The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 26, 1998, Page 16, Image 16

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    Nude female models wanted for photography project.
Call Jim at 423-9723.
Office management position. Business de
gree/experience with computer and communications
skills required. Competitive starting wage with great
benefits package. Send resume with salary history and
references ta Brand ner Investments, 4301 N. 7th Suite
112, Lincoln, NE 68521 .EOE
Old Chicago
Now hiring for all kitchen positions. AM and PM shifts
available with room for advancement and benefits.
Competitive wages. Apply at 826 P St.
Organist for Southern Heights Presbyterian Church Lin
coln. 10 hours/week. Salary commensurate with expe
rience/education. Cal 402-421-3704 for more informa
ton.. _
Part-time assistant teacher, 7:00-9am and/or
2.^^nm^KtE^pply at Little Kingdom Children Center,
Part-time custom picture framer position in a fabric/craft
retail store. Experience needed. Nights and
weekends. Apply at Hancock Fabrics, 6800 P Street.
EOE. _
Part-time Help Needed
RettSstore clerk must be a self-starter and dependable.
MusV$» able to work Saturday until 6pm and
weekpights until 7pm. Apply 1745 O Street_
Office Assistant
Time to study; flexible
Schedule; UMB Bank. LPO
_ Call Carole: 436-2600.
Part-time sales help needed-year round. Apply Elder
Jewelry, 3100 O. Street
Part-time sales rep, Monday-Friday, 5-8:30 pm calling
for support for children's programs. Low stress
environment. Apply in person: State Troopers Associa
tion, 237 S. 70m, suite 216, Esquire Plaza.
Part-time science Teacner
The Edgerton Explorit Center in Aurora is looking for a
responsible, creative, energetic teacher to facilitate ac
tivities in the areas of science for various programs.
Brownie Expos are Saturday science/math programs
in Oct.-Dec. 1998. Camp-ins are overnight science
programs on some Fri.-Sat. in Jan.-May 1999. School
tours are weekly programs, family events and special
programs as scheduled. Responsibilities include pre
paring- for and teaching science activities and demon
strations as well as gathering supplies. Qualifications
include experience working with children in a teaching
environment knowledge of hands-on science methods,
science background preferred, flexible work
schedule, knowledge of Girl Scout program. To apply
send a cover letter outlining your qualifications and a
resume to Josephine Martins, Education Director,
EEC, 208 16th St., Aurora, NE 68818. Questions, call
(402)694-4032. __
Recycled Sounds.1211 O St.
Thousands of CDs. Thousands of Posters. A room full
of cassettes, new and collectible vinyls. —Videos— Im
portDJ, music magazines, too.
Buying everyday. Open late.
Recycled Sounds 476-8246
Security needed, part-time weekends, at a Lincloln
Manufacturing Plant. Can study while working. Call
If you have 34 hour blocks of time we can pos
sibly work around your class schedule. We are
openW^mMonday^riday. Miscelhmeous
employ both mates and females. Our facHHy Is
clean and well lighted. Earn $6/hour. Apply in
parson at
Wm 4H»80*h1*h Street
Cancun * Nassau* Jamaica* Mazttan* Acapulco*
'Bahamas Cruise* Florida* South Padre*
Travel Free and make lots of Cash!
Top reps are offered full-time staff jobs.
Lowest price Guaranteed. Call now for details! 1-800-838-6411
Union Bank & Trust Is seeking Freshman and Sopho
more undergraduate students who are looking to gain
experience in the Financial Industry.
•86.95 per hour *
• Flexible schedule
• Work a minimum of 20 hours per week
• Commitment of atleast 2 years to the program
• Sales, cash handling and customer contact experi
ence preferred.
Please apply in person M-F 8:30-5:00, Human Re
sou rces,3615 S. 48th St.
Nebraska’s GrandHotel is seeking the following posi
•Servers FT/PTAM/PM
•Host/ess PT/FTPM
•Une Cooks FT PM
•Head Baker FT/AM
•Door Staff FT AM/PM
‘Be# Staff ftnust be at feast 21) FT *
•Front Desk Clerk FT (3-11 pm) T.
•Desk Clerk Supervisor FT (3-11 pm)
•Storeroom Assistant FT Days Tues-Sat
*Set-up Staff PT (can average $9-12/hr)
•Cahier - PT PM
•Cocktail Server PT PM
We provide uniforms, free meals & excellent benefits.
