Lincoln man arrested on child pom charge By Josh Funk - Senior staff writer A Lincoln man was arrested Tuesday afternoon for taking porno graphic pictures of underage girls. Citizen tips led police to the 66 year-old man’s northwest Lincoln home where they found many sexu ally explicit photographs of young girls, including Polaroid snapshots he had of five or six local girls, Police Investigator Doug Saitta said. ronce said someone wno Knew the man tipped them off to the pornographic activity occurring at the man’s house on the 400 block of N.W. 17th Street. Saitta said the girls had been hanging out at the house of the man and his 17-year-old son to get away from their own homes. While the girls were at the man’s house, he persuaded them to pose nude for the pictures, Saitta said. After interviewing some of the girls involved, Saitta said he would allow them to tell their parents what had happened. The boy’s mother flew into Lincoln from Texas on Thursday morning to take custody of her son after she learned of the charges. Many of the man’s neighbors in the northwest Lincoln neighbor hood said they try to keep to them selves and did not know the man. « I can’t believe what crawls out of some of these places.” Sean Robinson suspect’s neighbor No one answered the door at several houses, and those who did seemed suspicious of strangers. “When you live in the West O (Street) ghetto, you try not to know your neighbors,” said Duncan Aviation employee Sean Robinson, who lives directly behind the sus pect. “If you meet one, there will be three or four more over at your house begging for something.” Robinson said the neighborhood has a transient population, with people moving in and out frequent ly “I can’t believe what crawls out of some of these places,” Robinson said. The suspect faces charges of possession of child pornography and is expected to be arraigned today. Low voter turnoi VOTE from page 1 because of the 1996 Motor Voter bill, Hansen said. The bill, which allows Nebraskans to register when they complete their motor vehicle regis tration, has increased the number of registered voters by more than 1,200 per month, she said. Despite greater numbers of reg istered voters, Hansen said, the number of voters at the polls has dropped. The commission has no control on what voters decide to do on Election Day, she said, but she expects more voters to go to the polls this year because of the contro versial initiative issues on the ballot. it prompts drive “Our goal... is that no person is ever prevented from voting because they’re not registered,” she said. For more information about voting, to VQlunteer for registration booths or to request an absentee ballot for Lancaster County, visit the Lincoln government World Wide Web site at lincoln. ne. us/ or call (402)441-7311. Students who are registered in their home counties or who are too busy to vote during election hours can request an absentee ballot by sending a letter indicating home address, the reason for absence and a signature to the election commis sioner in their county of residence. Want to Communicate Better? Learn Assertive Skills Want to communicate your thoughts and feelings more effectively with others? Our group will help you become more direct and honest while respecting the rights of others. Mondays, Sept. 28 - Nov. 16 from 2:30 - 4:30 pm, NU 338. Contact Sue at Counseling & Psychological Services, 472-7450 Pre registration Required. i him-1 L i ■% • Pulliam Journalism Fellowships Graduating college seniors are invited to apply for the 26th annual Pulliam Journalism Fellowships. We will grant 10-week summer internships to 20 journalism or liberal aits majors in the August 1998 June 1999 graduating classes. Previous internship or part-time experience at a newspaper is desired. Winners will receive a $5,250 stipend and will work at either The Indianapolis Star and The Indianapolis News or The Arizona Republic. Early-admissions application postmark deadline is Nov. 15,1998. By Dec. 15, 1998, up to five early-admissions winners will be notified. All other entries must be postmarked by March 1,1999. To request an application packet, write: Russell B. Pulliam Fellowships Director The Indianapolis News P.O. Box 145 Indianapolis, IN 46206-0145 NET from page 1 2, said Greg Wood, communica tions director of Internet 2, in Washington, D.C. Internet 2 also guarantees information will reach destina tions in one piece, Wood said. Professors using the current Internet often send information not knowing if all of it was received, he said. Although Internet 2 will be restricted mainly to university professors, current Internet users will reap its benefits when it alleviates traffic congestion on the Internet. Besides information sharing among universities, scientists could collaborate to design a molecule for a drug in virtual laboratories, researchers could access digital libraries and pro fessors could lead students in discussion as if they were in the same room, Wood said. Sitaram Jaswal, a University of Nebraska-Lincoln physics professor, said Internet 2 will save him time and make his research more efficient. “We generate very, very large amounts of data files in our research, which is dealing with very complex magnetic materi als used in computer technolo gy,” he said. “It requires very large data sets to be transferred.” Jaswal said data transfer is the primary way he does research and communicates with other campuses. Hendrickson said Jaswal can download only a portion of the information he needs at one time on the current Internet. Then he uses the information and gets another portion to work with, Hendrickson said. Internet 2 would allow Jaswal to work with a larger base of information at one time, HsnHriplfsnn saiH Hendrickson said Jaswal is one of about 15 UNL professors who will probably use Internet 2 to further UNL’s research. “It will help assure that UNL research faculty have a role in this major research that is going on around the country,” Hendrickson said. “Without it they would not be participants and run the risk of not being one of the important research universities.” In order to prepare for Internet 2, UNL has spent $300,000 in the last two years to put the correct electronics in place, rewire the campus and send administrators to several national Internet 2 meetings, Hendrickson said. Corporations nationwide are contributing more than $ 1 million to universi ties for Internet 2, he said. To become an Internet 2 member, UNL had to: ■ Receive certain federal grants. ■ Establish a six-state regional computer connection network, called the Great Plains Network. ■ connect to uu otner uni versities using Internet 2. ■ Pay an annual $25,000 Internet 2 membership fee for the past three years. Wood said Internet 2 was started because universities real ized the current Internet was not meeting their needs. But Internet 2 looks much like the current Internet did six years ago, before it became heavily commercialized, Wood said. It is hard to tell if the same fate will befall Internet 2, he said. “The idea is not that we will throw this away and come up with an entirely different thing, but the new technologies will be integrated into the existing Internet,” Wood said. “There’s always a possibility of an Internet 3, but what exactly that is we can’t tell.” We find the news so you \ j Making life easier in our own little ways I Our authentic Mexican salsa comes in mild, and m Bunites as Big as Your Head! 15th“(r 11am tm bars cioae INU vs. Loyola Friday, Sept. 25 @ 7 p.m. NU vs. Sunday, - ■-1