The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 22, 1998, Page 11, Image 11

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Unit Supply Tech
^ ... (Part-time Nights)
This position is responsible for maintaining an appro
priate inventory of medical, office and nourishment
supplies, forms, linen and equipment in assigned
areas. Requirements include the ability to organize
and prioritize work and (sect and perform under stress
and emergency situations. Data entry experience pro
faned. 1030pm to 630am (Monday-Thursday)
Pteaaesubmit reeumafapptcation or cm:
BryanLGH MedicalCenter East
Human Resources
1000 South 48ttl8L
Lincoln, HE 00606
FaK (402) 483-6444
JOB LINE: J4Qp 483-3096
USDA - Agricultural Research
ftfltncs AM
uS-1 orQS-2
The Wheat, Sorghum, and Forage Research Unit, lo
cated at 344 Kiem Hall, East Campus, University of
Nebraska. Lincoln, Nebraska, has immediate openings
for temporary laboratory and field research positions
for colegs students. Positions are part-time during the
academic year and full-time during the summer. Call
(402) 472-1490 or (402) 472-2961 for more information.
USOA is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Wagner's Food Pride has opening for part-time check
ers, Stockers and sackers. Flexible hours, all shifts.
Apply in person at 3306 A Street
Wanted tow truck driver and Tight duty mechanic. Eve
nings and weekends. 730-7532
jrititM m tm »t inn
We are currently looking for team players to fill part
time positions. Tubby's oners:
• Excelsnt starting wages
• Flexible schedules
• Fun working environment
If you are outgoing, energetic, and looking for part
time work during school, this is your opportunity) Stop
by the U-Stop convenience Shop at 17th & Q Sts. to
M out an application or call 435-3509 to schedule an
Tubby’s is an equal
opportunity employer
Weekend hours, cashier needed. Apply at Sinclair Oil,
2500 NW 12th or call 474-6274.
Nanny type needed for thirteen year old boy. Free
room and board plus bi-monthly pay. 435-6919.
NannyAutor/housekeeper for 12 year old boy. Live in,
hours before and after school and 2 evenings a week.
Greet job for college students. 420-1438
Needed immediately! Someone to watch my 16 month
old son at my home. If interested call 420-9027, ask
** Flexible Hours**
Work study students needed at City/East campus
libraries. Day, evening or weekend hours.
$5.25-$5.50/hr. Apply Love Library, Rm. 136.
Want relief?
Heed some
extra money?
JRW Sales is the place for
you then, it's a fun place to
work. With the flexible
schedules you can work
anytime 9:00 - 9:00
Monday - Saturday and
12:00 - 9$0 on Sundays.
also appreciate the
guaranteed hourly rate plus
their lucrative commissions
and bonus plan. Call today!
Be sure to ask about our
$130 Hiring Bonus
JRW Sales
wat |abt Belter mITODAY,
Financial Markets Research
Trading Internship
DEC Futurea/DEC Capital, Inc. a trading operation,
seeks an exceptional paid intern for a flexible 15-30
hourVweek, committed for at least one year, preferably
through May 2000. This is an opportunity to learn
the mechanics of trading futures and derivatives. Re
sponsibilities include research, financial accounting,
performance analysis, and preparing presentations.
Whist be an excefient communicator, have strong math
skills, wsl developed computer application proficiency,
i.e. Excel, and top-academic credentials. Graduate
students preferred. Generous compensation, which
eventualy could lead to a permanent role or placement
opportunity within the financial markets industry.
Send resume to DEC Futures, 800 NBC-Uncoln or
If you’re only looking for A job,
don’t read on.
We're looking for the rare person who can recognize
the opportunity for a head start in one of the most re
warding professions. A college internship with North
western Mutual Life could be the break you've been
hoping for. You’ll be your own boss, get paid for your
productivity, and gain practical business experience.
Potential for full-time career after graduation. If you’re
an achievement-oriented junior, senior, or grad student
we invite you to attend an information session
about our internship program. Please call the Tews
District Agency at 483-7871 today for more information
and to sign up for one of our sessions.
Valentine Ride Needed
In the period between now and October 15th we, 2 ex
change students, are going on a bike tour from Valentine
to Norfolk. In order to get there we are asking for
some means of transportation for us and 2 bikes.
Can you help us out rf so please call us at 472-2790
(Physics Dept).