Apply In Person
Human Resources 7:30am-6pm M-F
333 South 13thSt Lincoln, NE
Use *L’St. Entrance
Just a few blocks from UNU
Now looking for cashiers, hosts, carry-out personnel
10:30am-1pm. Free lunches. Good extra income be
tween classes. Apply in person at 17th and M.
Unit Supply Tech
(Part-time Days)
This position is responsible for maintaining an appro
priate inventory of medical, office and nourishment
supplies, forms, linen and equipment in assigned
areas. Requirements include the ability to organize
and prioritize work and react and perform under stress
and emergency situations. Data entry experience pre
1) Mondays and e/o weekend
2) Wed and e/o Thur, Fri, Sat, Sun (benefit eligible)
Please submit resume/appfication or call:
BryanLGH Medical Center East
Human Resources
1600 South 48th St
Lincoln, NE 68606
Fax: (402) 483-8444
JOB UNE: (402) 483-3696
Wait staff needed: $15-25 possible. Bartender also
wanted. 796-9921
Nanny type needed for thirteen year old boy. Free
room and board plus bi-monthly pay. 435-6919.
Earn up to $195 a month by donating
potentially lifesaving plasma!
For your Visit our friendly,
1 modem center and find out more about the
I irst plasma opportunity to earn cash while helping
donation others.
As part of a Company
C/lftFor your research program, an experimental test
. will be performed on your plasma which
second plasma could potentially benefit plasma product
donation recipients in the years to come! yout
, ... . research participation is entirely voluntary;
(within 21 days) however, it is required if you want to
* donate plasma.
B,o-s——1442 “0” St. 475-8645
Most be IS-49 years of ue. posessa valid ID and proof of local address aod Sodal Security.
“Flexible Hours**
Work study students needed at City/ East campus
libraries. Day, evening or weekend hours.
$5.25-$5.50/hr. Apply Love Library, Rm. 136.
Nebraska Canter for Entrepreneurship
Kauffman Entrepreneur Internship Ptopan
Are you interested in starting your own business?
Kauffman Entrepreneur Interns wilt receive a compre
hensive experience m an entrepreneurial start up com
pany while providing the company the busi
ness/technical assistance they need to now. For more
information call 472-3353 or stop by M9 CBA or the
SBC office (345 NE Union). Applications are due No
vember 3rd!
You Need Experience
We can hop.
UNL’s Student Employment & Internship Center
345 NE Union-472-3145
#1 Spring Break Specials! Book now and receive free
meal plan! Cancun & Jamaica, $399. Bahamas,
$459, Panama City, $99. 1-800-234-7007.
[ I
Used CD’s, $5.99-$7.99New CDs$12.99
Movies,T-shirts, posters,hacky sacks,
music books
and CD towers.
50th and 0,486-0047
Fill-Ups $2.50
Wings 20 cents every Tuesday. 12 will till you up.
N-Zone, 728 Q St. 475-8683.
Need some
extra money?
JRW Sales Is the place for
youthen. It’s a fun place to
work. With the flexible
schedules you can work
anytime 9:00 - 9:00
Monday - Saturday and
12:00 - 9:00 on Sundays.
You’ll also appreciate the
guaranteed hourly rate plus
their lucrative commissions
and bonus plan. Call today!
Be sure to ask about our
$130 Hiring Bonus
Information Technology support offers free e-mail I
lixtsin. #A Blrwart F. mail
inxro 10 Digreci c-vnaii
Monday 26th- 9am-10:30am
Monday 26th-1 pm-2:30pm I
Monday 26th-4pm-5:30prn I
Tuesday 27th- 9:30atn-11am
Tuesday 27th- 12:30pm-2pm
Tuesday 27th- 2pm-3:30pm - I
Wednesday 28th- 9am-1030am
Wednesday 28th-11:30am-1 pm
Wednesday 28th- 2pm-3:30pm
Thursday 29th- 9:30am-11 am
Thursday 29th- 2pm-3:30pm
Thursday 29th- 3:30pm-5pm
Friday 30th- 3:30pm-5pm
Advanced Bigrad E-maH
Monday 26th-2:30pm-4pm t
Tuesday 27th- 11 am-12:30pm
Wednesday 28th- 3:30pm-5pm
Wednesday 28th-5pm-6:30pm
Thursday 29th- 11 am-12:30pm
Netscape Communicator
Friday 30th- 12:30pm-2pm
Friday 30th- 2pm-3:30pm
Ail classes are held in Bancroft 239. No reservations
are required and seats are available on a first come,
first served basis. If you have questions please call
FREE SKISI! Ski Brack, Vait, & Keystone Jan. 3-10
From $99-2nts., $199-5nts. Including lift tickets, nightly
parties, races and FREE SKIS whilS they last.
