The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 30, 1998, Page 11, Image 11
402-472-2588 ; • 402-472-1761PAXJP • ^ : . $8-00/15 words ^ $3.50/15 words (students) . $0.15 each additional word MNehraikaUnkjn . ;-.f $o.75bmng charge P.O. Box 880448 $0 75/line headline Lincoln, NE 68588-0448 Deadline: 3 p.mwUkd^prior Vyj'J m:-?% T Zs&f2- ft| I The Jean Outlet. 3241 South 13th. 420-5151. AM reedy broken-in Levi’s. $4.95 - $1SJ9S, also colored canto.. 2 KSU va. NU reserved seat football tickets. BEST OFFERH (785) 826-1664.__ bestofferCa*c*wts|topether) *** p®*®- Can va*i<lat*. Need to sell 1 NE/Texas and 2 N E/Colorado student tickets. E-mail 4 general admission KSU vs. NE tickets. Taking offers. (785) 776-1453 after 5pm. ACE SPORTS & TICKETS Wanted: KSU vs. Nebraska. We buy, sell and tradel Oak Park Mai, 913-541-8100. _ Forsate one student G/A ticket for K-State NU game. Beet offer. (785) 587-0484 or e-mail Nebraska vs. KSU general admissions football ticket for sale. Limited supply. E-mail offer to kauwildcata70yahoo. _ Need 1 student ticket for Texas game call 464-9582 anytime. Need Kansas State tickets? Place an ad in the the Kansas State Collegian, KSU's student newspaper. Contact the Daily Nebraskan, 472-2588 for more information. 1993 Protege, 4 door, automatic, air, 83K, $3,750 1993 Integra GS 2 door, 5 speed, leather, loaded $7,250 1994SubaniJusty.2door.58peed.22K. $2,650 Baer's Auto Sales, 1647 S. 3rd, 477-6442. | : AMAZING METABOLIC BREAKTHROUGH. I lost 40 Pou"d» _ i" two months. Free samples call 1-800-809-THIN. French student available as French. German and Kaiia^tutor- Flexible hours. $7/hour. Call Armelle 420-2009. Auto Accidents & DWi Other criminal matters, cai Sanford Pollack 476-7474. D/Rocks Music & Loan We buy. sell, trade and loan cash on anything of value, including musical instru 2^&Oa.r477,J'*6.ieWe'ry- Vide° 9am#8 8nd CD# Free Bkthrlght^a'he^nglwS^Please call for appointment or more information, 483-2609. Check outourwebsite _ Academic Expressions Resumes, term papers, theses, dissertations, newsiet •b'bng, MLA/APA/AP/Chicago Manual. 402-628-2221. trondadOnavixJieL A roommate wanted, 3BR, washer/dryer, great views. Cat for detaits 479-0243.470-0423. _ Female roommate needed to share a house by Wes leyan. $20Q/month. 466-4713. Female roommate needed for 4bd. house now. Near campus^nice^neighborhood $235/month plus 1/4 Female roommate wanted to share nice 3 bedroom house. Available November 19th, $250 + 1/3 utilities, dose to campus 438-0964 __ Female, nonsmoking roommate needed to share 2BR house in wonderful, safe neighborhood. S250Anonth»1/2uMMee. 327-0554. _ Four bedroom needs roommate with liberal life style. Great location across form East Campus $200/month covets a« expenses, W/D. Call 325-6455. Graduate student looking for roommate. Washer and dryer. $200l/mo +electricity aid phone. 435-4037. M/F roommate needed for new 3 bedroom apartment near^carrgjua. $215/month + 1/3 utilities. Deposit (Mid. Nice-three bedroom apartment 2619 J Street. Looking to sublease ASAP. No deposit required. 438-9663. Ask for Matt, Amanda or Jeni. $500/momh._ 3,4 and 5 bedroom houses near UNt stadium. Wash er/Dryer, central air, dishwasher, lawn maintenance provided. <600.489-9294. _ 320 C St 2BR, $415/mo. References, no pets, security deposit 483-4887. ____ 1110 S. 31st St Three bedroom; nice place. Reduced to $630.477-5511__ 1541 N. 26th, very nice 5BR, 2 bath, dose to campus, parking. $85Q/mo. no deposit Can 475-3538. 2301 Vine St. Really nice large three bedroom. One and one-half baths, parking near campus, $700. Call 432-0644__ Walk to UNL Nice 58R house. 2 baths, C/A, off-street parking. 430-9618 or 467-6177. 4 bedroom, 1 ished hardwood, south of cam0us 476- 6087. 612 Lamont Dr. New 3BR, 2 bath, 2 garage, appliances, washer/dryer. C/A, no pets, available now. $795,435-/807,__ 854 New Hampshire, 2BR duplex, washer/dryer, close to campus, open house Sunday 2-4pm. Large 2 bedroom, with washer, A/C, no smoking. Walk to campus. $465 plus deposit call 432-6476. Near City Campus. Four Bedroom, two bathrooms, re frigerator. disposal, DW. Washer & Dryer, street parking. No pets. Deposit negotiable, $895. Cdl 466-6446T Property MmagBiwint life. • - >-: •* Near LjNL, two bedroom + sun room. $475 gas, electric and deposit. No dogs. Great for grad students. 477- 8362. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TRI-WIN Properties 438-0946 640 N. 26th, 2 bedroom, W/D hookups, $325. Call for new vecanciee. _ 1 bedroom apartment, rent plus damage deposit and lease, close to East campus and Wesleyan. $325/mdhtfi, 796-2300__ New York Style Loft SMBR apartment .^Spiral staircase, skylights and oak 3 blocks from campus. 1519 N. 14th, small 1BR, $250/mo+dep+util (some paid). 475-2995. leave mes sage;. 