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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1998)
Heskew, offensive line in gear after Husky win Anonymous letter provides fuel to the fire'for one ofNU’s captains By David Wilson Senior staff writer A letter was tacked to the bulletin board outside the Nebraska football locker room early last week. 1 The envelope - postmarked Orlando, Fla. - was addressed ---- to “Ms. Josh Heskew,” the Comhuskers’ senior center. “Congratulations, Josh,” it reads. “You are the captain of the worst offensive line in Nebraska football history. Hope your team mates are proud.” Also included were some predictions: “Washington 24, Huskers 0. Season: 7-5.” The offensive line didn’t exactly take the words to heart, Heskew said, but it did _ add some “fuel to the fire.” HiltiV;’*- In a 55-7 win over eighth-ranked , ' V Washington on Saturday, the NU offensive line proved at least one critic wrong, paving the way for a 434 yard Husker rushing performance. “I think anytime you can rush for over 400 yards against the No*8teaip in the nation, that should silence some people,” Heskew said. “We just have to keep up the intensity for the rest ofthe season.”: Though it hadn’t been accomplished this season, Heskew said, tiie offensive line's goal every week is to help Nebraska put mi 400 yards on the ground. NlTs previous rushing high came in its season opener against Louisiana Tech, when the Huskers ran for 289 yards. “It’s a little bonus to do it against the No. 8 team in the nation,” junior tackle Jason Schwab said. “I think we madfe a big statement with our rush ing game.” Washington attempted to confUse the Husker offensive line by “stemming” - jumping positions on the line after Nebraska came set. But the Huskers, NU rvrr__t •_n_l v/xivudivw LfixxV' v^uavu Milt Tenopir said, were prepared for the Husky defensive schemes. They countered by snapping the ball on the quarterback’s first sound - often before the Husky linemen were set - or by waiting until UW was done moving. “If we went on the sound, we’d catch them in the middle of a stem,” Heskew said. “They’d be off balance, and we’d knock the crap out of them.” The end result, Tenopir said, was the offensive line’s best game of the season. But that’s to be expected. “You’re supposed to play better each game,” Tenopir said. “And I think we have. They played well and very aggressive.” Schwab agreed. “Our goal is to improve each game,” Schwab said. “A lot of teams beat a big top-notch team, and they think their season is over and their season is going to be successful. That’s not the way it works. ii counts as one win. i nai aoesn x mean you re gomg xo win it all. Our goal is to be in Tempe (Ariz.) on Jan. 4.” Success came Saturday with the help of big plays, a rested offensive line and good execution, Heskew said. But Schwab also credited the togetherness of the Husker linemen. “Our unity is unbelievable,” Schwab said. “We’re all so tight. We’re all for one. That’s just the way it is. We’re a real big family. “Heskew, he’s coming along as a leader. He’s our leading senior, along with (seniors Ben) Gessford and Brant Wade. They’ve showed tremendous leadership qualities, and that helps us come together as a unit.” The younger and more inexperienced linemen have stepped up, too, Tenopir said, but all three seniors have shown leader ship qualities - including Heskew. “He keeps them going and he keeps them fired up,” Tenopir said. An occasional letter doesn’t hurt either. « If we went on the sound, wed catch them in the middle of a stem. Theyd be off balance, and wed knock the crap out of them.” Josh Heskew NU center 402-472-2588' 402-472.1761 (FAX) . dn@unl edu $3.50/15 words (students) $0.15 each additional word 34 Nebraska Union $0.75 billing charge P.O. Box 880448 $0.75/line headline Lincoln, NE 68588-0448 : Deadline: 3 p.m. weekday prior f r * * 'i ■ • ! 