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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1998)
.m. We ere currently looking for team players to fill part time positions. Tubby's offers: 9 Excellent starting wages A PI n uttiln oftlwl, ,Ur> 9 Flexible schedules 9 Fun working environment If you are outgoing, energetic, and looking for part time work during school, this is your opportunity! Stop by the U-Stop Convenience Shop at 17th & Q Sts. to fitt out an application or call 435-3509 to schedule an interview Tubby’s is an equal opportunity employer Weekend hours, cashier needed. Apply at Sinclair Oil, 2500 NW 12th or call 474-6274. ^aSplylnpMsonbetWeen 1808 Wo lands. ' » Manny type needed for t^irteertyear^pld bb^Free room ana board plus bi-monthly pay. 435^919. _- ___ ■■■ **Flexible Hours** Work study students needed at City/ East campus libraries. Day, evening or weekend hours. $5.25-$5.50/hr. Apply Cove Library, Rm. 136. 472-3963. CLERK TYPIST/I WMknn w,ir»9w _ work, typing and general office work, experience ■ with Macintosh computer preferred. I $5.50/hr. Contact Peg Johnson, Teaching end Learning I Center, 472-2611. _I _ Financial Markets Research Ttading Internship 3S/DEC CstpilaJ, Inc.’S trading operation, ■xceijbpt&Qsid Wartfiori fieiipfisyi5^30' , comrfimed for at Teast'ori® y®ar,-preferably ay 2000. This is an opportunity to learn lies of trading futures and derivatives. Re as include research, financial accounting, :e analysis, and preparing presentations, excellent communicator nave strong math Skills, well-developed computer application proficiency, i.e. Excel, and top-academic credentials. Graduate students preferred. Generous compensation, which eventually could lead to a permanent role or placement opportunity within the financial markets industry. Send resume to DEC Futures, 80© NBC-Lincoln or internship for Cultural Orientation Class for adult refu gees. Number of hours are negotiable. Call Peggy at Catholic Social Services at 474-1600. r_:___ The way to make money Is right under this headline. You can earn good money as a college intern for Northwestern Mutual Life. Phis, you get flexible hours and valuable business experience, if you’re a junior, senior, or grad student, we invite you to attend an in formation session about our internship program. Please call the Tews District Agency at 483-7871 today for more information and to sign up for one of our sessions. i-1 ~~~\ Applications are now available for TCSAA-Teachers College Student Alumni Ambassadors. Please pick them up in Henziik, room 105. This is a great opportunity to become involved through your college. Campus Atheists and Agnostics Professor Audi presents: ^Faith, Reason & Skepticism" tonight at 7:30pm, Union. DISC GO ROUND WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CDs Used CD’s, $5.99-$7.99.New CDs$12.99 Movies,T-shirts, posters.hacky sacks, music books and CD towers. DISC GO ROUND 50th and 0,486-0047 Eating Issues Support Group A supportive environment for women who are recov ering from an eating disorder. We meet every Tuesday in the Nebraska Union, Room 338, 4-5pm. Call Tricia at the Women’s Center, 472-9428 if you have questions or would like more information. University Program Council regrets the cancellation of last week’s Supermarket bingo and Free Bowling. We apologize for any inconvenience and it has been re scheduled for Thursday, September 17 at 8p.m. in the East Campus Union. Come play bingo for groceries and enjoy free bowling! Graduate Student Women’s Discussion Group Join us as we share our experiences and discuss various topics related to graduate school. We meet every Thursday in Room 338 of the NE Union from 12:30-1:30pm. Call Tricia, Women's Center, at 472-9428 for more information. Interested in Men’s Soccer? The University of Nebraska Men's Soccer Club will be holding a meeting on Thursday, September 17th at 6:30 p.m. in the TV lounge of the Campus Recreation Center. Everyone is invited. For more information, con tact the Campus Recreation Center at 472-3467, A Campus Recreation Program. Intramural Hag Football Managers The Manager Meeting for Men’s and Women’s Flag Football will be held Thursday, September 17 at 5p.m. in the Nebraska Union. Each team must have one rep resentative present to be eligible for competition. Call 472-3467 for more information. Island Party By the Navigators, Friday, September 18th. Take the 1st exit AFTER the Platte River (Flying J/Gretna) going toward Omaha. Go right after the exit until you see the cars. Be ready to wade!! Juvenile Diabetes Foundation Walk Visit our booth at the Union from 12:30 to 1:30 today. Sign up to walk or to sponsor a walker for the Walk to Cure