Cather-inspired composer to produce radio program She’s not the first person to be inspired by a book, but she’s the only one to see an Opera in Willa Cather. Libby Larsen, the composer of “Eric Hermannson’s Soul,” which is based on the Cather short gory of the same name, will be sharing her talents with the residents of Cather’s alma mater and former home. The renowned American compos er has been invited to Lincoln by Nebraska Public Radio Network to co-produce an entire day of program ming, which will feature highlights of LarsenTs career and include a live per formance of her five-pairt song cycle “Songs from Letters.” Renowned for ter distinct love of American music, Larsen’s work adds yet another dimension to the American patchwork of classic music. She cites influences from Bernstein and Copland as well as stride pianists such as Willie “The Lion” Smith. Today’s programming focuses largely on her influences and is designed to offer listeners an opportu nity to experience the evolution of energetic American compositions. Larsen received a Grammy Award in 1994 for the album, “The Art of Arlene Auger” and her opera makes its world-debut at Omaha’s Rose Theatre on Nov. 17. NPRN can be heard in Lincoln at 90.9 FM. Wilderness Park Pgyglopr r or Presei-Mon? Last Change Fob Yop TO PEGTOEl The Lincoln / Lancaster Mediation Board Wants to Hear from Concerned Citizens Last Meeting To Spaalt nm November 2nd, 7:00pm City County Bldg. Room #113 -1 Should We Preserve Wilderness Park ' and Other Wild and Open Spaces in Lincoln? Let Your Voice Be Heard Come to the meeting Nov. InA or Call LLMC at 441-5740 or Post On Bulletin Board @