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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1998)
r Candidates answer mixed bag of questions There were some common themes in the responses of 1998 Homecoming Royal Court candi dates: a lack of diversity, a need for better greek non-greek relations and a desire to get more stu dents involved. There also w as a sense of humor, as suggestions for a new CNL alma mater and solutions to speed up the construction of the Nebraska Union gathered replies that, while not feasible, certain ly were entertaining. With just se\en questions, the DaiK Nebraskan learned a little bit more (and perhaps e\en a little too much) about what this year's group of candidates likes, dislikes, wants to change, wants to leave the heck alone and what they think w ill gather a good laugh. Now we pass a little of this information on to you. The following questions were asked of the candidates, with selected responses printed below. 1. What do you see as the most pressing issue at UNL and why? 2. What has been your greatest contribution at UNL'1 3. What can student leaders do to be more involved with INI. students and facultv mem bers? 4. W hat aspect of the student body do you feel you represent'.’ 5. What is the most important lesson you’ve learned from being an involved student'.’ 6. What song would you pick as UNL's alma mater'.’ 7. What would you do to ensure that the Nebraska Union expansion gets completed before hell freezes over'.’ Jess Sweley Biological systems engineering major Farmhouse Fraternity, Union Board 4. I like to think that 1 embody am student who is w illing to challenge the sta tus-quo challenge the way things are done, the way people wear their clothes or hair and the wa\ student leaders sen e others. 6. “Fade to Black" by Metallica Shawn Nichols Advertising major Interfraternity Council public relations chairman. | Beta Theta Pi Fraternity I Parking! Six spots di\ ided | by 25.000 students equals a | lot of people suddenly con verting to Lutheran to get a spot. 5. You need to have a sense of humor and be able to laugh at yourself, otherwise you're just another somber person with a thick planner. | MoUvWeichman I Biology/pre-medicine * major 3 Gamma Phi Beta Sorority, I Golden Key. Ml Meds 1 1 feel that a general feeling of apathy on the part of the majority of students is a J major issue facing UNL. 7. Instead of pa\ mg parking tickets, students could choose to help work on the Nebraska Union for one hour. Matt Boyd Broadcasting major ASl'N Speaker of Senate, College of Journalism and Mass Communications student assistant 1. Tolerance. 1 feel the vast majority of students, faculty, and administrators are extreme!}, tolerant of people and things that are different from them, but there are a few w ho should be more understanding. ”, Tell e\er\ whiner to go out and help the con struction workers busting their asses doing the real work 99 percent of us are aetualh afraid to do. I James Baser Math and computer sci ence major | Mortar Board. Delta Tau Delta Fraternity. College ot Arts and Sciences Student \d' isors Board | 2. 1 think 1'se been able to spread dry humor and sai - casm across campus in a wa\ that makes people appreciate them as \;tlid and henet ictal comersa tion tools. 4 1 think I represent the proud computer dorks. Andrew Mattox Biological systems engineering major Beta Theta Pi Fraternity president, Nebraska Human Resources counselor 1. Binge drinking and alco hol abuse. This affects the daily life of college students and often impairs them from getting an outstanding education. 5. The university is very diverse. By being exposed to different people on a daily basis. 1 have grown as an indiv idual. Patrick Fischer Chemical engineering major Innocents Society vice president. Delta Tau Delta Fraternity second vice president 1. Issues of equality whether it be ethnic back ground or place of residence. 3.1 think student leaders need to realize that although not all students and faculty want to be involved they all have concerns. It's the student leaders' jobs to listen. Erin Hamilton Marketing, management and finance major Student Foundation President, Alpha Xi Delta Sorority philanthrops chairwoman 3. Students and faculty ha\e much to leant from one another. Interaction out side of class is therefore crucial to get to know each other. 