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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1998)
o BryanLGH *■' KlDtCAL CIXTIK __ Cook Thjspoatopn to responsible for preparing various hot & ooM food Hama for ratal <yaraMons.paftont food service and catered events. Must be 18 years of age and poeeees Food Handler’s Permit. Must have ability to opreste applicable kitchen and hospital equipment such as convection/convection/combination ovens, steam equipment, food processors and large and amalpnxaiclion equipment. Must be Mile to frequently tot up to 25 toe. andoccasionaly up to 50ibs. Part Time-30 nre/wk PanaMBtatoN Varying shifts include: 6:30em-5pm , • 7:45-6:15pm ■£: 8am-6:30pm - ? rhiyn i wonir inducing wooironrti LateNight Sook/ _ Catering Attendant This position is responsible for preparing various hot/cold food items in accordance with established redpea/jproceduree for ratal operations, patient food service, and catered events during the 2nd and 3rd ahMta. It also serviced customers in cafeteria operations and delivered services. Must be 16 years of age and poeeeas Food Hander* Pannit Must have ability to operate applcabie kitchen and hospital equipment and frequently Mt up to 25 be and occasionally up to 50 m. Part Time-24 hrafwk ilanetlt PBpihlal 750-1l30pm or 7*30pm-4am 2-3 evanings a week, plus weekends BryanLGH Medical Center East Cqunaslora and subetHutes for K-6th grade befora/after school child care program. Hours from 7-Pam and/or 3-6pm apply at any YMCA. 2601 north 70b. CUSTOMER SERVICE SUPPORT SPECIALIST Newly created part-time position in our Disability In come OMskm to perform a variety of office functions. Duliae include: Order medical reports; prepare letters for mating; data entry; dtotribute documents. Position requirements: Six month’s office experience; key boawfkto stole; approximately 20 hoursivreek. Apply in person 8:00a.m to 4:00p.m. to: WOODMEN ACCIDENT AND LIFE COMPANY Human Bmoutow Uncota^NE 68608 „ Customer Service Center Omaway Mai is looking for a reaponatole. dependable individual to work in the Customer Service Center. This sntry-levsl position to soroalsnt for the ideal candi dato who anfoys working with the pubic in an exciting, non-routine atmosphere. Vto offer sssastsr*” ssshss. Wb require: to fwndto money accurately • WlMnaaa to work flextole schedule inciudmg some to llgp school education Apply in person from 9am-5pm, Gateway Management OreceWower level). Gateway Mail, 6100 EastO St. Oanoafttril team instructors for elementary school stu dents cal Kali Swaeon 42^4048 Daycare Ministry Opportunities 25jriar-dd church daycare ministry looking for full anapat-tfme teachers. Benefits available. Looking for commMed people with mixture of education experience and spiritual focus. Cal 466-2523 for more information or apply in person at 2600 N. 70th between 1 •WWMIt _ r"~" ..n DaNvar the Omaha World Herald In Uncoin and earn $$$ every two weeks. Good extra income early mominc hours. Routes available throughout Lincoln. Call 476-6100. o BryanLGH ^ MEDICAL CENTER Dining Service Attendant Aseembtoafearves food to customers in cafeteria setting and/or at catered events; operates cash registei .and maintaina sanitary working anvironmenL Part-time [16-20 hra/wk) 2-3 Evenings a weak (4:15-7r30pm)pkis wknds Food Service Attendant Washes dishes/utenaiis/cooking ware and distributes dean dishes to designated areas; maintains sanitary working environment. Part-time (16-20 hra/wk) ^2j3Evsnto^^wwi^:45-aprn)_pki8^^ Human Resources 1600 South 48th St Uncoin, NE 68606 (402) 483-8610 Fax: (402) 483-8444 mnitr mo2) 483-3806 ^oe’ Dinosaurs. Etc. needs vduntesrs to help with museum photo ioumai. Prefer Seniors or graduate students with Pateontolo^wtoropolo^wTO>to(y background. D - Express Stop now hiring. All shifts available, full and part lime. Flexible scheduling and excellent work envi ronment Must be 21. Apply at 8150 O St Farm help needed immediately driving trucks and fall farm work. Must have experience and current Nebraska icenae. 