Diabetes. Lesbian Folk singer Alix Dobkin “Before Lilith Fair: The Evolution of Women’s Music.” Wednesday, September 23, 7p.m. Culture Center. Free. Accessible. Sign language interpreted. For infor mation, contact Barbara DiBernard, 472-1828 Lesbian, Bi, Questioning Discussion Group LBQ is a safe place for women who identify as lesbian, bisexual, or who are questioning their orientation. We will meet, leam, talk and laugh as we discuss our lives in an informal setting. Meets every Thursday, 6:30-7:30 p.m. in room 338, Nebraska Union. Questions? Call the Women’s Center at 472-2597. Multimedia and Technology Courses Available Enhance your job market skills! Introductory classes for the latest multimedia software are available throughout the semester in 163 Mabel Lee Hall. We provide an easy, low cost way to keep your skills fresh on the latest technology tools for teaching and research. Workshops are $30 for faculty, staff and students em ployed by a department and $10 for all other students. Payment is due upon registration and may be made with a company center ID number or check. Refunds are allowed up to 48 hours in advance only. Substitu tions are allowed. To register, contact Cheryl Livingston at 2-9050 or in the 501 Building, Room 118. Space is limited and reservations are required. Check our web page at html. For more information regarding workshop content you may contact Leona Barratt at Photoshop 1 Mon. Sept. 21 2:30-4:30 & Thurs. Oct. 15 10:00-12:00 Photoshop 2 Fri. Oct. 16 3:00-5:00 & Fri. Oct.23 3:00-5:00 Power Pint 98 Mon. Oct. 12 10:00-12:00 & Mon. Nov. 162:30-4:30 Web Graphics Wed. Sept. 23 10:00-12:00 & Thurs. Nov. 12 10:00-12:00 Authofware Wed. Sept. 30 9:30-12:00 & Mon. Oct. 19 2:00-4:30 Director Animation Tues. Nov. 10 2:00- 4:00 Premiere Thurs. Oct. 29 9:30-11:30 & Wed. Nov. 25 9:30-11:30 Netscape Composer Tues. Nov. 3 10:00-12:00 & Wed. Dec. 2 10:00-12:00 Putting pictures, audio & video on the computer Tues. Nov. 17 3:00-5:00 Shockwave/Flash Fri. Oct. 16 1:00-2:30 QTVR Thurs. Sept. 24 3:00-5:00 VRML Thurs. Nov. 19 9:00-11:00 Web Interactivity with FileMaker and Home Page Thurs. Nov. 5 3:00-5:00 NCAA Football 99 Video Game Tournament This Saturdayll Think you’ve got game? PROVE IT! Come ptay against Tommie Frazier, Damon Behnina, and other top competition. Qualifying 11:00am-2:30pm Saturday at Gateway Mall. For information call 438-7648 NEBRASKA SEMESTER ABROAD! Study in the Czech Republic and Greece and earn 12-15 UNL credits on this 11 week program. Courses include: European Studies, Mediterranean Studies and Independent Study. All courses taught in English. Led by two UNK professors. Includes exciting hips to Ath ens, Prague and Munich) For more information, contact: International Affairs 1237 R Street 472-5358 or email: Become a part of UNL’s College Bound, an innovative program to help disadvantaged grade school children become tomorrow’s college students. Attend an infor mational meeting 9/24 at 11:30,12:30, or 5:00p.m. in Student involvement (NU 200). Questions? Call Ray or Diane 472-2454. S Student INVOLVEMENT m University of Nebraske-Lincoln ON CAMPUS INTERVIEW DEADLINE SEPTEMBER 22 FOR: Arthur Anderson, Cargill, IBM, Mutual of Omaha, Pella Corp and 13 other companies. Register ($20) with Ca reer Services to participate. Visit us in Nebraska Union for information. Political Panel Moved... This Thursday’s University Program Council Crib event has been moved to Monday September 21 at noon. Come question a gubernatorial candidate and hear the issues. Pre-Vet Club Will hold its Dog Wash on Saturday the 19th at the Forney Animal Center between 10am and 2pm. Members: Meet at VBS parking lot on East Campus 45 minutes before your scheduled work time for coor dinating car rides. Cars will leave for Forney at both 9:30 and 11:30am from VBS parking lot for the 10am and 12pm work shifts._ ' Residents’ Week Tonight at 7pm- Sex on Campus in Neihardt Blue TV Lounge. Also at 7pm- Campus Survival in Abel Ball room. At 4:30-6:15pm- Housing Picnic in the greens pace. Sexual Assault Survivors Support A safe, supportive, and confidential environment for survivors of all forms of sexual assault. We meet every Thursday from 5-6pm in room 338, NE Union. Call the Women’s Center at 472-2597 for more information. Student Foundation Applications for Student Foundation are available out side of the Student Involvement Office. Applications due October 2. SWINGERS Come for more West Coast swing lessons Thursday, 7Dm. East Union. No partner necessarv. 