GLBT finalizes events for gay, lesbian month By Sarah Baker * Senior staff writer Coining out of the closet isn’t required. But coming out to be a part of Gay and Lesbian History Month will be worth the effort, no matter what your sSxual preference happens to be. The coming of October brings the promise of many activities celebrating gay pride. The event will culminate with “The Return of the Gay and Lesbian Film Festival” beginning midmonth at the Mary Riepma Ross Film Theater on City Campus. Melissa Rigney, graduate assistant for the Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender Resource Center, said all the gay awareness groups on cam pus worked together to prepare for the month. “We have a lot more activities planned this year than ever before,” Rigney said. “We wanted to do something big this year in response to all the negative things that happened last year con cerning gays.” Rigney is referring to the anti-gay sidewalk chalkings that took place last October on campus during Coming-Out Week. l ne anti-gay chalkings took place last semes ter after the KRNU-FM (90.3) radio program “Three Men and a German” distributed chalk to those upset about gay messages on sidewalks. The product of the encouragement were sev eral violent anti-gay messages scrawled over the original chalkings. The gay community respond ed with an outcry for more tolerance and pro grams for diversity. So this month a host of events highlighting the struggles of the gay community will take cen ter stage among speakers. Several discussion groups will hash out issues of sexuality and equality and a mock wedding will be held between two lesbians right after National Coming-Out Day on Oct. 11. This year’s film festival, which runs from Oct. 22 to Nov. 1, is the centerpiece for the month, however. Dan Ladely, director of the Mary Riepma Ross Film Theater, said this isn’t the first time the Ross has showcased gay and lesbian films, but that they haven’t been screened in at least three Gay and lesMan History —atws The following is a list of a few campus-oriented GLBT-sponsored celebrations. Please call the GLBT Resource Center tor more information. OeL 2-4: “Equality in the Heartland" conference 11: National Coming-Out Day 12: Toni and Tina's Wedding" 13: ‘Wear Jeans if you are Gay Day" 14: Dr. Joyce Hunter speaks with GLBT youths 15: Spectrum event night in the Crib 16: Film and Dance at Culture Center 17: GLBTS first annual Homecoming Reception 21: Take Back the Night rally Oct 22 - Nov. 1: The Gay/Lesbian Film Festival 22:The Gay Mneties: 'Equal Rights not Special Rights* Fair 23: Meet the filmmakers of The Brandon Teena Story" 27: Read All About It art exhibition 30: A reading of GLBT authors _ JonFrank/DN \ years. Among the scheduled films is “The Brandon Teena Story,” shot com pletely in Nebraska. It tells the story of a 20 year-old who was bru tally raped and beaten when his friends found out Vta iiOTP onfiiollit a uinmAn _ . * M * ▼ VllUUil The festival also includes axoUectfon of short 9 9 films as well as about 10 other full-length produc- | | ^p^^ ■ M APl^ ■ 1# The popularity of gay and lesbian cinema has M grown in the recent past, and Ladely said the indus- ^F ^^^p try is booming with talent, much of which is show- m m * cased in this festival. — M I “People are really into this lately,” he said. fg \g MLM 29 If ff “Gays have a lot of stories to be told.” I I 99 IF 99 I ^^99 Running in conjunction with the film festi- ^ val are panels and scheduled events. 9 M Oct. 15 through Oct. 21 is the ^p^ i9i jp^ Ja Ap^ JU| M UNL Committee for GLBT Con- 9 ■ 9 | | J 9^ 9 9J cents Symposium, followed by the m 9 9 9_9 99 9 film festival. The 9 month concludes M m m M m mm with “The Gay ^ f f Nineties Equal T J 'M g W 'M / W W t/C LxJIxJm Other activi- ^ ties include informational booths, m I m |« ■ bands, dances, open symposiums to pro- g | g™ g mote discussion and even a drag queen tm amtestsponsoredbytheQ^ibs Ninth director," Mary Riepitia Ross i3L Matt Zwick, president of Spectrum, F11 IT1 Thp^f P Y one of the University of Nebraska- , Lincoln awareness groups, said most ot the activities are directed toward the gay community, but that does n’t mean gays are the only ones invited to attend. “We want this festival to appeal to the entire com munity,” Zwick said. “We want to promote visibility on this campus.” The appeal of the festival is broad, and Ladely agreed that anyone would enjoy the activities, espe cirlly the festival. “It really has a positive affect on the gay and les bian community,” he said. “It shows they can accom plish things in spite of all the obstacles they have to overcome.” For more information about Gay and Lesbian History Month, call the GLBT Resource Center at (402)472-5644. 3*€A* t<7 *«t t*VK. ^k curie m % k Chris Isaak “Speak of the Devil” Reprise Grade: B+ For being one of the best-dressed and best-looking men in music, Chris Isaak sure has a lot of girl problems. And his new album, “Speak of the Devil,” proves it in a stylish and sincere fashion while taking Isaak in a new musical direction. Though not as good as my favorite Isaak album, “Forever Blue,” this latest offering is very solid and innovative at the same time. The recording is clean and picks up a lot of subtle sounds and tones from varying guitar effects and Isaak’s sig nature voice. The album has a lot of different sounds that gently seep through the music every so often and include everything from broken amplifiers and PVC pipe to answering machine messages and crickets. Isaak’s love of surfing is also evident as many of the songs buzz with a phased-out wah wah sound and the album ends with a surfy instrumental called “Super Magic 2000.” “Flying” is probably the album’s best song and features very soft and sparse guitar strumming that almost sounds random at times. There are also a number of crescendos that complement Isaak’s ranging voice, which goes from very present at times to almost mumbling at others. This style melds well with the mel low and repetitious four-note surly bass line. Some of the songs on “Speak of the Devil” showcase Isaak’s roots in classic country and early rock ‘n’ roll like “This Time” and “I’m Not Sleepy.” In “This Time” Isaak sings in a lower key and uses a guitar sound reminiscent of that of Roy Orbison to make a catchy tune with a light and melodic chorus melody. The verse sound ranges from soft and steady to full and intense. Isaak uses “I’m Not Sleepy” as an outlet for his rock ‘n’ roll tendencies and as a calf to party. The song is very fun and has a super fast and catchy chorus with lots of clean and crazy guitar leads here and there. The album’s title track is a mis clpevous romp through one of Isaak’s love-hate relationships and his sultry \ voice sounds ironically upset as he sings “I’m all right now.” Shortly thereafter it develops into an edgy cry of “I’m so lonely” over a scratchy riff-pause riff-pause chord progres sion and a number of bendy guitar leads. me album wmas up with super Magic 2000,” a moody and groovy instrumental surf ride full of com plex rhythms and sounds intertwined over a shallow and steady snare drum surf beat. The album flows from beginning to end and sounds like a refreshing combination of the Hawaiian pipeline and a crisp new haircut. The experimentation works well, and the end result is a bojly of 14 quality tracks sure to please any Chris Isaak fan- even if you only like him for his good looks. -Jason Hardy