4. Just the average student: stressed out. socializ ing. tired socializing, over-committed socializ ing. working, study mg. and every once in a while 1 like a good party . Ben Aken Marketing major Student Alumni Association president. Farmhouse Fraternits president 1. Responsibility for one's actions, fAeryone makes mistakes, but you must be able to own up to them and move on Put Parking Serv ices in charge of the project. If thev can give you a S25 ticket after being in an illegal spot for 10 minutes. I'm sure thev can complete a union in under two y ears Jill Maaskc Biochemistry major innocents Society presi dent,Alpha Phi Sorority, Golden Key 5 I've learned that failures are as important to expen ence in life as successes. 6. Seeing that we have a "dry” campus. I believe that the theme from "Cheers" would he wonder ful' Lisa Sehkade Mathematics major Mortar Board. Golden Key, Pi Mu Epsilon honorary 5.1 have learned that 1 can not do everything. 1 need to determine what is most important to me and work to reach my goals. 7.1 would build it myself. Jeff Brakenhoff Animal science/pre-vet major Pre-Veterinarian Club, Theta Xi Fraternity. Alpha Zeta agriculture honors society 1. The first is the academic rigor of this university. The other is the division between the greeks and non-greeks. 4. 1 feel 1 represent the hard-working middle class sector of this unnersity. 1 pay all m\ rent, tuition and books. Laura Lessley | Biological science major Gamma Phi Beta Sorority | president, College of Arts | and Sciences Student Advisory Board 1. I believe the most pressing issue at NU is the idea among students that college life is a "life without consequence." 3. Increased involvement with NU faculty requires initiative. Student leaders can be more available and receptive to student concerns and ideas. I Angie King Human resources and family sciences major Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority president, student ambas sador for the College of Human Resources and I Family Sciences 1. The lack of div ersity among the student and faculty population - it is most pressing to me because life beyond UNL is so diverse. 4 I represent goal-oriented, driv en, caring and voting women. Kristi Kettle Nursing major Student Nurses' Association, Golden Key, Innocents Society, Chi Omega Sorority 1. 1 believe the most pressing issue on campus is the lack of student involvement. 7. I would encourage Habitat for Humanity and other students together to help finish the union and then let the transients stay. and non-greeks. Michael Conshruck Agronomy and horticul ture major Alpha Gamma Nu Fraternity president. I M. Theater. New Student Enrollment 1. The animosity between members of the greek system 3. Student leaders should be involved in the "busy work" of an organization to be in contact more with students, rather than telling other people to do the work. Kelly Pollard Meteorology major Mortar hoard. Delta Gamma Sorority president 1. A continual issue at UNL is the cost of tuition. These days more and more students are putting themselves through college 7. Being a meteorology major I'll simply forecast an early freeze1 i Courtney Johnson | Nursing major | Student Nurses' Association. Alpha Xi Delta Sorority president 5. Guilt is concerned with the past. Worry is concerned I about the future. Contentment enjoys the present. 7. Limit the construction workers to just Live cof fee breaks per day. Megan Wigert ■Marketing and finance major Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority, ASUN, Committee for Fees Allocation 2. The most direct contribu tion I've given to UNL was my involvement with the disbursement of student fees. 6. “Glory Days" by Bruce Springsteen | Matt Timm (Biological sciences major Farmhouse Fraternity, Innocents Society, Golden Key I 1. Initiative 413. If passed this measure will sev erely cripple NU s ability to become a top tier land-grant university, and it will ensure tuition hikes for students. 4.1 represent the ty pical student coming from small town rural Nebraska who found UNLs environment very comfortable and conducive to learning. Emily .Millard Environmental studies and geography major 1998 Big Red Welcome Coordinator, Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority 5.1 belie\e the most important lesson 1 have learned is to always remember what is truly important in life and to keep m\ pnonties straight. 6. "If I Had a Hammer" b\ Peter. Paul & Mary Sam I shio Finance and marketing major University Judicial Board. Nebraska Human Resources Institute, Finance Club. Alpha Tau 1 Omega Fraternity 3. Student leaders need to open the lines of communication to further involve themselves on campus. There are main student leaders who possess strong abilities and positive messages but fail to reach the students and faculty 7. Light a fire.