11nternational! Global Marketers and Developers Largest redistribution of wealth in history! Learn to start your own business with Jerry Jorgensen; CEO of 1 International. Thursday, September 17th 5:00-7:30 in CBA 308. Free pizza and pop. Check out the company web site: Password: proven Block & Bridle Meeting September 17th in Animal Science Building B101. Anyone interested in joining 7:00pm; members 7:30pm. Open to anyone interested in live stock. Campus Crusade For Christ Where does God fit in? Thursdays 7pm prayer, 8pm the Cru gathering. Colonial Rm, Nebraska Union. Eve ryone welcome! FCA Fellowship of Christian Athletes meets this Sunday (and every Sunday) at 7:00pm in the Union. EVERYONE is welcome!! Habitat for Humanity General meeting tonight, Thursday, Sept. 17, 6 p.m. in the Union. Room to be posted. All welcome. We wit work on Shantytown. MENS CLUB VOLLEYBALL Team tryouts October 4th 1:00-3:00. For more info call Dave Q 472-9479. Society for Human Resources Management meeting, Thursday at 5:30pm in the Union. New members wel come; Society of Professional Journalists Organizational meeting today 6 p.m. in Avery Hall room posted. Alt welcome! _ Study in Berlin! Participate in the Deutsch in Deutschland Study Abroad Program in Spring 1999. There is an informa tional meeting today at 4:30pm at International Affairs 1237 R St. (basement). _ WHERE WILL YOU STUDY IN 1999? Come and explore the opportunities available througf the UNL World Campus at the Study Abroad Extravaganza Tuesday, September 22nd at 7:00 pjn. in the Centennial Room of NE Union Faculty program leaders will be on hand. Chance tc win a $250 Scholarship! Refreshments will be served. ACACIA Congratulations to Shane Mares on your selection tc the Golden Key Society. ACACIA Congratulations to the officers of the 1998 fail pledge class: President: Jeremy Warren Vice President: Brian Jackson Secretary: Jim Quandt Treasurer Pat Harlan Social Chair: Steve Ross • it Junior IFC Delegate: Mitch Heims AXQATL Master’s at North 40 Golf Course, September 20 fron 10-2 benefiting the Special Olympics. AO OPEN Golf Tournament September 27,1998 So, get ready to... Gnp it and rip it! ATS Congratulations to Jed Christensen for making Home coming Royalty. Good luck, and we are all very proud of you. Your Brothers AH Congratulations to Todd Franzen for being selected to the Big Red Express Athletic Pep Band and also for being chosen for the Grandmother’s Pep Band. Also, congratulations to Mitch Walden for making the Ne braska a Marching Band. Way to go guys! -The Men of Alpha Gamma Sigma ATE Congratulations to Jed Christensen fo making Home coming Royalty. Good luck, and we are all very proud of you. -Your Brothers Saturday September 19th, Mahoney softball complex 70th and Fremont. Congratulations to the Farmhouse Pladge Class Offic ers: President- Paul Horky, Vice President- Andy Mixon, Secretary-Jarrod Tremayne, Treasurer- Chris Gustafson, Jr. IFC Delegate- Scott Cameron, Home coming Chairman- Jeremy Fankhauser, Philanthropy Chairmen- Mark Manning & Paul Timm, Social Chairmen- TJ Teeter & Eric Keetle, Athletic Chairmen Ross Bacon & Travis Tysdal, Work Chairman- Carl Dudzinski, Activities Chairman- MikeEchtemact, Critic at large- Chris Smith, Song & Skit Chairman- Mitch Millard, Internal Public Relations- Tony Sibert, External Public Realtions- John Shandera, Chaplain- Eric Fowler, Sergeant at Arms/ Parliamentary- Tate Berg. XQ Thanks for coming over for our BBQ last Saturday. We’ll cheer for the Huskers with you Wdies anytime. -The Pledge Class of Farmhouse FH Thanks for the dinner exchange on Monday night! Let’s do it again sometime soon! Love, Kappa Delta rd>B We had a great time skating with you last Thursday. We’ll have to do it again sometime. The Pledge Class of Farmhouse KKT Thank you Kappa ladies for the new house warming card and plant. We’re excited to be your neighbors!!! Love, .The Ladies of Phi Mu EAE We enjoyed singing on Tuesday night! You guys are our “sunshine” too! Love, The Ladies of Kappa Delta EX Not so long ago, on a campus not too far away, Derby Days was crushed by the evil empire. Now it’s back.... Congratulations to our new initiates: Chris “Skinny” Longly, Jason Schmidt, Drew Jensen, Frank Reyes, Lucas Jones, Jedd Fischer, Dave Petta and PaurPistulka. Triangle Congradulations to Travis Dendinger on winning the 220 lb. division of the Intermural Bench Press Compe tition -From Your Triangle Brothers Triangle Congratulations to our new actives: Chad Wilke Todd Hueber Mike Feilds -From your Triangle Brothers Committee for Fees Allocation Off Campus Representative Be a part of the Committee that reviews student fees, and Itoo New Positions nontraditional Students Subcommittee Public Relations Liaison Deadline Sept. 25 at 4:00 p.m. Applications available at 115 Nebraska Union , WANTED: PLAYSTATION with 2 controllers, memory card and some games. | Call 438-4855.