The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 07, 1998, Page 3, Image 3

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    Union policy still challenged
The Nebraska Union Board is
still feeling the effects of a recent pol
icy it passed. The policy prohibits
non-students from using die north
west study lounge after 6:30 p.m.
Sunday through Thursday.
Two students, who have spoken
against the policy at several meet
ings, asked the Union Board on
Tuesday to reverse its vote on the pol
Union Board President Matt Luth
said the board will not review the pol
icy until Nov. 10.
Ed Abplanalp, a UNL graduate
siuueni in pnnosopny, saia promoii
ing non-students, particularly home
less people, from certain parts of the
union was morally offensive to him.
“I am embarrassed that my
money is going to a union like this,”
Abplanalp said. “I’m actually
offended that this thing went
But Union Board members and
Swanson said student concern about
non-students in the union led to the
policy’s passage. That concern still
exists, members said.
Shawn Nichols, board member,
said he thought the majority of peo
ple at UNL agreed with the policy.
Board member Ryan Fuchs said
the policy may be the best choice for
the union.
“This is probably the greatest
good for the greatest amount of peo
ple,” he said.
Swanson said since the policy
went into effect last week, one non
student has been asked to leave the
northwest study lounge.
Women’s Studies office moves
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
students and community members
are invited to join the UNL Women’s
Studies Program from 2 p.m. to 4
p.m. today for an afternoon of food
and music.
In celebration of its new office,
307 Avery Hall, the open house will
show off their new home and promote
the program, Women’s Studies
uirecior ^nnsuna nranmer saiu.
Brantner said the College of Arts
and Sciences allocated the office
space to the program this year. The
program’s old office was in Andrews
Brantner said anyone who is
interested in the Women’s Studies
Program is welcome, even if it is not
their major, as well as UNL profes
sors, faculty members, staff and com
munity members.
New member on committee
Teresita Aguilar, a UNL associate
professor with the Center for
Curriculum and Instruction, was
elected to the Executive Committee
of Academic Senate. History profes
sor Timothy Mahoney also was nom
Compiled by staff writers leva
Augstums and Jessica Fargen
Students build instead of design
By Sandi Alswager
Some UNL architecture students
are spending their Saturdays building
houses instead of planning them.
The students are building seven
houses in Nebraska City as part of an
independent study program. The pro
gram gives diem hands-on experience
by helping in the construction of
homes, while helping to improve
neighborhoods, said Jenifer Watson,
assistant professor of architecture.
“It is amazing to see how much
the students know,” Watson said.
“They apply their skills on site and
learn from each other on site.”
The project, which builds low
income housing, is a mutual self-help
housing program done through the
U.S. Department of Agriculture’s
Rural Housing Service.
Students construct the houses
every Saturday along with die future
homeowners, a construction manager
and people from other community
“The students participate in what
they actually learn about in class,”
Watson said. “It is good to work with
communities. The students see (build
ing a house) can’t be done by one per
___ **
Jeffery Davis, a first-year archi
tecture graduate student, said the pro
ject gives him a different perspective
on the industry.
“The project interests me because
architects need to be more knowl
edgeable about construction tech
niques,” he said.
Davis said this project allows him
to see how objectives in architecture
are applied to the construction field.
“It has been a humbling experi
ence,” he said. “Architects are sup
posed to know how things work, and
we had trouble doing some things.”
Students involved in the project
are not only learning new things, but
they are aiding underprivileged peo
ple by helping diem build a house.
“We work with the families of the
houses,” he said. “It has done wonders
for those people.”
Spencer Sear, a fifth-year archi
tecture graduate student, said the
firsthand experience is somedyng he
couldn’t learn in school.
“It would be nice if this was a
required class,” Sear said. “This is
something everyone should do.”
The project offers three credit
hours of independent study, but
Watson said it may be offered as a for- r
mal course next, semester. This is die
first year a project like this has been
offered by the College of
Construction of the housing pro
ject began in August and should be
completed by April or May, she said.
The five students involved in the
independent study also are working
on plans to renovate a school building
in Edgar. The students are designing
plans to convert the school building
into an apartment complex.
The project will include design
ing the existing 13,000 square-foot «
building into 12 apartments and a
public library.