Are you interested in discussing different religious be
liefs in a peaceful way? I am setting up an interreligious
discussion group. If you would like to help oe a
part of this, please call Lucas Schulte at 436-9561 or
e-mail me at We hope to dis
cuss religions such as: Buddhism, Christianity
(Catholic and Protestant), Hinduism, Islam and Judaism.
This group is commended by (but independent of)
the Religious Studies program at UNL
S Student
X Umvtniiy of Nefcrasko-Uncoki
Are you looking for a class that will enhance your...
Leadership Skills? Community Involvement? Experi
ences in a Positive Team Environment? You're in
luckll The Emerging Leaders Class is a 3 credit hour
course offered in the Spring semester. Class times are
Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday afternoons from 1:30
to 420. Applications are now available at Student in
volvement Offices, 200 NE Union and 300 NE East Un
ion. Application Deadline is October 2nd.
Attention Arts & Science
Applications are now available for the Arts & Science
College Students Advisory Board. They can be picked
up at 107 Oldfather, Student Involvement, and the
ASUN office. All Applications are due September 29th.
Attention East Campus
Stop by the East Campus Volunteer Fair on Wednes
day, September 23rd from 11am-2pm in the East Union.
Over 20 Lincoln volunteer agencies who need
YOU will be there to tell you about their programs.
S Student
1 University of Nefaraska-Lincoin
Attention Teachers College
Applications are now available for TCSAA-Teachers
College Student Alumni Ambassadors. Please pick
them up in Henzlik, room 105. This is a great opportunity
to become involved through your college.
Would you like to get involved in the College of Busi
ness? Apply today to become a member of the Student
Advisory Board! Applications can be picked up in
CBA 138 and are due October 2nd.
Have you had your “3-shot Hep B Series”
If so, you may qualify for a medical research
study. Just 4 hours a week of your time can
earn you over $380 every 4 weeks while you
study. Call 474-2335 and ask for Dana.
Nabi Biomedical Center
300 S. 17th Street
Lincoln. NE 68508
Confidential Gay Men's
Discussion Group
Wednesdays from 8 to 7:30 pjn.. For mom Information
contact Dr. Luis Diaz-Pardomo at Counseling and
Psychological Services at 472-7513 or e-mail or Rev. Phil Owen at
476-0355 or e-mail
Used COS. S5.99-S7.99 New COe$12.99
Movies.T-shirts, posters, hacky sacks,
music books
and CD towers.
50th and 0,486-0047
Eating Issues Support Group
A supportive environment for women who are recov
ering from an eating disorder. We meet every Tuesday
in the Nebraska Union, Room 338, 4-5pm. Call Tricia
at the Women's Center, 472-9428 if you rave questions
or would like more information.
FREE SKISil Ski Brack, Vail, & Keystone Jan. 3-10
From $99-2nts., $199-5nts. Including lift tickets, nightly
parties, races and FREE SKIS while they last.
Intramural Archery
Men’s, Women's, and Co-Rec Archery will take place
on Tuesday, September 22, Wednesday, September
23, and Thursday, September 24 at Mabel Lee South
Gym from 6.15-9.30p.m. each day. No advance entry
is required. Call 472-3467 for more information.
Lesbian Folk singer Alix
‘Before Lilith Fair The Evolution of Women’s Music.*
Wednesday, September 23, 7p.m. Culture Center.
Free. Accessible. Sign language interpreted. For infor
mation, contact Barbara Pi Bernard, 472-1828
Men’s Soccer Club
The University of Nebraska Men’s Soccer Club is looking
for individuals. Practices are Tuesday from
4:30-6:00pm at Whittier Field, Wednesday from
5:00-7:00pm at Harper/Schramm/Smith Field, and
Thursday from 6:00-8:00pm at Whittier Field. For more
information contact the Campus Recreation Center at
472-3467. A Campus Recreation Program.
Become a part of UNL's College Bound, an innovative
program to help disadvantaged grade school children
become tomorrow's college students. Attend an infor
mational meeting 9/24 at 11:30,12:30, or 5:00p.m. in
Student Involvement (NU 200). Questions? Call Ray or
Diane 472-2454.
S Student
JL University of Nebnsfe-Uncofc)
Residents’ Week
Tonight from 7-9pm- FREE bowling in the East Campus
Unionl Also at 7pm- Personal Safety Course in
Abel Ballroom.
