The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 30, 1998, Page 8, Image 8
The following list is a brief guide to weekend events. Please call venues for more information. CONCERTS: Duffy’s Tavern, 1412 OSU Sunday: Wide, Polyplush Cats Duggan *s Pub, 440 S. 11th St Friday: Fugarwa Saturday: Nine Live Cats Knickerbockers, 901 O St. Friday: Criminals, Zeke, Power Wagon Saturday: Fullblown, The Black Dahlias ‘ •• • . Zoo Bar, 136 N. 14th Sl Friday and Saturday: The Bel-Airs THEATER: Mary Riepma Ross Film Theater, 12th and R streets All weekend: The Return of the Gav/Leshian Film Festival First Plymouth Church, 20th and D streets Friday: Phantom of the Opera 2500 S. 56th Sl All weekend: Big River Temple Building, Howell Studio Theatre, 12th and R streets Friday and Saturday: “Picasso at the Lapin Agile” Kimball Recital Hall, 11th and R streets Friday and Sunday: “The Divine Madness” Pershing Auditorium, 301S. Centennial Ave. All weekend: “The Wizard of Oz on Ice” GALLERIES: Joslyn Art Museum, 2200 Dodge Su, Omaha “Allure of the Exotic,” depictions of exotic lands by assorted artists Burkholder Project, 719 P. St. “Prairie Horizons” watercolors by Anne Burkholder, rtA New Venue” featuring handmade jewelry’by Nancy Childs Haydon Gallery, 335 N. Eighth St. • Friday; opening of paintings by Robin Smith Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery, 12th and R streets “One-Hour Smile,” a video per formance starring Charlie Fried man “Different Voices: New Textile Art from Poland” “The Latino Spirit: Hispanic Icons and Images” “Legible Forms: Contemporary Sculptural Books” Clinton, Lewinsky this year s top costumes ' -—-; —— 1— -L ; ; ByLizaHoltmeier Staff writer Lincoln can’t get enough ofBill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. Despite popular sentiment concurring the media’s expansive coverage oftheir tryst, the scandal-ridden pair has gained popularity among Lineolnites searching for Halloween cos tumes. The requests for Bill Clinton masks, cigars, berets and big black wigs have inundated local costume shops. Everyone wants to be the lascivious president and the overly flirta tious intern. “I don’t think they realize that millions of people are asking for Bill Clinton” said Ann Meier, manager of Thingsville at Gateway Mall “They think they’re going to be the only one.” Thingsville began September with a dozen Clinton masks but sold out of those within a wcck. XVC4UCS15 nave uunuxiueu 10 come in, oui meter saia she has been unable to get any more masks. And those wanting Monica masks will have to go with out. Costume manufacturer’s don’t make replicas of the young woman’s unforgettable face - yet But while Bill and Monica are raking indie votes as most popular Halloween costumes, one notorious figure has received fewer demands this year the Unabomber. Jennifer Johnson, owner of Ruby Begonias at 1321P St, said requests for orange jump suits and wild, mane-like brown wigs resembling Ted Kaczyinski’s hair have declined since the terrorist’s incarceration. Now, it seems people would rather dress as infamous political figures than antisocial mail bombers. Though criminal and political figures may come and go, certain celebrities pop up every Halloween. Elvis, durinc his skinny years, Dolly Parton and Marilyn Monroe are perennial Halloween favorites as are Sonny and Cher, and Dorothy from “The Wizard of Oz.” The increase in requests for celebrity costumes is a trend Johnson has noticed recently. In die six years she has owned Ruby Begonia’fc, Johnson said, customers have moved away uuuuiuuux uuu vvoiuuivo m exchange for the chance to masquerade. People want to be someone they normally wouldn’t be. Women, especially, tend to steer away from the ghoulish anH ugly “Women are looking for something that’s going to be attractive,” Johnson said. “They want to look glamorous when they go out to the bars or out to a party.” It’s no surprise, then, that the sexy saloon girl and flapper clothes top die lists of women’s cos tume ideas. Johnson asked what could be sexier than fishnet stockings, sequins, feathers and a long cigarette holder. With Halloween falling on a Saturday this year, Meier said people are especially concerned about what to wear for their night out on the town. 1 “Halloween seems bigger this year,” Meier said. “It sounds like there’s more costume con tests and parties going on since its a Saturday night People want to be comfortable yet original when they go out” Those lacking the proper Halloween inspira tion still have time to find a unique costume. Most costume shops in Lincoln have extend ed their hours this week to accommodate those who haven’t had the chance to pick something out yet Sales clerks can even help customers come up with ideas. So if you don’t want to be stuck wearing a sheet again this year, get om your power suit and box of cigars. Anyone and anything is fair game during Halloween. Photos by Matt Miller Costumes courtesy of Fringe and Tassel