0 • v^_ ' ;• , 2'/ '• * | f;Z. If:*-■*'*'*' . .’ • •" r*‘ -Jj • ' sH il A/V l . . ter • )'$. LA. Guns & Clarke Tour featuring former Guns N Roses guitarist Gilby Clarke Friday October 30th jj Doors open 4 too At the | Showtime at 9oo Royal Grove M 19 and over Tickets *12 adv 05 day of 340 W. Comhusker Available at ticket Master & The Grove_ 474~2332 __._-i_J . 5 happy, if you are lucky, you may even get some biscuits and crumpets. And then my mother will cook you the best English meal possible. Roast beef or lamb chop? Next, you have to meet my old man. He’s pretty cool But he’ll give you a 20 question interrogation about who, what, where, why ami how. Just be polite and answer him, if you can. Watch out for my younger sister, Sandra. She’s a sleeping beauty. You’ll be lucky to find her awake. Then there’s my big brother, Lloyd, who is a professional soccer player. He thinks he’s Tyson Beckford. If he’s Tyson, then I’m Naomi Campbell. After all the formalities with my family, we can really get the show on the road. First, we’ll look at die great build ings London has to offer, so you can get a real feel of London. We will tour the Tower of London, which is known as one of the greatest buildings of all time. It looks just like a castle and is a work of art. It^ by the Thames River. You’ll recognize this building immediately because the Tower is so tall, and thousands of little birds sit on the top. Next is St Pancras Railway Station. The whole building has a Victorian style. It’s red in color with blue colored points. It looks like a cas tle. It is the largest and most spectacu lar station in England, being 700 feet tall. This station is famous because of a massive fire, that occurred 10 years ago. You can still see the remains of die and see the most stately and most sophisticated national capital in the world. I can educate you about die his tory of the British government, and we can visually examine the history of the . Great British Empire. We can’t forget Kensington Palace, which was the home of the late Princess Diana. Everything about this place - from the smell to the atmos phere - represents die people’s princess. Kensington Palace has gold en gates at the main entrance, and the outside is full of fresh flowers and lovely trees. We’ll then chill out in Trafalgar Square, which is die place most Brits spend New Year’s. The square is full of pigeons. The British are very friendly. Someone may approach us and say, “Alright, mate’ows it goin?” That’s the way your typical Londoner speaks. After eating some greasy fish and chips, I’ll take you shopping. I’ll take you to the best British stores, like Harrods, which is expensive, Selfridges and British Home Stores. For pure fun we’ll hang out in Leicester Square, Oxford Street or Piccadilly Circus, which is in the West End of London. You’ll love it here. Crpwds of people, newspaper ped dlers, hot dog vendors and street per formers are always outside trying to sell you something. The best night spots for all you party animals are in the capital. London offers clubs for everyone, black or white, young or old, gay or straight If you hang out with me, we’ll LtJbjSLiEY OWUSU is a sophomore broadcasting major and a JDaily Nebraskan columnist Today I’m going to take you where no other Daily Nebraskan columnist has taken you before. Yes, you are going to be entering my world, a world full of adventure and excitement. So be prepared. Sit down, relax and enjoy. Welcome to the official “Lesley’s London Tour,” absolutely free of charge. Just think of this experience as a good deed from one University of Nebraska-Lineoln student to another. The city of London is a fantastic place to visit, full of action and enter tainment, and I’m going to tell you why. London is not just great because I am from there. (But that’s a good rea son.) London is far different compared to Lincoln. London has so much to offer an American visitor: London, compared to Lincoln, is a large city, which is very overpopulated with more than 11 million people. London is crowded and very busy, similar to New York. Without further ado, let’s com mence our tour, or should I say our British vovape It is mv preatest n1«a lire, wiupn mea nunareas or people. St Paul’s Cathedral is another great building to see. Because of the beauty of die building, once you enter it you won’t want to leave. The tall dome can be seen throughout die city, and it looks like the U.S Capitol in Washington. We simply must go to Buckingham Palace, where the Queen of England lives. The building is probably bigger than die size of this campus. Itfs a gigantic house. Royal soldiers wearing red and black protect the palace. Inside are elaborate crafting and antiques. Crystals and all kinds of expensive jewels are contained in the palace. There is an aroma about the palace that makes you not want to leave. Visually, die palace is beautiful. It’s full of elaborately-decorated state rooms with paintings and tapestries marking the history of past monarchs. You may even meet the Queen of England, if you’re lucky. I once saw the Queen. I wonder if she remembers me. £ We’ll tour the House of be getting our groove on until 6 in the morning - if you cab keep up with me, that is. The quickest way to get around is The Underground or tube, which is the biggest and most comprehensive sys tem in the world. It was built more . than 120 years ago. The Underground is so much fun. However, it’s really dirty in most areas, and people sing and dance for money. People travel very quickly around the Underground, so watch out for pickpockets. Guys, British girls love he American accent British girls are not just beautiful, but hey are intelligent too. And ladies, if you’re looking for Mr. Right, then Mr. London may be he man for you. You never know who you’ll meet on my tour. You may even bump into Mr. Bean or Hugh Chant Imagine that. So you can see, my friends, London has plenty to offer you. I would like to give you a longer tour, but we’ve run out of time and space for my column. I hope you have enjoyed your trip and have felt something spe cial about London. It was been fim sure to be your lovely hostess. Now you have to concentrate and use your imagination. You’ve just completed your 12 hour flight, and you just can’t wait to smell the British air and hear some British accents. You take a deep breath and gasp. Aahh. You’re thinking to yourself: Yes, I’ve finally escaped UNL, and I am free at last to enjoy life in London. I meet you at Heathrow Airport where we will begin our two week vacation. Heathrow is massive, and everyone is always rushing around. It is very easy to get lost as it is one of die largest airports in the world. But Heathrow offers a visitor a taste of England as you look at the fine British scenery. First things first You have to meet my family My mum will immedi ately offer you a cup of tea, and please just accept : it It really will make her Matt HanewDN WHATEVER YOU DO... DO NOT RENEW I YOUR SUPPLEMENTAL TERM LIFE INSURANCE WITHOUT CHECKING WITH US!!! We’ve been able to save our clients hundreds of dolars per year guaranteed for as long as 20 years vs. their current group Hfo Insurance rates. Take Advantage Of The Lowest Rates The Insurance Industry Has Seen In Years. *£gg $100.00 $250.000 35 $9.80 $1531 45 $12.60 $2231 55 $21.78 $45.28 Can Toll Free 1-888-301-4751 To Onler Your FREE No Obligation Quote That Could Save you Thousands! You Owe H To Yourself To See How Much We Can Save You. CALL NOW AND SAVE!!! 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