Union Pacific Customers and employees are critical to our success. We are dedicated to creating and maintaining a customer focused environment where people can be the best they can be. Union Pacific has employment opportunities in the folowing areas; Finance/Accounting Corporate Auditing Marketing & Sales Network Design A Integration Information Technology •feloconanmdcatioas Transportation Field Operations COOPS/lutemships Come by and visit our booth at UNL Career Fair 10/20/98. Essential tools of the trade Good resumes should be concise, clean, readable By Veronica Daehn Staff writer - A resume might be the most important piece of paper college students ever will possess. “A resume says to an employer, ‘Hire me,’ and gets you the inter view, which, in turn, gets you the job,” said Janet Ehlers, an assistant director of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Career Services Center. When done right, a resume is a marketing tool that sells a student to potential employers. But it must be done right, Ehlers said, and she offered several tips. First, students must determine the type of r6sum6 they should cre ate. Three styles of r6sum6s exist: chronological, functional and com bination. The chronological style is the most common choice among recent college graduates, according to die University of Nebraska 1998-99 Career Handbook. It provides a description of where students have worked and what duties they accomplished on the job. Work experience should be listed in reverse chronological order, with the most recent job first. On the other hand, a functional resume emphasizes what type of work has been done, rather than when and where it was done. With this style, specific skills and experiences obtained from a variety of different places can be highlighted and reinforced. People changing careers or those re-entering the work force after a prolonged absence commonly use this style. The third type of r6sum6 is the combination, which combines ele ments from the two other types. It provides an overview of the job candidate’s skills at the begin ning and then resorts to reverse chronological style for the remain der of the document. Ehlers suggests students meet with a Career Services Center coun selor in order to determine which type of resume best suits them. “Ten counselors are on-call every (weekday) from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. to accommodate whatever career questions students may have,” she said. Regardless of which style of r6sum6 students decide upon, they should include several important details. First, they should use a variety of past-tense action verbs in describing their experiences. Most people who read resumes scan them quickly from left to right and top to bottom, she said. Therefore, the first words they read should be powerful verbs that make the candidate sound competent and motivated. Next, points of interest and con versation-starters should be includ ed in the resume, as these work to set the tone and provide the employ er with a memory of who the candi date is. A resume also must be clean, concise and appealing to the eye, representatives from two Lincoln based employers said. Heather Thomas, hiring coordi nator for Sandhills Publishing, said a r6sum6’s appearance is a factor in hiring. “Some people don’t format it correctly,” she said. “There should n’t be sentence breaks between lines and page to page, and we also want to see work experience, an objec tive, an education, computer experi ence and any activities or affilia tions they had.” Thomas added that candidates should provide both a current and permanent address, so contact is possible at all times. Lisa Knollenberg, a Union Bank human resources generalist, agreed that a resumes appearance is impor tant. It should be clean, brief, short and to the point, she said. Sample r6sum6s are available in the Career Services Center, 230 Nebraska Union. ^.ook everybody, it's a JOB FAIR! Wow...just me and hundred of my closest friends sharing anintima,emoment with MEGAGLOMERATEJ Wouldn't it be C00^ if One of these companies REMEMBEREDwhat it washke when they were about to 3 I? I mean, these guys know my QP<], biood^ype and nextofkin. HOW MUCH do I really know about them? this is myH01Justgive me^ERO BS STRAIGHT TALK about stuff that really matters. Wouldn't that be i?" __ cool* K •” - \ ^ ^ PLEASE JOIN US THE MONSTER CAREER FAIR: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 9:30AM-3:30PM. AT THE DEVANEY SPORTS CENTER. U S WEST UNIVERSITY RELATIONS RESUME FAX LINE: 303-965-4339. WEBSITE: WWW.BHEARD.COM. EOE. HSWEST life's better here' @ ZZZSZZH