taon^SU/Nebraska student ACE SPORTS & TICKETS Wanted: KSU vs. Nebraska. We buy, sell and trade! Oak Park Ma». 913-541-8100. _ Wanna travel? For Sale: 2 KSU versus Nebraska general admission tickets. Best offer (785)565-0335 FOR SALE: One KSU/ Nebraska general admission ticket Best offer (785)565-0636 Nebraska vs. KSU general admissions football ticket for sale. Limited supply. E-mail offer to ksuw»dcat87Dyahoo. _ Need Kansas State football tickets? Kansas State students have them. Place an ad in the the student newspaper, the Kansas State Collegian. Contact the Daily Nebraskan, 472-2588 for more infor mation; One general admission Nebraska vs. KSU ticket for sale. Beet offer. Call Lyneda at 785-565-0461 Two K-State versus Nebraska game tickets for sale. Taking best offer. Contact Christina at crh47550kau-edu Want to go to THE game? Wb have THREE RESERVED 8EATS. KSU versus Nebraska. Call after 6pm Best offer (785)485-2143 _ WANTED: Three ti&kets to Colorado football game. 463-0443. _!_• ‘82 BMW 3201. ONLY 93,000 miles. 5 speed, A/C. F/R. GREAT CAR. $2900 or best oiler. 483-7800. ‘88 Mustang GT, every option, t-tops and new paint $3200.476-3525, Nrk. I 3 i Auto Accidents & DWI Other criminal matters. cad Sanford POlack 476-7474. Karen A. Steinauer 474-0055 Former Student Legal Services attorney eight years. DWI, Tenant, Divorce, Wilts._ D/Rocks Music & Loan We buy, sad, trade and loan cash.on anything of value, including musical instru ments, stereos, TVs, jewelry, video games and CDs. 21st&0 St 477-6116. Free — Pregnancy Test Birthright is a confidential helping hand. Please call for appointment or more information, 483-2609. Check out our website www.birthri£iLorg Resumes General to Professional Cad StandeBatStaffing I I Aroommate wanted, 3BR, waaher/dryer, great views! Call far details 479-0243.470-0423.' Need some spending money? * ‘ ‘lift SfGJ? JS 8K SigfnrH^ ?.V2n77Vq JRW Sales is the place for youthen. It's a fun place to work. With the flexible schedules you can work anytime. You'll also appreciate the guaranteed hourly rate plus their lucrative commissions and bonus plan. Call today! Be sure to ask about our $130 Hiring Bonus JRW Sales 436-3070 - ‘ ', * - C* *’ ' ~ * Congratulations! You just found your next job. Better call today, huh? wO tanning 400 Roommates 410 Housing Wanted 420 Roomslor Rant 430 Housos for Rant 440 Duptexos for Ronf 4CA AMMsIsMAiite fnr OahI 4ou Apanmems toe Ksm 460 Summor Housing - Female roommate wanted to share nice 3 bedroom house. Available November 19th, $250 + 1/3 utilities, does to campus 438-0664 Female, nonsmoking roommate needed to share 2BR house in wonderful, safe neighborhood. $25Q/month+1/2 utilities. 327-05S4. Fourbedroom needs roommate with liberal life style. Great location across form East Campus $20Q/month covers dl expenses. W/D. Cdl 325-6455. M/F roommate needed for new 3 bedroom apartment near campus. $215/month + 1/3 utilities. Deposit paid. Cal 475-6648 Nice three bedroom apartment 2619 J Sheet Looking to sublease ASAP. No deposit required. 438-9663. Ask for Matt, Amanda or Jent $50Q/month. 3,4 and 5 bedroom houses near UNL stadkim. Wash er/Dryer, central air, dishwasher, lawn maintenance provided. $600.489-9294. 