The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 22, 1998, Page 9, Image 9

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    New Manson album offers good snooze ■*
MARILYN from page 8
lems. Apparently a young lady just
used him for sex until someone better
came along and then she hit die road.
Poor spaceman.
After listening to the entire album
the coma pill I saw when I first
opened the album seemed surprising
ly appealing. Appropriately enough
the album ends with a song called
“Coma White,” which, like the album
opener, is another Bowie-esque
moody space ride. The song drags
throughout its entire five minutes and
is little more than a boring exercise in
Overall, the 14 tracks on the
album are repetitive and, for the most
part, unoriginal. While most of the
songs combine a number of melodic
sound effects and other musical ele
ments, the same elements keep pop
ping up in every track. The same
high-pitched synthesized piano sound
that ends Nine Inch Nails’ “Closer” is
repeatedly sprinkled throughout the
album and becomes very clich6 after
struggling to stay attentive for the
hour-long duration of the disk.
The end result is a boring attempt
by Manson to adapt his style to better*
suit the same star-crazed society he so
detests. The musical aspect of the
album seem intense and complex but
are really just an overuse and abuse of
the same sounds and structures. For
the most part, the lyrics are the same
as on previous Manson works, though
sung with a different spaceman flair.
Overall “Mechanical Animals” is,
as his song “New Model No. 15” sug
gests, “Pitifully predictable.”
Poor spaceman.
-Jason Hardy
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December 1998 Graduates
Your Degree Application is Due . ;
September 25,1998
Apply at 107 Canfield Admin. Bldg.
Parking Tickets Blow
Pedal to the front door with a bike from Cycle Works.
Al 1998 bikes on sale. Close to Campus. 27th & Vine.
475- 2453.
Cycle Works
Brand new Brother laptop- Windows or DOS word
pm eiadng and spreadsheet $300000. 423-3412.
Legendary Computers
4711 Huntington. New, used, ana custom systems.
CsS 466-1033. A 5% dMcount with mention of this ad.
Mhaoaoft 06tee *97 Profeseional, fuN version unopened
unregistered, student special $75. call 1-800
Peckard Bel computer, 200mhz Intel Pentium Proces
sor. 2.1 QB hard disk drive. 16 MB RAM. CD ROM
drive, plus keyboard. Less than a year old. $500
476- 1612 830-5 pm, Monday-Friday.
Couch, chair and table, like new. $450 OBO. Two
queen eolt-eided waterbeds, $250 each. 421-9281.
Fu> and Queen size mattress sets. New and in plastic.
Never used. 10 years warranty. Retail for $439 and
$636. Sal for $165 for the Fu>. Quean $195.477-1225.
Engagament/wedding set. Size 3,14k, .16 marquis
w/12 surrounding diamonds. Asking $400. 796-9525
Cable descrambler kit only $14.95. See all the pay
channels. 1-800-732-1389.
14* TV/VCR combo with remote, works great, just
Nebraska Versus OSU
We have hundreds of tickets in stock for this
game. Cal KC largest ticket broker Ace Sports
and Tickets Overtax! Pwk Kansas 66214
T*o General Admission tickets for K-State vs. Nebraska
game for sale. Best offer (785)587-4678
waited 8-10 tickets for Kansas and/or Texas game.
Cal Shannon a 476-9931
Wanted tickets for Washington, Kansas or Texas
pane. WM pay any price. Cal 436-0852.
Waned: Kansas tickets. Multiple seats if possible. Call
Was at 436-6106.
*88 Dodge Shadow, dependable, air conditioning,
power widows and doors. New front tires, fuel fitter,
arNtar.£iugs and wires. Lt. blue. Runs well. $980.
‘91 Eagle Premier ES LTD, 4-door, good condition
$1800 or beat offer. Cdl Betti 436-8403.
*92 Subaru 4 wheel drive Loyaie wagon. 107,000 miles.
$5250 or beet offer. 438-5058.
1966 Subaru 4 door GL. 4 wheel drive. 423-3875 for
iMM nonaa hurricane low miles lots ot tun $2,800 or
baetoMar474-4784 ask for Amy or leave message.
, Beer Wagon For Sale
Zebra Striped 1977 Dodge 4X4, $2,500 OBO
CARS $100-$500
POLICE MPOUNDS. Hondas, Chevys, Jeeps & Sport
UHfcas. MUST SBJJ1 -800-522-2730axt7470
Nbaan 300 VX Turbo, 86. must see $5000 firm.
Welcome Back Students
Mb have reiabte care and the lowest price in town. Bring
cash and bade in. (402)465-5005.
