The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 21, 1998, Page 2, Image 2

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Resolution urges halls
to return unused funds
■ The speaker says the
bill’s purpose is to make
sure each residence hall has
a chance for RHA money.
By Jessica Fargen
Staff writer
The Residence Hall Association
passed a resolution Sunday that will
keep track of where its money goes
after residence halls use it.
The resolution encourages resi
dence halls that use RHA funds for an
event to return leftover money from
that event to RHA, consistent with
what RHA allocated. The resolution
also asks RHA fund-users to turn in
an expense report.
Speaker of the Senate Larry
Wilis said the purpose of the bill is to
make sure all residence halls have a
chance to use RHA funds.
Willis said if RHA allocated $500
for a $2,000 event, but the event only
cost $1,800, the remaining $200
would be returned to RHA under the
However, if RHA allocated $25
for an event, but the event had $250
left over, RHA would receive $25
The resolution asks groups apply
ing for RHA funds to include a clause
that says they will abide by the reso
lution. Willis said it is not necessary
for halls to include the clause on
small-budget events.
However, RHA President Be®
Wallace said senators could amend a
bill to include the clause.
But some senators questioned tlie
fairness of the resolution, which was
tabled at last week’s meeting.
J. W. Novotny, a Harper Residence
Hall senator, said the money should
be proportioned out, instead of qll
remaining money being returned to
“Each contributor should get a
proportion of their money back,” he
Brian Thomas, a Schramm
Residence Hall senator, questioned
RHA’s authority in the matter.
“Where does it say that RHA has
precedence over everyone else?” he
Wallace said the RHA constitu
tion says RHA policies take prece
dence over policies passed by resi
dence hall governments.
But Laura Sullivan, a Neihardt
Residence Hall senator, said if RHA
did not ask halls to return money, one
hall could end up receiving more
funds than another.
. “RHA is here to help everyone,”
she said. “It is not fair if the money
goes back to just one hall.”
In other RHA news:
RHA allocated $150 for a Cather
and Pound residence halls retreat.
Last week, Cather and Pound resi
dence halls asked for $330 for the
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