1541 N. 26th, vary nice 5BR, 2 bath, does to campus, oatkina S850/mo. no deposit Cal 475-3538. I NEED HELP THENORM I'M BMMS10RMIN6 WITH MV CONSCIGNCe ID THINK OF SOMeONe TO BAIL Me OUT OF BABySITTING. m® ACROSS i Risky venture 6 Diamond surface iijCollegian’s “Ole!” 14 Guadalcanal river 15 Idolize 16 Pitcher’s stat 17 Adjective for a melodrama 19 Supplement 20 Retreat 21 Wagon on tracks 22 Keyhole 23 Melodrama rol< 27 Households 30 Washes 31 Suffix with origin 32 Laborer’s payment 33 Refrain syllable 36 Melodrama role 41 Greek letter 42 In.-(sulking) 43 Great Barrier Island 44 Statue with limitations 46 People loafing along 49 Melodrama role 52 Study or cuddy 53 Bacteriologist Dubos 54 Choose : 57 Broadcast 58 Vehicle for a melodrama 62 Broadway show re Capote ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE Lm|o1?1 sBp Ie] a Jn Ml |e [a |k [eJ .; ■*' ,/H*> * . :- --,- • >Jr< -. f rST»y - • ’’ ••;»/- * '*■[ '- • - ‘.\-v r’ ■ ' ". ■ ■ "» ■’• ' •' v V v V ' '• '••■•. *• •• \ * ’ # wflmmT WHAT ABOUT OUR sktbr*^ 1. &Sk CM! see--i owi nw) ffonriQ 510 Chid Care 520 Work Study 530 Summer Jobe 540 Internships SSS Ihnlnest Onoofhinitws 2301 Vine St. Really' nice large three bedroom. One and one-half baths, parking near campus, $700. Call 432-0644 3911 Hotdrege 2 bedroom 1 1/2 baths. $575. Call 499-5168. _ Walk to UNL Nice 5BR house. 2 baths, C/A, off-street parking. 430-0618 or467-6177._ 612 Lamont Dr. New 38R, 2 bath, 2 garage, appliances, washer/dryer, C/A, no pets, available now. $750,435-7807. Large 2 bedroom, with washer, A/C, no smoking. Walk to campus. $465 plus deposit can 432-6476. Near City Campus. Four Bedrootn, two bathrooms, re frigerator, (Oapoeal, DW, Washer & Dryer, street parking. No pets. Deposit negotiable. $875. Cal 466-64467 Property Management Inc. if i i SHG HAP m K1D5 yesA9S> AGo-THeytee in high SCHOOL NOW. ! Et 63 Happening 64 Clear, as a tape 65 Hallow follower 66 They can take a yard 67 The Ryan in 29 Down DOWN 1 Took to one’s heels 2 Elegance 3 -instant (at once) 4 Flip ingredient 5 Motley crowd 6 Electrical units 7 Second U.S. President 8 Canvas bed 6 Before, to Byron 10 Koppel or Koehler it Property 12 Fervency > 13 “It—-Be -\ You," 1924 song 13 Sea eagle 22 Andress film: t965 23 Hound’s quarry 24 King of Norway: 195^*91 25 Yulfctide trio 26 Daredevil Knievel 27 Neither fern, nor neut. 28 Do aquatints 29 Like some Ryan games 4 1 * *. * ‘ * * 32 u». or tfivr 34 Whaler’s cask ¥ 35 Collections of J quotes 37 Painter Chagall 38 -dixit 38 Rialto light 40 Relax lazily 45-Paul Kruger, famed Boer 48 Ten-percenters 47Horehound, e.g. * ' ' ' 630 Stuctent Government 640 Porsonab 645 Lost & Found /en »»—m.—■ oou waniea 660 Fundraising 670 900 Numbers . !!!!1I!I!!!!!X!!I!E!1!!1!!!!!!!!!II!!!!!! TRU 640 N. 26th. 2 bedroom, W/D hookups, $325. C* for new vacancies. 3 blocks from campus. 1519 N. 14th, small 1BR, $25Q/mo+dep+util (some paid). 475-2995, leave mes 1221 S. 23rd Lg 1BR. Storage, Micro, C/A, ceiling fan, available 11/1 or 12/1, $335, no pete. 489-6765 or 450-8561. 1/2 Month Free Rent Two bedroom in south area, all appliances, off street parking, laundry facilities $385, plus utilities. Eden Management 489-2333. _ 3BR townhouse apartment for rent, on bus route, doee to campus. 430-2950. Better dollar value studio andf one bedroom in well _ BY VIC LEE _ Jal THE mm OF A AWS EX-WIFE ! BY MICHAEL JANTZE rmtecv rTHey CAN1AK6\ ose of TMeM- inmch Heel setves. comp on// husband? [ ^1-000-CAUSIS/y fc±r^ 48 A major German Slf port 49 Infuriated soBdte (bugbear) si Vogue 54 Avocado’s shape . .contemporary 58 Emulate Dorcas 50 *—"-got sixpence..." eo Light-Horse v. tfarry 51 Granada gold