AOOPT-We Promise your newborn a life filled with
kwe. laughter, holiday gatherings, vacations and a se
cure future. Expenses paid. Call Caryn & Chris
1-800-218-1125. _'
AOOPTION-Happily married couple w/loving hearts
and open amis ready to welcome & provide your new
born with secure home & bright future. Med/legal exp.
paid. Please call Karen and Ed TOLL FREE
1-800-564-7333 (Al calb kept airictty confidential)
_ Auto Accidents & DWI
Other criminal matters, cal Sanford Pollack 476-7474.
D'Rocks Music & Loan We buy. sail, trade and loan
cash on anything of valua, including musical instru
ments, stereos, TVs, jewelry, video games and CDs.
21st & O SL 477-5116.
Pregnancy Test
Birthright is a confidential helping hand. Please call for
appointment or more information. 483-2609. Check
jut our website
1-2 Male /female roommates needed $209 +1/3
utilities or $125+1/4 utilities. 3317 C St. Call 477-2792
leave message. Available Oct. 1.
Female, nonsmoking roommate needed to share 2 BR
apartment in secured South Lincoln complex. Access
to pool, spa, weight room, tanning. $290/month, 1/2
utiutiee. Call Gina 423-6806, leave message.
M/F Roommate needed to share house. $200/month +
1/3 utilities. Erin and Chris O 436-5696
Non-smoking Male Roommate, $270/month, all utilities
paid. Includes washer/dryer, close to campus
Roommate needed for 3BR townhome, nonsmoker,
$190/mo. 423-7651._
3,4 and 5 bedroom houses near UNL stadium. Wash
er/Dryer. central air. dishwasher, lawn maintenance
provided. $600.489-9294.
$100 Off First Month Rent
East Campus area, 4BR, tec room, $640.421-1319.
1426 N. 23rd. Very nice 5 bedroom, 2 bath, parking,
near campus. $850.432-0644.
2127 Q St. 3 plus bedrooms, washer/dryer, dishwasher,
parking, nice, $560.488-5446.
Large three bedroom at 914 F St. Central air. Parking.
washer/dryer hookups. $550.435-2552._
2BR, 1 bath, 2252 Sheldon. $340. 421-7141.
Unfurnished three bedroom, 1 1/Zbaths, fireplace,
kitchen with appliances. Washer/dryer. 1419 N. 20th.
Exceptional 2 bedroom, with washer. Walk to campus.
$495 plus deposit caH 432-6476.
2627 Vine Street
Efficiency, super dean, blinds, appliances, A/C,
parking, $265.
3220 Apple Street
1 BR, heat paid, appliances, d/w, blinds, laun
dry, parking, $375
2504 Vine Street
1 BR, heat paid, UNL close, d/w, appliances,
laundry, parking, $375
1109 & 1121 N. 28th St
1 BR, heat paid, pod. appliances, laundry,
blinds, parking^d^patio, breakfast bar,
311 North 24th St
1 BR, central air, appliances, $275.
2504 Vine Street
Newer 2 BR, appliances, laundry, d/w, parking,
blinds, $475.
311 North 24th St
3 BR, appliances, laundry hkps, patio, cent air,
storage, $550.
Cherry Hill Realty
3 BRa Available Now
Designed for Students!!
9th & Claremont
■ aonn _
i-iwv wviimwaiwi ■ i vv j ■
1BR, heat paid, appliances, d/w, pool, blinds,
parking, $375.
Newer 2 BR, Appliances, microwave, d/w, pool,
laundry, parking, $510.
2BR town house, heat paid, 11/2 BA, appliances,
pool, $535.
Cherry Hill Realty
***Efficiency Apartments***
Close to City Campus.
_Water, Heat, and Gas Paid 477^4490
1 BR furnished apt., utilities paid, laundry available,
a/c, cable. Capital Beach $350/mo. +deposit.
1 Month Free-UNL Close
2740 R. Nice Three Bedroom, A/C $450. Laundry, gar
age. 430-6328.
4 Bedroom Next to Campus
1932 R St. 4 bedroom, 2 bath, off-street parking, dish
washer, W/D hookups. $800, lease 475-3111. No pets.
One large bedroom, nice working kitchen with pantry.
Newer appliances, dishwasher, private entrance, stor
age. Very sharp, must see. $375, utilities paid, off
street parking with laundry. 2929 R St., 474-3529. No
smokers, no pets.'
