The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 13, 1998, Image 1
f ^ Trying to find room ^ Nebraska's rushing game has been less than f spectacular the last two weeks. This week, the ":i lluskers try to sol\e the woes. PAGE 11 The vinyl underground For 10 years. Backtrack records has served Lincoln's vinyl-loving public. Now, owner Jeff Loos is closing shop to go entirely online PAGE 9 October 13, 1998 Nothing Like the Sun Mostly sunny, high 70. Partly cloud} tonight, low 43. VOL 98 COVERING THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA-LINCOLN SINCE 1901 NO. 37 Twins face Colorado murder charges ■ A UNL senior and his brother face first-degree charges and are being held without bond after being charged Thursday. By Josh Funk Senior staff writer One UNL senior and his twin brother, along with two of their companions, are facing first degree murder charges in Denver The four men will be in a Denver court this morning to ask a judge to set bail. The men were being held without bond after being charged Thursday. Dav id and Kevin Bills, both 21. of Council Bluffs. Iow a: Joshua Wright. 18. of Arvada. Colo.; and Kev in Snyder. 19. of Omaha are all charged in connection with the Oct. 4 stabbing death of 34-year-old Patrick Perry. David Bills, a senior at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. was in Denver visiting his twin brother. Kev in, a senior at Metropolitan State College in Denver, when the stabbing occurred. Defense attorneys for the brothers. Phil Cherner and Jim Castle, said the four suspects saw Perry attacking a woman on the street in the early morning hours of Oct. 4 and stopped the attack. Denver District Attorney Bill Ritter's office was closed Monday, and he could not be reached for comment. Police responded to a report of a man beat ing a woman at an apartment complex that morning, but they found nothing when they arrived on scene. Two hours later police were called back to the apartment complex for a fight. The suspects said the man they had encoun tered earlier came back "This guv comes back to the apartment complex and threatens my client and his friends and brandished something that appeared to be a weapon. "It is dark, he is bigger than they are. he is making \erbal threats and coming at them and actually gets into an altercation with them. And that's when he is stabbed." Cherner. David Bills' lawyer, said. Police said the brothers admitted Oct. 4 to stabbing Perry, and David Bills told investiga tors that he stabbed Perry twice in the back after a fight started between Perry and Kevin Bills. Defense attorneys for the Bills brothers said "they were Good Samaritans who were attacked for being Good Samaritans." But witnesses at the scene and friends of Perry disagree with the defense's interpretation Please see MURDER on 8 Preparing for ‘Picasso’ i ^ r ~~ i Dawn Dikii-mcii DX BRETT DANGLER, a junior elementary education major, works on a steel frame that will be the legs of the Eiffel Tower in the theater pro duction of “Picasso. Repatriation commended By Kim Sweet Staff writer 1 toward Rainer remembers his first experience with racism very clearly. After leaving his home in New Mexico for the first time to go to junior college in Oklahoma, he remembers, he entered the bus station. Upon walk ing through the door, he saw a sign for a black person's restroom and a white person's restroom. After seeing the signs the American Indian asked himself. “What is a brown person supposed to choose'.’" Being a minority w ithin the minor ity. Rainer, who works as an advocate for educational opportunities for American Indians at Brigham Young University in Provo. Utah, uses his experiences with racism to tell students to strive for their goals and dreams. The exent. w hich took place at the NT Coliseum on Monday night, was one of the first exents to kick off Homecoming week at the U nixersitx UNL looks to set policy on chalking By Lindsay Young Senior staff writer A new policy mav prevent people from scrawling messages on campus sidewalks such as those presented to students walking to class earlv Mondav. Chalk-written messages in response to Columbus Da\ reflected the feelings of some about the cele bration of what is called the discovers of America. Thev included "Columbus invad ed this land.” "Murder and Lies as \merican as Apple Pie” and "Let me steal \our land then I'll name an insur ance eompanv after \ on " l andscape Services removed the of Nebraska-Lincoln After being one of the few American Indians in a majority white setting as a student at BYU. Rainer said, he had to challenge himself to keep going and to keep overcoming the obstacles people set in his way. Rainer used the student gathering to emphasize the impact he had as one person, and the impact each indiv idual can have. He recognized student government senator Kara Slaughter's efforts in cre ating awareness in the university over the issue of American Indian bones that are being held by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Slaughter presented a bill last April to the Association of Students of the Univ ersity of Nebraska asking that UNL uphold all laws regarding the use and repatriation of Nativ e American remains. Rainer challenged all students to follow Slaughter's lead. "One person can make a difference when they dare to ask." he said. "Everyone should get involved w ith something thev believe in." UNL's Homecoming happened to conflict with a national American Indian conference scheduled in Nashville. Tenn. But after being inv ited to speak at Homecoming. Rainer said, it was not hard to decide which one to attend. “There is a histone moment that is going to transpire and take place on this campus soon." Rainer said in refer ence to the repatriation of American Indian bones to various tribes in Nebraska. Sam Ushio, a senior finance and marketing major, said he was inspired by Rainer's message and how he used Ins ow n experiences with diversity to relate to students. “He talked about diversity." Ushio said. “He used it as a background for his speech more than anything." At the end of the speech. Rainer applauded the university for its efforts to return the remains of American Indian ancestors to their homes. "For the Native Americans, you made a grand homecoming.” Dawn Dietrich DX STUDENTS WALKING on campus Monday were met with chalk messages about Columbus Day. Landscape Services removed the messages early Monday afternoon. chalkings b\ earlx afternoon. Columbus Da\ celebrates the da\ explorer Christopher ( olumbus land ed in the present-da> Bahamas in 1442. fhehohdax is celebrated annu allx in the l mted States and became a federal holidax in 1471. Scott Lew is, associate \ ice chan cellor Lor business and finance, was asked to look at the issue of chalking when he armed at the l m\ersit\ of \ebraska-Lincoln on Sept. I. Please see CHALK on S Read the Daily Nebraskan on the World Wide Web at http: I DadxNeb