The Culture Center is hosting the spades tournament
on September 25th. Sign up with your partner at the
City Union or Culture Center September
15,17,21,23,25th. Everyone is welcome, we will be
The Culture Center is having an open house on Sep
tember 23rd. AH are welcome for food, prizes and seeing
what the center has to offer.
Representative will be at Arts & Sciences Advising, 107
OldH. Tuesday, Sept. 22,12-4 p.m. Call 472-4190 for
When Opportunity Knocks
Workshop to help students seeking internships and
jobs with resumes, cover letters, interviews, and fol
low-up. Open to aH students. Wednesday, September
23rd, 6pm, East Campus Union.
Advertising Club
Meeting Wednesday, September 23rd. Speaker: Ric
Ariel to, creator of Budweiser frogs. Meet at 5pm in Ad
Lounge to leave. RSVP by Tuesday the 22nd at 9am to
472-4273. (Business attire and bring $12). Elections
Oct. 7th.
Afrikan People’s Union
UNL’s Black Student Organization will be meeting To
night at 5:30pm in the Culture Center.
See You Therell
Business Majors
Looking to get involved in your major with some fun on
the side? Alpha Kappa Psi has opportunities for you.
Come to our meeting on September 23rd at 6:00p.m.
in Burnett 107 to find out more information.
CASNR Advisory Board
Meeting Wednesday, Sept. 23 at 6:00 pm in the East
Campus Union. For more information call Mick Porter
at 436-6382.__
Meeting this Wednesday, Sept. 23rd in CBA 24.See
you all at 5:30pm for free pizza and pool
ACROSS 32 Carousals
1 Mr. Ziegfeld 34 Salt a* Maxim s
4 Summit 35 Kuwaiti or
7 Driving 0mani
instructor’s 36 Newman
command Woodward film,
11 Oyster’s home w'^ “The”:
12 More bashful 1958
14 High nest 39 —Blanc
15 Summertime 40 Humorist
holiday Burrows
is Nobel chemist 41 Yield
Onsager: 1968 43 Units of energy
19 Besmirch 44 Hang fire
20 -maieste « Frozen dessert
23 TR.S payback 47Legalmatter
25 Partner of wide _ ®
23 Orals, e.g. « Eddy or Riddle
30 Aladdin had » An arrow poison
one 31 Half of MCCCII
31 Split 52 House plant
Collegiate 4-H Meeting
What does th *4" in 4-H stand for? -Golf as in
Mini-Golf, Wednesday September 23rd. Meet at the
East Campus Union at 7:00pm at the 1st floor for a
short meeting followed by fun at 56th and Highway 2.
Offices meet at 8:30pm. Questions ca> 436^9518.
Criminal Justice Student
Association Meeting
Nebraska State Patrol Drug Investigate tour Wednesday
September 23rd, 7:30pm 1105 Neihardt. Everyone
FFA Alumni
1st meeting, Tuesday, Sept. 22,8p.m., East Campus
Union, room posted. New 5 old members welcome.
Horticulture Club
Meeting Wednesday, September 23rd 5pm at Kiem
327. We will move plants for the sale, please come to
help. Free pizza!
Free pizza and popl Meeting Wednesday, September
23, 7:30pm City Union. Speaker, Coopers and
Lybrand. Ah are mlcomel
Team tryouts October 4th 1:00-3:00. For more info,
call Dave O 472-9479.
Phi Beta Lambda
Next meeting on September 22, 7:30pm, City Union
(room posted). Wear business attire, Athletic Marketing
will be speaking.
Society of Professional
Meeting Thursday at 6pm in Avery (room to be
posted). Free pop and pizza Everyone welcome!
Student Foundation
Meeting Thursday evening at 6pm in CBA 31. Social
to follow.
Students In Free Enterprise
Social at Yia Vis's, 14th & O St. WednesdayrSeptember
23rd, 5:0O-6:00PM. New members welcomel Free
pizza and pop if dues paid. $4.50 without dues, ques
tions contact 472-0746, Tania or Holly.
Meeting Wednesday,room 230 Mabel Lee Hall 6-7pm.
Undergraduate Women in
Meeting with Prudential Tuesday, September 22nd at
6pm in CBA 143. Business attire. NEW MEMBERS
Don't forget about our meeting today at 5:30 in the
Union. Room will be posted.
University Program Council
Event Staff
First Event Staff meeting is Tuesday, September 22nd
at 8pm in the Union. Hope to see you there.