205 Bicycles 210 Books 213Clothina 216 Computers 220 Furniture 230 Jewelry 240 Miscellaneous 250 Pots 255 Photo Equipment 265 Stereos ft TVs 270 Ticket Exchange 290 Vehicles t 300s Senrtt ^ 300 Adoption 305 Alterations/Sewing 310 Automotive 320 Bridal 338 Employment 340 Entertainment 348 Halretyttng 350 Heatth/FHness 355 Instruction/Tutoring 365 Legal Services 370 Miscellaneous 378 Pregnancy 385 Rentals 388 Tanning 390 Tattooing 395 Typing/Resumes 400 Roommates 410 Housing Wanted 420 Roomsfor Rent 430-Houses for Rent 440 Duplexes for Rent 450 Apartments for Rent 460 Summer Housing 470 Mobile Homes 480 Vacation Rentals 490 Homes for Sale 500s MM ■ ■ i 500 Help Wanted 510 Child Care 520 Work Study 530 Summer Jobs 540 Internships 555 Business Opportunities 60(Htfdes ocw spring erecK inps — _ 610 Announcements 615 Meetings 620 Greek Affairs 630 Student Government 640 Personals 645 Lost & Found 650 Wanted 660 Fundraising 670 900 Numbers : | Parking Tickets Blow Pedal to the frontdoor with a bike from Cycle Works. All 1998 bikes on sale. Close to Campus, 27th & Vine. 475-2453. _ _ Legendary Computers 4711 Huntington. New, used, ana custom systems. Call 466-1033. A 5% discount with mention of this ad. Microsoft Office *97 Professional, full version unopened unregistered, student special $75. call 1-800 ; * Packard Bell computer, 200mhz Intel Pentium Proces sor,?. 1GB hard disk drive, 16 MB RAM. CD ROM drive, plus keyboard. Less than a year old, $500 476tt8lSjk30-5 p.m„ Monday-Friday. Couch, chair and table, like new. $450 OBO. Two queen soft-sided watertjeds, $250 each. 4?1-9281. Full and Queen size mattress sets. Newandin plastic. Never used. 10 years warranty. Retail for $439 and $630. Sell for $165 fertilefull. Queen $195.477-1225. Nebraska Versus OSU We have hundreds of tickets in stock for this game. Call KCLaraest ticket broker AceSports and Tickets (£fehd Park Kansas 662*4 (913)541-8100 Need 4 tickets for the Nov. 28th Colorado game. Call 435-6368 after 5 pxn. Two KSU-NE tickets. Reserved student seating. Best oflsr. Amy 785-776-3258. '88 Dodge Shadow, dependable, air conditioning, power wfidowe and doors. New front tires, fuel filter, airfitter, ^tlugs and wires. Lt blue. Rune wed. $680. Welcome Back Students BEST BUY AUTO \Ms heve rettabie cars and me lowest price m town. Bring cash and trade in. (402)465-5005. ADOPT-We Promise your newborn a life filled with love, laughter, holiday gatherings, vacations and a se cure future. Expenses paid. Call Caryn & Chris 1-800-20-1125.___'_ Auto Accidents & DW1 Other criminal matters, caH Sanford Pollack 476-7474. D/Rocks Music & Loan We buy, sell, trade and loan cash on anything of value, including musical instru ments, stereos, TVs, jewelry, video games and CDs. 21st AO St 477-5116._ •; c^^Free Pregnancy Test Birthright is a confidential helping hand. Rease call for appointment or more information, 483-2609. Check out our website www.birttrright.oig 1-2 Male;/female roommates needed $209 +1/3 utilities or $125+1/4 utilities. 3317 CBt. CaH 477-2792 leave message. Available Oct. 1. M/F Roommate needed to share house. $200/month + 1/3 uWftiy. Erin and Christ438-5896 Male roommate needed tor new 3 bedroom apartment near campus. 215/month + 1/3 utilities. Deposit paid. CaH 475-8648. Nonsmoking, male roommate wanted. Close to campus. $187.50/month + utilities + 1/2 deposit. 438-4030 , Roommate needed. 3 Bedroom House. Northeast JJn coki Location. $300 per month. 890-6952. Roommate needed. Three bedroom house. Northwest Lincoln, great views. $290 per month. 479-0243 or 470-0428. ____ Roommates wanted to share small acreage. Interest in 3,4 and 5 bedroom houses near UNL stadium. Wash er/Dryer, central air, dishwasher, lawn maintenance provided. $600.489-9294. 1428 N. 23rd. Very nice 5 bedroom, 2 bath, parking, near campus. $850.432-0644. 2127 Q St 3 plus bedrooms, washer/dryer, dishwasher, parking, nice, $560.488-5446.__ Close to Campus Unfurnished three bedroom, 1 1/z baths, fireplace, kitchen with appliances. Washer/dryer. 1419 N. 20th. 402-292-7686. Exceptional 2 bedroom, with washer. Walk to campus. $495 plus deposit call 432-6476. _ !!!AVAILABLE NOW!!! 2627 Vine Street Efficiency, super clean, blinds, appliances, A/C, parking, $285. 3220 Apple Street 1 BR, heat paid, appliances, d/w, blinds, laun dry, parking, $375 2504 Vine Street 1 BR, heat paid, UNL close, d/w, appliances, laundry, parking, $375 1109 & 1121 N. 28th St 1 BR. heat paid, pool, appliances, laundry, blinds, parking^dM patio, breakfast bar. 311 North 24th St 1 BR, central air, appliances, $275. 