Watson said construction of the
project should begin next year.
This project, she said, will allow
students to use plans designed by
them, unlike the housing project in
which existing plans were used.
“It is amazing to see how much the
students know. They apply their skills on
site and learn from each other on site.”
Jennifer Watson
assistant professor of architecture
The following is a list of goals ASUN has set, and the progress it has made.
1. Continue commNment to dvereftythrou^i sponsored events and increased
communication with the campus convmmityi
- Howard! Rainer, program administrator forte Naive American Educational Oukeach Programs
at Brigham 'foung University in Prow, Utah, wi speak at 7 pm Monday in tie NU Coiseum during
Homeoomvg week. ASUN Resident Sara Afieel said Rarer samotationai speaker wfaeepresentEion
wilielpdversity awareness within Iheuniversiiy.’
Z Maintain regular campuswkfe community service projects.
- Ryan Anderson, chairman of tie Campus Lie Commaee, said ASUNe naodcommunly service project
wl be vtfh Habitat tor Humanly.
3. Enhance technological services to students.
- The senate last week appointed junior art history and marketing major Maggie Doyle as ASUN pubic
relalionB fcteon Russel said Doyle wl be updating the ASUN Web page.
4. Research the options to make student evaluations more effective.
- ASUN Academic Comndtee members are working vrth tie UNLTeacting and Leaning Center in
promoting tie use of midsemesier teaching evaluation forms. The center ataeady has Midsemester
feedbackforms.’but very few professors pass them out to students. Comrritee Chairwoman Kara
Saughlar said i is ASUMs goal to pubfdze and encourage professors to use he optional evaluations.
& Address campus paridna concerns.
- ASUN senators say twy are coriung to research and dscuss parting concerns.
6. Continue efforts to unite City and East campuses.
- Russel said ASUN members are tying to make tie yearts Homeoomiig events inclusive on both
campuses. East Campus HomeoomiigacMies include aluniun at 1 pm. Sunday and music, food,
and fireworte on OcL 15 at630 pm. Anderson said tie Campus Lie Gomtiitoe is working wlh the
StedenUnvoNementOioe on East CampuB to gat more student representation trough campus
otganbaion boots h the East Campus Union.
t. vioow a nun icpreMNouwi ui whhhs inraugngwH«i Huuauws,
- The Campus Un Commltee toted the senate ts^aUve bl tot wort hare created a 25member
assembly representative of residence hal, commuter and geek students. The bi, origpnaly proposed
by Russel wort have sewed as a check-andbalanoe measure to student government Anderson said
tie commUee^ decision was primly based on tie hied fme he assembly wort have to pursue
bgpsfetion t formed this semester. Russel said she is ptantog to vwls a oonstUional amendment asking
tor the creation of tie 25-member assembly for the March 1990ASUN eleclionbelol
o* rase awareness or me proposed spenang h amendment to me NoorasKa
Constitution and the immedtate effects imposed on UNL and Ns students.
- ASUN is contnutog to work wflh Students Against the lid to promote awareness of toHalive 413, the
proposed taKUamendnerttiatcort cut $20 mlon tom tie NU system* budget Ftoasel said members
of the StodertAtfeto Advisory Board and the Urtly Couid are working wfti ASUN senalois tyrg to
encourage the IMLcommuritytowaar blue, instead of red, to tie Nebraska vs. Mesourifootbal game
on Oct24. AHeic teems also are being encouraged to dsplsy blue in some manner.
9. Lobby far student input and concern reganlng the ASUN goMemmsnt party
-ASUN received about 200 party system surveys from stodents. Russel said she has reviewed toe
surveys and taled responses. Russel *i make a recommendation to tie ASUN Bectaral Commission
this week on wtietier tie current party system short be changed.
laWorkto promote akxihoiaworonooo and education campuiiwido.
- ASUN raieed $339.17 for the Laura Cockson Memorial Scholarship Fund on Monday durtog Do I
Sober, a formal presentation advocating low-risk, responaUe (taking. ASUN also is worMng thte week
vlh Project CARE and Party SMART, two UNLorgarizations that advocate low DDDDrisk (taking and
atemateres to (tatong, to promote alcohol education and aworonoao.
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