789-5125 Full or part time help on lame green farm near Lincoln. Non smoking. 402-781-20647 Galaxy Skate World and Family Fun Center is hiring for cashier, floor guard and DJ positions. Apply at 710 Hill St. or call 474-3666. Need Bucks for Books? —donate Plasma. Earn up to $195 a month by donating life-saving plasma! Visit our friendly, modern center and find out more about the opportunity to earn cash while helping others. HSHRI As part of a Company research program, an experimental test will be performed on your plasma which could potentially benefit plasma product recipients in the years to come! Your research participation is entirely voluntary; however, it is required if you want to donate plasma. j ■ j gj 1442 ‘O’ Street ■4c-Scnrlce* Inc. 475-8645 I M«>t he 18-49 yean of age, possess a valid ID and proof of local address & Social Security Number. mmammm . Gremercy Hid Retirement Food Server Part-Time F000SERVICE- RAHT- TIME 6dXfcun.-230p m AND/OR 4:15p.m.-7:15p.m. FLEXIBLE SCHEDULE COOK- PART- TIME SUNDAYS -10:45 «JB.-7:1Sojn. PREPARE SOUP ANO SANDWICH MEAL ADDTTIONAL HOURS AVAMBLE—AM—PM BOTH POSITIONS INCLUDE HOLIDAY & VACATION RAY COOK-FULL TIME, EVSIY OTHERE WEEKEND, QUANTITY FOOD PREP EXPERIENCE HELPFUL COOK FOR RESIDENTS THAT ARE VERY APPRECIA TIVE COMPLETE BENEFITS PACKAGE INCLUDES: HOLIDAY/VACATION/SICK RAY/ HEALTH/DENTAL/ LIFE INSURANCES 401KO APPLY IN PERSON AT: 6800 "A* STREET UNCOLN^NE 68610 Harvest help wanted working in grain elevator. Green wood Fanners Coop 7B9-23&. Heidelbergs Lincoln's largest sports bar is looking for Lincoln’s best employees. All positions open. Apply at 33rd & Superior. _ __ Hillcrest Country Club is accepting applications for servers, banquet, bar, and kitchen staffs. Apply ft-5 Tuesday through Saturday if you would like to work In a fun environment with great benefits. We offer free meals, great wages and a flexible schedule. Must be able to work weekends, hoi idays and at least one day shift Apply at 8901 OSt. Hinfcy Dinky at 48th and Van Dorn is seeking appli cants for the following positions: daytime checker, daytime and evening deli clerk and daytime bakery clerks. These positions may be pat time of full time. No experience necessary. We will train. Please apply at the courtesy booth. _. Hundreds off student jobs! CaHtheSElCJottfne: 9 472-8800 or check out SBCS homepage: o ments are: business administration major or re_ field, with 6 hours of accounting and 3 hours of finance, and December 1998 graduate. Please send resume, cover letter and transcnpt (transcript MUST accompany resume) to National Bank of Commerce, Human Resources Division, Box 82408, Lincoln 68501. EOF. IRONIC Isn’t it? No job without experience, no experience with out job. Management position available. Cali 464-6601. Junior & Senior Accounting Major Looking for a part-time or full-time job for experience in your field before graduation? Bookkeepers, auditors needed for 20 unit chain with career opportunities available. Try on a job before you graduate!! Apply at Paycheck Advance. 48th & 0464-7*46. Knolls Country Club Now taking applications for part-time: • Grounds Crew • Buffet attendants • Servers Will work around your school schedule. Please call 423-2843 for more information. Lab Associate Lens Crafters is seeking associates who enjoy working with their hands and are willing to learn. We provide fun training on how to manufacture quality eye wear. Apply in person at Lens Crafters, Gateway Shopping Laundry Land at 48th & Old Cheney Is hiring for the 1*0 to 7*0,«.nu.shift M,W»F or Tb.and. Sat. $6.50/hour. Apply within. Lawn Care Personnel needed. Part-time and full-time position available. Work around school schedule. Must have good driving record and dean personal appearance. , Call 432-5602 to apply. _ Lincoln Children^ Museum We are seeking a high energy flexible individual to work part-time, mostly weekends. This position requires direct interaction with children and adults, cash handling and receptionist skills. Apply in person 13th &Q St. Deadline September 25th. Lincoln Izaak Walton Trap Shooting League Thureda^6*0p.m.