$100 BONUS
Bring this ad whan you move in to one of 1 or 2 bedroom,
spacious apartments. We have an outdoor pool,
balconies for BBQ's, electric entry, central air, and
we're nestled in a serene neighborhood. Call for an ap
pointment, if you qualify for an apartment, we'll save
you an extra $100 on you first month’s rent
Jones Properties 475-7262.
331 S. 19th. Large 2 bedroom, dose to campus, C/A.
parking, <380. Call 489-5168.
620 South 17th. 1BR, heat paid, parking, laundry.
1230 D Street Newer, extra dean, 2 bedroom, starting
at $435. Laundry, off-street parking. 483-6280.
2618 Q, Brand new deluxe, 2 BR, aM appliances, garage.
$475. 430-6328.
1/2 Month Free Rent
Two bedroom in south area, all appliances, off street
parking, laundry facilities $385, plus utilities. Eden
Management 489-2333.
1/2 Month Free Rent
Newer two bedroom near campus, all appliances
$475. Eden Management 489-2333
Beautiful, 1 bedroom plus den. $420/month. 1201 E
St Laundry, off-street parking, oakfloor. 476-6199.
Better dollar value studio and one bedroom in well
maintained vintage building. $295-305.432-2288.
Brand New 3 bedroom, 3 Bath, in each unit. $760 per
month, available now. No Smokers. Call Julian
432-7030 or Remboft Homes 488-9222.
One and two bedrooms. No pets, FREE CABLE. 1910
Knox, 521 N. 25th, $350 and $450.477-7684.
Colonial Heights
One, two and three-bedroom apartments available.
Tanning bed and indoor heated pool. 421 -3070.
It can be cheaper to live off campus in your own
apartment. Affordable locations available now:
1 bedroom $310-380
2 bedroom $380-550
3 bedroom $595-660
2 bedroom + loft $660
3 bedroom + loft $695
Management One 477-2800
nuvmy, uhuu uouiuuiii, iwu uaui. ho iu ttoiwot, \c.
J. St., and 5230 Leighton. Price $576 plus deposit.
438-4418.- ----- - v- ■
Two bedroom. Modem. 508 S. 25th Off-street parking.
Priced low. A/C. Reasonable utilities. Laundry.
We provide:
* Locations throughout Lincoln
* 24-Hour Emergency Maintenance
* Professional & Personable Leasing Staff
Call us today!
Willowhaven Apartments
1800 Knox
Free color TV with paid September renL
Receive 1/2 month rent FREE.
‘Swimming Pool
‘Free cellular phone
‘Minutes form downtown
*2 BR*s start at $459
*Clean& updated
‘Friendly service
You’re Back..._
We’re Here
★5 minutes to City Campus
★Serene Neighborhood
★Relax and BBQ on Balcony
★Splash in the Pool
★Electric Entry
★Convenient Laundry Room
Jones Properties
640820th. 475-7282
$100 special with years lease!
$9-$12 per Hour for
Delivery Drivers
Domino’s Pizza is now hiring for day and evening shifts
for delivery drivers and limited evening inside help. No
experience necessary. All you need to start is a good
driving record, reliable personal vehicle, liability insur
ance, and a good attitude. Apply at any of the Domino's
‘Saturdays Only
Hours 8 to 5—*$6.00/hr.
‘Auto Wash Person
Call for Interview Appointment, 437-2347, Mel Rnke
DuTeau Cnevrolet-Subaru
17th and P
$8 Guaranteed
Four full time day and night shifts. Management
material only. Also available part-time days
$6.50+ to start
12th & Q and Student Union. See Kevin or
Journalism Majors
Content Specialist
New full time position in growing advertising de
partment Maintain corporate web site, desk top pub
lishing and some graphic design. Responsibilities in
clude generating PDF files from current flyers and vari
ous publications. Maintain products on web site using
on-line product data base. Desk top publishing includes
layout, design, proof, update and order labels,
brochures and support material for over 40 products.
Bachelor's degree or equivalent experience. Knowledge
of internet essential. Knowledge of Macintosh/PC
network and software (PageMaker, QuarkXPress, Free
hand, Photoshop) required. Detailed oriented and or
ganized a must
We offer a competitive saicry and comprehensive ben
efits package that includes: health, life and disability
insurance; dental reimbursement, profit sharing; and
paid time off and holiday pay.
See a complete Job description in the Resource Library,
UNL Career Services office, applications also
available. Send resumes to Call
1-800-843-0912 for an application or apply in person
M-F, 8AM-4PM.
14124 Industrial Road
OmatMLNE 68144
Drug screening required prior to employment.
Absolute Spring Break... "Take 2"—2 Free Trips— only
15 sales and...barn $$. Hottest Destinations! Lowest
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