UNL Wildlife Club
Speaker meeting Wdenesday, September 23rd at 7pm
in East Campus Union.
Thank you for the great FAC last week. We would love
to have you again very soon.
-The Men of Alpha Gamma Sigma
Congratulations Jill Maaske on making Homecoming
Royalty. Good luck on final selection!
-Love, Your A <t> Sisters
Bacardi Paradise Friday September 25th Vans will
start leaving AGR at 8:30.
Thank you to all that helped make Masters as successful
as we hoped and intended. By seeing the excitement
and joy this event creates, we know our hard
work and comitment are truly for a worthwhile cause.
Thanks for the frosh. We had a great time!
-A 4> New Members
Thanks for going to Laser Quest with us. We had a
great time.
-Love, The Pledges of A r N
Congratulations to our Awesome New Member ATO
Softball team. You girls blew us awayl Here’s to
Congratulations to our 4.0 smarties: Katie Bareness,
Katie Sievere, Liz Sievere, Andrea Schaneman, Stacy
Domnaniah, Amanda Hillyer, Heather Easter and Britta
ny Lamp.
-Love, Ybur Sisters
Senior Mud Tuggers:
So we dktn*t win, there is always an alumni team.
A Love, you know who
Thanks for coming over Friday afternoon for the FAC.
You guys can dance all over our deck anytimel
-The Men of Theta Xi
Thanks for coming with us for bowling and ice cream.
V\fe had a btasti
-Love, The Pledges of AT N
Congratulations Megan Wigert on being selected to
Homecoming Court.
__Love. Your Sisters
We had a great time at the “Get to Know Tbur Neighbor*
block party! Thanks for coming over.
-The Women of A <X>
Congratulations to our new pledge class officers:
President- Mindy Runge, Vice President- Kimberly
Noyes, Jr. Panhedenic- Angie Child, Scholarship Chair
Vakara Meyer, Chaplain- Kristin Cheney, Social Chair
Mikki Wilcox, Asst. Social Chair- Jodi Phillips, Sister
hood Chair- Natalie Schmitz. Way to go girlsl We’re
-Love in ACT. Kappa Delta
Thanks for the groovy 70s Flashback. We'll have to do
it again sometime. You ladies are money.
From the men of Sigma Nu
Congratulations to our NIB'S: Brooks Dameier, Joel
Webber, Jeff Zymola, Clint Cady, C.J.. Uckert, Joe
Hix, Jerome Tyner and Tom Ostronic. May your faith,
hope and love for A X A flourish.
-Your Brothers
reminds everyone to be at 538 Oldfather a 6:00 Tuesday.
A short meeting and then to Yia Yta's.
Congratulations to Jeff Brakenhoff on making Home
coming Royalty. You're the MAN!
-Your Brothers
Congratulations to Gary Hembd on being accepted into
Nursing School and being promoted to Selling Manager
-Your Brothers
thanks Strmuehfor'fh^^?. WenfpSrtf with you
guys anytime!
_-Delta Delta Delta
Senate — Business College
Committee for Fees Allocation
Off Campus Representative
Be a part of the Committee that reviews student fees,
Two New Positions
nontraditional Students Subcommittee
Public Relations Liaison
Deadline Sept 25 at 4:00 p.m.
} Applications available at 115 Nebraska Union
^ Send your
ads to:
54 Uncomfortable
summer period
61 A Perdn
62 Genuflected
63 Actor in “The
Crying Game”
64 Drilling
65 Lawn filler
66 Paddock
1 Agcy. that
Hoover headed
2 Actor Cariou
3 Outlandish
5 Ref. book
6 Takes for
7 Pare
8 Suffix with dull
9 Inlet
10 Largo or West
12 Mineral spring
13 Mister in Bonn 27 Johnny-of 48 Basketball 55 Egg: Comb.
14 Type of rock or *«C:SA {"jSVjg®1* form
rain 29 Part, mgeom. N.C..1993 so Captain’s boat
18 Chemistry’s . «• Actress Patricia „ Yoko
17 Per "lex queen ' 51 Banned sPrays 58 Coffee maker
M Bandfpadpr 37 Structures like 53 Groove 59 Caspian or 1
"Ifowlf J*'*™"
21 Examine closely 33 stein’s kin Rosenkavalier” 80 Label
22 Polynesian 39 Debussy’s “La
garments _»
24 Attaches 42 Golf gadget
25 Stoker 45 Removed one’s
26 Greed hat