-9:00p.m. looking for pullers and MAKE EASY MONEY! GO ON SPRING BREAK FOR FREB USA Spring Break offers Cancun, Bahamas, Ja maica and Florida packages and is currently accepting apjplic^tion8forcampus sales representatives. Cali Miscellaneous Help. Answer Phones, shipping and re ceiving. M-F11a.m.-1p.m. Apply in person to EDM Equipment 2001 West ty Street _ Nebraska Republican Party Looking for several students to assist with fund rwsing during foe 1998 campaigns. - Earn up to $9/hour $50 Hiring Bonus A No Friday or Saturday Work 12-20 hours/week Sunday-Thursday 5-9pm Located Downtown Call Bryan at 475-2122 NIGHT DESK CLERK 6 p.m.-7 a.m. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Must have experience with public. Professional attitude and appearance. Some free time to study. References re quired, apply in person at Town House Motel, 1744M NIGHT RESEARCH • / INTERVIEWERS • OMri* valuable job experience as a market research • Accuracy is a must fair, these business to business interviews. § fiortils ntaht houm Oioms night hours you work each week a minimum 13 .w hours per week. • Potential to earn as much as $8.00 per hour or more with a guaranteed rate of $6.00 per hour, based on your productivity. • Ask about our hiring bonus fora nightime workeral Wieso Research Associates 1630 S 70th, Suite 100 Lincoln, NE 68506 402-4837054 NowJhj^-forgwrt^m^^mritiorw. Apply in person at Now hiring part-time sales associates. Apply Tuesday Morning East Park Plaza. 220 N 66th St ^cSfSceassSKn^^ Student to assist professional staff with various aspects of day-to-day operations including but not limited to: records management across the Husker’s 24 varsity sports programs; entry of financM/schoiastic ana omar information into ngaa database; assistance with event management of Big 12/NCAA champion ships. Good communication skins, an ability to organize information, & work Independently with attention to detail. Must have PC computer skins (Microsoft Word, Excel, Access & File maker Pro.). Position open imme diately; work 10-15 hra/week fall & spring semesters; full-time, summer 1969. Apply in person at 208 NU Coliseum, M-F 8-5p.m. by Monday. September 21, 1998.__ Officials for Lincoln Public Schools middle level flag football and volleyball. Experience preferred but not required. Games will be held on Saturday mornings. For more information cal Karan Hand, 436-1811. On site PROPERTY MANAGER for large apartment complex. Field phone calls, set appointments, show and lease units, schedule maintenance. Sales experi ence required.. Ideal for stay-at-home spouse. 486-4253 .. ' _ On-can translators needed for the following languages: Russian, Vietnamese, Serbo-Croation, Arabic and Kurdttt. Call Karen at Catholic ServteM at 474-1600. Osco Drug 66th & ‘O’, 48th & Van Dom, 56th SHwy 2,14th & Su perior. Now hiring parttime clerks for nights, weekends and third shift. Must be 21 or older, flexible work schedule and employee discount Pharmacy Technician |0|itions available at 66th & ‘O’ and 48th & ‘O’. Part Time Clerical position, work around your classes. Prefer morning or afternoon availability. 15-20/week. Contact Mrs. Martin. 4892717 Part-time Help Needed Retail store clerk must be a self-starter and dependable. Must be able to work Saturday until 6pm and weeknight until 7pm. Apply 1745 O Street. Part-time mini van drivers) needed 10-12 hours/week. Must be available at 11 :45 a.m. and/or 4 p.m. Call Peggy at Catholic Social Services at 474-1600! Part-time position for high energy, detail-oriented, self-starter. CaB Dry Cleaning Station at 423-5580 today. Physical Science or Engineering student who is adept with machine tools and computers. 