Lrive it a chance: New honors hall brings added diversity and benefits to campus MATTHEW EICKMAN is a senior finance and economics major and a Daily Nebraskan columnist Equality is a funny thing. Equality has come to describe an inconsis tent relationship between two people. Because of society’s desire for “equality” we wish for others to be treated equally. That is, as long as we are treated as individ uals. We recognize that we have special abilities, talents, desires, sex drives and intellectual abili ties. Unfortunately, we don’t recognize that oth ers should be rewarded for their differences. The differences between people make American society unique. They also compose and shape this micro cosm of American society that we call the University of Nebraska. Think about the people you know, hang out with and read about Our university calls for people to fill the same roles as we will fill as citizens. We have a government athletes, entertain ers, students with two jobs and socialites. People also live different lifestyles. Students choose to live in sorority houses or sleep in the caves of fraternities. You may live in a spacious mansion off campus, or you may call die residence halls “home.” The wide spectrum in roles and lifestyles exists in our world because of individual differ ences. So, to treat people equally, we must respect their roles. We must allow people to live in dif ferent places. Students must be able to receive the advantages earned with their talents. Honors students should be able to enjoy honors housing. As many may have read, a new honors resi dence hall will be built on campus. This hall isn’t another union. We won’t have to pay for it as it is slowly constructed for the next 15 years. The hall will be financed by a generous $32 million donation from UNL alumni Carole and C. Edward McVaney. UNL gave to them as stu dents, and they are, in turn, giving back to UNL. Point blank - we pay nothing. So, why are people bitching? People think honors students will receive more funding than the other halls Yeah, just like honors students in Neihardt Residence Center receive a better deal than anyone living in Cather or Pound residence halls Is anyone else in Cather or Pound frustrated that all Neihardt residents drink Mountain „ Dew and eat steaks and ribs at every meal / ■ while normal Cather and Pound people drink Whoopty Do and have a healthy C supply of 8-year old soybuigers? Sure, \ they really receive more funding. When the new halls affect students, chances are it will be positive. First, it will bring better students to UNL. Why are you here? Is Lincoln close to Jk, home? Do you like die football team? Does your college offer a great degree A program? Is it the low cost? m As you think about your reason for attending UNL, realize that die people on each side of you probably would respond differently. But, you are here because UNL ^k offered you at least one specific advan- ^k tage. Something stood out that brought A you here. ^ That’s what the Esther L. Kauffman Residential Academic Center and the J.D. Edwards Honors Program will do., It won’t hurt you. It won’t spit on you. It will attract different people to UNL. The university won’t drop 110 current students so die new honors students can attend. Rather, it will just add to die spectrum we compose. The new hall will also give us a nice-look ing state-of-the-art building on campus. In 2010, when the union finally is completed, the middle of campus will be beautiful. The honors students will also add flavor to the campus. They won’t just hide out in their rooms and develop magic potions that will destroy the world. Honors students may be among the smartest in your classes. They may be the dumbest Who knows? The smartest students or not, the Honors Program brings potential to UNL. The university will benefit in the long run with excellent students. A better educational reputation will bring better professors to cam pus. The better instructors will give EVERY ONE a better education. Upon entering the “real world,” UNL stu dents will be more marketable and prepared. So, while all UNL students may eventually see benefits from the increased emphasis on honors recruitment, why should we want the honors housing now? I respond simply - why not? I figure honors students will have a choice to live in the new hall, just as they have a choice to live in Neihardt now. My sister is an honors student, but she lives in Smith Residence Hall. Does this mean she gets no benefits from the Honors Program? No, she is rewarded because of her academ ic success and not because of where she lives. Smith provides her with an opportunity to live in a different location within our micro-world. The Honors Program realizes that students must have real-world experiences while in school. The emphasis is on learning, but not just in the classroom. We must realize that people find pros and cons surrounding any situation. If we want to treat people with equality, we must give them the equal opportunity to live where they want to live, and meet the type of people they wish to meet. The new hall will bring more great students to UNL, but it has greater importance. It will add to the UNL community. It will allow different people to meet a greater number of different people. As we go through life, some may be smarter, have more money or have more fun. I congratulate others as they reap the rewards from their advantages. This is America, and that’s how it works. I can