2504 Vine Street Newer 2 BR. appliances, laundry, d/w, parking, blinds, $475: 311 North 24th St . 3 BR, appliances, laundry hkps, patio, cent air, storage, $550. , 489-4857 : Cherry Hill Realty I4300 Comhusker Hwyi 1BR, hea^paid, appliances, d/w, pool, blinds, Newer 2 BR, Appliances, microwave, d/w, pool, laundry, parking, $510. 2BR townhouse, heat paid, 11/2 BA, appliances, pool, $535. . :y !a* 489-4857 Cherry Hill Realty *** Efficiency Apartments*** Close to City Campus. _Water, Heat, and Gas Paid 477^4490 1 bedroom apartment, rent plus damage deposit and lease, close to East campus and Wesleyan. $325/montb. 796-2300 1 Month Free-UNL Close 2740 R. Nice Three Bedroom, A/C $450. Laundry, gar age, 430-6328. Attention Horse Lovers 1 bedroom furnished in.a home acreage, 8 minutes from downtown campus. Shelter and land provided for up to two horses. $450 monthly, utilities paid, references and deposit required (402) 421 -7095. 2 bedroom available for 8 month sublease Nov. 1st. Loft, lots of light, hardwood floors, $590. Must see. 835 S. 11th. 476-9121_ T ’ , ' 2 BR, campus close, laundry, newer apt., off street parking. $500+electric. 477-9803. 4 Bedroom Next to Campus 1932 R St. 4 bedroom, 2 bath, off-street parking, dish washer, W/D hookups. $800, lease 475-3111. No pets. $100 BONUS Bring this ad when you movein to one of 1 or 2 bedroom, spacious apartments. We have an .outdoor pool, balconies for BBQ’s, electric entry;central air, and we’re nestled in a serene neighborhood. Call for an ap pointment, if you qualify for an apartment, we'll save you an extra $100 on you first months rent Jones Properties 475-7262. 405 N. 25th St. Great efficiency apartment with kitchen and bath. Off-street parking. Laundry. Large wood deck. $280/month plus deposit435-4437 620 South 17th. 1 BR, heat paid, parking, laundry. 484-8959. 1230 D Street. Newer, extra dean, 2 bedroom, starting a $435. Laundry, off-street parking. 483-6280. 2430 R. St. 2BR loft, balcony, 2 floors, A/C, next to campus. $410/mo. 438-9240. _ 2618 Q, Brand new deluxe, 2 BR, all appliances, garage. $475.430-6328. 1/2 Month Free Rent Two bedroom in south area, all.appliances, off street parking, laundry facilities $385, plus utilities. Eden Management 489-2333. _ . 1/2 Month Free Rent Newer two bedroom near campus, all appliances $475. Eden ManagemenM89-2333 "AFFORDABLE! Tired of living on campus? It can be cheaper to live off campus in ybur own r wvtment 1 Bedroom * • , 2 Bedrooms 3 Bedrooms 3 Bedroom ■«-loft Management One 477*2800 Better dollar value studio and one bedroom in well maintained vintage building. $295-305.432-2288. Brand New 3 bedroom, 3 Bath, in each unit $760 per month, available now. No Smokers. Call Julian 432-7030 or Rembolt Homes 488-9222. CLAREMONT PARK APARTMENTS 2 & 3 Bedroom apartments available. 6 or 12 month leases. • Pool with sun deck • Weight Room • 24 hour laundry • Microwaves and dishwashers • Private patios and balconies CaB or stop by todaytl 9th & Claremont 474-7275 CLOSE TO CAMPUS One and two bedrooms. No pets, FREE CABLE. 1910 Knox, 521 N. 25th, $350 and $450.477-7684, Colonial Heights Apartments One, two and three-bedroom apartments available. Tanning bed and indoor heated pool. 421-3070. Mercy Northglen, 2 bedroom apartments, $309- $371. Call between 8a.m.- 4p.m., Monday- Friday. 477-3512 One jpdroom, nice, driveway, laundry facilities, gas andgarbage paid. 1607 Prospect. $375/month. Call Roomyt three bedroom, two bath. 4915 Walker, 2612 J..St.r and 5230 Leighton. Price $576 plus deposit. 438-4418. Sleeping room for male with private entrance. Across from MemeriaTStadium. 435-1071 CENTURY MANACElWENTttL We provide: * Locations throughout Lincoln * 24-Hour Emergency Maintenance * Professional & Personable Leasing Staff Call us today! 402-437-8300 Willowhaven Apartments 1800 Knox Frto color TV with paid September rent Receive 1/2 month rant FREE. “FIREPLACE ‘Swimming Pool ‘Free ceHuTar phone ‘Minutes form downtown ‘Garages *1 BRe start at $349 *2 BR* start at $459 |Ctoan& updated ‘Frtendty service _wSSbot^nmm