15-20 hours per week. 472-6761. BryanLGH MEDICAL CENTER Pick a schedule that worksfor^ou!!! These positions clean an decontaminate patient and non-patient locations within the hospital. FuBTIme 1) 8am-4.-30pm, 5 days/wk which includes weekends 2) 4pm-l2:30am, Monday-Friday Part Time 1) 9am-3pm (benefit eligible) Monday-Friday 218am-4:30pm, Th, F & a/o Sat & Sun (benefit eligible) 3 8am-4:30pm, Every Sat 4 Sun 4 6pm-12:30am (benefit eligible) Monday-Friday 5 4-8pm, Monday-Friday 3) 6-1 Opm Monday-Friday BryanLGH Medical Center East Human Rosourcss 1600 South 48lh Street Uncoin, NE 68606 HOI) <63 0610 . PO Pears Now Hiring Cooks. Contact Bob 476-8551. Professional, mobile DJ's needed immediately. Fun job, good pay. Must have reliable transportation and be able to work nights and weekends. Call Bruce at 420-1623, _ Psychology, Sociology, and Criminal Justice Majors Comhusker Place Detox seeking individuals to work on call as Alcohol Service Workers. Must be a team player and able to work evenings and overnights. Good communication skills with a diverse population a must Apply 721 K street. Ramofe Pizza Hiring part-time delivery drivers. Set own hours. Earn $8-11 per hour. Call Jeff 483-5050 after 4:30pm. Receive up to $500 tuition assistance! KTSSSSSr* First Commerce Technolgies is currently accepting applications for the following part-time positions: MprTMOpmM-F S7.65-S8.55 per hour) For more details call the First Commerce Job Hotline Equal Opportunity Employer Receive up to $500 tuition assistance! National Bank of Commerce is currently accepting w> piications for the following part-time positions: * Teller -Havelock, Parkway and East Pwk * Balance & Transit Ctork Encoder For more details call the First Commerce Job Hotline at 434-4700 or visit our website at Equal Opportunity Employer Sales Associate/Custom Framing, diverse reeponsiba ties. Creative working environment. Permanent part time. 15-25 hours per week. Must be reliable and cus tomer service oriented. Flexible hours, includes week ands- Dick Bllck Art Materials. 474-2062. School Closing Intern Assistant Producer KOLN/KGIN-TV is currently seeking applicants for the above position. This is a part-time, temporary paid In ternship program. 18-20 hours per week, Mon day-Friday, 5am-8am, and some evenings (on-call). The position will last from mid-October 1998 to mid-April 1999. Must have excellent oral and written communication skills, reliable transportation, work we> under pressure, and must be extremely dependable. PC and/or data entry experience required. Must be wMng to work early mornings, weekends and evenings. Interested applicants should send resume with cover letter to: Personnel Assistant; KOLN/KGIN-TV; P.O.Box30350:Llncoln, NE 68503. Application Dead line: 903/88. EOE ---f Sears Automotive Tire and battery installer. Flexible hours. $6.00/hour base, plus incentive of $.90- $130. Uniforms and tools provided. Can pager number 473-2478. EOE 0 SPRING BREAK 99! Cancun * Nassau* Jamaica* Maztian* Acapulco* 'Bahamas Cruise* Florida* South Padre* Travel Free and make lots of Cash! Top reps are offered full-time staff jobs. - Lowest pnce Guaranteed. Call now for details! 1-800-838-6411 SUSTSP Starting Salary Between $6.00 & $6.50 Seeking to M the customer service associate positions. Part-time and Full-time hours available at a variety of locations. Benefits available. Preferable 19 years or older to apply. Call 435-3509 Ext.242. Mon day-Sunday, Day or evening to set up an appointment. An Equal OpportunSy Employer Subway FuH time position days. Monday-Triday. $6.50 to start and $100 hiring bonus. For more details, see Rod in the Union. TEACHER ASSISTANT Before and after school part-time positions available Immediately in Uncoln.Public Schools working with the Fam»y Service School's Out program. Responsibilities include: Assisting supervising teacher with activities, interacting with children, anct some parent communi cation. Flexible hours available in the morning and/or afternoon programs. Startingwage $5.50 and hour. Application required. Family Service. 