only worry about myself. And as the new hall is being completed, may then ex-President Clinton be on hand to distribute victory cig ars to everyone. f MattHaney/DN Specialty residences will keep students from experiencing each other’s differences A.L. FORKNER is a senior news-editorial major and a Daily Nebraskan columnist. Equality is a funny thing. Everyone thinks everyone else should be treated as equals. Well, everyone except for themselves, of course. Everyone thinks they should be treated better than everyone else. But we’re better than that, right? After all, we’re college students. We’re supposed to be more tolerant towards others and be more willing to meet a more diverse crowd. Ha. As we’ve all heard (or would’ve if you would read the paper instead of skipping ahead to the crossword) the university is planning on building a new hall for honor students. Yeah, yeah, I know. It’s donated money, it’s not going to cost me anything. I also know the money was donated for that pur pose specifically. It’s not the money, it’s the principle. Honest, I’m not biased against honor students. In fact, believe it or not, I once was a pinhead myself. I know all about Neihardt Hall being the honors hall right now. I still think it’s wrong. least they have to deal with the same housing problems the rest of the residence hall members deal with. They pay a lot of rent for a tiny one-bed room apartment with no private bathroom. At least they’re catered. But with a new building specifically for the honor students, with their own dining hall, the students will never interact with other students. Not that that’s all bad. What kind of image does that portray to the rest of the students? That it’s OK to ^cclude people that aren’t like them? ^ n What kind of crap is ~ that? I thought college was a place to expand hori zons and become more diversified. Instead, now f we are mov ing towards separate (but equal) hous ing and facili ties. This sounds / awfully familiar to me. Maybe I was the only / one paying attention dur \ ing political sci ence class. To me, it sounds like the beginning of a [ ’90s Jim Crow law for smart people. A Stephen Hawking law? ! If we start down that road, where do we stop? What’s next? We could build an athletic dorm for each individ ual sport with an on-site gym and a coaches residence. Then we could work on an engineers hall with a supervised playroom for the Chem E’s. Personally, I’m waiting for the journal ist’s dorm with its own wet bar. However, when the militia dorm goes up, I’m outta here. Actually, this might not be that bad of an idea. If it’s done right. I propose a dorm for all the single girls on campus. It would solve that embarrass ing situation of asking a girl out only to meet her boyfriend. It’s a simple idea. Get a boyfriend, move. Dating, of course, will be totally legal. v Another idea - why should we try to help the honor students out so much? Obviously, they’re doing pretty well already. I think we need a dorm for the students that are failing. I don’t know how much it will help those students, but man, will that be a bitchin’ place to hang out. Oh, I’ve just been told that Abel Hall already has that distinction. Well then, I just wanna make it official. If the rooms were constructed with con crete walls, concrete floors and drains, it would seriously lower the maintenance costs. What the heck, let’s just turn all of the classroom buildings into residence halls. All the English majors could live in Andrews. All the business majors would live in the CBA. Whoops, whoa, wait a minute. That’s not going to work. That would mean that my Avery Hall roommates would be the chemical engi neering department. I already live with one Chem E, I don’t think I can take any more of them. Besides, I think all the smart people should be required to live with some people “less” intelligent. In other words, a member of the Baywatch fan club. Why? Honor students need to realize that not every one knows x=em\23.6754 is the punch line to a joke. I also think it would benefit them fur ther down the road. When the honor students work in middle management, they will have a better under standing of their manual laborers who weren’t A+ students. Plus, they’d have a special understand ing of the physical effects jogging has on breast implants. I’m serious. By segregating themselves from the rest of the university these stu dents will be missing out on many college expenences. Without a slack-jawed failure as a room mate, who will be there to coerce these honor students to sneak beer into their rooms? And without beer, where will these underage brains get drunk for the first time? rr?ii And if they’re not drunk, when will they hug a person, someone they really don’t like, and say those bonding words - “I love you, man”? Let’s be honest with ourselves. Do we really want all those smart people holed up in their own building? We all know what happens when one pinhead gets his own building and fills it with specialized equipment. They turn into mad scientists. Or they create nuclear weapons. Either way, it’s not a good thing. We’ve all seen Bond films. And there really isn’t much difference between a pri vate island and a special hall. See, smart people need stupid people around to act as control rods. It’s been tested. However, I don’t wanna be the first moron that gets to move into the honors hall. No way. “You don’t expect me to talk, do you GoldHusker?” “Ha ha ha. No, Mr. Forkner, we expect you to die!”