4 Bedroom Next to Campus 1932 R St 4 bedroom, 2 bath, off-street parting, dish washer, W/D hookups. $800, lease 475-3111. No pels. 2 bedroom, dean, low utilities, off street parting, dose to schools. 510 South 24th, $410,423-1240. 1221 S. 23rd Lg 1BR. Storage, Micro, C/A, ceiling fan, available 11/1 or 12/1, $355. no Pete.489-6755 or 450-8561. Yeah, me too. Luckily, the University of Nebraska Foundation has openings for NU student fund raisers to call alumni and ask for their support. I hear they've got - $6.75/hour guaranteed base pay. plus perks. — Tuition assistance program. - Flexible scheduling. - Relaxed atmosphere with casual attire. ~ Career enhancement opportunities. - Location five minutes from campus. px s.♦ . - You know what this means, don't you? No more daad-and, minimum-wage fobs that won't work around a hectic student schedule. Not to mendon a ZM convenient location, no uniforms C M . | and a chance to gain some oreer Mptrlncii So what are you waiting fori 3T 1472-2151 ask for Kristin or Ben --J 1/2 Month Free Rent Two bedroom in south area, ail appliances, off street parking, laundry facilities $385, plus utilities. Eden Management 489-2333. _ 3BR townhouse apartment for rent, on bus route, ctpse to campua. 430-2950. AFFORDABLE! Tired of living on campus? It can be cheaper to live off campus in your own i artment. 1 Bedroom - 2 Bedrooms I 3 Bedrooms _ Managen^tOne 477-2600 Better dollar value studio and one bedroom in well maintained vintage bujdjrw. $295-330.432-2288. Big 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2nd floor comer apartment in Claremont Apartments. Available immediately, no de posit. Call Emily 475-0658. ■ Brand New 3 bedroom, 3 Bath, in each unit $710 per month, available now. No Smokers. Call Julian 432-7030 or Rembolt Homes 488-9222. CLOSE TO CAMPUS One and two bedrooms. No pete, FREE CABLE. 1910 Knox, 521N. 25th, $350 and $450.477-7684. Close to Stadium Need subleasers for ground level, 3BR, 2 bath at Claremont Apartments. Lease renewable in July. Available end of December. 435-7246. Colonial Heights Apartments One, two and three-bedroom apartments available. Tanning bed and indoor heated pool. 421-3070, Cozy bungalow above garage, $280/month between both campuaee off 476-58897_ Let the landlord pay half your rent, studio apartments at 2312 R. Normally $295 cafl 432-2288. ■ Nice one bedroom, quiet, dose to campus, furnished $250^pjus deposit plus utilities. Quiet non smoking Nicest one bedroom apartment in town. New everything. Good area at 10th and C. Available November 1st $3507 month. Call today 474-2729. Serene Neighborhood 475-7262 Check out the comfort of our centrally A/C and heated, spacious 1 and 2 bedroom apartments with electric entry, featuring balconies for BBQ's. Relax in our sound resistant buildings....all nestled on tree-lined streets, 5 minutes to UNL WALK TO CAMPUS 1BR, heat paid, super clean, newer decor, laundry, parking, dishwasher, binds, appliances, $345. 2BR, newer building, breakfast bar, dishwasher, ap pliances, laundry, parking, binds, very nice, $465. 3BR, appliances, fenced yard, basement, W/D hookups, microwave, binds, newer decor, must see, $550. 489-4857 ill CENTURY We provide: * Locations throughout Lincoln * 24-Hour Emergency Maintenance * Professional & personable Leasing Staff Call us today! 402-437-8300 i1 $9-$12 per Hour for Deliveiy Drivers Dominoes Pizza is now hiring for day and evening shifts for delivery drivers and limited evening inside help. No experience necessary. AM you need to start is a good driving record, reliable personal vehicle, liability insur ance, and a good attitude. Apply at any of the DominoS locations. ***PRE-HEALTH STUDENTS*** Have you had your “3-shot Hep B Series” If so, you may qualify for a medical research study. Just 4 hours a week of your time can earn you over $380 every 4 weeks while you study. Call 474-2335 and ask for Dana. ym Nabi Biomedical Center ^ 300 S. 17th Street _Lincoln. NE 68508 * dj THENORM I AGHBBP ID BABysiT FOR eVGN THOUGH My NEIGHBORS, BUT I NOT TALKING TO MS, I wueNt BAeysAT Before AsKeo R&ne for uet-f? i _ T i 1 ACROSS 34 Carter or 58 What are struck w .. Charles in some family i Vapid 3g Lawver s circles? 6 Skywalker of retainer 62 Poker payment “Star Wars” 36 Reddy’s “- 63 Director 10 Level a Woman" Preminger structure . _vovaaei” «4 Gangster’s 14 Jots 37 voya9e! moniker 15 -Minor 38 The Sunshine 65 Lea lows 16 Former , , 66 Campus V.I.P. spouses 36 Greek vowel ®7 “Travels in. 17 Problem seen in 40 Matinee Northern medical circles? 42 “-of the Greece" author 20 Baum’s terrier essence” BY MICHAEL JANTZE lUlMM IF LAUGHING COUNTS AS » f i i p| jjr TALKING, WG'Be MAKING II plane Down M Mjnn nejghbdr _ 46 ooHutants 57 S African fox 31 oaS9 ° 47 Camey role *» Silent approval 19 RoH anri Rlack 50 A Cartwright 50 Dined M SpnechartsC 51 SPanish Port? 61 March or Roach