501 South 7th, Lincoln, NE 68508. If you require accommodation to apply or interview, please contact the Human Resources office at 441-7949 or 1-800-642-6481. EEOC. Teacher Positions Part-time, 7:15-9:15am or 3-5:30pm M-F. A short drive from campus. Superior Child Development Center 476-8600.■ - ’ - _ Teller Day and evening hours available. Math proficiency re Gjured. Apply in person at Paycheck Advance at 48th The IANR Distributed Environments for Active Learning (DEAL) Lab is seeking a student with World Wide Web/Broadcast Journalism background to specifically work in the area of audio and video distribution using Real Media application. Successful applicants win have a working knowledge of Windows NT including network software and broadcast journalism back ground, preferably in television, and have a reliable and timely personality. Specific duties include encoding live (real time classes and programs) and pre recorded audio and video tapes into the real medto format for web distribution. Must be available to monitor and troubleshoot live class and program feeds on a regular schedule for the duration of the school year. Some HTML editing required for special events. Must be able to work in team setting. Wages competitive. For more Information OPto apply tor this position contact Mark at 472-4280 or at BryanLGH The Perfect Schedule! Monday-Friday! * No Weekends! No Holidays! Day Hours! Plaza Cafe Dining Service Attendant Individual needed to perform a variety of duties such as cSahing salads, serving on the cafeteria line, operating a cash register and cleaning up after each meal. Must have the ability to lift up to 25 tos and communi r “ —— — • i Bryan L East 1600 South 48th SL Lincoln, NE 68506 (402)483-8510 Flic (4020483-8444 JOB U»E:J402) 483-3606 Tico’s Now hiring part-time Am/Pm servers, carryout, cashiers, hosts and line cooks. Apply in person, 17th and Thick driver wanted for fail harvest. Must be have ex -----— T^rtore^^need^n^me^Hev^ Ac^rimcC^forfor dergradtfate and graduate students wittraGWkof 3L0 or above and excellent communication skills are a must. Tutors wilt earn $6/hour and will have flexible and variable hours. If interested, apply at 300 West Stadium, or call Kathy at 472-9965. <£» BryanLGH •r MEDICAL CENTER Unit Supply Tech (Part-time Nights) This position is responsible for maintaining an appro priate inventory of medical, office and nourishment supplies, forms, linen and equipment in assigned areas. Requirements include the ability to organize and prioritize work and react and perform under stress and emergency situations. Data entry experience pre ferred. 10:30pm lo 6:30am (Monday -Thursday) Please submit resume/application or call: BryanLGH MedicalCenter East USDA - Agricultural Research Service ntolonirW ffirienre AM GS-1 or GS-2 ($6£6to$7.36/hour) The Wheat. Sorghum, and Forage Research Unit, to sated at 344 Kiem Hail, East Campus, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, has immediate openings tor temporary laboratory and field research positions lor college students. Positions are part-time during the academic year and full-time during the summer. Call ;402) 472-149Q or (402) 472-2961 for more information. LISDA is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Wagner’s Food Pride has opening for part-time check are, Stockers and sockets. Flexible hours. Apply in per aon at 3306 A street _ Wal-Mart Hiring all positions to get ready for the holidays. Weekends and evenings a must. Apply Wednesday ftBningi at 6:30pm. EOE Wanted part time employees caH 438-0650 Lincoln Es xesso. For shifts from 6:30am-noon. .