Intramural Basketball
Tuesday, October 27 is the last day to enter Co-Rec
Basketball. Enter your team now at the Office of Campus
Recreation. Can 472-3467 for more information.
Phi Beta Lambda
Hayrack ride and bonfire on October 27th. Meet on
south side of City Union at 7:30pm. Will carpooi to
destination. $4 a person, snacks provided. Bring your
PlayStation Tournament
College Football *99
Cash Prizes
Call 435-4645 for details and registration. _
Students SEC come Join ! Consul for exceptional chil
dren. Informational meeting Tuesday 6pm, Nebraska
Union Centennial Room. Questions 472-5489.
UPC orientation meeting Tuesday, October 27th at
6:30p.m. in the union for anyone wishing to be involved
with the NEW University Program Council. Application
deadline will then be extended to Friday. October 30.
Arts & Sciences SAB
Our next meeting is Tuesday, Oct. 27 af 5pm in the
Union. It is the first meeting for new members and pizza
will be served.___
Attention Pre-PA Students!
Pre-Physician Assistant Club meeting Tuesday, Oct.
27th at 6:30p.m., Oldfather 304. Be there!
Welcome new members! Group photo and meeting
Wednesday, October 28th. Meet at the north entrance
of CBA at 5:30. Business attire appropriate.
Circle K community service meetings, Tuesday 7:30pm
in the Union, room to be posted. . __
Genetics Club
Meeting Nov. 2nd. Call 423-4709 or■
New Student Enrollment
Last chance to attend an Information Session about
Orientation Leader Position:
Tuesday, Oct 27 at 7pm- City Union
Thursday, Oct. 29 at 5pm - Harper Schramm Smith
Applications Due: Mon, Nov 2 by 5pm
at the Office Of Admissions
Meeting Tuesday, Oct. 27 at 7:30pm in the Union,
room to oe announced. Everyone welcome.
National Honor Fraternity Meeting Tuesday 7:00 in the
Valter Scott Building room 241. Everyone welcome!
Pi Sigma Alpha
Reminder. We will me« at 6:00 in Boom 538 Oldfather
tall. Tuesday October 27th. Be therel
Meeting on Tuesday, October 27, at 5pm in Burnett
18. Everyone's welcome.
■he Publications Board w* meet at 3:30 p.m. Monday in
he Daily Nebraskan conference room in the Nebraska
Jnion to discuss Daily Nebraskan policies. All are invited
o attend._
Undergraduate Women
In Business
jnda Robinson-Rutz from Principle will speak Tuesday
October 27th CBA143 at 6J0. Business attire.
Wildlife Club
JNL graduate, wilfbe speaking about his work onthai
Missouri River for the American revere Project
ATX 1'
Thanks for the AWESOME football season! You guys«
ock! i
-Love. Your Chi-O Football Players ?
Sorry about the mix up, but we had a great time working
with you gals during Homecoming.
-The FIJI Men
Thanks for ail your hard work during Homecoming. We
had a blast!
• Love,
Kappa Delta
I nteresting costumes
D ramatic Dancing
0 outrgeous Alpha Xi’s
L ove between Farmhouse and A E A
-The women of Alpha Xi Delta
We had a great time watching T.V. with you guys on
Wednesday! Thanks for coming over!
, Love,
The Ladies of Kappa Delta
Homecoming Steering
Comm.Chair *99
Homecoming Royalty Chair ‘99
Chan. Comm. For «♦«**»« of
Applications available at ASUN office-115 Nebr. Union,
deadline November 10.
I l
120 N. 14th
474-4747.791T IM __
r,, ,r v.
Applliic?. - Antique* * Collectible. g